The Extra's Harem In Dead End Game

Chapter 50: An Extra With No Presence [2]

Max didn't stop his attack. Sunny was almost in a groggy state. He had to be. It felt as if his deepest shame had been exposed.

'This, this can't be happening...!'

That's right. The stomachache that ruined the midterm exam in the first semester of the second year was only part of the problem.

Strangely, every time there was an important exam, his condition worsened severely. It was the same during the entrance exam and the first-year exams.

That's why he always received grades that were below the skills he possessed.

At first, he thought it was just bad luck. But as it happened repeatedly, a different anxiety began to grow inside him.

The anxiety that maybe there was something wrong with him that caused these incidents. An anxiety he had tried to deny and suppress. That anxiety was now being agitated by Max's words.

"Seeing your reaction, I guess there's no need for an answer."

Max nodded as if to say 'I thought so.'

In that moment, Sunny saw his father's face overlaid on Max's.

'You're not fit.'

'You're not the right material.'

His father had said it coldly before turning away. Since then, he'd had nightmares about that moment every night.

'You're not the right material. You're not the right material. You're not the right material. You're not the right material. You're not the right material. You're not the right material.

You're not the right material...'

"No, it's not true!"

Sunny suddenly roared like a lion. Even Riviera, who had been staring blankly elsewhere without interest, looked at him puzzledly.

"What suddenly is not true?"

Max asked, as if it was ridiculous.

Normally, it would have been a situation where Sunny would have been intimidated by the tension. But Sunny clenched his fists and looked straight at Max.

"I will definitely be of help! No, I must be a man who is helpful!"

"Oh, really?"

Max looked interested, despite expecting a negative reaction.

And then his following words.

"But you're still not needed."

"Uh, ugh...?!"

Even Sunny, who was fully prepared for the worst, couldn't withstand this unexpected blow. His eyes turned white as if he was about to lose consciousness.

"It looks like he might faint from shock,"

Riviera muttered as she approached Sunny to check on him.

"Don't worry. He won't die," Max said, delivering another natural blow.

"I'll carry this group evaluation as the leader," he declared, appointing himself as the leader.

Why? Because there were bonus points for the leader. But that wasn't the important part.

"I will carry it. Carry it. Carry it. Carry it. Carry it. Carry it.

Carry it. Carry it. Carry it. Carry it. Carry it."

Max's voice echoed in Sunny's ears, who was barely conscious.

'It's over... this evaluation... uh... ugh...'

Sunny finally let go of his consciousness to the sound of the problem child, who was openly at the bottom of the grades, making such a reliable statement.



Max looked at Sunny, who had lost consciousness, with disbelief. He hadn't expected him to actually faint.

"Wow... such weak mentality."

Only then did Max fully understand why Sunny had lost the position of head to his brother. After clicking his tongue, Max looked at Riviera.

"Hey, why didn't you catch him?"

"Hm? Was I supposed to?"

"Of course she's not normal either."

"It's fine. He'll be better after a good sleep."

Sunny woke up from his 'good sleep' an hour later, screaming because the back of his head hurt.

"Hmm, was it this?"


I was in my dorm room, scribbling on a blank piece of paper, organizing my thoughts.

What thoughts?

Naturally, about the upcoming group evaluation. My statement about carrying the group evaluation was not an empty promise.

Of course, I don't know exactly about this evaluation since it's a second-year thing.


'Professor Karen.'

I knew all too well the legend of her first group evaluation, famous for being a magic fanatic and an old mad professor.


Because many groups failed to adjust to the difficulty and received the lowest scores. It was so bad that it became a dishonorable example of a failed group evaluation.

However, amidst all that, one group received a perfect score and became another legend.

It was understandable since the group had Elaine, the genius magician of fire and ice, who was the top student of the second year.

Anyway, the impact of that incident was so strong that it created a study guide that circulated afterward.

The study guide was meant to prepare for the possibility of such a terribly difficult evaluation. I had seen that study guide, of course.

However, perhaps because of the shock of that time, Professor Karen only gave out easy questions afterward, so it was meaningless.

But now, the meaning has emerged.

The legendary first group evaluation by Professor Karen. That was the evaluation that would take place in this second-year joint class.

"Well, this should be enough."

I lifted the paper that was now filled with dense writing. Of course, I couldn't remember everything due to the limits of my memory.

But it was impressive that I remembered this much, even if it was not very important.


"The details are lacking."

I knew the problems and solutions broadly. But there were limits. Because I hadn't experienced it directly. So, if an unexpected situation arose, I would have to respond on the fly.

"It can't be helped."

I wasn't aiming for a perfect score anyway.

That was impossible.

Because there was only one group that solved the last problem, and even the study guide didn't contain that content.

Probably, only Elaine understood the content of that problem in the group that solved it.

So, the other members of that group couldn't say what they wanted to say. And Elaine wasn't the type to go around talking about such things.

Anyway, it didn't matter much. Since most failed the evaluation, even an average score would be a significant gain.

"Hmm, that being said."

My thoughts moved to my two remarkable group members.

First, Riviera. A group member with zero motivation. If I could use some appropriate carrot to raise her motivation even a little, she could be of some help.

So, I'll just do that.

Next is...

Sunny Benesse. An extra with no presence, unlike his brother.

So, he was someone I didn't pay much attention to, even though we were in the same class.

"That guy seems somewhat usable."

I muttered, thinking.

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