The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 297: The Nightmare Magic, First Encounter of the 5 Ghosts

Chapter 297: The Nightmare Magic, First Encounter of the 5 Ghosts

After lunch, Sun Shaozong went to Wanping County to take a quick look around, and it was only 3:30 pm.

When he returned to the mansion, it was still early for Xue Pans banquet. However, if he were to go to Daxing County for another inspection, he might arrive late at the banquet.

While Sun Shaozong was contemplating his next course of action as an official, Cheng Rixing hurried in to report, "Your Excellency, something has happened! Just now, Lord Lin received a report saying that Chen Zhu, the Right Councilor of the Office of Transmission, was killed by his son using a flower pot!"

Right Counselor of the Office of Transmission? Wasnt that Xue Pan's immediate superior? Sun Shaozong quickly asked Cheng Rixing to call Lin Delu in and inquire about the case details.

It turned out that Chen Bo, the legitimate eldest son of Chen Zhu, had suddenly become insane due to some unknown reason recently. At first, it was just making a fuss for two days. Today, at noon, when Chen Zhu went to visit, he suddenly picked up a vase on the shelf and smashed his father's brain! The maids and servants present at that time were all dumbfounded, until Chen Bo, holding half of the vase and shaking to leave, a few servants rushed forward and tied him up in various ways.

Chen Bo tried to escape, saying that he wanted to sweep away the demons in this world and return the world to a prosperous future.


A crazy son killing his father, this was truly a tragedy. However, since many witnesses have witnessed it firsthand, there was nothing to investigate in this case. So Sun Shaozong casually ordered, "If that's the case, then let Assistant Magistrate Wei... Forget it, let me personally go."

Although the Office of Transmission was an idle Yamen, the Right Counselor was still a fifth-grade official, a major case of violating human ethics.

Therefore, the Punishment Department should at least send an official who could handle it.

Originally, Sun Shaozong intended to hand it over to Wei Ruolan to handle, but on second thought, he had just asked Xue Pan to post a post to Wei Ruolan. There was inevitably a suspicion of saying one thing and doing another. Therefore, he changed his mind temporarily and decided to personally come and arrest Chen Bo.

There was no mention of mental illness at the moment, especially the unforgivable act of patricide. So he called on Qiu Yunfei, Zhao Wuwei, and about ten captors and helpers, and rushed to the Chen family in a lively manner. The head of the family died unexpectedly, and the Eldest Young Master became a father killer.

In addition, the wife in charge of the family in this mansion had already died of illness two years ago. The only legitimate son at present was the Concubines son of the Chen family, who was eleven years old. Therefore, the Chen family has completely lost someone to lead.

By the time Sun Shaozong arrived with his men, the mansion was in a mess. Chen Zhu had died for more than two hours, but the mourning hall was not ready, and the body was just carried carelessly to the living room.

Moreover, when they entered the hall, several Concubines tore at each other's clothes, which were not neat. Seeing outsiders breaking in, they had no intention of restraining themselves either.

Although two of his Concubines were quite attractive, and the spring light shining in their collars was even more eye-catching, Sun Shaozong didn't have the leisure to look at them at the moment.

Immediately, his face darkened, and he scolded, "What kind of people are you? Lord Chen's bones are not cold, how dare you be so impolite?!" The Concubines all looked at Sun Shaozong with their eyes but didnt let go of each other.

Zhao Wuwei immediately took a step forward and stared at a pair of chests with great righteousness, saying, "This is our Master Sun in the governance of the Central Judicial Office. How dare you and other women be rude in front of him?!"

Everyone knew Sun Shaozong of the Central Judicial Office. Even when Chen Zhu was alive, he was afraid to give in to Sun Shaozong, let alone these lowly Concubines.

The people scattered around respectfully greeted Sun Shaozong. Sun Shaozong then glanced around a little and asked solemnly, "Where is the butler in this mansion?" A few Concubines, looked at each other, eyes staring for a while, and finally, it was the Auntie who had just caused the most trouble who said, Report to Lord Sun, I just wanted to send the evil bastard that killed the Old Master to the Yamen for punishment, but the dog slave stopped me! Now he's leading a few dogs and has taken control of the firewood house in the mansion, and no one is allowed to get closer!"

Looking at this rightful and upright person, he was probably the Concubine who gave birth to the eleven-year-old son. About the dog slave she had in her mouth, it was most likely the confidant that the former mistress of the Chen family had left behind, which had caused the confidant to disobey and instead prompted someone to defend Chen Bo.

In wealthy households, this was a common drama. Sun Shaozong was not interested in paying attention to the intrigue of the house-fighting drama, so he asked about the location of the firewood house and rushed over with his team.

He noticed a few fit servants near the woodshed, waiting outside with shovels and sticks under the leadership of a middle-aged man. How dare you?!" Zhao Wuwei rushed forward with a brisk step upon seeing this. He pulled out his waist knife and shouted, In front of Master Sun of the Central Judicial Office, how dare you hold a murder weapon before him? Are you trying to gather people to resist the law?

Then, one by one, the men abandoned their shovels and began to tap the ground, muttering in a dejected tone, "Please understand that our Elder Master is generally the most obedient and courteous person. He would never have done such a thing if he had not been fascinated by dirty things."

The butler then knocked his head and blood was on the bluestone slab. This was a rare, loyal servant. It was just that...

Sun Shaozong frowned and said, "Even if he suffers from heartless madness, killing his father is still an unforgivable crime! I..."

The butler cried out in shock, "Your Excellency! Our Young Master is not suffering from heartless madness, but has been harmed by that wicked woman!" as he raised his bloodied face.

Sun Shaozong's heart moved. The wicked woman you mentionedis it the biological mother of your Young Master?"

"Exactly! He angrily said. "Although I don't have any evidence, that woman normally loves to make friends with monks and Taoist priests. She must have invited people to cast a spell, which caused the Young Master to be neither human nor ghost."

Upon hearing these words, Sun Shaozong lost interest. He thought he would tell some secrets, but he didn't expect it to be a set of gods, ghosts, and demons.

Although Sun Shaozong once shook his position on atheism after crossing over to this era, after more than a year of continuous criminal investigations, he has re-determined that there was no strange power in the world.

So he waved his hand and ordered, "Someone, bring Chen Bo out for me."

The butler suddenly became anxious and leaned forward, shouting, "Your Excellency..."

"Shut up!" Sun Shaozong sternly rebuked, "If you can provide any evidence, it's alright. It's just random speculation now. How dare you obstruct the government's arrest of the culprit? Hurry and retreat quickly. If not, I will blame you for obstructing the law and arrest you together!"

The butler said something more, but the other healthy servants were all worked up this morning and pulled him aside. So Zhao Wuwei immediately led a group of people to capture the culprit, and soon, he brought out a colorful young man from inside.

This young man was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a dull expression that carried a hint of madness. His eyes were red and swollen, his pupils were dilated without focus, and his body was struggling hard.

He only twisted his head around desperately, feeling dizzy when looking at him. This look was more like a lot of ecstasy than being crazy!

Sun Shaozong couldn't help but feel some doubts again, so he spoke up and said, "Where is your Young Master's room? First, take me over to have a look.

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