The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 242: First Arrived at Jinmen due to Dispatch

Chapter 242: First Arrived at Jinmen due to Dispatch

Due to the smooth wind and water along the way, Sun Shaozong's official boat set off from the Datong Bridge Wharf in the morning. Shortly after noon, it arrived near the Sancha Estuary of Jinmen Mansion.

The name "Jinmen Mansion" was used after Emperor Guangde ascended the throne. Seeing that this place was increasingly prosperous due to the intersection of sea and river transportation from north to south, it was only in the second year of Guangde that this place was upgraded to a mansion and given the name "Jinmen," which meant the ferry and gateway to the capital.

As for the Governor's Yamen, it was not until the fifth year of Guangde that they moved from Chengde Mansion.

As a newly emerging important northern town, Jinmen Mansion could be described as vibrant, but correspondingly, its management inevitably appeared somewhat loose.

At least the level of filth on the Sancha River estuary wharf was more than one notch inferior to the Datong Bridge, and even more difficult to compare with famous Capitals such as the State of Yang and Nanjing, which were famous for their water transportation.

Incidentally, the above comments were all made by Sun Shaozong after stepping on duck manure on the dock.

After the official ship docked, Sun Shaozong didnt know for the time being how to arrange the accommodation, so he ordered the accompanying officials and attendants to wait on the ship and went to the Yamen of the Governor's Mansion alone to hand over the sign.

However, after arriving, it was not the official of the Governor's office who came out to greet him, but Zhao Wutong, a fellow officer of the Jinmen Office.

After talking with Zhao Wutong, he realized that although the Governor's office had sent official documents to summon officials from all over the country, the reception task was handed over to the Chengbao Political Envoy, and the Chief Executive Officer turned his face and assigned the task to the Jinmen Residence.


Zhao Wutong put his hands together and said with a wry smile, "There are a lot of mothers-in-law and grandmothers. We local officials have to take care of whatever is assigned."

In fact, this phrase referred to the County Magistrate attached to Guo, but it was not impossible to use it in the Magistrate's Yamen.

"Lord Zhao complained, but you have complained to the wrong person."

Sun Shaozong chuckled and said, "Don't forget the sentence behind this, Evil is full of evil, attaching to the Capital city of Guo. You are the Governor and two divisions above us. Our mother-in-law and grandmother at the head of the Central Judicial Office have more lice than beggars!"

As soon as they were joking, they left the Governor's Mansion again and saw that two blue cloth sedan chairs had already been prepared outside the gate.

Zhao Wutong gave way to the sedan chair in front of him and said, "Please, Lord Sun. I have booked two inns nearby in advance to accommodate you."

Seeing that the sedan chair was not big, only two drivers were standing next to it.

Sun Shaozong shook his head and said, "Since it's not far, Brother Zhao, can you walk with me for a few more steps? It's inconvenient for me to take a sedan chair of this size."

Zhao Wutong saw Sun Shaozong's massive figure and knew that what he said was true, so he had to walk side by side with him.

In this way, the reliance on setting off the gong to open the road was all eliminated, but the dozen Yamen guards in the front and back made it even more eye-catching, attracting the attention of the people in the city, and there were also suggestions and discussions about the good deeds.

Seeing this, Zhao Wutong was a little nervous, and he stopped talking. He was obviously not used to being watched like this on the road.

Fortunately, the inn was not far from the Governor's Mansion and was only about half an hour's journey. When he crossed the threshold of the inn, Zhao Wutong seemed to have taken off his mind and started to talk and laugh with Sun Shaozong again.

"In fact, I want to say that from the Prefects of our Jinmen family to the common people, we all hope that this Governor's office will be listed as soon as possible."

He thought he was trying to butter up the Governor's office by saying this, but the expression on his face didn't seem to be against his heart.

So Sun Shaozong was a bit curious and said, Why is this? The Governor of Zhili and the Governor of Hebei are listed above. It shouldn't be too different for your Jinmen government, right?"

"Lord Sun doesn't know everything."

Although Zhao Wutong, like Sun Shaozong, was a fifth-grade official, he was also the Second Master in the Jinmen Mansion, which was slightly better than Sun Shaozong, the third highest-ranking official.

However, the Central Judicial Office, after all, was a half-capital official and much more expensive than ordinary local officials.

In addition, Sun Shaozong was so young that he knew at a glance that he must have roots. Therefore, Zhao Wutong always flattered him.

He smiled and explained, "From the beginning of the establishment of our dynasty, the Fourth Battalion in the Capital often came here to train troops and horses. After the establishment of the Jinmen Mansion in the second year of Guangde, this practice has not been suspended."

"Those proud soldiers and powerful generals will not dare act recklessly under the feet of the Emperor, but when they come to our Jinmen Mansion, they are unbridled. Almost every month, they have to make trouble. However, Hebei and they are not affiliated with each other, which is difficult to handle."

"At present, Lord Zhou has been promoted to the position of Governor of Zhili and concurrently holds the title of Minister of Military Affairs. It would be much more legitimate to deal with it again."

It turned out that this Jinmen Mansion was still the place where the four battalions in the Capital trained soldiers. He wondered if his Elder Brother had ever been here to train soldiers. If so, he was afraid that he would inevitably harass the place with his temperament.

However, when the two of them were talking loudly, someone naturally called out to the store owner and managed to let Sun Shaozong move in.

Just after half a ring, the shopkeeper timidly stepped forward and said with a bitter face, Lord Zhao, the East Cross Courtyard was just occupied by someone at noon. Would you like to change another courtyard for this adult...'"


When Zhao Wutong heard this, his face immediately sank.

Although there was pressure from the Governor's Mansion and the Third Division Yamen, he was also the Second Master of the Yamen at any rate. This time, he was acting in the name of the Governor's Mansion. How could he have thought of subcontracting the inn and daring to sublet it to others without permission?

In particular, this matter was done in front of Sun Shaozong. Wasnt it shameful?!

So Zhao Wutong was immediately annoyed. He shook his sleeve and scolded, "Are you being dazzled by the money?! I have booked the guest room in advance. How dare you sublet it to others without permission?!"

As he spoke, he raised his voice again and said, "Somebody, go and blow out those things that don't have eyes!"

The innkeeper stamped his feet anxiously and said, "Your Excellency, I can't do it. This can't be done..."

But why would those Yamen officials pay attention to him?

He rolled his arms and sleeves, carrying an iron ruler and a clean street whip, and went to the backyard to drive people away.

"What a word!"

At this moment, several valiant men burst out of the backyard, and the leader, with a sidelong smile, said, "Our men have been eating, drinking, and entertaining well in the Governor's Mansion. Now we are staying at a bloody inn, but we met someone who wanted to make a fuss!"

With these words, he pointed his nostrils at Zhao Wutong and snorted, "This adult is so powerful, are you someone of a high-ranking official? But when I look at the color of the official clothes, why does it look wrong?"

Before the words fell, several young men around him burst into laughter.

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