The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 17

Liu Ming'an finally ended up in the same bed as Jiang Ning, his heart pounding like a drum. He lay stiff as a board, not daring to move a muscle or even breathe deeply.

Jiang Ning slept on the outer side of the bed. Though they shared the same blanket, there was almost half a bed's width between them, not even a corner of their clothes touching.

Liu Ming'an clung tightly to the edge of the bed, eyes wide open in the darkness, his body rigid and his mind racing, without a hint of sleepiness.

After an indeterminate amount of time, Jiang Ning's soft voice sounded beside him: "If you can't sleep, I can help you."

Just as Liu Ming'an was about to ask how she could help, he heard Jiang Ning continue in a flat, emotionless tone: "I can knock you unconscious."

Liu Ming'an nervously swallowed, the sound clearly audible.

"Heh," Liu Ming'an heard Jiang Ning's soft chuckle and imagined the curve of her lips as she added, "You're such a coward. Do you think I'm going to eat you or something?"

"I..." Liu Ming'an opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

After a while, he heard her speak again, as if making casual conversation: "With your level of courage, how did you dare to buy a woman on the street?"

Jiang Ning sounded as if she was half-asleep, her voice a bit lazy and her words drawn out, lacking her usual coldness. In the darkness of night, it had an inexplicably bewitching quality.

This was a topic Liu Ming'an could respond to. He hurriedly replied, "I didn't intentionally go to buy you. I was going to buy writing brushes and ink. I just happened to pass by and saw Zhao Instructor beating you. I couldn't bear to see it."

"Zhao Instructor." Jiang Ning murmured, remembering the man who had poked her wounds with a wooden stick. She wondered if he knew the true identity of this body.

She made a mental note to find an opportunity to meet him later.

Quickly, Jiang Ning realized another issue: "Does the law in this country allow people to be bought and sold on the streets?"

"Generally, it's not allowed to buy and sell ordinary citizens, but there are a few exceptions."

"What exceptions?"

"First, those who sell themselves into slavery and have slave status. Second, the families and three generations of descendants of condemned officials. Third, those who have served more than eight years in prison. Fourth, people who have committed great moral transgressions."

"What's considered a great moral transgression?" The first three were easy to understand, but the last one sounded absurd, like a "moral crime," so Jiang Ning asked.

"A great moral transgression refers to severe violations of this dynasty's etiquette and laws, such as an only son not supporting his parents, or a woman not adhering to proper female conduct."

"Interesting," Jiang Ning remarked. In the era she came from, laws punished crimes, and morality guided behavior. The law was the minimum standard of morality. Moral errors at most led to public criticism, but here, they could result in the loss of human rights.

"Liu Ming'an, which category do you think I fall into?" Jiang Ning suddenly turned her head towards Liu Ming'an's direction and asked, even though she couldn't see anything.

Liu Ming'an hesitated for a moment before answering, "I don't know."

Jiang Ning had asked casually, not expecting him to tell her, since she couldn't even guess herself. When she first transmigrated, the battered body she inhabited revealed nothing.

Changing the subject, Jiang Ning asked, "So, did you end up buying the writing brushes and ink later?"

"No, after I bought you, I had no money left."

Liu Ming'an's voice was clear and melodious, with a hint of barely noticeable amusement, as if he was gently teasing.

Jiang Ning fell silent, and after a while, she slowly said, "Let's sleep."

After this casual chat, Liu Ming'an's emotions had curiously calmed down, and his mind relaxed. Combined with the injuries he had sustained during the day, the afternoon's exertions, and the long conversation with Jiang Ning before bed, he now felt physically and mentally exhausted. Drowsiness washed over him like a tide, and before long, he fell into a deep sleep.

Jiang Ning listened to the steady breathing beside her, knowing that Liu Ming'an had fallen asleep.

But she couldn't sleep.

She had known from the start that she would be unable to sleep tonight.

As far back as Jiang Ning could remember, she had never shared a bed with anyone. Although she knew Liu Ming'an was someone she could trust, years of habit couldn't be changed in a short time. Jiang Ning could only lie quietly with her eyes closed, trying her best to rest.

Jiang Ning had many reasons for forcing Liu Ming'an to share the bed with her tonight.

This scholar was truly a good person, like a living Bodhisattva, treating her with utmost kindness without any ulterior motives. Such purity of heart was genuinely rare.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, Jiang Ning planned to stay with him for the time being. As for his future marriage and children, that was a matter for later consideration.

It was also because of this that Jiang Ning felt a rare emotion called "sympathy" when she thought about Liu Ming'an giving up the bed to her, a mere guest in his home, while he, a tall man of over six feet, curled up on the table every night, coughing from the cold in the middle of the night.

Jiang Ning didn't like owing people anything, but after transmigrating, she found herself indebted to Liu Ming'an in ways she couldn't repay. While she couldn't reciprocate in other ways at the moment, sharing half the bed was an easy gesture.

However, Jiang Ning had overlooked one thing: some people move around in their sleep.

Like Liu Ming'an.

After falling asleep, Liu Ming'an tossed and turned, rustling about restlessly.

At first, Jiang Ning paid no attention. That is, until Liu Ming'an's movements brought him right up next to her.

His breath was close enough to feel. Jiang Ning turned her head to find that Liu Ming'an had shifted from lying on his back to his side, curled up with his head against her shoulder.

Jiang Ning inched towards the edge of the bed, putting some distance between them, but before long, Liu Ming'an had snuggled up to her again.

Jiang Ning moved, Liu Ming'an followed. She moved again, he followed again...

Finally, pushed to the edge of the bed, Jiang Ning sighed inwardly and decided to endure it.

After all, a little contact wouldn't kill her.

After Liu Ming'an settled against her, he quieted down and slept soundly. Jiang Ning thought they might remain peacefully like this until dawn, but clearly, she had no concept of how restless sleepers behaved.

A moment later, Liu Ming'an rolled over, turning his back to Jiang Ning with the space of a person between them. Jiang Ning had just breathed a sigh of relief when Liu Ming'an continued to roll, inch by inch, towards the other side of the bed, taking all of Jiang Ning's blanket with him.

Feeling the chill on her body, Jiang Ning had no choice but to move closer to Liu Ming'an, pulling back the blanket he was lying on to cover herself.

Unfortunately, in pulling the blanket, she also pulled back a whole person.

Liu Ming'an, as if sensing the force in his sleep, rolled over again, his hand swinging with the motion and landing on Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning's body instantly tensed, her brows furrowing deeply. Resisting the urge to kick him off the bed, she grabbed Liu Ming'an's hand and tossed it back to his side.

However, less than a minute later, Jiang Ning suddenly felt a weight on her leg, then half her body sank down. Liu Ming'an had rolled on top of her, his leg draped over her body, one arm wrapped around her, clinging to her like a limpet.

"You bastard!" Jiang Ning couldn't help but curse under her breath.

Jiang Ning pushed him away, but within minutes he was clinging to her again, insisting on sleeping while hugging her. If Jiang Ning wasn't absolutely certain that Liu Ming'an was truly unconscious and unaware, his actions would have earned him at least three broken ribs tonight.

Jiang Ning closed her eyes and took several deep breaths to calm herself.

The next time Liu Ming'an rolled towards her, Jiang Ning was quick to react, firmly pressing her hand against his shoulder to stop his movement. Liu Ming'an struggled briefly before giving up, opting instead to hug Jiang Ning's arm and finally staying still.

Jiang Ning resigned herself to Liu Ming'an tightly hugging her arm. Tired of exerting herself in the middle of the night, she closed her eyes and, unexpectedly, drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning.

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