The Fox Goddess

Chapter 168 Your'e Too Arrogant!

When Yuki got home it was already quite dark. Yuki silently walked around the place and found it even more beautiful, and even though the fight was already over there were still a lot of people looking around the Place.

"This Planet us bustling with people even though it's only used for fights." Yuki muttered aloud.

"Oh are you new here young lady?" A nice looking old man asked Yuki with a smile, the old man didn't recognize Yuki as she had her hood down.

"Oh yes, do you know why there is a lot of people here even though the main reason that they come here is already finished?" Yuki asked.

"Ah, that. That's because this Planet is only open when there is a huge famous fight that will happen, meaning it's always closed to people even if they have a high position in the Universe. But the main reason is that this place has a lot of good scenery such as the Mountains here, the Coliseum of course, and many more." The old man explains to Yuki with a smile.

"Then when will they close this down?" Yuki asked as she looked around more.

"It's probably after the welcoming party for the brand new member of the SS Class Adventurer, since this is the place it will be held. There will be a lot of people involved here, especially those huge Guilds that want to invite Yuki, the new SS Class. I even heard that there will be a parade just for her, rewarded by the Beast King for bringing glory to them." He said, which shocked Yuki.

"What, isn't that too crazy?" Yuki said while sipping a newly bought drink.

"Nah, I can understand why the King did it. It already has been a few centuries since a new talent of the Beast Race has rose, and you have probably heard the placement of out Beast Race in the Sect and Academy Wars, we are dead last." The old man sighed.

The old man then looked at Yuki who was silently drinking her juice.

"Sigh if we were only born as one of the strongest kinds of Beasts, maybe we can change something. Me as a Rat Beast is considered one of the weakes, and you young lady is a Fox right?" The old man looked at Yuki.

Yuki, who was silent for quite a while, finally spoke. "Well, it really doesn't matter what kind of Beast you are, as long as you have the talent or the strength to push yourself to the absolute limits, I believe that you will be a great person. Look at Yuki, she was just a Fox and a Demonic Beast, but she defeated a person which is one whole Rank higher than her." Yuki felt weird about praising herself, but she just did it out of a whim, as she firmly believes that it's not all about talents that makes a great person. It comes from their determination to become one.

"Plus even if you are born as the strongest kind like the Dragons, how are you so sure that you can make a change? Even if a person has been born with the greatest talent, or that person is born with the best genes from his parents, it will all come down to his/her determination to become a great person that will be marked in history." Yuki said to the old man.

The old man felt like everything that Yuki said is all true, even his judgement earlier was almost useless.

"You're a wise person, young lady." He smiles at her.

"Not really, it's all experience." Yuki then slightly raises her hood till the old man saw her face, after showing her face she then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Yuki just felt like showing the old man a new world by her words, that's why she showed her face. Even though she doesn't know that she has a great talent because of her mother, her determination and hardwork was still the one that put her into this level.

"This is going to be troublesome." Yuki sighed when she got back from Aria's mansion. Aria had already told her how to use the teleporter to travel along the Planets, so it was not hard for her.

She will just have to pick her destination and put the teleportation crystal in a container for it to work, and Aria has long given her many of those.

When Yuki saw the huge pile of dress in the Main Hall, she held her forehead, and just as she was about to run away. She felt a grip into her arm, and when she looked up she saw Aria smirking at her.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Why the f*c - why do I have to attend there? Didn't I already beat that person to a pulp, that means I don't have to appear anymore right." Yuki tried to wiggle out, she almost cursed at Aria but decided not to as she knows that Aika can hear everything.

"Look here Yuki, if you don't attend there they will think that you are extremely arrogant. It will ruin your reputation if you do that." Aria explains. But when she looked at Yuki, she only saw Yuki's cold eyes looking at her.

"Does it look like I care about what they think of me? They are not my family to judge me." Yuki said she then used some force to shove Aria's hand away.

"I know but please can't you do it? You just have to show up there for the face of the Beast." Aria pleaded.

Just as Yuki was about to explode in anger as they keep persuading her, they head a knock from the door and the maid entered with a pale face.

"Master, the Royal Family is here to see you, and they said that they also want to see Miss Yuki." The maid said hurriedly.

"Another troublesome person appeared, just my luck." Yuki said in disdain.

"Hurry, bring them tea to drink and the best food that we have. I'm just going to change some clothes." Aria said she then hurried back into her room and got dressed.

Meanwhile Yuki only looked at the flustered maid and said leisurely without a care. "Call me in my room if Arian finishes."

Without waiting for an answer she walked back to her room and locked the door. She then took out the Flute and released Aika out of there.

"Did you get bored while you're in the int Flute?" Yuki asked as she put Aika into her lap. This let her mind and heart calm down after she talked with Aria.

"It was fine Mommy, but why do I have to go there? Can't I just stay with Mommy or does Mommy hate me?" Aika raised her head and looked at Yuki with teary eyes.

"Of course not. Why would I hate you?" Yuki was stunned after hearing Aika's question.

"Then why does Mommy won't take me with her." Aika's wings drop down.

"Don't worry about all of that. I love you of course, I just don't want people to see you as a Fairy." Yuki then began to explain to Aika why she cannot go out, after explaining Yuki can see that her mood has gone up. But deep inside Yuki can tell that Aika is sad that she cannot go out.

"Don't worry Aika, I will definitely let you out someday. You just gotta wait for now." Yuki assured her, there is actually already a way, but it was currently impossible for Yuki.

She will have to use her Transformation Skill in Aika, but when she saw how much Mana she would waste everyday if she were to do that made her mad.

Requirements to Transform Aika to Human Form - 150,000 Mana per day.

"Alright I believe Mommy." Aikai said.

Suddenly a knock comes again and she has to say goodbye to Aika, but she already has a plan for later when they sleep. Yuki would sleep together with her.

"Miss, Master is looking for. She said that she is ready"

"Go back for now Aika, I'll let you out later okay?" Yuki smiles at her.

"Okay Mommy, you promised me!" Aika smiled and her body again started to glow.

"Of course." Yuki smiles and waves at her.

When Aika vanished, Yuki's smile faded and she walked out of her room with her clothes being the same.

"You took a long time." Yuki walks to Aria who was looking anxious. She was currently wearing her City Lord outfit.

"Why didn't you dress up?" Aria pointed out.

"Don't care. They are the one that is looking for us, why would I need to bother myself with dressing up." Yuki shrugged and opened the door.

Aria didn't have the time to stop Yuki as she already entered with her hands in her pocket and sat on the sofa across from the King and his two children.

The guards were absolutely angered by what Yuki did, she didn't even bow to them or at least greet them and just sat down.

"You are in the presence of the Royal Family, have you got no manners!" One of the guards yelled and pointed his Spear towards Yuki.

"You're too arrogant!" Suddenly all the following guards followed and soon Yuki found 10 weapons pointed towards her.

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