The Great Demon System

Chapter 292 - Gods Bane

Chapter 292: God's Bane

Jayden who was leaning behind him was just as shocked as he was looking at such a blade, and he could not really blame her…

In all his years of living in this dojo, he had never seen such a weapon.

It was a jet-black, long, sharp katana that gleamed with the ferocity of a dragon. The purple aura it gave off was mouth-watering, runic symbols of seemingly unknown origin and the figure of a demonic dragon engraved on both the red, paper-strapped hilt that had a black gem embedded into it and the blade itself that looked like it was able to cut down damn near anything in its path.

The sheath that was to its side completely matched the elegant aesthetic with the same markings and engravings as the sword, although it seemed to be perfectly concealable and not too flashy.

Just by looking at it, Moby could tell its power and craftsmanship were impeccable. Yet, that made him wonder how his parents even had such a sword. But, maybe more importantly, how they had that other item inside of it that he was saving for later.



?????? (you chose a name, idk- note, Avilia)

A well-crafted evolving sword of demonic origin and unseen potential.

+150 strength

+50 agility

+50 intelligence

+50 endurance

+50 mind

Special effect: +15% demon energy control

Special effect: +15% demon energy power

Special effect: +15% mana energy control

Special effect: +15% mana energy power

Special effect: Along with demon energy, the user of the blade can infuse it with one element the user possesses.

Next special effect: LOCKED


Moby's eyes grew wide, almost popping out of their sockets. He knew the sword was impressive just by looking at it yet seeing the stats only added on to what he felt before.

'Avilia, do you know or feel anything about this sword?'

There was a moment of silence before Avilia finally spoke.

'Those engravings are 100% written in demon language, and this sword is 100% made performed with demon crafting methods… Those dragon engravings might be either a hint or just a coincidence.? It's fairly weak compared to the strong blades I can craft but, just like you said, its potential and craftsmanship are indeed impeccable… This is no ice stick that's for sure… But, you should be just about strong enough to wield it. To be honest, If your parents were the craftsmen I don't know. Seeing how they had my necklace I'm not surprised that they would also have something like this. But, it seems like it's possible they meant it for you since no one would have known it was here without eyes of sin. I guess they must have somehow known that you and I have joined forces by now.'

What Avilia said did not seem like much, but in his year of knowing her she had never spoken about a weapon other than the top ones she could make in such high regard, so it was very much a big deal. And, as for the information about his parents, it was all speculation just like before. He already considered the possibility of them being demons or dragons, this only added to that suspicion.

'Oh, and that second item, it's exactly what you think it is. But, if you want to use it now or later is up to you. At this point, I'm not surprised they had it but it sure did save you a lot of time instead of going out to look for it,'

The item was a simple red, sphere-shaped pill the size of a pea and consuming it might change him beyond recognition. And, seeing how Jayden was with him he was definitely not going to risk eating it right now. He felt strongly about absorbing it when he found it before but now that it was in front of him, he was having second thoughts. Yet, he had not forgotten the promise to himself to do it and he promised it once more that he will go through with it very soon.

But, for now, he put that thought to the back of his mind and stored the pill in his inventory before Jayden could notice it, not that she knew what it was.

Right now, what was more pertinent to Moby was seeing what else was in the box. Like some sort of letter or even a secret message from his parents.

He lifted the blade out of the box and placed it on the floor as he looked closely with his energy sense and eyes of sin at every inch of it, seemingly like a crazy person frantically looking at nothing.

"Nothing… Why aren't my parents giving me any information!? What's the point of putting this here for me… It's cool but I'm tired of being left in the dark by them! I need to know!" He mumbled to himself in defeat, placing the box down back on the ground as he laid down and stared up to the dojo ceiling.

That was when a shadow was cast on him from above.

It was Jayden's smiling figure. She lifted his head and placed him on her lap.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure they left something for you somewhere…"

"Yeah… I know…" He smiled back at her. "But this just gets frustrating…? Who gives a present with no accompanying letter?"

"Don't worry about it!" She laughed at his remark. "Maybe the letter is just somewhere else and you've yet to find it! I wouldn't get too paranoid. That's a cool ass present! What you should be focusing on is that katana! That sword looks sick! It might be near a god-tier item! What can it do!? Show me! Does it have a name!?"

"It has no name, but I'll name it God's Bane. Pretty fitting isn't it?"

Moby's own expression suddenly turned up, smiling at Jayden as he lifted his head off her lap and picked up his new katana, feeling immense power flowing through his veins, it almost felt overwhelming. He almost felt like he was going to pop, no wonder Avilia said he was 'just about strong enough to wield it', she was not kidding.

However, for the power, he felt the strain was more than worth it. And, he sure as hell did not show that pain in front of Jayden as to not worry her.

"Here it goes…"

Both hands on his hilt, he closed his vision and imagined ice being infused into his sword along with demon energy. And, when he did, he opened his eyes to see a flame of demon energy glowing out of the ferocious sword that gave off a purple, chilly air. It was amazing, he had never felt so powerful wielding a weapon in his life. Yet, the trade-off was he was not able to maintain it for long as the stress and strain on his body increased as well. So, in the end, he only managed to get one slash in before his body could take it no more.

"Wow! That was awesome!" Jayden cheered, shivering from the side-line. It seemed like that one slash did more than he expected…

"Hahaha! Thanks!" He scratched the back of his head casually before he once again spoke. "This is a training dojo isn't? Why don't I give you some free lessons on the way of the blissful demon while I'm at it? I'm nowhere near as good as my parents but I think I'll manage."

"WOW! FREE LESSONS! That's so nice of you! But sadly, I don't use the katana…

"Don't worry, we teach daggers too!"

Time flew by as Moby and Jayden trained, almost completely forgetting about the party that they were supposed to be at. The entire time, Moby used his new katana as a training stick. Simply holding it was hard enough for him let alone swinging it. So, it served to be rather good stress training for him.

The time was now 5:00 am and they only noticed it due to the sounds of the barking stray animals outside.

That was when they decided to say goodbye to the dojo with sad eyes, once again locking the door for the foreseeable future before they returned to the empty mansion where they received a lecture from Mason himself. All the guests had long left and they were nowhere to be found.

However, he could not get too mad at them and if anything, the guests seemed to only cheer them on when Mason told them where they had run off to.

That was when Mason began to ask inquiries about what they were up to, including potential inappropriate actions that they of course denied doing, making Mason laugh.

The day was still young and there was still much to be done and discussed about. And, the top of the priority list was informing Nags and Ray about how he was not coming back to visit them even once.

Although he had done it twice now, it was never easy to break the news. But, luckily, this time, he had Jayden by his side for support.

'Hey, guys! How's it going!'

'Boss! It's you! You just up and left us yesterday… I hope you two had fun on your date…'

'Yep! It was fun indeed!' Moby did not deny it as he laughed before suddenly becoming serious.

'But, that was not why I called you now… I have to tell you something very important…'

The air fell silent, no one speaking a word before Moby continued.

'For elite school, I won't be able to contact you guys at all, or visit. Maybe mind-link would work but I'm not sure… This might be the last time we talk in a year or possibly even more…'

As Moby finished his words, the silence and tension in the air somehow multiplied, as he could probably guess what those two were feeling...

'Y-you for real?'

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