The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 3929: Decide

Chapter 3929: Decide

Ning Xi invited the two of them to help open up the space together, so that the passage would be more stable, and it would not be easy for Mi Mi's soul to have problems.

Wu Huai and Ji Wuji nodded respectively: "Okay!"

The two rose into the air together with Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang, and jointly opened up a space passage.

As for where the passage is, the sky is obscured by the law, and they don't know, they only know that it will be much safer.

After the space channel was completely stabilized, Ning Xi said to Luo Yan, "Send Mi Mi's soul in!"

Luo Yan pursed his lips tightly, and jumped into the air with Mi Mi, who had lost her consciousness.

Very reluctantly, she bowed her head and kissed Qin Mimi's forehead, and then she put her soul into the entrance of the space channel with tears in her eyes.

Soon, Mi Mi's soul was acted upon by the force of space and floated out along this passage.

Ning Xi also took out a transcendence talisman to wrap Mimi so that she could be reincarnated smoothly.

"Mom, when Mimi is reincarnated in the future, will she still remember us?" Luo Yan couldn't help asking, looking at Mimi's soul, which was drifting further and further away from sight.

Ning Xi reached out and patted his shoulder, "Her soul is already very weak, so after reincarnation, her memory should not be awakened, so we can only find her."

Luo Yan clenched his hands tightly into fists, "If Mimi couldn't find us, she would definitely be scared!"

Watching Mi Mi's soul completely disappear in front of her eyes, the space channel slowly began to narrow.

Luo Yan took a deep breath and suddenly made a decision. He raised his head and looked at Ning Xi firmly, "Mom, I want to accompany Mi Mi to reincarnate and bring her back!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was amazed, and Xi Qingyou and others showed disapproving eyes.

Reincarnation is not fun, who knows what it will be like?

Lan Mi's situation is also a last resort, and reincarnation has become the only way to survive, so this is the choice for everyone.

"Xiaoyan, let's go find Mimi in the future. Reincarnation is not an easy thing." Xi Qingyou couldn't help persuading her grandson as she looked at her.

Luo Yan pursed his lips tightly, shook his head and looked at Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang.

Ning Xi knew her son's character, and even ten horses couldn't pull back the decision, which was more like her.

She and Luo Yinhuang looked at each other, looked at him seriously and asked, "Have you decided? You also need to strip your soul if you want to reincarnate. If you are annihilated by others before we find you, it will disappear forever. in this world."

Luo Yan didn't hesitate, "I know the consequences, I've decided, I can't let go of Mimi wandering in a strange place alone, I will definitely find her and bring her back."

He also carried a kind of self-confidence and tenacity that both Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang had, "I have been sheltered by my elders all these years, and I have never endured hardship or encountered any problems. There should be more difficulties."

"I also believe in my innate ability, I will definitely be able to find Mimi and come back."

A smile appeared on Ning Xi's serious face, "Okay, this is my son!"

"Since you want to go, then go, just never regret your choice."

Luo Yinhuang looked at his son and continued, "your mother and I will not interfere with any of your choices, and you must also remember that we will always be the firmest and most powerful backing behind you."

Luo Yan felt sad and warm in his heart. It was undeniable that his parents were really nice and open-minded. He was very fortunate to have grown up in such a family.

"Okay, my son will always remember it!" He nodded firmly.

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