The Fox Goddess

Chapter 5 A Life And Death Situation/LvL ??

When Yuki was found by the lion, Yuki immediately avoided the lion's claw at her. Fortunately, she managed to dodge at the last second. If not she would be dead right now.

"Haaa sh*t that was close, ok I better be careful fortunately I think I'm faster than the lion. Oh my god, I'm lucky that I added 3 points to my Agility."

QUEST: Defeat and eat the lion (Hard)

Reward: 1000 EXP, 2 Skill points

"Yes perfect timing a quest and it's hard to, ok time to do this"

After successfully dodging the lion Yuki then ran toward the lion and used her scratch in the lion's eye. The lion then sensed that Yuki was getting close to him so the lion used her claw to counter Yuki, but Yuki managed to dodge and hit the right eye of the lion.


"HAHA take that you big cat!"

After attacking Yuki then ran again to dodge another claw, when she was about to run again into the lion. The lion did something unexpected.


After the howl, Yuki blasted away into a tree and took a lot of damage.

HP- 17/30

"F*ck! He has a long-range skill that's not fair!" Yuki began to curse her luck

After the lion managed to hit Yuki, the lion immediately pounced on Yuki and used its claws. Unfortunately for Yuki she was hit and took damage again.

HP - 10/30

"No… Nooo! I can't die right now. I need to live and be the strongest so I can see Serene again." After she was hit she coughed up a handful of blood.

When the lion saw that Yuki was about to die it immediately used its claws again, but this time Yuki managed to dodge the lion and used it to scratch the other eye, but she missed it and hit the lion's head.

"How the hell! did I miss that's supposed to be accurate sh*t" When the lion was hit in the head it was extremely mad now and immediately started attacking Yuki non-stop.

"F*ck is this how I die again, is there no more hope for me? Haaaa I failed you, Serene." When Yuki was about to be hit she then remembered something that can she use to beat the lion "Yes I remember I have a potion quickly system use it"

[The host will consume 1x potion Yes/No]

"YES!! just use it quickly damm it"

HP - 30/30

"Ok now I'm back to full health, let's dance big cat let's see who will win.

After restoring her health Yuki then ran into the other eye then used a bite of the eye of the lion. Fortunately this time she managed to hit the lion and bite off his eye. " Now yes, the lion is blind now I have the advantage, Ok time to die now lion."

After saying that Yuki quickly ran into the lion's neck and put it as hard as she could. When the lion felt Yuki was on her neck the lion immediately used its claws to attack her but Yuki already knew what the lion was thinking so she jumped up and dodge the lion. The lion then hit itself and cried out in pain.


"HAHAHA you stupid cat f*ck you, I guess you're not that smart huh? Ok, now you can go to hell." After cursing the Lion Yuki then dive bombed and used her claws to attack the head, then she used to bite again at the previous spot that she bit into.

When Yuki bit the lion's neck again the lion couldn't keep its balance anymore and fell. Yuki then saw this and found a golden opportunity and immediately used both of her claws to attack non-stop. After attacking non-stop Yuki then ate the lion and found it delicious, then when she gulped it down she heard a voice in her mind


[The host gained 200 EXP for killing and eating a lion]

After seeing a notification Yuki was ecstatic when she was about to eat the lion again Yuki heard another notification in her mind and a screen appeared in front of her.


QUEST: Defeat and eat the lion (Hard)

Reward: 1000 EXP, 2 Skill points

[Quest Complete now rewarding host]

[Bonus reward for 1st try]

[1x evolution pill, and 2x lvl pill]

[Now rewarding host of all the rewards complete Congrats host for beating a hard quest for the first time]

"Hehehe the system even congratulated me and gave me extra rewards. This is good. I guess this is not bad living like this huh." After that Yuki then ate all of the lions, after finishing all of it she felt power surging through her.

Yuki was confused at first but she then received a lot of notifications.


[The host is now lvl 4]

[The host is now lvl 5]




[The host is now lvl 18]


Race - Fox

Lvl - 18

Exp bar - 0/160

The requirement to evolve: 1x evolution pill 18/20 lvl

HP - 200/200

Mana - 500/500

Magic - 220/220

Rank - N/A

Cultivation - N/A

Martial Arts - N/A

Skills - Bite(1), Scratch(1)

Status Point - 75

Skill Point - 19


Str - 25

Int - 29

Agi - 33

Def - 24

Dex - 24


(World Map),(Letter),(Manual Guide),(x5 Potion),(Exp Boost x2),(x1 Evolution pill),(x2 Lvl pill)

Yuki was surprised at her stat being high and she didn't even use her status point " Wow look at my stats now how should I distribute my stats?" After thinking about how to distribute her status point she then saw the evolution tag on her status board so Yuki decided to ask the system about it.

"Hey, system, what is that evolution? When I was lvl 3 I didn't see that there?"

[The reason that the host did not see that is that the host is too low lvl for that]

"Hmmm ok, so that's why. So when I lvl up to 20 and eat the pill will I instantly evolve?"

[No the host will not evolve just yet the host must choose what the host to evolve into]

"Oh I can choose what I want that's good, so where are the choices that I can have?"

[The host can still see it because the host still does not meet the requirement to evolve]

'Hmm so I still need to be lvl 20 ok then time to work' When Yuki was about to go hunting again she then remembered that she had another pill in her inventory.

"Oh yeah, system, what is this lvl pill?"

[The host can use this pill one time to lvl up once every pill]

"Hmm, that's good ok... WAIT! I have two of these so when I use these won't I get to level 20 now hehehe LUCKY!"

Yuki then clicks at her inventory and brings out her pills, but she doesn't know how to use this so she asks the system again. " Hey system, how do I use this pill? Do I just eat them?"

[Yes the host just needs to eat them and digest them]

"Hehe thank you now I can be lvl 20 and evolve, I hope that this is not disgusting"

Yuki then put one of the pills into her mouth and swallowed it, after swallowing it she then grabbed the other one and gulped it down.

After eating the two pills Yuki then heard two notifications in her mind.

[The host is now lvl 19]

[The host is now lvl 20]


[The host can now choose her evolution path]

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