The Greatest Extra in history

Chapter 40: Benefactor of the World Tree (1)

Chapter 40: Benefactor of the World Tree (1)

Hello, sorry for no updates in the past week. Because it was a new year, there were so many renewals and the server went for upgrade.

Suddenly the submission button didn't function, the developer went to check every code to where was the problem and only now it function again.

The problem was because there was a server upgrade the same day the ssl certificates renew, the old ssl was the one in the files.

Submission of new post can't be done without ssl.

I will be doing 2x day updates.

Also, thanks to DF for the support on Ko-fi!


"Moon Lord Invisible blade."

Inside a large tent, a black-clad assassin appeared from a corner swallowed by darkness.

He quickly searched through the darkness in the tent, where there was no light. Soon, after he found a black afterimage, he bowed his head politely.


"It has been confirmed that the Fifth Prince had entered the territory of the Elves."

"How many escorts did he have?"

"I don't know the details, but I'm sure there are a few."

At the assassin's report, the Moon Lord's eyes sharpened, a hidden blade in a black afterimage.

"Didn't you put surveillance on him from the moment he entered the green forest? How come you didn't know?"

The assassin trembled slightly at the discontent of his superior.

"There seems to be an excellent guide among the escorts of the Fifth Prince. We can't keep up even with the number of people we've attached bear him."

He had no choice but to say so even though he knew it himself that it was just an excuse.

The Invisible blade, Hilson nodded, he was not very happy with the result.

Hidden by a black afterimage, the assassin couldn't see the dark look on his face.

The expression of the Invisible Blade Moon Lord was simply grotesquely distorted, so it was fortunate that the assassin could not see due to the black afterimage.

"All right, let's move on."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't need an apology. Your incompetence has already been proven, so if you don't make it up, you won't have any more chances."

The assassin swallowed dry saliva at Hilson's words. He felt like the atmosphere was suffocating right now.

He wanted to get out of this stuffy place right away, but he still had something to report.

"There are further reports about the Elf village."


Hilson thought that the report this time wouldn't be disappointing.

"They started to work on the boundaries again, but they've become weaker than ever. Our Wizard has assured us that it can be destroyed."

The assassin reported. Unlike a while ago, this time his report was within his expectations.

The Second Prince of Pilias did a better job than I thought.

Under the black afterimage, a cold smile spread around Hilson's mouth. If the boundaries were weakened, it meant that the pollution of the world's tree spring water was severe.

The puppet is doing a better job than I thought.

Deneb Pilias, the Second Prince of the declining empire. He was nothing but a puppet.

The information about how to pollute the world's tree spring water also came from them. The prince was an extraordinary figure, but he was destined not to escape being a puppet because his greed was so great and deep.

"How long do you think it will take?

"It won't take long."

"The exact estimation."

"A week at the latest."

At the assassin's report Hilson nodded slowly with a satisfied look.

"Perfect preparation, huh?"

"Yes, the mercenaries prepared by the Second Prince will take the lead. Even if they're exposed to the outside world, they'll only be seen as an occasional elf hunter by mercenaries blinded by greed."

"That's not a bad job.

"The results will be good too."

"Do your best to satisfy me."

The assassin nodded and opened his mouth.

"I'll do my best."


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While a secret plot was going on in the dark, Raymond and his escorts were crossing the forest and they are now entering the village.

Arrows did not pour out as it did when they first encountered the Elf Patrolling, but Desia and Gesteine stood alert.

"We don't have much time, so I'd like to see the elder right away.


"That's okay."

As soon as the leader of the Elf squad, who was in charge of guiding the village, frowned at Raymond's words and tried to say a word, Sylvia popped out and intervened.

Her timing was good. A little later, the Elf squad leader would have received Gesteine's stinging gaze.

His name may have already been written in a diary secretly recorded by the loyal commander of the Shadow Squad of Raymond.

"I'll show you where the Elder is."

Although Sylvia inherited the High Elf's blood, the Elder Elf was the one in charge of the village because this was an emergency.

In addition, Sylvia had been away for a long time under the threat of the Second Prince, so she would not know the details of the current situation.

"The Elder is in the town hall."

Another elf approached and reported. Sylvia nodded and begun to guide them in the town hall.

On their way to the town hall, Raymond moved his eyes around to examine the village.

He knew that there was a battle with the men of the Second Prince in the village, and looking at the terrible traces, probably it was quite intense.

There were no bodies, but the bloodstains and collapsed building remains were not completely cleaned up, indicating that the battle happened just recently.

"This is the town hall."

A wooden building stood in front of Sylvia, who stopped walking. It was not intact. It was half-collapsed and full of blood-like traces of fighting.

It was natural that the fiercest battle took place here as the men of the Second Prince, who were staying in the village, aimed for the elder.

"I'll let inform the elder."

One of the elves, armed and guarding the main gate, rushed into the hall. Soon, a male elf in a green uniform walked out from the hall.

"The Elder is here."

The elf guarding the side said.

Perhaps because he was an elf, he looked younger than Raymond's thought. He must have lived for hundreds of years, but by human standards, he was only in his late 30s.


In case of any inconvenience, Sylvia first came forward and explained the situation. Fortunately, the elder of the Platier Elven clan was not close minded and slowly understood the situation.

Sylvia had no choice but to shorten her explanation because she had the Fifth Prince right behind her, but the elder immediately finished organizing the situation in his head and bowed politely toward Raymond.

"I see. Your Majesty the Fifth Prince of the Pilias, the patrols of my clan were rude but I dare ask for your kind understanding."

