The Female Celebrity Transmigrated into the Daughter of Her Arch Nemesis

Chapter 4: Are You Kidding the Dog

Chapter 4

Tan Ruo...oh no, it's Ji Ruochu now.

When Ji Ruochu was three months old, she had mastered rolling over very adeptly. This could be seen from how she would often stick her little butt in Ji Mochen's handsome face.

Which also made Ji Mochen feel proud despite his sadness. expected of his daughter. Not only does she eat a lot, she rolls over so agilely too. She has a promising future!

But the couple never expected that their Ruo Ruo's "promising future" would come to a perfect halt at the "three tumbles" (rolling over at three months).

By the time the "six month sitting" milestone came about, the little girl was still soft and floppy all over, completely unable to hold herself up.

"Baby, let's sit up and play for a bit okay? You can't keep lying down. Even though you're still small, you can't be so unmotivated, come, sit up..."

As Ji Mochen spoke, he carefully propped up his daughter's upper body.

The six month old Ji Ruochu was forced to sit up in her crib. Her fox-like eyes were full of unhappiness, and her little mouth opened to reveal a tiny milk tooth. Ji Ruochu was posing as if to say "I'm warning you! If you keep pestering me, I'm going to throw a tantrum!"

Seeing her fierce look, Ji Mochen who had just become a dad instantly behaved himself.

"Alright alright, daddy was wrong..."

He gently and carefully put his daughter back down.

"Dear, this won't do. Could our baby have...some condition?"

"Why don't we...go to the hospital and get her checked out again?"

And so, while she was sleeping, Ji Ruochu woke up to find that her parents had sneakily brought her to the hospital again!

It was the same pediatric specialist as last time.

Ten minutes later...

"Don't worry, everything is developing very well."

"But up till now she still can't sit up. Is this really not a problem?" Ling Chujin was very worried.

The specialist was startled, then held up the girl who had just been woken up and made her sit straight.

"Look, she's sitting just fine isn't she?"

But right after the specialist finished speaking, the girl who was sitting up straight a moment ago tilted to the side and lay back down.

Specialist: ......

Ji Mochen couple: ......

Ji Ruochu sprawled on the ground: I've said it clearly. As long as I can lie down, no one can make me sit up! [Extreme Fierce Face.JPG]

Half an hour later.

Ji Mochen couple left with complex expressions on their faces. Playing back in their minds were the specialist's slightly shocked look and words "it's fine, the child is just too lazy to move".


The young couple never expected that the first label officially stuck to their fair-skinned beautiful daughter would actually be “lazy”.

After that, Ji Ruochu lived up admirably to her reputation of “laziness”.

At seven months...

“Baby, we’re already seven months old. You can’t just keep rolling over, you have to learn how to crawl now. Look, daddy will demonstrate for you...”

After saying that, Ji Mochen demonstrated rolling for his daughter.

After rolling one round, he saw that his daughter hadn't moved an inch. Ji Mochen very patiently demonstrated again:

“Baby, do you understand?.. It’s like this...rumble...”

And so Ji Ruochu watched as her former nemesis rolled round and round her like a ball.

Ji Ruochu looking at her phone like a subway old man:.....How silly.

In the end, perhaps seeing Ji Mochen trying so hard to demonstrate, Ji Ruochu still made a token effort and crawled half a round before lying down with a huff to sleep soundly.

Watching his daughter who had only crawled halfway before lying down, a sweaty Ji Mochen thought...oh well, half is still something.

When Ji Ruochu was eight months old, learning to crawl became a top priority.

“Ruochu, for things like sitting, rolling over, and so on, we won’t force you if you don't want to. But crawling is very important. It will affect your ability to learn walking in the future. Come, mummy is here. Won't you crawl over to mummy okay? If Ruochu crawls over, mummy will reward you with a new toy.”

Ling Chujin, also extremely anxious, stopped half a meter away from Ji Ruochu, a little sheep toy in hand, full of hopeful anticipation.

Ji Ruochu tucked her legs under herself and sat in the middle of the bed. She looked at Ling Chujin not far away, thought briefly to herself, and decided to just give her loyal fan mum some face.

And so the Ji Mochen couple witnessed their daughter industriously crawl towards Ling Chujin. Her movements were extremely skillful, her pose extremely elegant.

Good heavens! It was flawless!

At that moment the young couple were on the verge of crying tears of joy. The doting dad Ji Mochen then took another small toy, his entire face full of persuasion, saying to his daughter:

“Ruochu is so awesome! Ruochu, come to e on over. If you come, Daddy will give you this...”

But unexpectedly, Ji Ruochu who was already holding the little sheep toy had her small face fall instantly. Her mouth pouted, hands tucked themselves away, and her head tossed back: Hmph~

[Mini Scene]

Fan mama: Baby, come to mama! [starry eyes.jpg]

Ji Ruochu: ....I'll just give the fan mama some face [crawls laboriously.jpg]

Arch nemesis: Baby, come to dada! Come to dada! [Double starry eyes.jpg]

Ji Ruochu: Are you kidding me?! Hmph~ [Extreme Fierce Face.jpg]

The rejected Ji Mochen: o(╥_╥)o

And so the tragic scene of the pitiful old father Ji Mochen being injured was officially staged. Ever since then, whenever this lowly dad thought back to it in the middle of the night, he could not help but shed bitter tears.

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