The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 99: It’s Captivating Soul to Kill Ones Son and Ones Grandchildren, Autumn Sleeps Late in the West Wing

Chapter 99: It’s Captivating Soul to Kill One's Son and One's Grandchildren, Autumn Sleeps Late in the West Wing

On the night of July 19, the barrier lake in the upper stream collapsed twice, and huge waves fell down the river.

On the evening of July 20, the flood peak reached the boundary of the Capital.

At 07:30 p.m., the Lugou bridge was cut off by the flood, and only six of the eleven arches were still intact.

At around 9 o'clock on July 21, the South Embankment had broken in eight places, officially declaring the loss of the whole line.

The sun was blazing in the afternoon.

"Zhao Yuankun, the second son of Zhao Rongheng, has been identified!"


"Dad! I don't want to die, I don't want to..."

The executioner raised and lowered his knife, and his shrill cry suddenly stopped.

Shen Lian raised his foot and stepped on the tumbling head. A military man immediately picked it up and threw it into the torrent not far away.

Then someone came forward and dragged the headless body down.

Shen Lian scratched Zhao Yuankun's name with a vermilion red pen and then said, "Next!"

This time, it was a quiet young man of eighteen or nineteen years old who was brought up.

Jin Yichuan stepped forward and looked at the young man a few times. He then sang his name in cadence, "Zhao Shoulian, the eldest grandson of Zhao Rongheng, has verified his identity!"

"Woo, woo!"

As soon as his identity was verified, he heard a whine from behind. Looking back, Jin Yichuan saw that Zhao Rongheng, who was tied to a wooden stake, was struggling violently as never before.

Obviously, the position of the eldest grandson in his heart was far higher than the two sons who were killed before.

If they had known that this day would come, why would they dare do such actions?

Jin Yichuan sniffed and sneered. Just as he was about to make a few sarcastic remarks about Zhao Rongheng, he heard Sun Shaozong say in a soft voice, "Draw closer and let him look carefully."

This was a hundred times more exciting than any sarcasm!

Seeing his grandson being pressed down at his feet, Zhao Rongheng seemed to be in a dream. Zhao Rongheng struggled crazily, and the wood pile that was deeply wedged into the river embankment was also swayed by him!


However, Sun Shaozong only used one cold word to crush all his struggles!

Just listening to the “clicking” sound, the pitiful head fell to the ground, and the hot blood in the cavity sprayed Zhao Rongheng's head and face.

At that moment, the slight expression on Zhao Rongheng's face was enough to support a 90-minute ethical tragedy!

However, Sun Shaozong's attention was not on Zhao Rongheng. Compared with the tens of thousands of innocent people affected by the disaster in the two prefectures and seven counties on the South bank, what was the pain of a corrupt official?

What he was most concerned about at this time was the reaction of the dozens of Hebei officials on the side!

These Hebei officials were specially invited by Sun Shaozong in the name of Wang Yan to observe the punishment.

As for the purpose…

Embezzlement of money and food for disaster relief by local officials has always been the most common routine in ancient costume plays. Sun Shaozong invited them to watch the punishment in order to scare them in advance so that no one would ever defy the law!

This was also the only thing he could do for the victims at present.

Looking at the rustic faces, it was obvious that the effect was not bad.


Sun Shaozong was peering at Hebei officials. Zhao Mu'en, the eldest son of Zhao Rongheng, has also been brought up.

With the example just given, Sun Shaozong did not explain it this time, and the military men brought it to Zhao Rongheng's feet.

Who knows, before Jin Yichuan came forward to verify his body, Zhao Mu'en rushed forward and bit Zhao Rongheng's leg viciously!

No matter how the soldiers pulled and beat him, Zhao Mu'en refused to let go. In the end, they could only tear off a large piece of meat, which separated him from his son.

"Give back my Lian'er's life! You give back my Lian'er's life! My Lian'er, my hard-working Lian'er!"

Zhao Mu'en's crazy and mournful roar echoed on the embankment for a long time, and after a word of "chop,” it was completely silent…

—Dividing Line—

Because of the flood barrier, Sun Shaozong waited until the third day of August before finally returning to the North bank.

At this time, things on the North bank had changed. Wang Yan was removed from all his official posts and handed over to the three departments for joint investigation. As for the post of flood control and disaster relief Commander, Xu Furen, a senior cabinet scholar, took over.

Even Jia Yucun was asked to return to the Capital by Liu Chongshan.

On the third day of the third lunar month, Sun Shaozong went to the Xuanzhen Temple and waited for a sign for half a day. But he didn't even see Xu Furen's face. Thus, he could only return to the Capital to report on his “grace.”

It happened that Sun Shaozong was also physically and mentally exhausted after more than half a month. Since others didn't even want to see him, he naturally had no interest in continuing to waste his time on the North embankment.

It's easy to drive all the way.

Back in Sun's Mansion, it was naturally another scene.

His Elder Brother led the whole family to welcome him out. He set off hundreds of firecrackers to celebrate. He then set up a table of tonics to eat with him.

After having enough to eat and drink, looking at the mess of cups and plates at that table, and thinking about the famine victims on the South bank, he felt even more vividly the verse of the poet, "The wine and meat at the Zhumen gate stink, and the road has frozen bones."

Fortunately, Sun Shaozong was not so pretentious. Even after seeing human suffering, he still slept peacefully in the lotus tent of the brocade quilt-carved bed.

This sleep lasted until the afternoon of the next day.

Sun Shaozong woke up in a daze. Seeing the light in and out of the house, he covered his head with a quilt and shouted vaguely, "Fu Rong and Shi Liu, hurry and send me the clothes for changing and fetch me a basin of clean water!"

Unexpectedly, after a few shouts, there was no response from Fu Rong and Shi Liu, but some news was heard.

Puzzled, Sun Shaozong looked up and saw a slim and full figure at the end of the bed. She was lowering her head and taking off her shoes and socks. Besides a pink belly pocket embroidered with lotus flowers, she had nothing to hide!

The woman took off her shoes and socks and carefully went up to the end of the bed. She put her white arms around Sun Shaozong's legs. She climbed up like a beautiful dog, but just halfway up, she met Sun Shaozong's burning eyes.


The woman's face suddenly turned red, but she didn't shy away from it. She only said helplessly, "Sister Rong asked me to come here to relieve your fatigue."

The woman climbing the bed was naturally Xiangling.

Sun Shaozong was aroused by her charming appearance, but he still insisted and asked, "Where is your Sister Rong now?"

"The Big Master invited a troupe to sing at home, and Sister Rong went to the front to listen to the play," Xiangling said. Her watery pupil gathered slightly, and she weakly added, "I said I would come back before dinner."

Sun Shaozong held her in his arms before the words fell!

Xiangling gave an exhort, and her beautiful eyes became even more blurred. She thought that she would have to endure the baptism of storms next. Unexpectedly, her body suddenly warmed up, and she was wrapped in brocade by Sun Shaozong.

Xiangling was puzzled, and Sun Shaozong said, "Sister Rong is kind-hearted, how can you dirty her house? Come on, let's go to your West Wing to relieve our fatigue!"

With these words, he held Xiangling under his arm and hurried to the West Wing.

This waste of time was just like what was said in the romance of the Western Chamber, “I'm full of soft and gentle fragrance here. Ah, Ruan Zhao goes to the rooftop, and spring brings color to the flowers on earth. The willow waist style is placed, the flower center is gently opened, and the dew drops and peonies open.”

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