The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 47 First Match

Fighting spirit burned on Rex and Gregg's eyes, they glance at each other disdainfully before casually walking into the Arena.

The crowd of students makes way for them,

Rex and Gregg are famous throughout the university, one is the first-ranker in the field test and the other one is a non-Awakened that can beat a rank four supernatural.

All of the student's eyes were locked onto them, their aura started to rise the closer they got to the Arena.

Some early rank-two and rank-one students feel suffocated because of Rex's and Gregg's aura,

Each of Rex's steps makes the ground around him tremble, while Gregg's step left a gash on the ground because of his wind elements.

The wind elements around Gregg become violent, the students around him needed to step back to avoid getting hit.

While Rex's aura gives the students around him goosebumps as if there is a Supernatural behind them that can kill them in a mere moment if they provoke Rex.

They both get into the Arena with burning eyes, they looked at each other fiercely.

Rex's eyes glister as he looks at Gregg's stats,

<Gregg Eerbo>

Race: Human - Teen

Power: Peak Rank Three - Wind Elementalist

Mental: 35

Strength: 28 (+10)

Agility: 40 (+8)

Endurance: 20 (+15)

Intelligence: 50

Looking at this, Rex was contemplating how to humiliate Gregg to get extra rewards from the system,

Meanwhile, the wind elements around Gregg are getting more violent, the wind element seems to cover his whole body like some kind of barrier.

Rex looks at the ground beneath Gregg and saw it was full of slashing marks, 'That wind barrier can defend and also attack, this is going to be troublesome'

Just as their fighting spirit is nearing its limit, the Lecturer that is in charge as a referee said, "Before we began, Students please greet the honorable Lecturers, Vice principals, and the principal of Ochyra University"

Rex stopped in his intense stare match and glance to his right,

Suddenly a huge platform made of translucent crystal emerges from the ground beside the Arena,

There is a couple of seats that divided into three rows, the bottom-most row is where the lecturers sit, Rex saw Mr. Joseph sitting there.

The middle row is for the vice-principals, there are four of them and each of them emits a terrifying aura that is stronger than the Pawn Vampire that Rex meets before.

But Rex's eyes fall to the right side middle row, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a military uniform.

His hair is white due to old age but his figure is still sitting straight like an arrow, his left eye is gone and there is a scar near his left eye.

The interesting part about him is that he doesn't emit any aura which means he is a normal person,

The middle-aged man wearing a military uniform is looking at Rex, Rex felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

In the top-most row sits the principal of Ochyra University, he is a middle-aged man with blonde hair, he emits no aura but unlike the middle-aged man before, Rex knows that this man is so strong just by looking at his cold eyes.

The principal gazes coldly at the Arena, he wears an all-black uniform that emits dark energy, there is a black saber behind him that is hard to look at.

Rex's eyes felt pain after seeing the sword for too long, Rex felt the black saber stares back at him.

All of the students bow slightly and shouted in a union, "Greeting from the students!!"

Rex also bows slightly while taking glances at the principal, the principal notices Rex's glance but he didn't do anything but stare at Rex.

Rex avoid his gaze feeling the pressure as he looks down to the ground,

Hearing the greeting, the principal nodded his head and waves his hand gracefully,

After getting approval from the principal, the referee continues with the match, "Rex and Gregg, the rules are simple, you cannot inflict life-threatening injury, forcing your opponents to step out of the Arena ground or surrendering will make you the winner, and you must follow my words. Breaking the rule will cause you to be disqualified and punishment, and good luck to both of you"

The referee signals Rex and Gregg to move to the corner,

"Who do you think will win?"

"I can't tell, they both in my eyes will be in the same footing"

"Gregg will probably win, his wind elements will be his advantage compared to a non-Awakened Rex"

Rosie who hears the student's conversation suddenly intervenes, "Of course Rex will win, you guys are just too dumb to comprehend it"

The students were angered after getting mocked, they glance to their back and saw Rosie folding her arms beside Adhara.

