The Great Demon System

Chapter 298 - Orphanage of The Wicked and Evil

Chapter 298: Orphanage of The Wicked and Evil

"One day, as I was having a tea party with the only people that wouldn't berate me, my light puppets, Joshua, the tough kid at the orphanage came in and killed all of them right in front of my eyes, tore down my entire tea set and kicked me repeatedly on the ground with his little friends like a pack of wolfs piling up on a sheep. I had experienced similar things multiple times in the past but that was the moment that broke me and made me lose hope unlike any other."

"I cried tears of blood from all the pain, I wanted to give up… I wanted to end it all… But, that was when she came… It was almost like it was out of nowhere…"

"In my darkest time, a voice appeared in my head, comforting me and telling me that it's going to be alright. No one, in my entire life for as long as I could remember had ever been this nice to me. I didn't even know if it was real or not, if I was just imagining things, but after she took over my body and changed my appearance, I knew she was more than real… She was my first ever friend, no, more like a sister…"

"For the first time in my life, I was actually having fun, talking and sharing my experiences with another person who did not shun me. We played games with each other all the time and I introduced her to all my other friends, the light puppets of course, and instead of making fun of me, she was more than thrilled to meet them. Those were some of the best memories I have…"

"Yet, it all came with a downside, I was not able to share my new sister and best friend with all of the rest of the orphanage because I knew it was not normal and would only lead to trouble. So I kept her a secret."

"Over the years, me and my sister, who I later called Yami became really close, almost inseparable. I was still bullied and abused every day, but with her at my side, it was far more bearable."

"Yet, that all could not last…"

"One day, which just so happened to be my 8th birthday, Joshua and his goons noticed that I had been acting a little too happy for the past few days. So, he thought that it was his job to do something about that… The orphanage threw birthday parties for all of the children there, and I was no different. That was when they would strike…"

"In the main dining hall, we were all left unsupervised while all the staff were in the kitchen. And there, I was all alone against those demon children… I had never been more scared in my entire life looking at their fake smiles and devilish laughs… And, in my dread, Joshua pulled out a knife…"

"All of the kids ganged up on me and pinned me to the ground, as Joshua sat on top of me and repeatedly stabbed me on my face and body while he mocked, and screamed at me as I cried and begged for mercy. Yet, mercy was far from my grasp as all of the kids around him did nothing but stare like it was not their problem while others joined in and laughed cheering them on…"

"The pain was almost too much for me to handle… Yet, I did not fight back or find the energy in me to do it as I continued crying and accepted my fate… That was when the staff walked in on them and they were all shocked to say the least…"

"Although it had never happened before, for some reason, part of me thought that they would punish the children for what they had done to me… But, now I realize I was being far too optimistic… All they had to say was that I lashed out at them first like a crazy person and they were only defending themselves…"

"And… Guess what? They actually fucking believed them… hahahahaha… Like they were some kind of angels instead of demons! Like they could do no harm as they were simply punishing the devil themself! Hahahahah… …" Hikari had a look of pure madness as she put her hands over her laughing and crying face.

"I couldn't take it anymore… It was too much… more than ever before... I wanted to give up… I wanted to end it all… The memories are still fresh in my mind even to this day… But, on that faithful day, my sister, Yami, had enough… She had been sitting idly by through all of the torture for so long and she could take it no more…"

"As I was pinned down to the ground, bleeding from every part of my skin, I suddenly stood up, with a pulse of black energy flowing out of my body, my hair and eyes turning pitch black from their previous white… It was not me in reality, but my sister…"

"She screamed and retaliated against the children and the caretakers who looked at her like she was some sort of demon. She screamed things like "How dare you do this to my sister," and "I will tear you to shreds from your insolence," But, all they were able to respond with were a mixture of 2 words as they tried to either kill her or cower in fear… "Monster," and "Demon,"..."

"She had enough… And, in a fit of blinding rage, she went on a rampage, her burst of energy decayed and obliterated the entire orphanage along with every human and living being that resided in it like the insects and maggots they were…"

"Through her eyes, I was able to see all the death and destruction, including all of the dead faces of the children and caretakers… I was… Happy… You would not believe that pure bliss I felt seeing that look of horror and despair on Joshua's face with my blood still fresh on his knife…"

"But, as you can imagine, things did not last like that for long… There were many pedestrians who were walking by the building at the time and witnessed all of it crumble. So, the police were called. And, before I or Yami even knew it… We were knocked out and detained without getting a chance to retaliate…"

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