The Fox Goddess

Chapter 201 The Start Of Despair

"Is this video really not fake?"

"No, the originality, and time of the video is real. But I understand you, how can a single fox kill "The Ten" of Royal Destruction, and not only that. In the video it showed that she killed more than 300,000 people using a single attack." The people get chills just by remembering it.

"I wonder if the Academy Wars would be cancelled because of this."

"No, they said that the Academy Wars are still going to continue but there is a difference on how it's going to turn out. It is said that it would be free for all battle types, where each race would put one representative each. To determine the winner, they said that whoever has the most students, is the winner."

"I think that the Race is going to get bullied in this War, looks like they will be last again. HAHAHA." All of them laughed. They were humans so they don't have any pity towards them.

"Hey, you never know. That they might win. IF a miracle happens. HAHAHA" All of them began to laugh again as they knew no miracle could ever save them.

Meanwhile inside the Royal Palace, the tension inside the Main Hall was very tense, The cold air around them only makes it worse as Yuki's bloodlust is leaking out slowly. After getting the news, her mood has not been very good. The only thing that kept her from erasing the Royal Beast Academy is that Aika's information didn't get released.

"How did this news get out?" Yuki asked in a chilling tone, that they haven't heard for a while.

"I'm going to be honest with you Yuki, but I also don't know. But our closest guess is that someone was peeking in the battle, we just didn't see or feel that person. Our elders think that the person must be a trained professional in stealth." King Dagart told the truth, but it didn't make Yuki's mood better.

"Miss Yuki, I hope that you are rational and believe us. We also wouldn't dare to release this news outside as it can bring war." Aoi said to Yuki.

"I know! But do you at least have any idea who would leak this out?" Yuki questioned them.

"I- we currently have no idea who would do it." Lian spoke.

"F*CK!" Yuki smashed the table in front of her to dust in anger, if this person knows her battle then they would definitely have a recording about Aika which will put her in a lot of trouble. This is the matter that angers Yuki the most, she cannot let Aika be in danger. Her surroundings were really cold, some people even backed away from her.

"Tell me how many people we need to fight in the Academy Wars." Yuki changed the subject as she plans about the Battle soon that will happen in just a few hours.

"The maximum student that they can bring is only 300. So you better expect 300 for each race, well except for us. We only have a hundred, and considering the video that got released the other Race is definitely not happy with us, so I think they would gang up on us." Lian answered Yuki's question.

"Let me be the last person to fight then. For Yumie and Katsumi, put them before me. For your line up, I don't care. Just defeat as many people as you can." Yuki stood up and left, she was going to find those two and tell them about the plan.

"Alright, I will follow your orders." Lian nodded and also left, she was going to find the other students and tell them about Yuki's plan.

After a few hours, the time has finally come. Sounds of people cheering very loudly in a stadium that was 10X bigger where Yuki fought before. The only reason that it's big is so that it could hold more people, as for the real Arena it was a decent sized one. It was about a mile big.

"We are all gathered here today to watch the long awaited Academy Wars! Today we are joined by the following Academies!"

"From the Human Race, we have the great and powerful Omega Human Academy! They have been the defending champion for 1,000 years in a row now. The Academy is known for its strong and best students." The announcer shouted, then a group of people then walked in wearing their battle uniform that is made from the school. There were also some flag wielders there that waved the Omega Human Academy Logo, and soon all the humans in the stadium began to cheer on, some also were brave enough to trash talk at the Beast Race.

"We are the strongest!" The students stomped on the ground and shouted.

"We cannot also forget the Elf Race! They are the smartest race to ever live, and have won 3 times in a row in the Academy Wars before the Human Race took over. We have Mother's Nature Academy!" Soon the students from the Academy entered the stadium and waved at the fellow elves, and the whole coliseum was then filled with the cheers of the Elf Race. They didn't shout like the Humans did, but they still gave off an imposing aura.

"The Dwarf Race of course is here! Even though they had only won a single time, their strengths are not to be looked down on. It's the Black Titan Academy!" Sounds of heavy footsteps were heard, and soon all of them saw short but powerful Dwarves enter with heavy armour. The Dwarf Race also cheered for them loudly.

"And finally, we have the people from the Beast Race. Even though they had been in the bottom in the thousands of years, no one could still defeat their feat of winning the Academy Wars for 10,000 years. Here comes the Royal Beast Academy!" Yuki and the rest of the students then entered with Lian being in the front as she is the Princess along with Ike. But the whole coliseum was quiet, no one cheered for them as no one believed. The Beast Race has long given up on the Academy and Sect Wars.

"Ahem! Today we are not joined by the other Race as they forfeited before the match could begin, so for this Academy Wars we are only joined by these four Race. So could the representative of each Academy give the opening speech." The announcer coughs to ease the awkwardness.

After the other three said their opening, it was finally time for the Beast Race. Lian then walked in the middle.

"Thank you for letting our Beast Race join today's Academy Wars. I swear to the Mystic Dragon God that we of the Beast Race would fight fair and respect our opponents." Lian bowed and got off the stage, then as she was walking down she heard laughter from the three Race.


"Then we shall now start the Academy Wars. I will explain the rules to you guys. This battle is going to be a FFA type battle. The student that has been knocked out would be replaced by another fighter, so if your fighter is still in the battle you are still good. Anything is allowed in this battle, even killing! To determine the winner is simple, the Academy that has the most active fighter would be the winner. So could each Academy now pick who would be their first fighter please. After you pick one, please kindly walk in the middle." He explains.

"We would go with her weakest first okay, just stay strong and try to defeat them." Lian talked to all of them, everyone was nervous except for three people. And that is Yuki and her two daughters.

"Alright, everyone, good luck!"

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