The Legacy System

522 Chapter 522

Madam Li was certainly startled and angered to see it happened, as her room, the room of the current Li Family's First Madam shouldn't be opened like that, no matter who it was.

Well, perhaps with the exception of one man, that she would never be able to oppose no matter what. But that didn't matter at that moment, as she was about to release her anger at the intruder.

The moment that her eyes landed upon the intruder though, that idea immediately disappeared from her mind, as a slight sense of loss, and failure appeared in her heart.

All her life she had tried her best to give her son the best of the best, hoping that he would grow to become a 'prince' or a 'king' but this little bastard had become nothing but a nuisance for her.

He, his perverseness, his overbearingness, his arrogance, and his uncontrollable anger had always made more troubles than fixing them.

Even now she was sure that he had done something. Something that could possibly endanger her and her Master's plans.

"Mother, I want to kill that bastard Cui Xie, I want to kill him!"

"What!? What happened!?"

"That damnable bastard actually spent the night in Aunt Li Yao's room, taking her body before they even got married, and then he slapped to my face the fact that he made me bedridden.

He mocked me! I want him dead, no matter what, I want him dead!"

At first Young Master Gao wanted only to mention his little Aunt, but he quickly understood that in that case, he was going to be held as the guilty party, so he twisted the facts a little bit.

Madam Li was a bit surprised and startled by the fact that her little sister Li Yao had actually taken Young Master Cui Xie into her bed this early, and she couldn't help but think that she had spilled something she shouldn't.

Thinking like that, the second part of what she heard lost meaning and sense, as she couldn't help but want to go there as early as she could to learn what had happened.

Don't get her wrong, it wasn't like she didn't care about her son, she did! And a lot at that! But the other part of the problem was bigger.

Her son was safe and sound, despite the slight interaction with Young Master Cui Xie, but if Li Yao had opened her mouth, then the whole plan and current standing were in danger.

The more she thought like that, the angrier and frightened she became as she wanted to go there and question Li Yao as soon as possible.

"Please mother, you have to help me! I have to kill that bastard! I have to torture him and make him live a life harder than death, mother please!"

As she was thinking like that, she was finally awakened from her stupor by hearing her stupid son's vindicative wishes, as once again the door to her room was wide open with anger and noise,

"You damn bastard, how dare you do something like that!? How dare you try and spoil my plans? Are you tired of living!?"

The 'intruder' this time was none other than the highly respected Li Saint of the Li Family, or it would be more exact to say the new Patriarch of the Li Family.

This guy was clearly incensed and angry as he made his way inside the room, and without even saying a word to Madam Li, he gave her son a nice slap sending him flying towards the bed.

The poor Young Master Gao, fortunately, crashed on the bed squarely and didn't suffer much, but there was still a blood-red hand imprint on his cheek, clearly showing what he experienced.

Madam Li was too startled and shocked to react for a moment or two and it took a while for her to finally react to the scene as she looked toward the old man in front of her saying in a forcefully respectful tone,

"Ma-Master what are you doing!? You know that he is your own blood, how can you treat him like that!?"

Yup, that was right! Young Master Gao wasn't the real son of Gao Jixie, but the son of this new Patriarch of the Li Family, the Li Saint.

"Hmph~! Is he!? Sometimes I wonder if that really is true! How could such a trash that only knows how to make trouble be my own blood son?"

"Master how can you say that you know that I have always served you loyally, I was even willing to stay all those years away for you!"

"Well, well, don't take that too seriously! You know I didn't mean it that way! But this little bastard is making me lose my mind in just a few days!

Doesn't he know how important that bastard Cui Xie is for our plans, how dares he want to kill him?

Even if he wants to kill him, how could he directly go and threaten him that this is the Li Family's place and that he should check his back?

If this isn't the same as destroying all our plans and efforts then what is!?"

Madam Li was still feeling perplexed by the whole situation, but it wasn't like she couldn't understand those words.

This time her son's actions had been too stupid, so much that even she couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed at that point.

"But, but, father he slapped me in the face the fact that he crippled me, and even threatened to cripple me again. Not to mention that he did something like that to that bi*tch!"

Trying his best to make his blood father sympathize with him, Young Master Gao unintentionally released a word that he shouldn't have.

But who could blame him, he had been thinking so hard to make Cui Xie suffer humiliation through her, but she had gone and slapped his face. How could he tolerate something like that?

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

In that instant the Li Saint had understood more than 50% of the story already, as his face grew red with anger, and once again he found it impossible to control his anger and rage.


Another slap rang through the room, as Young Master Gao, or to use Young Master Li to be more exact, was once again slapped to the bed.

As he stood up with clear anger on his face, while his two hands were covering his red prints, he heard the Li Saint almost scream at him,

"You damned motherfu*cker, you did that for a woman!? For a sl*ut that was already decided to belong to that little bastard.

You dare to endanger my lifelong plans just because you got angry over a woman!? How the fu*ck do you dare!? If you weren't my blood, I would have killed you already, you bastard!

Hear me out, if I ever hear that you approached that guy ever again, I will personally castrate you and make you, so you never think of another woman again!

You better control him too, I don't want problems until we are done with the preparations otherwise, you are both going to suffer!"

With that said Li Saint left the room, while Madam Li approached her son and tried to make him reason gently,

"Son, it's not that father doesn't want you, or love you! It's just that you should be really careful, this is the chance and opportunity for our Li Family to rise to the peak!

Then you won't be just the Young Master of a provincial big family, but even higher than the current Cui Xie, you just have to be a little bit patient.

You will have your revenge and opportunities later, now you just have to be patient."

Her words did make a lot of sense, as Li Saint was actually hatching a plan to bring down the Cui Family and take their position, but it was still too early for the plan to be put into action.

He firstly needed the Cui Family to help them out against the Ye Family, suffer a bit, and then attack with the full strength in his disposition.

But as he was dreaming of becoming the Patriarch of a powerful family in the capital, this bastard son of his was trying to ruin his plans.

At this moment Young Master Gao just heard his mother's words in silence, but there was a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Just like an injured wild animal in the forest, that was ready to do everything in order to get its revenge, and he would surely do so.

The reason why he was so silent at the moment was that he was afraid that if he said anything he would reveal his anger and rage on that blood bastard father of his and wish for his death.

Normally his mother was his greatest helper, and his greatest hope, but whenever it came to that bastard guy, she would always take his side and chide on him.

At first, he was extremely happy to know that he was the son of a much more dangerous figure than the one he had thought until then.

Furthermore, it was extremely tempting to be the real Young Master of the Li Family, and possibly its Patriarch in the future.

Yet right now he wasn't happy in the least, he was enraged, infuriated, and bloodthirsty. He was going to make him pay, for sure.

While all this was going on in that room, none of them actually noticed a tiny human clone, carrying a camera on his back…

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