The Kidnapped Bride

Chapter 237 - I Married Him!

Chapter 237 - I Married Him!

"Well… yeah? guess?"

Jennifer didn't give an instant answer, instead of remaining quiet. Eating fruits in peace was all she wanted but she knew that she was mistaken too.

'Gosh...I should have removed it when I went to the washroom. Now I will need to make an excuse to? Hannah.' That was the hardest part of hers.

She was attracted to the ring so much that it slipped out her mind to even make sure that others might take the notice of the same and it will create a blunder, not only for her but also for Javier!

"Jen, answer me honestly! Where did this ring come from? I know that you never wore a ring like this, nor is it there in your closet. It is impossible!"

Her best friend's analysis started to come by when she stretched her hand and looked at the ring.. It was a little bit blue in color, with a dome in it. It was hard to guess the exact color since, if seen from the two different sides, it gave off two different vibrant colors.

Looking at it straight, Hannah was slightly confused, "From where did you even get that?"

"Leave It, Hannah, why don't you eat the delicious food served? See, this fruit is really good! Try this one too.." Jennifer used the fork to get the silence of the mango. Unfortunately, his best friend was least concerned about that.

Although, she knew that this wasn't enough to shut her mouth. "Jenn…:

"Hannah, you are mistaken, I suppose. This ring was very remember my mother?" Jennifer tried her best to make use of the situation, twisting her words. However, her constant cage-like glare of Hannah was making her feel the sweat on her back.

'Why is she so sure that I never wore something like this ever...' it was really difficult to act like a stupid person in front of her.

Giving up a lie was the solution but the part where she would, believe it or not, is the biggest problem lies in front of her for now...

When she faced? Hannah, it was like she was facing a lie detector machine. "Hannah, do you love me.."

"Do I?" Her gaze was sharp and added worry to Jennifer's existing tensions. Just from her language, one could predict if she was lying or not.

Staring into Hannah's eyes with the same seriousness plastered on her face made both of them look at each other with fierceness, "Don't doubt my actions.."

"Never would? I do that. Instead, I have my own reasons and instincts that you are hiding something. Is that so Jennifer Taylor?"

Once again her full name was called and Jennfier immediately understood that it would be a waste to agree to this anymore. This lady has seen through her soul already and making up the things won't work anymore.

Letting a sudden sigh escape her face, Jennifer pulled back her hand from Hannah's grip to say, "Alright. What do you wish to know?"

"From where does the ring appear, See Jennifer, I'm perfectly sure that it wasn't there the last time we met and that was testimony. What happened in just one day?"

Jennifer opened her mouth but no words came out. As if she has to think twice to tell the lady the above circumstances or not.

Seeing her discomfort, Hannah added, "Moreover that ring is in your heart finger.. the finger is said to be the engagement finger as well. Who will make you wear a ring on this finger?"

"Will you believe me if I say I had something last night?" Jennifer finally managed to utter these words when Hannah nodded her head virtuously, "If you say, I will do. Definitely."

Noting the confidence that Hannah held in her only made Jennifer's heart scream. Was she allowed to tell this? May she dislike that she married Javier last night?

Tons of questions were running in her mind but she knew that answering would be the best solution, "I married someone last night."

"Hah! You are kidding!" That was the first reaction of Hannah, from whom a scoff left. Looking at Hannah from the corner of her eyes, Jennifer only passed her a look to indicate she wasn't.

In fact, Hannah can't believe something like this even in the wet dream, "You mean.. you married someone last night? who? Lucas? Or is it Javier and that too in your dreams?"

"In reality. I married Javier in reality." Jennifer responded which took Hannah not only by shock but this same made her stand on her legs.

Staring at Jennifer who sat down, she lowered her eyes to meet hers. The surprise was written all over her face, noting that it wasn't how easy it was.

"You married Javier last night? Why!? How!? When!? Like, are you out of your mind Jennifer!?" Hannah's harsh voice echoed throughout the entire balcony.

Was she supportive? Probably yes but not exactly through her words. Anxiety that was shown on her face made her understand that this won't sail smoothly.

"Okay. Hear me out first of all. I suggested to Javier that we should get married so that he can avoid marrying Emily and I will escape Lucas's clutches as well. I already told him about my feelings too."

"You told him about your feelings and gave a marriage offer. God Jenner, who does that!? Do you even have any idea if his feelings are genuine enough for you? Or you actually married him in a rush?" The prime most concern was if this marriage will be nothing but a disaster to her.

Or was it really out of love and affection from both sides!?

Jennifer smiled and took her best friend's hands into hers to answer back, "Now that I'm married to him. He can't marry anyone else. I'm already his wife, Mrs. Johnson for his family.."

Hannah smiled at her best friend's eyes when they didn't say a thing. When Jennifer was trying to show how and why she took this step, a shrill voice entered their ears when the door of their room was wide open.

"You are wrong Jennifer!!! He can still marry? anyone he wants!"

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