The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 59: SMS

Chapter 59

Zhou Mucheng was completely powerless in Qin Lie's hands and could only be beaten passively. Finally, he was carried away on a stretcher.

Qin Lie flicked his hands in a cheerful mood and headed towards his office. He had just ordered someone to take pictures of Zhou Mucheng's miserable state, and now he would send these photos to Ling Yue.

Back in his office, Qin Lie opened his phone and sent the pictures one by one to Ling Yue via multimedia messages.

Ling Yue was eating when she heard the continuous message notification sounds. She reached for her phone, opened it, and clicked on the messages to see a series of horrific photos. At a glance, she recognized the person in the photos as Zhou Mucheng.

A message popped up.

"Zhou Mucheng's flesh is quite firm, my hands are still aching and need to be fanned."

"Boring." Ling Yue rolled her eyes, added Qin Lie to her blacklist, and put her phone aside. Although Qin Lie seemed aloof, he was actually quite playful.

After a long wait without receiving a reply from Ling Yue, Qin Lie couldn't help but call her. He really wanted to hear her voice, but all he heard was a mechanical female voice, and his eyes dimmed. He must have been blacklisted by Ling Yue.

After thinking for a while, Qin Lie made a call to Yang Housekeeper, "Yang Housekeeper, I want to buy a courtyard house. Please help me negotiate with the other party." He couldn't wait any longer; he had to move next door to Ling Yue as soon as possible.

After Qin Lie left, Lin Ping was excited all day long. When her husband came home from work, she immediately dragged him into the room, "Head of the household, I have something big to tell you."

"Wait a moment, I'm exhausted today. Let me lie down for a while." Li Xing had been busy all day. Recently, there was a shortage of workers at the construction site, and he had been working like a dog every day. He had to rush to the construction site early the next morning.

"Someone came knocking on our door today, saying they wanted to buy our house," Lin Ping excitedly said.

Li Xing lay down on the bed and glared at her when he heard what she said, "If we sell the house, where will we live?" Even if he agreed, his father and younger brother wouldn't.

"Don't be hasty, let me finish," Lin Ping excitedly held up a finger. "One million! We can never earn that much money even if we work our whole lives."

"What?!" Li Xing sat up in shock from the bed. Had he heard it right? Someone was willing to pay one million to buy their dilapidated courtyard house? Their house would be worth no more than fifty thousand at best.

"The other party gave us three days to move out," Lin Ping said excitedly.

Li Xing took Lin Ping's hand, "You're not joking with me, are you? Someone really wants to pay one million to buy our house?"He thought either his wife had gone crazy or the person who wanted to buy the house was crazy.

"It's true, it's true. How could I joke about something like this?" Lin Ping nodded vigorously, imagining their future new life. With one million, she could buy a big house for their family to live in, and they wouldn't have to squeeze in with her parents-in-law and younger uncle's family anymore.

"Let's go tell everyone this good news." Li Xing pulled Lin Ping and headed out. One million! If he and his younger brother split it, that would be five hundred thousand each. With five hundred thousand, why would he need to work like a dog at the construction site every day?

Li Old Man was sitting on the small bench, smoking and reading the newspaper. Seeing his eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law rushing in, he glared at them unhappily, "What's the rush? You're both grown-ups, yet acting like kids."

"Dad, let me tell you some good news. Someone wants to pay one million to buy our house," Li Xing excitedly told Li Old Man.

Li Old Man frowned, put the newspaper aside on the table, and stood up, "Are you guys having some kind of crazy dream?" Their house was so dilapidated that it wouldn't be worth one hundred thousand, let alone one million. Unless the person had too much money to spend or was mentally ill, no fool would pay one million to buy their broken-down house.

"We're not lying to you. The other party gave us three days to move out," Lin Ping said, her mind still filled with the one million yuan.

"Enough, don't say anymore. They were just kidding with you. Our house is so broken down, what fool would pay one million to buy it?" Li Old Lady waved her hand impatiently.

"What's this about one million?" Li Yuan walked in.

"Today a young man came and said he wanted to pay one million to buy our house," Lin Ping recounted the story again.

"Sister-in-law, you must have run into a scammer," Li Yuan didn't believe it either. How could something like a pie falling from the sky happen to them?

"Whether you believe it or not is up to you," Lin Ping didn't argue. The result would be known in three days anyway.

"Eldest daughter-in-law, go help your mother-in-law cook," Li Old Man flicked the cigarette ash on the ground. He had always disapproved of this eldest daughter-in-law, who was always loud and fussy.

Lin Ping didn't get angry and nodded as she headed towards the kitchen.

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