The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 52

Glast Subjugation Battle (1)

Lucy always lies in the direction where she can see the stars.

If you lie down on the roof of the Trix Building and look up at the sky the twinkling starry sky will press on your body like a blanket.

Heat and cold are not very important variables for Lucy who is covered in various protective spells. However whether you can see the sunlight well see the open sky and occasionally hear the rustling of leaves or the babbling of a stream are more important factors than you might think.

Completely closed walls and ceilings are not a good idea.

This is also the reason why I dislike Ofilis Hall even though it has expensive beds and top-quality bedding in sunny rooms.

Due to the destruction of Ofilis Hall the maids have become very busy but even so there is still no compromise in the maids’ actions in restraining Lucy.

Every day they walk around the school wearing neatly washed school uniforms and gently combing them out with their white hair flowing down their sides but their behavior is no different from cats on the street.

– ‘There is no end to learning. Lucy. That must have been Sylvania’s intention as well.’


The fragrant scent of rosemary wafts from the witch’s hat worn by the wrinkled wizard Glokt. When I put my nose to the sleeve and sniffed it I could smell the same smell. The maids did the laundry on their own while Lucy was sleeping.

Suddenly I remembered the day Glokt passed away. It was a rainy day.

The image of him once sitting down in Glokt’s hut holding his hat and blowing away everyone who approached him seems to glimmer across the starry sky. Those who tried to arbitrarily touch the remains of Archmage Glokt had to break something.

Has it become much worse compared to then?

That doesn’t mean it has become more robust. Rather it would be correct to say that we have become more lazy. Except for the maids there is no one who can discipline Lucy anymore.

If you ask me if life is dull it is not.

Even on this cramped Aken Island there is surprisingly a lot of scenery to see delicious food and more eventful events than you might expect.

Most of the time it doesn’t interest Lucy who is aloof from Sefa but she doesn’t seem to be having a boring day anyway.

– ‘You may be blessed with natural talent and stars but that is not a reason to stop learning. Lucy. Even if everyone in the land of learning is below your talents there is sure to be something left to learn there. So always learn. Be humble and use your strength for the good of all.’

– ‘and… Beware of the loneliness that will slowly creep into you one day. The strength that overwhelms everyone is bound to be accompanied by bitter loneliness. … ‘I’m sorry I had to leave you first Lucy.’

The form of loneliness varies from person to person. One way or another the cold blade of loneliness inevitably finds its way to everyone.

However Lucy was too young to understand that fact. And she still doesn’t really touch her heart.

The overwhelming feeling is closer to longing than loneliness.

Even though he was an old man who always nagged me on the last day of my life picked me up and threw him when I was asleep at the edge of the magic forest and threatened me when I got angry at him for anything. It is strange and amazing to feel the empty space after it disappears.

We’ll probably never meet again.

There was a time when I felt a pang in my heart at that fact but as time went by the pain of the wound slowly wore away.

Now the satisfaction of having a bag of beef jerky in my arms takes precedence over the longing. On the one hand it’s even funny to imagine that Glokt would make that same-as-you-like expression when he found out.

What is lost is lost. I have gained enough experience to know that trying to pick it up again is a waste of energy.

For now all I had to do was spend time looking at the starry sky and stretching out my arms.

There isn’t much to do. The class content is too easy. You can memorize a book at once by just skimming through it. Practice is as easy as lifting a finger. Tuition fees are fully covered by the Glokt Scholarship Foundation. The professors also don’t have much of a touch.

I remember the palm full of wrinkles that once stroked Lucy’s head.

The feeling of missing Glokt for some time was as natural as the comfort I felt with Glokt for the first time.

For Lucy the feeling of leaning on someone or missing someone was something that came naturally.

There are people who are annoying and dissatisfied but before you know it you feel empty without them by your side.

After realizing what longing is I no longer want to continue that kind of relationship.

