The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 14: Gene enhancements

5 years have passed since I arrived on this planet.

I had a pretty nice childhood so far all things considered. most of my time was spent training with Jewel in my mind defence and about a year ago I started to train my Gyrokinesis a little to help me fully adapt to the planet.

The rest of my time was either spent with Orchid or Jewel, most of the time with the both of them just talking about random things and odd encounters the hive came across during their invasions to other galaxies and star maps. Another thing we do is plan for the future. As although I feel at peace when I'm with those two, there is more I want to do in this infinite cosmos.

A big step towards my future growth starts today as today I partake in my first gene enhancements. In broad strokes, gene enhancements alter your current genes and improve them beyond what is considered peak for your species.

There are other types of gene alteration such as gene-augmentation and gene-splicing, augmentation can change body parts or make new ones and splicing adds genes from other species into your own to make up for any shortcoming or to add new functions to your body such as aqua breathing or resistances to elements.

we decided together to save those two for when I'm older and have stopped growing just in case.

After a short walk from the queens chamber we arrived at my recently built research laboratory. it could easily be described as a normal laboratory but alive in a sense. Walking towards one of the large bio data pads Jewel had created for me, as I could not process information as fast as the members of the hive, a 3D render of my body appeared on screen.

Although 5 years old currently my diet and powerful psionic energy that is constantly entering my body, on top of my own psionic energy, has tempered my body to the point where I look 5 years older than I currently am. I have wavy brown hair with purple highlights throughout. Dreamy brown eyes and slightly arched eyebrows.

My nose was small but well defined and my face although it still has traces of baby fat, was handsome and symmetrical.

My ego agreed that if I was around humans I would get creepy older women who would pass by say 'Oooh he will break hearts when he's older' and 'If he was just 10 years older'. Moving past my thoughts on older women double standards, I got back to the image on the screen.

I was running tests on the bio-screen which was linked up to the hiveminds conscious, which was faster than any super computer any advanced race currently had.

I was making sure the gene enhancement were drawing the same results each time, I did not have to do this Jewel has stated many times that she can just oversee the entire thing and nothing would go wrong, but I didn't want that.

I fell in love with this form of science when I first saw Orchid create her exocrine back on my old home world therefore other than the hive being my grant money, or sugar momma if you will, and providing all necessary resources I wanted my own advancements to be my own.

After running my last set of tests making sure everything was consistent, I took of my clothes and walked over to a tank full of creamy translucent liquid. this liquid I coined rejuvenation fluid is what nesting pods use to heal existing and also create new lifeforms for the hive. usually just a small cocoon is wrapped over any creature in a nest pod but I'm using a whole 6ft tank because why not?

This was used as basically a failsafe in case even after the testing something does go wrong.

I wrote in my algorithm of which enhancements I was going to do today. I have decided to enhance my body in small batches as first I'm worried if I do too much at once my body will go into shock and die and second by starting off small, it will help me adapt to future enhancements. I decided that today I shall be enhancing my organs making them more efficient.

After the final enhancement was coded I climbed up a small ladder and entered the tank.

The liquid was lukewarm and had a slightly viscous consistency. putting on a small breathing mask like one a pilot would use I braced. A second later 5 tubes with needles on the end punctured into my body one on each limb and one on my chest. They didn't hurt but I still dislike the idea of being poked by needles. Just a bad experience in my past life that carried over.

About 10 seconds after the needles entered they started pumping chemicals into my body these chemicals were a concoction of anaesthetics and some nutrients my body can use to support my upcoming changes. I wouldn't use the anaesthetic in the future but my first batch of enhancements were going to be my organs and I could just tell this was still going to hurt like a bitch.

Once I started feeling the numbing effects the main event began. looking down at the tube in my chest a neon green liquid was traveling up the tube and into the needles. The moment the liquid started to enter my system an excruciating pain hit my insides. I started shaking. Not uncontrollably, but in the way you do when you attempt to ease muscle tension pain.

Only it was futile as this pain couldn't be shook off.

Two and a half hours of extreme discomfort later, the pain decided its had enough for today took a hike and left me alone in the tank. I took a few minutes extra in tank to let the it rejuvenate me. After climbing out of the tank, I was expecting to feel tired, but instead I felt wonderful. After some light exercise to confirm I was fine I decided to take some tests.

Firstly my heart, I had enhanced my heart to beat stronger and also autonomously from the brain this way if my brain ever sustains a heavy injury my body should still be able to survive long enough for medical aid. It also now pumps blood stronger and will only beat around 40 bpm now.

My lungs have had their respiration capabilities increased. they can now take in more oxygen from a singular breath and my ability to hold my breath should increase. they can now withstand higher pressure and wont get bends underwater for example.

My kidneys, liver, intestines, bladder and stomach just went under a performance overhaul it will now make it very difficult to poison me and anything I do eat will be digested and metabolised a lot more efficiently.

Even though I knew the gene enhancements worked the scientist in me decided to test, test and test a little more just to check everything was working as intended. A short while later while rubbing my eyes a figure who was in the corner of the room the whole time decided to speak out.

"Apollo its late why dont yo-" "WHOA! Holy macaroni Orchid when did you get here? You scared me half to death" I exclaimed out loud slightly high pitched compared to my deeper link voice . "Orchid does not understand? She has been with you the entire time." She relayed to me smiling at my childish voice.

My eyes opened wide, now I remember walking here with her I was just so engrossed in my research I totally forgot about her existence. "Sorry my Orchid, I should not have forgot about you. I just got so lost into my work and the success of the results you slipped my mind" I said looking up in the air and scratching the back of my head.

"No need to apologies Apollo." she said normally before another tone popped in "Watching mate work so hard stirred up something in Orchids reproductive organs, your eyes were so focused it made Orchid want to pounce on you right then and there."

deadpan, I walked over to Orchid without saying a word. when I got there she was still looking at me all smiley like she hadn't said something which would require space FBI to come and arrest her. Once I was in front of her I stated "Kneel." She did so and our eyes were now on the same level. "What is is Apollo?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Go get the stick" I stated her smiley face vanished replaced with a veil of worry. "W-w-what did you say Apollo-mate?" nervousness relayed to me through the link. "return to my room and Go.Get.The.Stick." Orchid wanted to refute but she didn't she only sighed and got up to leave.

"Of course my mate, Orchid is sorry if she crossed any lines again it is only because she loves you very much." "I know you do Orchid and I love you, Jewel and the whole hive but you broke the rule and need to be punished." The rule in question was simple. Don't lewd the Apollo.

My mind may be much older than 5 but I had enough control to know that doing anything with my current body is just wrong so anytime any hive member says something inappropriate to me they get hit with the stick.

The stick in question was a long rod made with the same material as the hive queen guards. if a member of the hive gets hit with it, it causes a mild psionic disruption which while leaving no physical damage feels like crap to those psionically gifted.

I've used the stick on Orchid the most but i have even used it on Jewel and when it affects her the whole hive is affected so she restrains herself a lot.

After finishing up in the lab I started to my room.

"Time to bonk" I said with a coy smile.

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