The curse words that the students want to say got stuck on their throats, "Rosie!"

Rosie gives them a 'What?!' face, the students got scared.

Although they can deal with Rosie, they can't possibly handle the consequences of angering Rex knowing that he's Rosie's boyfriend.

They immediately shut their mouth, "That's what I thought!", Rosie said pridefully followed by Adhara's little chuckles from the side.

On the Arena,

Rex puts on his battle stance, he wears the battle glove given by Adhara carefully, his sense was put to the max.

Rosie felt jealous looking at Rex who care so much about the battle gloves, she bit her lips In jealousy.

Adhara notice this and can't help to crack a smile,

Gregg goes into his battle stance, wind elements started to gather at his sword, the wind elements also gather to his body again and formed a violent barrier.

The referee glance left and right before he shouted, "BEGIN!!"

After the referee's signal, the violent wind around Gregg condensed into a wind spear, the wind elements started to gather more and more towards the spear,

Rex only stands there waiting for Gregg to finish his spell, he cracked a mocking smile and taunt Gregg by waving his hand.

Looking at this, Gregg was delighted, 'Don't blame me for beating you with one attack!'

"Basic Magic! Violent Spear!!", Gregg shouted as the wind spear above his head got launched towards Rex,


The students felt the wind spear sucked the wind that caught in its trajectory,

Class 1-D lecturer's eyes lit up, "That's a very powerful rank three magic, Gregg is indeed a natural talent to wind element"

Hearing this, Mr. Joseph chuckles from the side.

Class 1-D lecturer frowns hearing Mr. Joseph's chuckles, "What's so funny sir Joseph?"

Mr. Joseph covers his mouth trying to stop his laughter and replied, "Nothing much sir Andric, but my students will not be beaten that easily"

The wind spear arrives in front of Rex, the violent wind already started to prickling Rex's skin.

Rex inhales a deep breath as he activates his skill, "Force Beam!", he punched the wind spear with only his battle gloves.

The students were mocking Rex who recklessly punches the wind spear but what happened next makes them sucked in a cold breath.


The raging wind spear that can pierce through anything suddenly disperse under Rex's punch, the wind spear that looks mighty disappeared just like that.

Gregg widened his eyes in shock, he didn't believe that one of his attacks can be deflected easily by Rex.

Rex straightens up his body and brushes the dust that got on his armor, "That attack is just so-so, the standard in getting into class 1-D seems low to me", he said mockingly.

Andric was also shocked by Rex's feat, 'HOW?!', he screamed in his head.

"Let's continue shall we?", Rex cracked his neck before dashing in Gregg's direction.

Gregg recover from his shock and raises his sword,

Rex arrives in front of Gregg and sent out a punch, the punch is purely imbued with his strength.

Gregg's body emits a green hue, he dodges to the side and slashes aiming at Rex's ribs.

Rex already predicted Gregg's movements, his eyes can see Gregg's movements clearly as he hit Gregg's sword with his elbow.


The sword slipped from Gregg's hand,

Rex smiles viciously and sent a kick to Gregg's stomach,


Rex's leg collides with Gregg's wind barrier, Gregg was sent flinging away as his barrier cracked.

Gregg landed on his feet but he's still getting pushed back because of the momentum, 'What an overwhelming strength, I need to avoid his attacks', he thought while looking at Rex.

Rex is looking at his leg who got slashed by the wind barrier, 'It's a good skill but it didn't do much damage', Rex thought before he focuses back on Gregg.

His leg is already starting to heal at a visible rate, he then smiles mockingly at Gregg, "I hope that's not all you can do"

Gregg was infuriated, he summons a sword made of wind.

He then lowers his stance while aiming the sword at Rex, "Boost!", the wind elements around him gather to his body making the green hue more intense.


Gregg dashes towards Rex like a jet, his movement are way faster than before.

Rex's eyes can see his movement clearly but his body is too slow to avoid Gregg's attacks, in the nick of time, he decided to block the wind sword.


