The Incubus System

Chapter 676: The Demon Hunter Between Demons II

Chapter 676: The Demon Hunter Between Demons II

The Incubus System Chapter 666. The Demon Hunter Between Demons II

Larry's expression softened, understanding the situation. "I'm sorry, man," Larry said, his voice gentle and sincere. "That's tough."

I took another sip of my soda, feeling the cool liquid slide down my throat. The bubbles fizzed on my tongue. "It is," I said, my voice heavy with emotion. "But at least we know she's finally going to face the consequences."

Larry nodded slowly, his expression serious. "Are you going to talk to her?" he asked, his eyes flickering with concern.

I let out a tired sigh. "I did," I admitted, the memory of the conversation still fresh in my mind. "And it didn't go well."

Larry leaned forward, his eyes searching mine. "What did she say?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"She asked me to let her go," I said, my voice thick with emotion. "She said she was sorry and that she wanted to go back to the old days." I shook my head, a bitter smile twisting my lips. "But I knew she was lying. She just wanted to continue her luxurious life, without any regard for the damage she had caused."

My gaze drifted to the can in my hand, the metal surface glinting in the fading light. "She doesn't care about me and Celia," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "All she cares about is herself."

"That is seriously a shit," he said, his voice low and solemn.

I nodded, a dry smile twisting my lips. "Yeah, it is," I admitted.

Larry's eyes held a deep concern as he looked at me. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, his voice gentle. "You can tell me anything."

I appreciated his offer, but I shook my head. "Thanks, but no," I said, my voice heavy with emotion. "I've already discussed this with Tiffany. I think that's enough for today."

Larry nodded in understanding, his eyes flickering with empathy. We stood in silence for a few moments.

But then I remembered something, and I turned to Larry. "Also, don't say anything to Ruby," I said, my voice low and firm. "I'm tired of her nonsense. Especially today."

Larry's face turned pale instantly, a cringe twisting his features. "Did you meet her today?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Sadly, yes," I said with a huff, my frustration with Ruby still fresh in my mind.

Larry's hand came down on my shoulder with more force than before. "My condolences," he said, his voice heavy with sympathy.

I gave him a flat stare, my frustration mounting. "I'm not dead yet, you know?" I blurted out.

"But you have already become her target," Larry explained, his eyes fixed on me as if I was already a dead man. "So it's kind of the same."

Despite knowing that he was just trying to lighten the mood, I couldn't help but give him another flat stare,

Larry continued to talk and my mind began to wander. I realized that this was the perfect opportunity to find out what he had been discussing with Mrs. Clea earlier. With a quick mental command, I activated my skill.

'Mind Corruption.'

Once the skill took effect, Larry's eyes glazed over, and I knew I had him under my control.

[What do you want to do with his memory?]


"Read. Tell me what you were discussing with Mrs. Clea," I commanded, my voice low.

I delved deeper into Larry's mind. Memories began to flood my consciousness. Images and sensations flooded my senses.

I saw Mrs. Clea, her face etched with concern as she asked Larry to look after me and keep me away from the demon hunters as best as he could. Larry had been confused, asking for the reason behind her request, but she had simply shaken her head and refused to tell him more.

As Larry's memories faded away, I gasped and blinked. The realization that Mrs. Clea had been trying to protect me from something outside her control was overwhelming. It was clear that she knew something that I didn't, something dangerous enough to warrant her intervention.

Was it the Senate? And if so, why? What had I done to attract their attention?

I knew that I had to find out more, and my mind immediately turned to Mrs. Clea. She was the only one who could shed light on this mystery, and I had to know the truth.

"Oi, do you hear me?" I said in annoyance. I put my poker face back on and canceled my skill, trying my best to look annoyed with him for not paying attention. But the truth was, I canceled my skill.

Larry snapped out of his daze, his eyes blinking rapidly as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep. "Huh?" he answered me in a stupid voice, his gaze fixed on me.

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. "As expected, you didn't listen to me," I muttered under my breath as I got up from my seat and walked over to the kitchen to throw away my soda can.

As I tossed the can into the trash, I heard Larry apologizing to me for not paying attention. "Sorry. Can you say it again?" he asked, his eyes following my movements.

I turned to face him, my expression still annoyed. "I said I won't die that easily," I repeated, adding a hint of annoyance to my tone to make it sound like I was irritated with having to repeat myself.

He smiled dryly. "You still need to be careful of her," he reminded me.

"I know," I said and returned to his side. "Anyway, I need to go to Mrs. Clea's," I stated.

"Why?" he asked, his tone laced with suspicion. "She's not stuck in the washing machine anymore, you know?" The look he gave me was one of disgust as if I had committed some grave offense.

With a dry smile of my own, I pulled out the bag of souvenirs. "I want to give her this," I explained, my voice firm. "Not 'saving her from the washing machine'," I emphasized the last few words, determined to show him that I was not as pathetic as him.

He answered me with an innocent grin, but I could see the doubt in his eyes. As he looked at the bag in my hand, his smile faded and a frown took its place. 

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