The Greatest Extra in history

Chapter 42: Benefactor of the world tree

Chapter 42: Benefactor of the world tree

There are several fortresses built in secret to exert influence on the Black Mountains in the Pilias Empire. Fort Alvin was one of those places.

This place was small for a fortress, but it had 700 troops, a large numbers compared to the others.

Since the location of the fortress is near the black mountain range, even if the stationed units changes frequently, the boundaries securities was always tight. Even today, those who were on guard duty were walking along the path of the fortress wall.

"Hey, did you hear the rumor?"

Was it hard to endure boredom? Or he just wanted to talk out of the blue? A soldier asked a question while looking at a middle-aged soldier followed by a Knight with a mustache.

"What rumor are you talking about?"

"Rumor has it that one of the 21 Generals of the Fresyria Kingdom has entered the Black Mountains."

Listening to the Soldier's, the two of them recalled that there was such a rumor. The middle-aged soldier nodded when he recalled the rumors he heard while taking turns.

"I think I heard it. But I don't know if it's a false rumor or not...

He sincerely hoped it would be a false rumor. If a General charge his forces to the Black Mountains with the intention of declaring was, it was most likely that Fort Alvin, will have the front-line position and be the first target of siege.

He wanted to avoid fighting against one of the 21 Generals of the Fresyria Kingdom's army, they are famous for being the elite of the Fresyria Kingdom.

"It can't be false rumors. I heard that several bases have already been attacked..

They also heard rumors that there was a war, but they still wanted to deny it.

"Are you afraid?"

The knight asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid. Wouldn't it be natural to be scared when you hear rumors about the incoming war were our lives are at stakes?"

The middle-aged soldier answered honestly.

"I'm not afraid. Think about it, if our forces defeat one of the general, we will become famous.

The middle-aged soldier shook his head as he saw the knight talking excitedly.

He had a lot to say, but other party was a knight with a position higher than him. He had no choice but to swallow the back words.

"Aren't you a soldier of the Pilias Empire? It wouldn't be bad to abandon your fear and be brave.

After saying those words, the knight went ahead. Soon, the middle-aged soldier began to walk after him with a short sigh.

Something flew through the wind and struck in the knight's neck.


Even before confirming it, the knight's body already collapsed. The middle-aged soldier was surprised and hid himself below the fortress walls.

He moved his eyes quickly. Usually, the watchtower that the soldiers should be guarding was also empty.

No, it wasn't empty. A soldier was seen lying on the stairs leading to the watchtower. An arrow was also stuck in his neck.


He managed to shake off his rising fear and slowly raised his head over the wall. All he could see was darkness.

His vision wasn't good, but over the time, he was able to see hundreds of soldiers marching toward the fortress.

"What on earth"

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The sound of iron frictions of armors, slowly reached the other side of the wall. At that moment, someone rang an alarm, and the wizard of the fortress fired Light Magic in the sky. The darkness was lifted and the marching soldiers were clearly revealed.

They also lifted the flag that they had hidden, perhaps realizing that the surprise attack had failed. The eyes of the middle-aged soldier who confirmed it, shouted.

"Attack! A General of the Fresyria Kingdom is here!"

They came.

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The level of power of the mercenaries were not high. Although the boundaries were weakened, it was hard to understand how they could broke through the boundaries of the world tree.

The twenty-year-old mercenary collapsed and soon rushed, providing dozens of mercenaries with blades of brutal wind.

The number of mercenaries declined exponentially when Magic and arrows shoot by the Elf Patrol were added. Only then Raymond was convinced that they were nothing more than mere decoys.

"The real thing is coming soon. Everyone, get ready."

Raymond warned all the people at the incoming danger with a calm voice.

As he said, the real thing soon appeared. When most of the mercenaries collapsed, a new group appeared in the dark and they were dressed all in black like the night sky.

Covering their faces with masks, they pulled out their weapons at once at their leader's signal. They rushed toward those gathered under the flag.

The Elf patrols fired fierce arrows at them, but Raymond noticed that they were also decoys.

"Leave it to me!"

Just below the flag, shadows tore down the air in the dark and landed gently as if dancing. Even before Desia casted magic, Gesteine moved first.

Gesteine's Aura overpowered the black shadows. The black clothed people didn't bulged at the pressure, they even wielded their dagger against the man who dared to protect the Fifth Prince, even at the cost of his life.


Others quickly hid in the darkness when blood spurted on the neck of an assassin, collapsing helplessly.

"They are Ghost Soldiers!"

Their movement of immediately retreating into the darkness was unusual, it was not difficult to notice that they were Assassins, and Gesteine warned everyone.

The appearance of the Ghost Soldiers, made the Elf patrols look pale. While the Ghost Soldiers hid, Raymond grabbed one of the Elf patrols and asked.

"What about Sylvia?"

"Oh, I- I don't know.

He didn't get the answer he wanted, nevertheless Raymond was still relaxed.

Sylvia Platier, who has the prestige of being titled "The one who walks ahead," will still be fine with her ability.

But that doesn't mean I have a lot of time.

How can he bring out those hidden in the dark at once?

After a short consideration, he decided to use some dangerous means.

"Desia! Shield!"

She will definitely follow orders, so there was no need to wait for her confirmation.


"Fire Arrows!"

The rain of fire, casted by Raymond, poured from the sky. To avoid causalities on their side, they were blocked by the shield of Desia. The flames spread in all directions, and the hiding envoys were forced to appear. There were few dozens of them.

"What the f"

There were more Ghost Soldiers than Raymond thought. Gesteine managed to hold back the swearing was about to pop out.

"Don't worry too much, Gesteine."