The wind sword was caught between Rex's hands, Rex was pushed back before stomping the ground to stop.

The students watching this was in an uproar,

"How can Rex saw that attack coming?! I can't even see anything!"

"Not only can he see it but he can also block it!"


The principal knitted his eyes, 'Interesting, I can clearly see he's not an Awakened'

After blocking the attack, Rex take advantage of Gregg's shocked state and landed a heavy blow to his face, "Force Beam!!"


His fists collided again with the wind barrier, the wind barrier is bent trying to block Rex's attack but the attack was too strong.

Rex's fists landed solidly on Gregg's face,


Gregg was launched off of his feet crashing to the ground before bouncing off of it, the Arena ground cracked under Rex's might,

Gregg spat out a mouthful of blood as he was screeching away nearing the end of the Arena ground,

Andric shakes his head in disappointment, "He's filled with rage, Wind Elementalist is fast but he didn't take advantage of it and recklessly attack Rex"

The principal and the vice-principal also shakes their head, they can clearly see Rex is slower than Gregg but he taunted Gregg to make him lose his cool.

Rex's hand that caught the wind sword is bleeding but that damage is minuscule for Rex who has the regenerative ability.

He walks slowly towards Gregg.

Rex arrives in front of Gregg who is kneeling on four spitting out blood,

Just as he wanted to kick Gregg out of the Arena,

Wind elements gather on Gregg's right leg, he then sweeps Rex's legs making him stumble backward.

Gregg smiles, Rex was caught off guard!

"Gale Blast!", Gregg put his hand on Rex's stomach as wind elements gathered on his hand.

But Rex's reflex is in-human, he activates his skill, "Alpha Intimidation!"

<The Target's stats has been decreased by 30%>

Gregg who is staring at Rex's eyes suddenly felt his power leaving him making him dizzy,

Rex also sent a Force Beam towards Gregg that is not covered with a wind barrier, Gregg was shocked, 'What a reflex! I can't dodge!'

Gregg's hand burst with the wind element, the wind element exploded on Rex's stomach, while Rex's Force Beam landed solidly on Gregg's stomach also sending him flying away,


The both of them was sent flying away,

The students quieted down, they held their breaths as dust covers the whole Arena.

"Did they both lose?"


The dust starts to clear, the students found Rex who is already standing back up while Gregg is still struggling on the ground with blood leaking from his mouth.

"Huakh!", He spat another round of blood, His eyes is hazy, he lost too much blood.

'How can his reflex be that good? That's practically in-human', Gregg thought as he held his stomach in pain.

Rex's armor is bent but he didn't receive that much damage from Gregg's attack, 'Thankfully I cast Alpha Intimidation, it will be bad if I got hit without using it'

Gregg lifted his head and looks at Rex that has just arrives in front of him,

Rex smiles evilly and put his feet on Gregg's head stepping on him,

Gregg was aghast, his eyes turns bloodshot feeling the humiliation of being stepped by a non-Awakened,

"You lose...", Rex said before he kicks Gregg out of the Arena.

All of the students was stunned, it feels surreal seeing the things Rex do, 'One of class 1-D's elite lost just like that?'

Silence filled the Arena but suddenly, "YAAY!! Rex won!!", a high pitched scream was heard.

Rosie is jumping in joy after seeing Rex beat Gregg,

The students shakes their head still in daze before the referee announced, "First match winner! Rex Silverstar!"

Immediately after, the crowd burst in cheers.

"Wow!! That's amaizing!!"

"He comprehended Force in his age! I better start training my body"

The crowd sent praises to Rex, seeing Rex did the impossible makes them motivated even more to become stronger.

"If he can do it, then it's possible for everyone!"

But some also cursed him of jealousy,

In their eyes, Rex has everything from looks, power, and beauty which even having one of them can satisfy anyone but Rex has them all.

Meanwhile amidst the crowd, a student is standing on the corner of the room, he gazes at Rex and smiles mysteriously.

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