The Iron Teeth: A Goblin's Tale

Interlude: Breathe of Life

Interlude: Breathe of Life

Well, this is a fine mess weve gotten ourselves into, Ralphi remarked sourly.

He was leaning against the rooms only doorframe. It wasnt a very large room, but there were several other people and one large bed in it. A tense looking Herah was standing guard on the other side of the door. Geralhd was sitting in a chair beside the bed, and Khita was sitting on the edge of the bed itself. Behind her, Blacknail was sleeping. Hed been cleaned, and his wounds had all been bandaged, but there were bloodstains showing through some of the cloth. Many of his wounds were still bleeding, even while others had healed. It was miracle that he was still alive at all. Hed looked dead when theyd first found him.

It looks like hes going to pull through now, Geralhd remarked as he studied the hobgoblin on the bed. Despite the spectacular nature of his wounds, theyre closing and he is healing.

Damn right! Khita huffed loudly. Theres no way Blacknail would die from something like this. Hes almost as hard to kill as me!

Thats practically a real compliment, Ralphi muttered snidely.

Were lucky Werricks troops finally broke when they did and that Ilistis charge forced Werrick to retreat. Although, he undoubtedly thought Blacknail was already beyond saving.

Ralphis scowl just deepened. He looked like hed bitten into a sour fruit. At this point, Im not worried about the hobgoblin fading away on us. Its everything else thats got me worried about my skin. For starters, we have no idea how the other hobgoblins will react to his defeat and injury. Gob is keeping control for now, but they havent had time to really process it. Were in uncharted waters there, and Im worried about sinking.

Then, maybe you should be out there helping? Khita replied bluntly. You did help train the hobs. They listen to you.

Ill do what I can, but I have no idea if it will be enough, Ralphi told her. There are also lots of other things to worry about. Even with Blacknail safely back here at the base and recovering.

Like Werrick. He got away and hell be back, Geralhd agreed with a nod of his head. The Wolf knows what he faces now, The next time he seeks battle he will bring all his forces against us, and some of our allies are less than reliable. Ilisti wont bleed for anyone else. He only helped this time because we had the advantage.

Yep, we just started a war with the most powerful man in the North, and all weve got are a bunch of shifty hobgoblins, questionable alliances, and some dumb villagers, Ralphi agreed. Honestly, Id be making a break for it if there was anywhere to go. Even with gold in my pocket it would be hard to get anywhere safe to spend it.

I just hope Blacknail recovers soon. Ilisti has been wanting to see him, but Ive been making excuses. I cant keep doing that for too long, and the vympir is rather intimidating, Geralhd said before sighing deeply.

Even when he does wake up, that will just cause us a whole bunch of different problems. We dont know what to expect from him, Ralphi countered. He was in a very bad mood.

Hell be the same old Blacknail as always, no doubt, Khita said.

Even you cant be blind to the changes that are happening to him, Ralphi replied as he gave her a condescending glare. The healing itself isnt something Vessels normally do, not like that, and hes already grown an inch or two. Also, his horns are rather obvious. Theyre starting to branch like antlers and theyre not even bone anymore. If you look closely, theyre some kind of black crystal. He has mutated, and that might affect his personality. Hells, it might do next to anything. I wish that creep Avorlus was here. We should probably send for him.

Geralhd grimaced. Ilisti might also know more, but Im not sure we should bring it up with him.

Why would the vympir know anything? Khita asked with obvious confusion.

What do you think vympirs are? It seems obvious to me that theyre a variant of human mutants, Geralhd answered. But that also means he might see Blacknail as a threat or rival now, and choose to take him out while he is vulnerable. One thing I do know about mutants is that theyre very territorial.

So are hobgoblins, Khita remarked snidely. Im telling you, we wont notice a difference. Hell be the same as always, just taller.

I wish I could believe that. However, evidence and experience suggest otherwise. At the very least, when Blacknail wakes he will be stronger.

Arghh, stupid hobgoblin, Ralphi cursed as he scratched his neck in nervous manner. I cant believe hes managed to involve me in this craziness. What I use for brains must have been knocked out years ago.

Well, whatever happens. He needs to wake up as soon as possible, Geralhd observed. He has implicated us all beyond any chance of escape, and were going to need him. Werrick will be back, and as bad as our odds are, no one else stands a chance.

A concerned look appeared on Ralphis face as he turned to stare at one of the walls. Aye, and I cant shake the feeling that there are other dangers coming that we know nothing about. This is the North. Its a savage and dangerous place that has never really accepted civilization, and now its shifting and changing right before our eyes. A king is rising, hobgoblins are building armies, and strange new creatures like those boggarts are stalking men. Who knows what will happen next? But, out here in the Green, obvious movement usually means that the predators are gathering.

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