It was a sensation that the young genius wizard did not want to experience again and as a result he became aloof from the world and when he came to his senses he became infinitely lazy. In some ways it could be said that it was a very funny life.

I know very well that one day when the destiny given to me in my life approaches I have to get up even if it’s annoying.

Because that’s not the case now.

Lucy was clinging to the dangerous railing on the roof of the Trix Building flailing her feet. The autumn night sky that I look at while taking a bite of beef jerky while holding down my hat with one hand in case it blows away… It was refreshingly open inside.

It looks like the clear clear autumn days will continue for the time being. There won’t be any rain.

That fact felt so good that Lucy hummed incongruously.


The final chapter of Act 2 begins.

In the meantime I could only hear about other events through Ziggs or Yenica Lortel.

There were some things I didn’t want to approach but I didn’t have the time to do so in the first place. And there was no justification or reason to get involved in what was happening among the first graders the generation of the main characters.

As long as it is confirmed that the story is progressing smoothly toward the end without any problems there is no problem.

However things changed a little in this final chapter. This is because there was a justification or reason.

If it’s a recipe for magic engineering supplies that will be thrown away anyway I definitely want to take it with me. This is because there will be no other foundation for growth that is as certain. If you’re lucky it might be a means to become explosively stronger.

[ Thank you for your effort! Master Ed! The camp’s food reserves are no longer a problem for now! ]

“It’s not enough to get through the winter.”

It didn’t take long to gather food to stockpile immediately. In the first place I became somewhat accustomed to hunting and after my specs increased significantly subduing wild animals was easier than I thought.

[Still don’t overdo it! In order to achieve today’s allotted 6 hours of sleep you need to quickly complete today’s schoolwork. And today my intake of meat and vegetables is very low Master Ed! You even had to refill at dinner and didn’t drink enough water! ]

“Okay okay.”

Mug began to report my work and elements one by one in an angular manner. At this point it’s strange because it feels like I just have a personal assistant rather than a spirit crossing the battlefield with me.

[If I fall again then I will truly die! Please be sure to lead a healthy life for my own sake! I want to maintain a contractual relationship with Master Ed for a long time! ]

It seemed like Tarkan had scolded me for what I had done with the mug that was always next to me after I got out of bed. In any case it seemed to be the same no matter where you went the more responsibility you had at the bottom.

I’m sorry Mug!

“After all isn’t someone who is too nice a good person Ed?”

“What does that mean all of a sudden?”

“Today my friends were fighting and I couldn’t say anything.”

After wrapping up my academic schedule I returned to camp with Yenika.

It has become so natural for Yenika to return to my camp instead of the Dex building that even I can no longer notice anything unusual. I wondered if I was really just sleeping in the DEX building.

Considering how uncomfortable Yenika was with Dex it was not something that could not be understood. I was the one who said she could come to camp anytime in the first place.

When Jenica came to camp she naturally took out her own mug filled it with herbal tea and placed it on the table along with mine.

At first it was quite inconvenient to occasionally use spirits to help maintain the camp or roll up the sleeves of my school uniform and do the laundry. Because there was nothing I could really do in return.

In addition he takes the time to teach me the know-how about spirit magic and when I ask if there is anything I can do in return he waves his arms in a panic saying that it is okay and I end up with a bad thought wondering if this is really how pillars feel.

… Let’s stop having such bad thoughts.

“Clara and Anise had a fight today. You know that? “Friends who always hang out with me.”

“Yeah you know.”

“It wasn’t that big of a deal we were just chatting after the elemental science class while on our way to the monster ecology class but a small detail didn’t match up and the discrepancy turned into a fight. however… “They both felt even more sorry because they were embarrassed because I was caught in the middle.”

“You were actually in trouble too right?”

“Yes but… “I felt strange when I thought that they really cared about me until we had a fight.”

Jenica held the mug and looked at the campfire with a downcast face.

“When I think about it it’s always like that. Everyone says they are nice nice and have a good heart but the fact that they are considerate of me and try to treat me well keeps piling up… “I shouldn’t have to but I keep having this obsession.”

