The Immortal Genius Spearman

Chapter 17

Chapter 17
“Close ranks!”
At Damian’s command, the 1st platoon tightened their formation into a solid rectangle, just as they had done during their match against the 4th platoon.
“It does look sturdy,” Gerard muttered.
“But if they’re packed that tightly, they won’t be able to do anything,” Apel responded.
What he said was true, but…
‘They said that during their defense, they would compact their formation like that, then suddenly create space to launch an attack.’
The 3rd platoon leader had informed them of the 1st platoon’s tactics.
Their strategy was primarily defensive, but they had an unusual ability to switch to offense in an instant.
‘But we have our own plan too.’
If they were going to open up and attack after defending…
“Apel, your role is crucial this time.”
Apel nodded and moved forward, and Gerard immediately gave the order.
Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!
The 3rd platoon marched in unison, rapidly advancing toward the defensive formation of the 1st platoon.
And just as the two formations collided…
The two formations clashed, and the sound of impact made the watching instructors’ eyes widen.
“Oh! That’s some proper shield charging!”
“Both sides have clearly mastered their shield techniques.”
The instructors watching the match smiled with satisfaction as the loud crash echoed through the training ground.
But for the trainees of the 1st and 3rd platoons, it was a fierce struggle of strength.
‘This is solid…!’
The eyes of the 3rd platoon members widened in surprise.
The rectangular formation of the 1st platoon was far more solid than anything they had encountered before, far sturdier than the 4th platoon’s.
Their defensive wall held firm without a single sign of yielding.
They couldn’t help but feel uneasy.
And at that moment…
At Damian’s command, the soldiers inside the formation pushed their comrades forward.
In an instant, the compact rectangle of the 1st platoon expanded, pushing the 3rd platoon backward.
“What the…!”
The leading shield bearers of the 3rd platoon, caught off guard, stumbled. But at that moment…
At Gerard’s shout, Apel darted forward.
Simultaneously, the front shield bearers of the 3rd platoon opened up, creating a path.
Opening their own formation?
What are they doing?
The lead shield bearer of the 1st platoon frowned.
But at that moment…
With a single thrust from Apel’s spear, the front shield bearer of the 1st platoon let out a cry and fell.
In just one strike, the front line of the 1st platoon’s formation had collapsed.
“Push through!”
The 3rd platoon quickly surged through the gap that Apel had created.
“Spread out!”
“Get in! Once we’re in, it’s over!”
Two of the leading trainees from the 3rd platoon pushed forward, trying to force their way in, spreading their shields wide like doors.
Their explosive charge threatened to collapse the formation.
But then…
With a roar like a beast, a massive figure with shields in both hands charged toward the breach.
The two 3rd platoon trainees trying to force their way in were sent flying backward.
“Where do you think you’re going? Not a chance! Hah!”
Kyle, snorting like a bull, glared at the front line, his imposing figure causing the 3rd platoon trainees to gulp in fear.
Especially the ones who had been knocked back—they didn’t even attempt to get back up.
Of course, they thought of him.
But they never imagined that he would take out a shield bearer with a single blow.
‘His mastery of mana must be quite advanced too.’
It wasn’t just about being able to wield mana; it meant he was proficient in its use.
‘Kyle won’t be easy to beat.’
Damian had trained rigorously with Kyle to prepare for the battle against the 3rd platoon.
Damian’s eyes were fixed on Apel.
“Hoo… What a monster,” Apel muttered, narrowing his eyes as he observed Kyle.
He was at least a head taller than the others, with a muscular build that wasn’t just bulky but well-toned—something not commonly seen.
‘Is he from the north?’
Why a northerner was in the 3rd Training Camp was unclear, but…
‘This just got a bit more complicated.’
But backing down wasn’t an option.
“Apel! Can you break through?”
“I have to.”
If he couldn’t do it, no one could.
He considered attacking from another angle, but…
‘That big guy’s got his eyes on me.’
Avoiding a direct confrontation was no longer an option.
There was only one thing to do.
Apel took a short breath, drawing mana from the mana core in his abdomen.
Focusing all his mana into his spear, the tip of the weapon began to tremble.
And at that moment…
‘Focus only on Apel. If you can block him, no one else will be able to break through our formation.’
Damian’s words echoed in Kyle’s mind.
‘Who is Apel?’ Damian had said, ‘You’ll know when you see him.’
It sounded crazy at the time, but…
‘I see what he meant.’
There was no mistaking it—this was Apel.
‘Why are there so many young monsters…?’
This kid looked about the same age as Damian.
And the thrust he had just executed was on par with Damian’s.
“This won’t be easy,” Kyle muttered, gritting his teeth.
As Apel’s spear shot toward him…
Kyle brought both shields together.
The shields rang out loudly.
Kyle’s face twisted in pain, and blood trickled from his tightly clenched lips. But…
“We… we blocked it!”
“As expected of Kyle!”
Though Kyle had been pushed back slightly, the three comrades behind him had supported him, allowing him to withstand Apel’s attack.
On the other hand…
“He blocked it?”
“Apel’s attack…!”
The trainees of the 3rd Platoon looked on in disbelief at what had just transpired.
‘Apel’s thrust…’