He was humble. He just heard from Sylvia that Raymond knows how to clean up the world's tree spring water so he needed to be respectful to the person who may save their tribe.

Since world tree's spring water was the most important thing to the elf, it wouldn't be difficult to bend one's head and bow down if they have it purify from the pollution.

"I won't mind what happened, so report the situation in detail."

He don't know how many times he hd said he'll forgive them. However, it was impossible to be angry with a person who asks for an apology.

~~~Read this on

When Raymond finished speaking, the elder of the Platier Elven clan briefly explained what happened in the village while Sylvia was away.

"The boundaries are very weak right now."

The elder's expression is dark. Sylvia spoke carefully.

"Are you afraid of them breaking in?"

"Yes, miss. If there are skilled wizard, they'll be able to destroy it."

Sylvia's complexion was also dimmed by the elder's response. It was because she saw the Minions of the second prince wandering around the forest.


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The boundaries that have prevented outside invasion had been weakened, so it is only a matter of time before the boundaries are breached and the village will trampled if there is a High-ranking wizard among the Second princes' men.

Now Sylvia's eyes look at Raymond, the Fifth Prince.

The pollution that the Second Prince unleashed on the world tree's spring water, the Fifth Prince said he could purifying it. He could be scamming, but Sylvia had no choice but to hope for Raymond.

Now that the boundaries have weakened and the Second Prince's army has approached, their time was tight.

She didn't dare to rush him verbally, but her subtle look was more of a clear rush.

At Sylvia's actions, Desia looked at her angrily, but Raymond just nodded.

"Guide me to the world tree's spring water."

He could just give them a prescription of what are the needed but materials, but they may become suspicious. So he needed to check it.

"Thank you, Your Highness the Fifth Prince."

Sylvia's complexion has improved.

"I'll show you around."

Sylvia, along with the elder of the Platier Elven clan, led Raymond and his men behind the town hall. There was a huge tree in front of them, but that wasn't the world's tree

"I'll open the barrier." Silvia said in a calm voice and scattered the mana, and the tree split, revealing a passage to the world tree.

Sure enough, that huge tree was just a way to the clan's world tree. Part of the deep boundaries were opened in response to the mana of the High Elf lineage.

At first sight, Desia glistened her eyes and Gesteine was wary.

"Follow me."

~~~Read this on

Sylvia and the elder moved first, followed by Raymond and his men.

Unlike the entrance, which felt a little narrow, the interior was an open forest. There was the world tree's spring water in the center, and it didn't look good with the naked eye.

The world tree's spring water, which should hold a refreshing mana, was shedding a murky light, and the pool of water was also polluted and close to black.

"That's a lot of pollution.

Raymond murmured looking toward the world tree's spring water with a voice that everyone around him could hear.

I must have used the one I saw in the set-up house.

~~~Read this on

After transmigrating in the body of the Fifth Prince Raymond, variables began to show as he change the plot, but most of the events seemed to remain unchanged.

The substances used in world water pollution seemed to be the same. It was identical to the description in the novel.

If so, there was also the purifier to be used here. Fortunately, many herbs needed can be taken around the village of the Platier Elven clan.

They were obviously a widely known herb. However, no one knows the mixing ratio and how to mix them, so the solution is just around the corner.


"Go ahead."

"The tears of the crescent moon and the stars of the night. Do you have it?"

"They're common herbs around here. Are you saying you can purify it with that?

The eyes of Sylvia looking at Raymond was full of doubt.

She never expected a potion made by combining common herbs will act as a purifier.

"The mix ratio is.

"I don't want to let you know. I'm going to make it myself.

Sylvia bit her lip slightly at his firm answer. She forgot for a moment that Raymond was a wizard at High-ranking level.

"We don't have much time, so you'd better get it as soon as possible."

Raymond said. The state of the world tree's spring waters was serious at a glance.

Sylvia nodded slowly, and Raymond spoke with a smirk.

"The price will be paid when the world tree's spring water is purified."

"How much herbs do we need?

"As much as you can."

"I'll try to get them as much as I can.

Sylvia mobilized all available personnel to gather the two herbs that Raymond mentioned.

It took two days to collect the minimum amount needed to manufacture purification potions. Although "Tears of the Crescent Moon" and "Star of the Night" are common herbs nearby, a large amount was needed because enrichment processes were needed to manufacture the purifier potion.

"We need at least a potion manufacturing facility. Do you have any"

Sylvia nodded at Raymond's question. Elves had basic facilities because they were good at handling herbs and making potions.

"I'll show you around."

It was a small cabin on the outskirts of town. As she opened the door, Raymond immediately noticed the basic facility for potion manufacturing.

Raymond sent Sylvia.

After having Gesteine guard the cabin, he began manufacturing the purifier potions with Desia.

The manufacturing method was simple, so Raymond, who was not very interested in potion making, was able to do it without difficulty with the help of Desia.

Is it because of the enrichment process? It took about a day, but it was just as he expected.

"The potion to purify world water is complete."

It was the first sentence Raymond uttered after a day with a tired face. Sylvia, who was waiting in front of Gesteine, looked up.

"I'll show you around."

She again led Raymond and his party into an in-depth barrier. Raymond approached the spring and poured purifier potions without hesitation.

The effect of the purifier potion was greater than he thought. Because the world tree's spring water condition, which contained serious pollution, has improved by more than half in just one day.

As rumors spread that the world tree's spring waters were being purified, the elves' views toward Raymond and his escorts changed.

Unlike before, when they were wary, they have now a look of respect and awe.

"I'm here for a price."

But whether or not they were respected, Raymond still proudly demanded a price.


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