The Extra's Indifference

Chapter 71 Cry As Much As You Want

In the huge basement of the church of Ilelia, a voluptuous naked woman was laying in a pool of blood and a little bit of flesh.

This woman's back was thoroughly destroyed and her backbones were open for everyone to see. Everyone could deduce that this woman has suffered a lot.

Well, this woman was Indra. The maniac bishop that lasted 100 whip strikes from me without making any sound.

'She is strong mentally and physically while being a very loyal believer. It would be very beneficial for me if she joins me instead of being bishop like this.' I thought after seeing her toughness.

'But first I should heal her back before she does from the blood loss.'

'Maybe I can use this situation to get closer to her. Though I don't want to seduce her. It would be troublesome to deal with her as her mentality isn't stable either. Probably her mental health is worse than Lucy's.' I thought and let a few drops of healing potion on her back.

The bleeding reduced considerably and I guessed that it was enough for her to live with the remaining blood in her vessels.

'Should I act like a junior fanatic believer to get her on my side?' I thought but quickly threw this idea from my head. It was too boring.

I thought for a minute or so and found the appropriate approach for this maniac.

I took out a blanket from my storage artifact and lay it on the ground. After that, I dragged Indra onto the blanket and wrapped her destroyed back meticulously without healing it.

I sat down on the blanket and put Indra's head on my lap. I began to gently caress her hair like a father who caresses their daughter's hair.

And I waited until she woke up.

After an hour of caressing, Indra's eyes began to twitch.


A pain filled groan escaped from Indra and her eyes slightly opened.

"Sleep more. You need more rest." I said with a slight concern in my usual cold tone and covered her eyes with my hand.

Indra didn't resist as she was still tired because of the blood loss and the huge amount of pain she was experiencing and closed her eyes again to sleep.

'I should learn mental magic or runes instead of using a method like this. It is boring to wait.'

Well, i still waited for her to wake up while caressing her hair. I didn't have anything to do other than caressing her hair or playing with her huge breasts, which can be a red flag for my relationship with Indra hence I didn't touch them.

'How can I make her protective of me while not making her love me sexually?' I thought and snapped my fingers.

'Acting like a loving father would do the trick because she seemed to have some daddy issues but it would be bad if she covets my body.'


Indra's eyes opened again, but this time they were more clear than last time when she woke up with a groan. She was fully awake.

"How are you feeling?" I asked with a gentle tone.

"I feel… lighter."

"You lost too much blood. This must be the reason for the feeling of lightness." I said and continued to speak.

"Rest a little bit more, your body needs more time to heal itself. I didn't heal you completely because I thought that you would want it to be heal naturally than magic for the punishment's sake."

Indra nodded with understanding.

"I am grateful for that." She said and took a deep breath to continue to speak.

"But I am feeling light because I repented for my sin."

I sighed after hearing this and smiled kindly.

"You didn't have any sin to begin with, dear Indra. Being worried for the goddess isn't a sin, it was your pure devotion to the goddess."

"But I still went with your punishment. Do you know why?" I asked and caressed her cheek.

She tried to evade my touch but she was too weak to move her head.

In the end, she understand that resistance was futile and stopped trying.

"I don't know…" She said quietly.

"It was to lighten your conscience that makes you feel guilty even though you didn't have any reason for this guilt." I said and tapped to the left side of her naked chest, where the heart beats strongly because of my words.

"You wanted to repent from your supposed sin and I did that to ease your unnecessary guilt," I said and leaned toward her ear.

"But please don't request something like this again. As I am human too, so I am feeling guilty if I harm a devoted soul like you even if it is for your own good." I whispered with a sad smile.

Indra's eyes got moist after hearing my sincere words and she tried to lift her arm to wipe it but I held her arm.

"You don't need to hold back your pain and suffering. Let out all of your tears as it will stabilize your messy emotions."

Though she still didn't cry even if I encouraged her like this but I needed her to cry in front of me.

When tough people cry in front of someone they would feel more closer to that person and I tried to do this.

She needed to cry in front of me to feel closer to me subconsciously.

"Crying isn't embarrassing for the ones who suffer like you, they are the proof of your suffering. Cry as much as you want without holding back as you deserve it." I said and tenderly kissed her forehead.

Indra's eyes welled up with tears and she began to cry silently without any sound, just letting her tears slide from her cheek to my thigh.

It was a very strange but beautiful sight to see a naked woman covered with blood crying like this without any sound. It reminded of me Aria.

'Everyone around me is a maniac without any exceptions.'

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