The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 7

It was nice to hear the sound of insects in the grass

three days before the start of school .

Walking along a moonlit stream in the northern forest at night has a unique atmosphere that calms people.

I was sitting in front of a crackling campfire, preparing fish.

Over the past three days, I’ve done quite a few things to survive.

The once crude living quarters had become quite decent.

The shelter, which was roughly made out of wood and fabric leaves, became much more realistic when it was reinforced with clay collected from the river. The connecting gap between the supports became stronger and the gap in the roof was closed neatly, so it seemed like there would be no leaks even if it rained.

However, it seemed like the support would not be able to withstand the weight of the clay, so I had to reinforce it a bit more. In the process, the volume also increased considerably.

What about food ingredients?

Rock salt was discovered downstream of the river leading towards the coast. The fallen rock salt flakes could be finely ground and used as salt.

I was also able to try cooking on a wide stone plate I picked up from the river instead of a grill.

“I’m slowly getting used to it now.”

It was impossible to catch a big fish with a crude fishing rod made on the spot. Most of the time, only minnows were caught, but occasionally something edible, like bluegill, was caught.

Now I have become quite advanced in preparing fish.

Using the ceremonial dagger that has now become my life companion, I cut open the lower abdomen of the fish and took out the internal organs.

Next, the outside of the fish was pushed with a blade to remove large scales, cuts were made to allow the seasoning to penetrate well, sprinkled with salt, and grilled on a stone plate.

[ A new dish has been completed ]

Salt-grilled bluegill Bluegill caught from the river was cleaned and grilled with salt. Although simple, the taste of the ingredients is faithfully implemented.

Cooking level: ●◐○○○ [Cooking skill has increased. ]

And it was a new harvest.

When I just randomly caught fish and grilled it, there was no message like this, but as soon as I prepared the ingredients, seasoned it with seasoning, and started cooking properly, my cooking skill began to increase.

The proficiency level of all life-related skills is reflected and leveled up. So, I took out the ceremonial mirror, looked at my face, and checked the information window once again.

[ Name: Ed Ross Taylor ]

Gender: Male Age: 17 Grade: 2 Race: Human Achievements: None Stamina 3, Intelligence 4, Dexterity 8, Willpower 7, Luck 6, Combat Ability Details〉〉 Magic Ability Details〉〉 Life Abilities Details 〉〉 Alchemy ability details 〉〉 The talent ability level increased from 7 to 8.

For ‘Sylvania’s Failed Swordsman’, proficiency in various life-related skills is very important.

This is because various production skills such as cooking, construction, woodworking, and dispensing can produce various useful items on their own, but they are also actually involved in combat abilities.

In particular, talent items are closely linked to delicate senses. It is related to the sense of catching a small flow of power or movement.

Although it has little contact with magic, it can make significant differences in swordsmanship, archery, or alchemy.

I don’t know when the ability level increased, but the advantage of having a talent stat of 1 is really great.

Since ancient times, the higher the level of ability, the more difficult it is to raise it.

Although it doesn’t take long for a level 3 – 4 ability to go up to 7 – 8, it’s not uncommon to complete a legendary quest to get just 1 ability as you reach a final specification of 20 or higher.

‘Most life-related skills were closely linked to talent stats…’

Combat ability is physical strength, talent, and willpower.

Magical abilities include intellect, willpower, and luck.

Life skills include dexterity and willpower.

Alchemy ability is based on intelligence and luck.

It may seem complicated, but the key point is that each ability affects different stats.

I picked up a piece of fish meat and put it in my mouth. It was seasoned well and quite delicious.

I gulped down the water I got from the stream and sat down on the large rock I had brought as a chair.

“There’s still a lot of work to do…”

The wooden shelter was uncomfortable at first, but eventually became comfortable.

I have quite a few extra clothes left.

Food is something that can somehow sustain oneself, such as fish caught by fishing and nuts collected from trees in the forest.

I can’t say that the standard of living is high even with empty words, but it is something that can be improved little by little.

“I need a drying rack to wash clothes, but I can make something like that… If I want to diversify my food ingredients, I need to look into edible plants… If I go to the library in the professor building, I’m sure there are related books, right? Don’t rely on fishing or gathering. “I’d like to do some hunting, too.”

Yesterday, while walking in the forest, I found a wild boar wandering around. In addition, wild animals such as rabbits and squirrels also seemed to be wandering around quite a bit.

Because Aken Island is where Sylvania Academy is located, a large-scale subjugation of monsters is in the midst of being completed. Monster species that threaten human life are rarely seen, but there are quite a few wild animals that belong to nature itself.

Hunting is not an option, it is a necessity. Meat is a supply and demand issue, but if you can catch animals and collect their oil, the quality of your cooking can be further enhanced.

“Now that I think about it, I guess I’ll need some cooking utensils…”

The ceremonial items used during academy events are all the household utensils I currently have. Ceremonial dagger, ceremonial iron bowl, ceremonial mirror. Everything had to be kept neat, but at this point there was no time to worry about such ostentation.

The ceremonial dagger had already been through many hardships, and there was no way to keep the dishes or mirrors clean. It’s something that can’t be helped.

“It would be really convenient to just have a pot, a proper kitchen knife, a ladle, or a bowl to put food in…”

I wrote down various necessary items on the floor with a stick. I don’t have any money because I can’t leave Aken Island right now, but if I could somehow get the money, these were things I really wanted to buy.

“I still have a lot of work to do… There are three days left before school starts… Ugh…” I

sighed and stretched.

Still, I managed to find a decent selection.

