The Forgotten Princess

Chapter 458 The Darkness (3)

458 The Darkness (3)

Snow was running at the fastest speed she probably could.

“Be sure to hold on tight, Alicia.” Snow said.

“Hmm...” I nodded.

I held on to her fur as hard as I can. Snow was navigating the streets of Tarmac as if she knows the place well. I believe she had been navigating these streets in her cat form since we have arrived.

I looked up and saw the wyverns flying.

“Snow, there they are!” I pointed out.

“Yes, I know.” Snow replied.

Snow used the buildings in the vicinity as stepping stones and climbed swiftly. We were now traveling in the rooftops.

I conjured myself an ice bow and arrow. As I have heard, if I focus my magic power on a weapon then I can at least pierce thru the tough skin of the wyverns. I shot one arrow and hit a flying wyvern on its wing. It fell down on the street in an instant. The other wyverns saw us pursing them.

“Well, that got their attention.” Snow said.

“Raymond is getting away!” I pointed.

“Then we need to deal with these ones first.” Snow said. “Ice breath!”

Snow’s ice breath was able to freeze up to three wyverns in our way. I quickly followed her up with ice arrows, shattering the wyvern’s frozen bodies. A wyvern jumped in our way.

“Get out of the way!” Snow yelled.

Snow used her claws and scratched the wyvern.


The wyvern screamed in pain. Snow then used her sharp teeth to tear the wyvern apart. Blood showered down the houses and streets below us.

Snow resumed following the wyverns that are accompanying Raymond.

“Oh no, we are nearing the manor.” I said with dread.

I was correct all along. Whatever it is that is possessing Raymond right now is after my twins. I can feel the dark and dreadful aura in the Lycan settlement much stronger around the possessed Raymond. Whomever it is that sent those wargs to attack the Lycan settlement is behind these wyverns as well.

“Snow, we cannot let them near the manor!” I said. “They are after my children.”

“I know.” Snow replied. “I will not let them!”

Snow quickened her pace. Just before the Forger manor was a flowing river. Raymond and the wyvern that was accompanying him were just atop the river. That was when I thought of something. I have an affinity with water magic even if it was not that high, and with a body of water nearby I can channel my water magic to a much higher level.

I concentrated on the river’s flowing water and made it burst to the top making huge water pillar. The water pillar hit the wyverns and Raymond in an instant.

“Thankfully, there is a body of water nearby.” I said. “Snow, use your ice breath!”

Because I was focusing on my water magic, I have let Snow be the one to freeze the water.

“Sure thing!” Snow replied.

Snow then use her ice breathe and froze the water pillar that have caught the wyverns. The wyverns were caught up with the frozen water and were screaming.


Their screaming was painful in the ears. I conjured ice arrows and once by one aimed for the wyverns’ heads. When Snow and I closed in, the wyverns were all dead, but Raymond was not where he should have been.

“Where is he?” I asked and looked all over the place.

At the corner of the frozen water pillar, I saw Raymond standing. Up close I can see the change in his appearance. It was like he was a whole different person with such dark aura surrounding him.

“T-The chosen one... the ch-chosen one...” Raymond muttered. “Must kill... the chosen one...” He started to walk towards the Forger manor.

“No... I will not let you!” I instantly jumped off Snow and took my sword out. I held it with one hand and charged towards Raymond.

“Alicia, no!” Snow yelled out to me, but it was too late.

My sword pierced thru Raymond’s shoulder. The feeling of piercing thru human flesh made me cringe. But what happened next made me goosebumps. Raymond who should be reeling in pain was unfazed. He slowly faced my way and I saw his eyes were all black. I took a step back with the fear with the aura he is emitting.

“One... chosen one...” Raymond muttered with a dark ominous voice. “Chosen one...”

“W-What are you?” I asked.

The aura all over his body blasted out as if a tornado had just been made. I braced myself and used my arms to shield myself from the blow. When the impact of the wind lessened, I realized that Snow was in front shielding me from the blast.

“Snow...” I called out to her.

“Hang in there tight.” Snow said.

The powerful wind subsided, and I took a peek behind Snow’s big body. The man who should be Raymond looked nothing like Raymond at all. There standing was a man with long black hair flying with the wind. He was wearing an all black attire. Everything about him felt very ominous.

The man looked my way and the all black eyes were still there. But rather than be in a daze like before, he was in full control. Dread filled all over my body and I was not able to move.

The man looked at his body and started to stretch out his arm and hands.

“Hmmm...” The man said. “It feels... different. Oh well, might as well use it until we do what we came here for.”

The man looked at the direction of the manor and was about to move. I was not about to let him go and hurt my children. My body was frozen in fear, but I willed it to move. Maybe because of my maternal instincts I was able to move and found my voice.

“Stop! I yelled at the man.

The man stopped in his tracks and turned back to look at us.

“Oh, look at that.” The man smirked sinisterly. “It looks like the descendant of my sworn enemy is right here before me.”

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