The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 95: A Good Show

Chapter 95: A Good Show

Lu Yong was furious, but he had no way to deal with the situation.

Even he himself would have thought the same thing.

However, the key was that the truth was not like that at all. Zhou Ran had voluntarily proposed to do this, and Lu Yong did not use any coercion.

He opened his mouth but did not speak. Seeing the expressions on the faces of these big shots, he knew that no matter how he explained himself, it would be useless.

In the midst of the apocalypse, who wouldn't cherish their own life? If Zhou Ran had voluntarily sacrificed himself, no one would believe it if it were spoken aloud.

Suddenly, Lu Yong had a suspicion in his heart. Could it be that Zhou Ran and Xia Zhongjie had already teamed up and secretly plotted against him? Were the words he had just said true?

Spy glanced at Lu Yong. Don't worry, the good show is still to come.

Seeing that the heads of the families were following his train of thought, Spy continued, "Not only Zhou Ran, but I also received threats from Lu Yong. If Lu Yong hadn't wanted to kill me, I wouldn't have said anything."

As he spoke, Spy put down the backpack he was carrying, and it made some strange collision sounds when it hit the ground. Normally, their backpacks contained various weapons and equipment, with only a small amount of food. But from the sound just now, they knew that it was definitely not a weapon or equipment, and it couldn't be food either.

"I'm sure you heads of families are very curious why Lu Yong threatened me. This matter is related to why the eighth-order mutant beast went towards Base City!" Spy said in a very deep voice, "It's because the backpack contains the eggshells of the eighth-order mutant beast offspring!"

"Impossible! The giant egg was taken away by Zhou Ran, so how could there be eggshells here? And why would I threaten you to carry eggshells for me? You're simply accusing me!" Lu Yong couldn't hold it in any longer and shouted out.

But this time, the head of the Wang family didn't stop him. In fact, the head of the Wang family was also a bit confused by the current situation. What exactly was going on?

Was what Lu Yong said true, or was what Xia Zhongjie said true? It was hard to tell what was real and what was fake.

Spy sneered, "Lu Yong, of course you would say that. Have you forgotten that at the lair of the eighth-order mutant beast, there was not only a complete giant egg, but also many broken eggshells scattered around? Didn't you want to keep these eggshells and ask me to keep it a secret? I didn't expect you to be so ruthless and try to define me as a traitor, so that no one would believe me and you could get these eggshells of the eighth-order mutant beast offspring for free."

After being reminded by Spy, those big shots suddenly realized that the backpack contained the eggshells of the eighth-order mutant beast offspring. This thing was very precious, no wonder the two had turned against each other. Of course, for them, it was a delightful thing.

Only Lu Yong was confused. There were no broken eggshells in the lair of the eighth-order mutant beast, only one complete giant egg that Zhou Ran had taken away. Xia Zhongjie was lying!

Thinking of this, Lu Yong felt invigorated and said to the heads of families, "Masters, I can be sure that there are absolutely no eggshells in the backpack. Everything he said is a lie!"

Lu Yong had been with Xia Zhongjie the whole time, and there was hardly a moment when Xia Zhongjie was out of his sight. He was sure that there were no eggshells in Xia Zhongjie's backpack.

"Open it and take a look," the head of the Wang family signaled to a guard to go up.

The guard walked up and opened Spy's backpack. When he saw some eggshells of different sizes, the whole scene fell silent.

"No, it's impossible. How could this be?" Lu Yong was completely lost. Where did these eggshells come from? There was only one giant egg, which had been taken away by Zhou Ran. Where did Xia Zhongjie's eggshells come from?

He was sure that these eggshells were from that giant egg. After all, he had carried that egg and was very familiar with its aura.

It was precisely because he was familiar with it that he was dumbfounded. How could there be a second egg?

Spy added, "If you heads of families still don't believe me, you can check Lu Yong's backpack. There are also some eggshellsin there, but he probably didn't expect me to reveal this fact."

The heads of families immediately ordered for Lu Yong's backpack to be opened, and sure enough, there were also some eggshells of the eighth-order mutant beast offspring inside.

