The First Store System

Chapter 1506: Tide Convergence!

Chapter 1506: Tide Convergence!

After picking up the supporting type skill, Breeze brought her focus back to the counter. She then reached for the last shelf in the first row, and when she pulled her hand out, there was a card held by her.

She immediately focused on the content of it. Once he read the skill, she was awed by it as usual, but her confidence in it wasn't very high to pick it, so she attempted again and pulled out a new skill card.

Time flew by, and finally, on her seventeenth try, she pulled out a skill card. Once she read the details on it, she immediately liked it and decided it was her skill.

[Name: Tide Convergence

Type: Combination (Attack and Defense)

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to peak Divine Transformation

Effect: Harmonizes offensive deluges and defensive aqueous barriers, creating a devastating convergence that overwhelms adversaries while providing impregnable defense

Description: The skill taps into the combination essence of water to seamlessly integrate the offensive and defensive aspects of the water. It transforms the user into a master of aquatic manipulation, wielding a devastating convergence that overwhelms adversaries while providing impregnable defense.

Attack Aspect:

Deluge Assault: The user conjures powerful torrents of water, unleashing them upon adversaries with overwhelming force. These deluges surge forth with relentless power, engulfing adversaries and inflicting substantial damage upon impact.

Defense Aspect: Aqueous Shield: The user forms a formidable barrier of aqueous energy, creating an impregnable shield that protects the user against physical and magical attacks with unparalleled efficiency.

The skill demands profound understanding and control over the element of water. The strain on the user's focus can be significant and requires constant vigilance to seamlessly transition between offensive deluges and defensive aqueous barriers while managing energy usage.

Price: Nine thousand ordinary Sacred stones.]

Now that Breeze had received all five types of skills available in the store, she walked toward the semi-pillar at the center end of the room. She didn't lack money, so she wasn't going to miss the experience session.

Time flew by, and after waiting for several minutes, Breeze reached her turn.

A few seconds later, she was left with the last skill to experience. She didn't waste any time and placed the [Tide Convergence] card in the card compartment, and following that, her consciousness was in another space.

Breeze was standing in an arena with several enemies ahead of her. Each enemy had a different weapon in their hands while they looked threateningly at her.

The battle arena wasn't very big but only around fifty meters, and it was in the middle of an endless waterbody. She could see large fish jump out of the water from time to time, but there seemed to be a barrier around the arena, so not even a drop fell on the arena, but it got absorbed by the barrier, further enriching the element of water.


Suddenly, a bell rang and announced the start of the battle.

The group of enemies seemed to have gained lives at that moment and they immediately pounced on Breeze. Each of them was ready to kill Breeze.

Breeze consciously wanted to take a step back and run away from the scene, but fortunately for her, her body was out of her control and prepared to defend herself.

As the first enemy neared her with the spear ready to cause a severe injury, Breeze activated the skill and then immediately switched it to its defensive form.

A barrier made of water emerged around her and faced the spear. The spear couldn't move any further, but at that moment, a few more weapons had joined to damage the barrier.

The barrier finally saw some fluctuation since the weapons weren't simply attacking but had different kinds of energies around them, trying to destroy the barrier.

Breeze remained calm, slowly stepped back, and immediately deactivated the barrier. She then immediately pounced forward with a torrent of water forming around her.

Breeze then released it, focusing all its impact on one person. Following her command, the torrent of water hit the enemy right in the head.

The impact was so hard that the head cracked open immediately, but as another successful hit landed, the head exploded, no longer able to bear the strike.

At that time, Breeze had already backed away and activated the defensive barrier to protect against oncoming attacks. Time flew by, and Breeze effectively showed her prowess at the skill.

The skill in her hands danced from defense to offense immediately, giving the opponent no chance to fight back. As the situation continued, the number of enemies began to decrease one by one, but at the same time, Breeze was also losing her energy reserves at a rapid rate.

It was an experience session for skills, so it wasn't going to limit the effect of the skill, nor did it attempt to teach Breeze how to attack. It simply used the most basic way things could work to unleash the effects of the skill to their full extent.

When the last enemy died, the energy reserves had also been exhausted, forcing Breeze to gasp for a full breath. Fortunately for her, she was only in an illusion. When she returned to reality, the exhaustion was no longer there.

The screen on the pillar immediately lit up, and content began to appear on it. Breeze looked anticipatingly at it since it would show her the time it would take her to master the skill.

[Skill: Tide Convergence

Level: God

Cultivator: Early to Peak Divine Transformation

Compatibility: 58%

Training Time: Two Years and seven months.]

Breeze nodded with a smile after seeing the training time. After combining the training time for all five skills, it would take her around ten years to master all five of them.

Ten years wasn't a long time, so Breeze found it to be more than acceptable. She even hoped that in ten years, when she would have fully mastered the skill, she would no longer be at the late Divine Transformation level but at the peak of the cultivation level.

With an excited smile, she left the queue and turned around toward the exit. When she walked out of the room, there was a small number of customers before the store owner, and she also joined them.


"Store owner, please complete the sale," Breeze respectfully requested, gently handing the five skill cards to Aakesh.

Aakesh nodded and took the cards. He then returned them after taking a single glance at them.

"You need to pay twenty thousand… ordinary Sacred stones," Aakesh informed Breeze, and immediately after that, a mechanical alert rang in Breeze's ears.

"The cards are yours…" After hearing the notification of the successful payment from the system, Aakesh informed Breeze and also told her about the extra things related to the product.


At the same time, a bombardment of mechanical alerts had happened inside his head. Aakesh decided to focus on it later since there were customers ahead of him.

After completing the purchase, Breeze asked about the weapons, and once she had gained enough information, she thanked Aakesh and walked toward the weapons room.

She wanted to enter the training area as well, but since anything below the immortal level of difficulty could be directly purchased, there was no need for her to ask the store owner about it. Once she had gotten herself a great weapon, she would pay using the store card and enter it.

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After Breeze left, Aakesh got busy in conversation with other customers.

Time flew by, and a few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

"Hello, store owner," The man respectfully greeted the store owner. He was a new customer, and immediately after greeting him, he asked about the products.

After completing the introduction, the man asked for Panagea, but after finding the lack of spots in it, he asked for some pills and then left the store, promising to return tomorrow to get a spot in Panagea.

Once the man left, another customer took his spot. She came to Aakesh to complete the purchase of the weapon, and once the purchase was complete, she left the store after thanking Aakesh.

Once the woman left, Aakesh was finally free of customers, so he immediately asked the system, and following that, several mechanical alerts rang in his head.


[Host, congratulations on completing the "Mission Objective: Sell Skills" successfully! The commission for the sale has been transferred to you.]

[The "Mission Reward: Multiple elemental skills" will be given after the store's closing!]

[Please see the following screen for your fifth skill's quest!]

The next moment, a blue screen containing the details of the fifth skill's quest appeared in front of Aakesh.

(Chapter End.)


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