Raymond took a step. Whenever his feet touched, the ground it began to freeze. It was also the same for places with hot flames.

"This magic"

Desia's eyes shook after sensing the absolute chill that began to dominate the space.

This must be a magic the Fifth Prince shouldn't be able to cast because of his level, however, Raymond was still able to execute it.

"What you're worried about won't happen."

When he reached out, white energy gathered and became the shape of a sword. It was the Soul Sword.

When Raymond wielded the soul sword, a white energy poured out from the sky like a thunderbolt. The attack spread in all directions and burned the bodies of the hidden Assassins again.



Amidst the screams, the Ghost Soldiers, whose complete hiding condition was lifted, collapsed helplessly.

"Was the level of the Fifth Prince this high for magic?"

"It's different from the information we got."

The Ghost Soldiers, who hurriedly stepped back, were shaken at the power displayed by the Fifth Prince.

It was bound to be different from the report. After the gaining the Blessing of Sword and Magic, Raymond's power greatly increased from before.

"Team 1 attack the Fifth Prince with me, and the rest attack the escorts of the Prince."

It was unexpected, but the leader made a quick decision, and dozens of Ghost Soldiers moved in unison. More than 20 people blocked Gesteine and Desia.

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Although Gesteine is a high-ranking knight, he cannot perform like in the past because the skill of the single arm swordsmanship was not perfect.

Even if there were Desia and the Elf Patrol, it was difficult to deafet more than 20 Ghost Soldiers at once.

His unfortunate voice was ringing, but Raymond was still relaxed. He just smiled, glancing slightly toward Gesteine.

"There is nothing to worry about him."

He whispered. However, he hope Gesteine calmed down a little after seeing his relaxed smile spreading around his mouth.

"Why are you so relaxed? Fifth Prince"

One of the Ghost Soldiers asked when he saw Raymond's relaxed appearance.

"Are you thinking that the bloodline of your Imperial family would protect you, didn't you?"

"You'd better throw away those thoughts. There is no one here who could protect you right now.

They are surrounded by the enemies. There are more than ten Ghost Soldiers surrounding the area. They were not the same as facing the mercenary, they are the Ghost Soldiers from the Edgar Kingdom.

"If I were an ordinary High-ranking wizard, I would have shivered with fear"

And I am not.'

A cold smile spread around Raymond's mouth.

The Ghost Soldiers, quickly pulled out daggers and threw it at him.

Dozens of dagger with black mana was shoot at Raymond.

From the sky, a blue attack was poured down toward where Raymond was.


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With the sound of the explosion, soil dust soared.

"Is he dead?"

"I used a high-level magic Lightning Strike. On top of that, we've thrown dozens of dagger embedded with mana, so it'll be hard to survive this wave of attacks."

"Is that so?"

Even with the reassurance of his comerade, the High-Ranking wizard from the Edgar Kingdom felt something was wrong and soon he casted a Wind speed to dispell the dust.

When the dust flew away, a shield containing intense mana appeared.

"Absolute shield?"

"No way! That's a spell that only those at the Superior Level could achieved!

Everyone was shocked. Even before their shock subsided, the Absolute Shield split, and Raymond came through the gap.

"Are we going to att k him closed range?"

"Don't be scared! He is just a wizard! If we get closer to him. Cough!"

The Ghost Soldier's leader's head, who was encouraging his subordinate to attack Raymond to a Closer range, rolled on the cold floor. This happened in an instant.

"Team leader, team leader!

"Oh, my!"

"That's Aura!"

There was a bigger agitation. How can a wizard use Aura? But this wasn't the end.

Fire balls and sharp ice Spears began to be generated around Raymond, possessing Aura and Mana this was the characteristics those with the Devil's Bloodline uses.

"This, this is"

"Do you know the weakness of a Wizard?"

There was no answer to his question.

"It should be close range atack, right?"

Magis was supposed to only be used for long range attack, however, Raymond was able to use both Mana and Aura perfectly after the reconstruction of his body caused by the Blessing of the Sword and Magic.

Perhaps because it was the last blessing, Dayrian's memory fragments were also mixed, so Raymond was able to demonstrate the best efficiency in both areas.

Knowing that their defeat was certain, the Tried to run away. However, Raymond swung the sword towards them.

My Sword techniques have become sharper.

The reason was unknown, but during the reconstruction of the body, Dayrian's memorya and the experiences of Thousands Soul knight seemed to have combined together.


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"Monster, monster"

Raymond overwhelmed everyone because his combat power improved that much.

The Ghost Soldiers were frightened and stepped back, but they were still chased by fire balls and ice spears that were hovering around them.


Those who stepped back were penetrated by ice spears, and then a fire ball flew into their abdomen and exploded.

Watching his body burn and his neck bleeding, he soon collapsed.

Raymond just looked at them with cold eyes and continued to swing the soul sword.

"I ask for helpGasp!"

"Oh my god!"

Ghost Soldiers who were dealing with the Elf patrol tried to move at the urgent request for support, but Gesteine did not let go of them.

"Did you think I will let you go?"

The angry one-armed high-ranking knight, cut the Ghost Soldiers neck. Desia's Ice Spear spell penetrated another Ghost Soldiers chest. The Elf patrol also participated in the momentum and fired their arrows.

Raymond's performance completely reversed the bettlefield.

"Stay away!"

The leader of team 2 urgently ordered the remaining Ghost Soldiers.

The Ghost Soldiers sprayed something on the bodies of their fallen colleagues, and soon a hot fire broke out there. He seemed to intend to destroy the evidence and then escape

Seeing that they didn't do the same to the mercenaries' bodies, it seemed that they were planning to pass on all the sins on to them.


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