The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 14: 14 - Training Tool For Criminals

Chapter 14: 14 - Training Tool For Criminals


The elevator finally reached the top floor.

"Well, can I go?" Iwan asked tentatively.

Derrick glanced at the game panel and wanted to try out something. He proceeded to take away all of Iwan's hopes to survive and said, "No way."

Iwan's heart sank suddenly, his fists clenched subconsciously.

But thinking of how Derrick came back from the dead just now, he quietly let go of his fist and after cursing racial slurs at Derrick in his heart, he squeezed out a smile uglier than crying and said, "Why don't you just tell me whatever you want me to do, I will do my best to cooperate with you."

"Okay. I like a straightforward person like you."

Derrick handed over the box he had just taken from Iwan back to him, "The box, it is for you."

"Huh?" Iwan was confused and did not take the box.

Seeing that Iwan didn't respond, Derrick was not happy at all.

"Why are you standing still? Pay me money for this or, do you want to not pay?"

"Well..." Iwan couldn't keep up with Derrick's messed up brain circuit so, he decided not to use his brain and obey Derrick's words. Iwan then obediently returned the five-cent coin to Derrick.

Derrick glanced at the five-cent coin in distaste and said, "Are you treating me as a beggar?"

'Didn't you give this to me?' Iwan cursed secretly again and then silently took out all the cash from his pockets. After he gave Derrick all his cash, the silver box was returned to him.

Derrick accepted the cash with satisfaction and emphasized, "Remember, this is a fair and just transaction without any shady scenes."

Iwan gave up using his brain completely, now he just wanted to end all this as soon as possible and go back home and sleep alone in his warm quilt.

After making the two trades, Derrick looked at the system again to detect Iwan.

[Target does not meet the conditions]

'Still not enough?' Derrick thought for a while and then took out one note from the stack of banknotes.

"Give me the box back again."

Iwan was confused again but as he had decided, he did not use his brain anymore and just gave Derrick the box.

Two minutes later, Derrick looked at the system panel excitedly.

[The Target meets the conditions]

Iwan's results had changed! He was finally a good enough villain.

And as Derrick had thought, the focus of "Sinful Villain" is not on a 'villainous' person at all. He need not be a gangster. The focus is on the word 'sin'.

According to Derrick's inference from this, sin should refer to the illegal activities that a person has participated in.

For example, gang members are often involved in criminal activities. The higher the status or the older the gang member has been a part of the gang, the more criminal activities they have participated in.

When the sins on them accumulate to a certain level, they are the people recognized by the system as 'sinful villains.' It's not the severity but the number of crimes that mattered.

It's just that, as a gang member who just recently joined, Iwan hadn't participated in many criminal activities yet.

Therefore, Derrick took the initiative to help Iwan improve his resume.

The contents of the silver box were illegal items, no matter if he is the buyer or the seller, as long as each transaction is concluded, Iwan is considered to have committed a criminal activity and he will have more sins.

With the help of Derrick, Iwan completed several illegal transactions in a short period and his resume was now comparable to that of a senior gangster.

Even Iwan himself wasn't aware of his evolution from a low-quality cheap villain to a truly sinful villain!

Derrick looked at the sinful villain with satisfaction and pulled the trigger.


[Title unlock condition: Kill fifteen sinful villains (2/15)]

A few hours later, at one o'clock in the morning, Derrick changed his clothes and returned to the mercenary bar.

Although it was already late at night for common folks, for some people, the night had just begun.

Pushing open the rusty door, before Derrick could take a few steps in, he heard the sounds of fierce fighting and all kinds of shouts and cheers. He saw two burly men fighting against each other while a group of men surrounded them, watching their fight with interest.

With a muffled sound, one of them was knocked down by his opponent after landing several punches.

Immediately afterwards, Derrick saw Weasel coming out of the crowd. He walked up to the unconscious man and checked his breathing and pulse.

"He's still alive!!" Weasel turned his head and shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, the crowd suddenly burst into annoyed sounds, as if someone was regretting that the man didn't die.

As the owner of the bar, Weasel was not surprised to see everyone's reaction.

After the excitement of the fight was over, everyone returned to their seats.

Those who were drinking continued to drink and those who were playing billiards continued to play, but none of them even tried to hide the bulging guns on their bodies.

Weasel ordered a few people to carry the knocked-out man away and then returned to the bar to wipe the glass leisurely.

Derrick came to the bar, put the silver box on the counter, took out his black card and placed it in front of Weasel.

Weasel looked up at Derrick and asked, "The entrustment is finished already?"

Derrick nodded and took out the mobile phone he snatched from the first two gangsters he had met.

"I took a photo of him too. Do I need to show verification?"

"This is the best way. As long as the news is confirmed to be correct, you will immediately get the reward from the employer. Ah, I will also take 10% of the remuneration as a handling fee."

Weasel put away the black card and continued, "As for the remaining remuneration, I will charge it to your account at that time. You'd better provide me with a bank account as soon as possible so that I can directly deposit the money into your account. "

"Can I ask for cash?" Derrick asked. He didn't even have a legal identity, where would he get a bank account from?

"Yes, but there will be an additional fee then."

As long as he can get cash, Derrick doesn't care about these small fees.

"By the way, do you know any suitable rental house? I mean the one that doesn't require any identity proof? You know, my situation is similar to Wade's now. It's not good for people like Francis to notice me again." Derrick found a suitable excuse to cover up his lack of identification in front of Weasel.

Weasel didn't doubt Derrick's words, he thought for a while and said, "I do have a vacant safe house, you should be able to live in it after tidying up a little. If you want to find a place to live, I can rent it out to you temporarily, rent can be deducted from your remuneration of this entrustment."

Hearing what the weasel said, Derrick replied cheerfully, "That's great. To thank you for your help, let me buy you a drink."

Weasel looked Derrick up and down and said, "Reminder, my rent is not cheap. Your money surely is not enough. Do you still have money to buy me a drink?"

"Just drink. I have plenty of money. If it's not enough, you can take these two gold teeth." Derrick boldly took out a stack of banknotes and two gold teeth from his pockets.

Weasel looked at the two bloody gold teeth and at the wad of money, without asking where it all came from.

Compared to these, Weasel was more curious about the silver box on the table, "I wanted to ask, what is inside this silver box?"

"This is a training tool for criminals," Derrick answered enthusiastically.


"The villain's training tool. Through this, you can sin infinitely and in just a few minutes, you can become a villain with a long criminal history."

Derrick seemed to have suddenly turned into a salesman, constantly promoting the benefits of his product. He then looked at Weasel with a hint of expectation in his eyes and said, "How about it? Do you want to try it?"

Sensing Derrick's gaze, Weasel felt a chill run down his spine for no reason.

He trusted the gut feeling he had developed from running the bar for so many years and decisively waved his hand, refusing Derrick's offer.

And like this, the birth of an innocent villain was avoided.

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