After seeing this, the head of the Wang family sighed and said, "It seems that there is no doubt that Lu Yong was the one who wanted to take these eggshells. But why did you two have to fight over it like this? Couldn't you have just divided it up?"

Spy replied, "It's not just about the eggshells. Lu Yong wanted to monopolize the eggshells and use them for his own purposes. He even threatened me not to say anything, or else he would kill me. I couldn't just sit by and watch him do that, so I had to expose his true intentions."

The heads of families nodded in agreement. In the apocalypse, resources were scarce and valuable, and it was understandable that people would fight over them. But if someone tried to monopolize all the resources and threaten others, it was a different matter.

After a while, the head of the Wang family said, "Since Lu Yong has been exposed, we cannot let him continue to stay in our alliance. We will expel him and confiscate all his resources. As for you, Xia Zhongjie, we will give you a chance to prove your loyalty. If you can make a great contribution to the alliance, we will consider reinstating you."

Xia Zhongjie nodded gratefully. He understood that he had made a mistake, but he was willing to make it up to the alliance.

With this, the meeting came to an end, and the big shots left one by one. Lu Yong, on the other hand, was taken away by the guards and expelled from the alliance.

After the meeting, Spy approached Xia Zhongjie and said, "Well done, Xia Zhongjie. You performed very well just now."

Xia Zhongjie smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't expect things to turn out like this. I was just trying to defend myself."

Spy patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I have a feeling that you will become a valuable member of our alliance in the future. Just remember, never let your guard down, and always be on the lookout for those who might betray us."

Xia Zhongjie nodded, and the two of them walked towards the entrance of the meeting room.

As they walked, Spy suddenly stopped and turned to Xia Zhongjie. "By the way, do you know where Zhou Ran is now?"

Xia Zhongjie shook his head. "I have no idea. After he took the giant egg away, he disappeared without a trace."

Spy thought for a moment and said, "I have a feeling that he's up to something. We should keep an eye on him."

Xia Zhongjie agreed, and the two of them continued walking, not knowing that a new storm was brewing on the horizon.

Soon, some guards approached and took Lu Yong's backpack, which they opened and found the eggshells inside. Lu Yong was speechless.

At this moment, Lu Yong felt like he was caught in a vortex. The people around him were the audience, and he was the clown performing on stage.


It seemed like a string broke inside Lu Yong, and he suddenly laughed like a madman.


A Sixth Order peak Transcendent had become a fool just like that?

The family heads were stunned. They had never seen a Sixth Order Transcendent suddenly become a fool. This was definitely newsworthy.

Normally, not even a first-order Transcendent could become a fool due to a single blow, so this had to be the work of a Spy.

This brings up the Spy's second ability - mind control.

Indeed, Su Chen had given Spy Yuri's ability as a reward. However, it seemed that Spy was not compatible with this ability, as he couldn't control someone's mind directly like Yuri could.

But he could influence others through language or actions, and launch some mental attacks.

Lu Yong was a clear example. Normally, it would be impossible for Spy to control another Sixth Order peak Transcendent directly. However, what if Lu Yong had almost no mental defenses?

At this point, Spy could easily do whatever he wanted with Lu Yong, directly causing his mind to collapse and turning him into a fool.

At first, the family heads couldn't believe that Lu Yong had really become a fool. After all, how could a perfectly fine Sixth Order Transcendent suddenly become a fool? But when the test results came out and it was confirmed, they fell silent.

"Lu Yong attempted to frame his fellow soldiers and embezzle the eggshells of an eighth-order Mutant Beast's offspring, intending to let Base City bear the consequences. We shall punish him and imprison him for life in the dungeon, never to be released!"

The trial conducted by the Wang family head represented the final decision of all the family heads.

They could forgive the first offense, as it didn't concern them much. But the second offense was an attempt to harm them all. Which family head wouldn't be furious and want to tear Lu Yong into pieces?

If it weren't for Base City's tolerance towards high-level Transcendents, they would have killed him.

"Xia Zhongjie, you have really worked hard this time. All the rewards for the mission are yours. If you have the qualifications, you can also become a Controller."

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