The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 12: Fall into the River

Chapter 12

More and more people gathered to watch the commotion. Those standing behind pushed forward eagerly to see what was happening up front. Just as Ling Yue was about to leave, she was shoved hard by the crowd behind her and lost her balance, falling into the river.

Ling Yue adeptly flipped over in the water and surfaced with a black look on her face, cursing, "Damn it, I knew it's dangerous to watch a spectacle." Fortunately she knew how to swim and didn't need saving.

A big hand grabbed Ling Yue's arm, pulling her toward the riverbank.

"Let me help you ashore, relax your body," said a gentle voice by Ling Yue's ear.

"Thanks, but I can swim," Ling Yue shook his hand off and swam toward the shore herself.

The people on shore quickly stretched out their hands and pulled Ling Yue ashore. At the same time, the young man who had jumped into the river and his rescuer were also pulled ashore by the crowd.

Ling Yue glanced down at her drenched clothes and walked away with a gloomy face. Fortunately she had worn a coat when she went out, so she wasn't revealing too much of her curves.


Ling Yue recognized the voice calling her belonged to the man who had tried to rescue her. She stopped and looked back to find an extraordinarily handsome face coming into view. Though totally wet, he didn't look messy at all. On the contrary, there was an extra charm about his appearance. Water droplets slid down his hair onto his neck, finally disappearing into his drenched shirt, adding an air of mystery and temptation.

The man came up to Ling Yue with a faint smile. "I'm a doctor. I see you have bandages on you, so you must be injured. Come to my clinic to change your medicine and clothes." He glanced meaningfully at Ling Yue's soaked attire. Though it was summer, there was still a chill when the wind blew.

"No need," Ling Yue declined softly and walked on. After a few steps, she halted. If she went back like this, old lady Xu would definitely worry. She turned around to look at the man. "Let's go then."

Si Yuejing's lips curved up slightly as he led Ling Yue to his nearby clinic.

"A dentist?" Ling Yue looked at the dental clinic sign in surprise.

Si Yuejing smiled lightly. "A dentist is also a doctor."

"True," Ling Yue conceded with a shrug and followed Si Yuejing into the clinic.

"Dr. Si, you're back. Why are you drenched?" the nurse looked shocked when she saw Si Yuejing's wet state. Wasn't Dr. Si just going out to buy stuff? There wasn't a downpour outside, was there? She glanced out the window where the sun was blazing brightly.

"Do you have spare clothes to give this young lady?" Si Yuejing nodded at Ling Yue next to him.

The nurse looked at the equally soaked Ling Yue. "I bought a set of clothes yesterday that I didn't bring home yet. Come with me, miss."

Ling Yue nodded and followed the nurse, who took out a bag from her toolbox and handed it to her. "Here, go change inside."

"Thanks!" Ling Yue took the bag and went into the room the nurse had pointed to.

After taking off her wet clothes, Ling Yue removed all her soaked bandages. She changed into the spare clothes, but her underwear was still damp. Well, it was summer anyway.

Si Yuejing was speaking with the nurse when the sound of a door opening made him turn sharply. The next moment, he couldn't tear his gaze away. Fair and delicate skin, a pert nose, rosy lips, and most captivatingly, those phoenix eyes with peach blossom allure that could hook one's soul...

Ling Yue looked down at herself. "Something wrong?" The dress was a knee-length floral print that fit perfectly.

Si Yuejing snapped out of it, his earlobes faintly red. He shifted his gaze awkwardly. " Do you want to change your bandages?"

Ling Yue nodded. "And give me another face mask too."

"Xiao Yu, bring them for her." Si Yuejing didn't dare look into Ling Yue's eyes again. They seemed able to bewitch one's soul. Once he gazed into them he'd lose self-control.

"Alright." Xiao Yu went to a nearby cabinet and took out a roll of bandages and a new face mask. "Do you need antiseptic as well?"

"Just the bandages, thanks," Ling Yue called back. Her wounds had already healed. She only wrapped bandages now to avoid suspicion. After all, she had suffered serious burns. Such quick recovery would invite unnecessary trouble if discovered.

"Let me wrap them for you," Si Yuejing hesitantly offered. Though a dentist, as a doctor he knew basic first-aid.

"I'll do it myself, thanks," Ling Yue took the items from Xiao Yu. "May I change inside?"

"Go ahead," Si Yuejing nodded.

After dressing her wounds, Ling Yue put on the mask and exited the room. "How much for this dress?" As the dress was newly bought by the nurse, Ling Yue wouldn't take advantage of her.

Xiao Yu glanced at Si Yuejing with a faint smile at Ling Yue. "It's nothing, take it."

"Then let me pay you the tag price. Sorry the money is wet, just dry it off," Ling Yue took out some cash for Xiao Yu after seeing the price tag earlier.

"Alright then," Xiao Yu accepted reluctantly.

Ling Yue looked at Si Yuejing. "Thank you!" She had heard him jump into the river when she fell in.

"Don't mention it," Si Yuejing smiled amiably with a wave of his hand. Just then the clinic phone rang urgently. Si Yuejing strode over to pick up. His expression changed drastically after the other party spoke briefly. "What happened to Grandpa? Okay, I'll go to the hospital right now!"

Si Yuejing hurriedly hung up and told Xiao Yu, "Something happened to Grandpa, I'm going to the hospital."

Having overheard the call, Ling Yue knew Si Yuejing's grandfather was likely afflicted, not ill. She recalled meeting an old man like that at the antique market. Si Yuejing had helped her so she decided to tag along to help if she could, to repay his kindness.

Preoccupied with his grandfather's plight, Si Yuejing didn't object when Ling Yue offered to join him. "Let's go quickly then."

At the hospital, Si Yuejing rushed straight for the ward. Seeing the doctor still examining his grandfather, he kept silent by the bedside awaiting the checkup to finish.

As Ling Yue entered the ward, she immediately sensed a malignant aura. Noticing the sufferer's face, she recognized the old man she met at the antique market at a glance. He must have bought that jade turtle.

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