My residence, which I had worked hard to build over the past week, was now starting to look like it could be called a ‘camp’.

A wooden shelter that took the most effort.

A bonfire surrounded by pebbles for efficient management.

On top of it was a wide stone slab placed in place of a cooking grill.

Next to it, my personal belongings from the Ofilis pavilion were neatly organized, and there were quite a few household items that I made myself, so they were organized separately.

“Then today… let’s make a bow using silk thread.”

The fact that silk fabrics were mixed among the luggage I brought with me was a great help. It seemed like a luxury product, so tears of blood flowed as I tried to unravel the fabric, but the fishing line was made from silk thread that came out of it anyway, and it also helped tie up the fabric that covered the roof of the shelter.

It’s quite good quality and sturdy, so if you twist it well, you won’t have any problems using it as a bowstring. I found a tree of the right size in the forest that would serve as the frame for the bow.

It would be a great help if you could make and learn a bow.

Above all, archery goes well with magic-type skills and life-type manufacturing skills.

This is because if you can modify or enchant an arrow in various ways, its power increases dramatically.

If I can fill up the proficiency level of such a secondary weapon in advance, it will have a direct impact on the increase of my specifications in the future.

In my experience, if I tried to learn it hastily at that time, my proficiency with the bow would be lower than that of other specialized skills, so it was easy to get unbalanced.

Yubi Muhwan. No matter how busy you are, let’s take care of everything we need.

“Looks like it’s going to be a long night today.”

With a swish of my shoulders, I prepared to dive back into the swamp of production. I guess I’ll sleep a little late today too.


Dean McDowell stroked his mustache and smiled in satisfaction. It’s been a while since I laughed like this.

Although he has a gentle personality, the position of Dean of the Sylvanian School of Magic is too arduous and difficult for him to endure.

Not only the students at the Ministry of Magic, where all kinds of weirdos run rampant, but even the professors have too strong egos. As he adjusted himself and was hit here and there, his once shiny black hair suddenly turned white.

When I look at the deans of the Combat Department or the Pension Department, they don’t go through this much hardship, but in some ways, I end up thinking that this position seems to be especially difficult.

Still, sometimes it feels like I’m getting something in return.

The corners of his mouth were raised as he looked at the document reporting the class assignment results for Sylvania first-year students.

The lineup of first-year students at the Sylvanian Ministry of Magic was truly a gold mine.

The sight of all kinds of gems of talent shining brightly made even McDowell, who had already aged well, feel his heart pound.

First of all, the fact that Professor Glast assigned three students to Class A was a precursor.

Professor Glast, who made not only students but also all high-ranking professors shake their heads, recognized as many as three students.

The only daughter of Elte Keheln, the continent’s greatest colossus, the ‘Golden King’ who leads the ‘ Zix, Spear of Vegetation’ Elte Company, whose talents blossomed even in the harsh environment of the northern grasslands .

‘The Golden Daughter Lortel’.

And although her origins are unknown and her true past is unknown… she is a girl who made Professor Glast applaud simply because of her overwhelming talent. Even Dean McDowell could not help but be surprised by Professor Glast’s praise for ‘Idle Lucy’,

especially Lucy Mayril.

– ‘He was born with the qualities of an archmage who will create a new chapter in the history of magic. I am honored to be her teacher.’

Considering Professor Glast’s past words and actions, even many magicians who had heard of him as a rare prodigy looked at him with cold, cold eyes and could not guess what kind of talent he was.

Compared to last year, this year’s freshmen are truly a bumper crop.

Among last year’s freshmen, few stood out like this. Only Yenika, who succeeded in signing a contract with a high-ranking spirit, caught the dean’s attention.

In fact, the average grades were falling further, and there was even a student who was excommunicated from his family for cheating on the first-year entrance exam. It was a school year that could truly be called the worst generation.

“I guess last year was too dark for this year.”

McDowell was about to sign the report, hoping that the name of great Sylvania would be exalted once again.

“Dean. For a moment… a guest has arrived.”

His secretary knocked on the office door. I had told them in advance not to let in any visitors except those who had previously made an appointment during work hours, but they seemed to have already forgotten.

McDowell sighed and was about to warn his secretary. The door burst open first, even though McDowell had not yet given permission.

The person who opened the door was the imperial knight Claire, head of the guard under the direct command of Princess Fenia. After he opened the door, Princess Fenia, wearing a royal blue dress, came in.

Dean McDowell was astonished. He immediately lowered his head and was about to receive the royal courtesy, but quickly stopped.

This is Sylvania’s teaching building.

It was a place where the virtue of learning trumped the nobility of social status.

If you leave the teaching building, you will become a citizen who must bow before the authority of the imperial family, but here, Dean McDowell was Princess Fenia’s teacher.

Although he could not treat the princess carelessly, he had to at least face her as a teacher. That was the policy of the emperor who founded Sylvania.

Dean McDowell concluded his courtesy by bowing his head thoughtfully.

“The princess is coming to the teaching building at this time. What is the reason?”

“I’m sorry for coming without contacting you in advance, Lord McDowell.”

Despite her small stature, Princess Fenia faced each other elegantly and sat down on the reception sofa in the dean’s office. Behind him, the imperial knight Claire and two guard knights stood firm.

“I want to discuss something. Is that okay?”

Fenia, the princess of charity, is not one who oppresses others with her authority. McDowell was well aware of that fact.

Nevertheless, what is the reason for rushing into the dean’s office and asking for a conversation like this?

In any case, Dean McDowell had no choice but to listen to the story.

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