It was their secret weapon against the 1st Platoon.
‘A thrust that could easily take out four or five people grouped together…’
But the fact that his attack had been blocked didn’t seem to faze Apel, who calmly raised his spear again.
‘If I can’t break through with one hit…’
I’ll just keep hitting until it breaks.
Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!
Apel’s spear relentlessly hammered against Kyle’s shield, each strike more powerful than the last, causing the wooden shield to splinter and crack deeply.
“Cover Kyle!”
“Get that guy!”
Seeing this, the spearmen from the 1st Platoon lunged at Apel.
“Not so fast!”
“You think we’ll just let you?”
But the shield bearers from the 3rd Platoon quickly moved in to protect Apel, blocking the attacks from the 1st Platoon.
It was a fierce contest, with neither side willing to yield an inch. The intensity of the battle had some of the instructors on the edge of their seats, completely engrossed in the spectacle.
With a shout, Apel thrust his spear once more, aiming at Kyle’s shield.
Kyle’s shield shattered into pieces, fragments scattering through the air. Only the handle remained in his grasp as Apel’s eyes gleamed with determination.
“This ends now.”
“Damn it!”
Though the spear was made of wood and padded for training, it had managed to shatter a shield. Kyle roared in frustration.
Apel pressed the attack, and Kyle crossed his arms to block it. But…
Kyle felt a sharp pain as his legs were suddenly swept off the ground.
‘What the…?’
Despite having three comrades supporting him from behind, he was being pushed back?
Kyle and the three 1st Platoon members supporting him were sent sprawling to the ground.
The shield bearers of the 3rd Platoon, seeing the opening, charged forward with all their might.
Kyle, desperate to close the gap, tried to get back on his feet, but…
His legs were trembling uncontrollably, and he couldn’t move. And then…
“…Damn it.”
Apel was already charging at him again.
With the ferocity of a wild beast in his eyes, Apel’s approach made Kyle instinctively raise his arms to defend himself, but his body wouldn’t respond.
Apel thrust his spear at Kyle’s chest in a final strike.
Watching the spearhead coming towards him, Kyle cursed under his breath.
“Damn it all…!”
Unable to dodge or block, Kyle braced himself for the inevitable. But just then…
Damian appeared before Kyle, deflecting Apel’s spear upward with a swift swing of his own.
In that brief moment, Damian and Apel locked eyes.
During their training, they smiled and encouraged each other.
But now, in this mock battle, both saw it as a real battlefield.
With no room to back down, Apel bit his lip and gripped his spear tightly once more.
However, just then…
An instructor’s shout echoed across the field, followed by the loud whistle signaling the end of the match.
The 1st Platoon members, who had been on defense, collapsed to the ground, exhausted.
“Wow, it’s over…”
“Man… that was intense.”
“Those guys… they’re pretty tough.”
Had the match gone on any longer, their formation would have completely collapsed.
It felt as if the time limit had saved them. The 1st Platoon members panted heavily, struggling to catch their breath, as the 3rd Platoon’s attack had been relentless.
“We lost…”
The atmosphere on the 3rd Platoon’s side was much more somber.
They had fully expected to win.
Apel, in particular, stared at Kyle, who was still on the ground.
Kyle returned the gaze, their eyes locking in a fierce, unspoken exchange.
‘To think he blocked it this many times.’
‘To think he could bring me down.’
Both had no choice but to acknowledge the other’s strength.
Then, Apel’s gaze shifted to Damian, who was standing beside Kyle.
There was a look in Apel’s eyes, as if he wanted to say something, but instead, he silently turned away.
He felt as though the defeat was somehow his fault.
Watching Apel walk away, Kyle muttered,
“…What a monstrous guy.”
“You okay?”
Damian asked, to which Kyle sighed softly.
“I managed to hold on, but… why are they so strong?”
“Haha, I did tell you they’d be tough.”
“I didn’t expect my shield to break. If the shield had held up, I could have completely blocked it.”
Kyle stood up, frustration clear on his face, but his arms were swollen and bright red.
“Fall back.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not broken, so asking me to retreat over something like this is an insult.”
“There’s still two weeks of training left. If this gets worse, you might not be able to complete the course.”
Damian handed Kyle the flag he was holding.
“Guard the flag in the center. If it gets taken, it’s all on you, so make sure you protect it.”
Kyle chuckled softly.
What was the point of guarding the flag when it was now their turn to attack?
But he knew Damian was trying to preserve his pride, and he appreciated it.
Kyle grabbed the flag.
“I won’t let them take it, so make sure you destroy them.”
“Of course.”
At Kyle’s words, Damian raised his spear. And then…
“Switch sides!”
The instructor’s command had both platoons quickly getting to their feet and forming up again.
Each platoon prepared their formations for the next round of attack and defense.
“Everyone alright?”
“We’re still good.”
“Honestly… I’m not feeling great. The spot where I got hit really hurts.”
“I’m feeling a bit queasy, too…”
Despite the complaints, they still seemed confident.
Seeing this, Damian smiled and said,
“This is the last one. And just so you know, I don’t plan on using up the whole time limit for this attack.”
Five minutes.
“In that time, we’ll take their flag.”

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