The First Store System

Chapter 1279 Training And Panagea(3)

Chapter 1279: Training and Panagea(3)

Aakesh put his bow back into the space ring with no change in his expression. The pregnant bear mother was not only saved by Aakesh due to those hunters' mistakes, but it also got food for its baby whenever it would be born.

The mother bear couldn't see that far as it didn't have blessed vision. It only looked in the direction from which the arrows came, and its eyes contained gratefulness. Aakesh had already left the scene and was close to reaching the source of the roar.

The sound of weapons clashing rang in Aakesh's ears when he was around two miles away from his destination. The sound of roars had turned even louder.

For some reason, Aakesh suddenly thought of using the [Fortune Eye]. It was Aakesh's intuition, so he immediately stopped and activated the [Universal Eye].

The next moment, a blue screen containing the real-time 3D projection of everything in the radius of 100 yojanas around him appeared in front of him.

Aakesh then activated [Fortune Eye]. The next moment, another screen, smaller than the former, appeared in front of him.

It contained the projection in a radius of ten yojanas around him. That distance covered the source of the roar as well as the metallic clashes.

Aakesh could only see the fortunes of beings up to fifteen levels higher than him. Fortunately for him, the level of the beings was around the same level as his, so their fortune was visible to him.

The skill considered every being worth watching over, so there were more than a hundred beings in the golden projection range.

Aakesh noticed that except for the two figures, none had golden threads for their fate. Black fate lines dominated those creatures. It only meant one thing, they were in danger of dying.

It was a real-time projection, so the number and colors of fate lines were changing every second.

Suddenly, ten creatures in the projection had no fate lines other than black. It meant certain death, and as expected, the next moment, these creatures disappeared from the projection.

It was only the start as after those ten deaths, creatures began to disappear one after another. In no time, more than half of the total creatures had died.

Instead of the number of deaths slowing down, it only grew. Only a minute since Aakesh activated the [Fortune Eye] had passed when every life in a radius of ten yojanas, except for two people, had disappeared from the projection.

At the same time, the number of golden fate lines had seen explosive growth for both figures and it was still growing.

When suddenly, intense pressure descended on the area. Even Aakesh's face grew solemn as he bore the brunt of the pressure.

The owner of that pressure was at least a Level 400 creature. The next moment, a change occurred for the two survivors.

The golden fate lines for one of them began to grow explosively, while the other saw their golden fate lines getting devoured by black fate lines.

Not long after, the number of black fate lines surpassed the combined sum of red and golden fate lines for the said creature on the projection.

While the other creature was glowing gold in the projection. The intensity of the pressure remained constant until it suddenly vanished as if it were nothing but Aakesh's illusion.

With the disappearance of the pressure, the creature had also disappeared, leaving only one person in the projected range of the [Fortune Eye].

The survivor was glowing golden as if he had some heaven-shaking fortunate event waiting for him.

Aakesh decided to follow the being when he suddenly found that the being had disappeared from his projection.

Aakesh couldn't help but frown since he was confident that the last survivor hadn't died. It would take a world-destroying attack to kill someone with that many golden fate lines.

He decided to check the area, and his frown deepened when he found nothing except for the corpses of the dead beasts littered here and there in terrible shapes.

Aakesh walked two steps forward and looked at the ground since it was the spot from where the last survivor had suddenly disappeared.

Aakesh was confident that the survivor was still alive because there was one fewer body than there should have been if the survivor had gotten killed. 

The next moment, Aakesh activated the [Energy Overseer]. Following that, Aakesh saw blinding red dots spread across the ground in large quantities.

In the midst of those countless red dots, Aakesh noticed some colorless energy dots.

As Aakesh tried to activate those energy dots, the intense pressure he had felt a minute earlier reappeared.

The next moment, the ground began to rumble. What was more surprising was that only the ground where Aakesh stood when he activated the energy dots was rumbling while the remaining was still and silent.

Aakesh understood why he hadn't heard the rumble despite only being two miles away from the source. He then returned to the spot.

The next moment, a crack emerged in the ground, and following that, a gigantic gate appeared.

Aakesh decided to test something, so he moved out of the spot, and the gate and crack became invisible to him.

Even the skill, [Energy Overseer] failed to see anything. He tried to walk past, and he did it without obstruction.

Only when he returned to the spot did the gate again become visible to him. The next moment, the gate opened. It was as if it was waiting for him to return to the respective spot.

When the gate opened, Aakesh saw the same scenery that was behind the gate, but with the help of the skill, he found a membrane of colorless energy dots.

The last survivor must have left for the place beyond the gate, and since Aakesh couldn't get anything if he hadn't selected the participant, he followed.

The membrane was senseless, and Aakesh felt nothing when he passed through it.

When he passed through it, Aakesh found himself in a dark, damp place with stairs ahead of him, and they were going down.

It was one of the smoothest teleportations Aakesh had experienced, so he was curious about the being who created the area.


A/N: Comment, Comment, Comment!!!

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