The Fox Goddess

Chapter 95 "Now Am I Qualified To Be An Adventurer?"

After the two passed through the gate, they were even more astonished at the sight of the City.

It was more beautiful than they had imagined. Houses are next to each other, the Lane is bustling with people. Humans, beasts, Dwarfs, and even Elves can be seen walking around the street.

'The City Lord must be crazy strong to establish something like this, where the race can live peacefully here.' Yuki thought after seeing the insides of the City.

"Let's go Yumie, we need to find our source of income," Yuki said to Yumie.

"Okay!" Yumie said excitedly. After looking at the City, Yumie was rather excited at looking around the City.

Yuki only chuckled after seeing Yumie's enthusiasm, "You are rather excited about this huh?"

"Of course Mom, I have never seen this kind of environment before. Not even the Lizard tribe come close to this!"

"Yeah, you're right." Yuki nodded at Yumie's answer.

"What about you Mom? Isn't this your first time seeing something like this?" Yumie asked curiously ay Yuki.

"Maybe?" Yuki shrugged and looked around to see the Adventurer Guild that the Guard talked about.

Sadly for Yuki, there is no way for her to see where the Adventure Guild is, so she can only ask around to know where it is located.

"Ummm excuse me, do you know where I can find the Adventurers Guild?" Yuki asked politely at a Human lady who was sitting on a bench.

"Ah yes, you only need to walk that way and take a right after that. You will then see the Guild after that, you cannot miss it." The old lady answered.

"Thank you!"

"No problem."

Yuki and Yumie then started to make their way where the lady had pointed.

"Well, that was easier than I thought," Yuki exclaimed when they were far away from where they were a few minutes ago.

"What do you mean about that Mom?"

"Well, I thought she would be arrogant because I can sense some Power in her."

"What really, I didn't even notice!"

"Yeah I guess she was concealing it, but her power is not to be looked down on," Yuki warned.

"Wow, I didn't expect for us to meet an expert already!"

"And that's why I told you to not attract attention."

"I got it!"

"Now we should go to the Guild now and make some money!" Yuki patted Yumie's head.

Yuki was currently sitting in Yumie's head, she was simply too lazy to walk like Yumie. Yumie didn't mind it because this was an excuse to be much closer to Yuki she thought.

When Yumie took a right she and Yuki immediately saw a giant sign that clearly said

"Adventurers Guild."

"Looks like we're here!" Yumie said to Yuki.


Yuki then hopped off Yumie and started to examine the Guild on the outside. After looking at it for a few more seconds, the both of them then entered and went straight to the Assistant behind the counter.

While they were walking toward the assistant, they constantly received looks from the people that were inside the Guild. Especially Yuki who was the one being looked at the most.

But Yuki simply ignored it and continued her walk. On the other hand, Yumie was getting restless, she was not used to getting stared at by people and it made her embarrassed.

"Don't do anything, just walk," Yuki said just as she was about to run away.

"O… Okay."

Yuki can even hear them whisper to each other, but then again she is used to this because of her past life.

"Hey what do you think they're going to do?"

"They'll probably just put up a request."

"Yeah, there is no way that they are going to register as adventurers."

"Agreed. It's impossible for them, especially for that Fox who looks harmless."

"The Pink Lizard too!"

Yumie's mouth twitched when she heard that Yuki looked harmless, she then looked at Yuki who was beside her, and thought that Yuki does look harmless right now.

But what the adventurers know, is a demon is hiding inside that harmless look.

"Hello, we would like to register as adventurers," Yuki said to the person behind the counter.

"Adventurer!" The man shouted after hearing Yuki's words.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Ah no."

The man's loud voice caused a ruckus in the Guild.

"No way!"

"She wants to be an adventurer!"

"She looks too cute to be one!"

Yuki felt her temper going down when she heard the words around her. This is one of the things that she hates the most, being looked down on.

"Calm down, there's no need to create a bloodbath." Yuki consoles herself.

Even though she said that she wasn't confident about killing all of the people inside because she can sense some strong people among the crowd.

Yuki deliberately didn't use her passive because she wants to be surprised if there is a test to see if you are qualified to be an adventurer who will spar with someone.

"So what do we need to do to become one," Yuki asked as her patience was slowly dying.

Before the assistant could answer her questions a large Human man came to Yuki and Yumie and confronted them.

"I advise you to stop becoming an adventurer." The man said arrogantly while looking down at Yuki.

"Ho.. why is that?"

"Simple because you're weak!"

Yumie felt like crying when she heard the man's words.

'Oh my god! I hope your body is still intact later on." Yumie prayed, she then looked at Yuki who was slowly releasing cold air around her.

"How do you know I am weak? You haven't even tested me?" Yuki answered back.

"Test you. Hahaha, you heard what she said, guys!" The man said as he eyed the room to look at the crowd.

After that, the people started laughing while pointing at Yuki while others pitied Yuki.

"She's unlucky to meet Fred here."

"Yeah, I know."

"I hope she stays alive."

Yuki's mood starts to slowly go down by the second when she hears the laughter around her.

"I don't care about your opinion." Yuki shrugged as she didn't want to kill the man in front of her.

"You don't care huh, pretty arrogant if I may say."

"Look who's talking dumbass!" Yuki said she even used her telepathy around the guild.

"Dumbass!?" Fred felt like popping a vein when he heard Yuki. But Yuki already started to ignore him and went to talk again to the assistant in the Guild.

"So is there a test?"

"Yes, we just need to test your Mana and Skills." The assistant said.

"Little fox, this is the last warning I'll give you, I'm even being nice to let you live by not letting you outside. Go back where you came from and just suck your mommy's tits in your home."


Yumie felt more worried because she knows that Yuki doesn't like to talk about her mother, and she was right about that. Yuki's surroundings started to freeze the ground, chair, and even the ceiling.

But the people around them still didn't notice it.

"Hey, if I kill this man, will I pass the test?" Yuki asked in a demonic tone around her which caused the people to stop laughing and felt a shiver down their spine when they heard her.

"Yes!" The man panicked after hearing Yuki's voice change.

After that Yuki turned around and created four Ice Swords and cut Fred's arms, and legs.

There was total silence when Yuki did that, Fred didn't even have the chance to scream because Yuki picked up his bloody foot and shoved it into his mouth.

"Now there is one thing that I hate the most in this world, other than being looked down on. What I hate the most is my mother being disrespected." Yuki said and continued, "I hope in your next life you can understand your mistakes about insulting the wrong person."

"No, please don't kill me!" Fred pleads as fear completely took over him, but the people around him didn't understand his words because of the foot that was shoved into his mouth.

The Guild became silent after that.

Yuki then freezes Fred's whole body before shattering it into ice dust. Yuki then turned around and met the eyes of the assistant who was shivering from the fear and asked.

"Now am I qualified to be an adventurer?"

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