It is a well-known fact that Yenika is a fairy of the world so I will not necessarily deny it but it is strange that that consideration feels tiring.

No if you think of it as a reaction typical of Yenika it feels natural.

“But if I say this again I feel like I’ll sound like a very tired person so I can’t say it. “I’m afraid you’ll talk about why you feel uncomfortable even though I’m considerate.”

“That is true to some extent. “I was considerate of you for your own good but you can’t complain about why I’m being considerate of you.”

“Ugh as expected Ed is blunt in his words. But I can’t refute it because it’s true.”

Seeing Yenika moving her feet while laughing hehe it seems like she’s definitely had a change of heart recently.

“I’m about to get a little worse. “I feel like I’ve tried to do something similar every time but this time it’s real.”

After saying that he adopts his characteristic proud attitude. He put his hands on his waist and hummed saying “I’m so bad!” To be honest I don’t really know what it means.

“Now that I think about it I have something to ask you.”

huh! What?! Are you in a hurry?! “Just say it!”

“… ”

After Yenika spoke she took a deep breath and put down her mug. And as she struggles with what to say she hesitates and speaks slowly.

“If you please… You may or may not listen… Let’s talk first… ?”

“But it’s really a shame to ask for something for free. It might be very cumbersome and dangerous. “I think it’ll be okay for the most part.”

When I lowered my voice and spoke carefully Jenica realized that I was serious and her expression calmed down.

“I’ve lost some things and I want to find some things so I want to go somewhere… “It’s a bit dangerous to go alone.”


“Underground water. “There is a large entrance on the outskirts of the professor building.”

okay? Is it that dangerous there? I don’t know because I haven’t been there… “If Ed says that much then yes right?”

To some extent a plan has been established.

The final battle in Act 2 begins at the Trix Building and continues into the underground water and the final magic tower in the secret laboratory inside.

While the main character Tailly was following this path I planned to gather all the recipes and magic tools I needed to take from the soul library of the secret lab and leave.

However breaking through all of the secret lab’s tight security system and guardians is inefficient will affect political affairs and it is unclear whether it is even possible. Even if it were possible I don’t want to do that difficult work myself.

Therefore the core of the operation is changed to ‘following up’.

Once Tailly clears the path in front of her during the final battle she will carefully follow behind her and leave taking only what she needs to take with her.

A ‘badge of honor’ dropped by Verus the student council president in Phase 1. The accessory that greatly increases resistance to all elemental magic… Well it will be quite helpful in solving scenarios in the future so let’s let Taily take care of it.

There is no need for the magical engineering supplies dropped by Assistant Professor Claire in Phase 2. It may be helpful in the immediate progress of the scenario but in the long run it becomes a useless annoyance.

The secret laboratory of Phase 3 is the key. Replicas of all high-level grimoires and all kinds of recipes and magical engineering supplies in the Soul Library must be collected as much as possible.

It seems that he has passed the 5th form of swordsmanship and his swordsmanship ability is said to be in the top tier in class B so Tailley’s specifications are not lacking but are at a comfortable level.

In the first place the final battle in Act 2 is a bit complicated or has some useless bad ending conditions but as long as you follow the specifications it is mostly a series of simple battles. Most bad ending conditions are very special so there is no major problem. Of course you can’t let down your guard so I’ll definitely check it out.

Since we’ve decided to catch up let’s make sure Phase 5 is completed well and return to camp. After that the plan is complete.

Still if I go out alone I might end up in an unnecessary crisis… It would be perfect if you were accompanied by a colleague who could support you a bit.

It is obvious to me who has limited interpersonal relationships that someone who is friendly to me supports me with force and can accept this kind of request.

“I was walking around there and dropped one of my belongings into the canal. “I guess I’ll have to go into the waterway myself and find it.”

“That must be hard work Ed! “I’ll help you!”

“Thank you Yenika. The underground waterway is very dark and humid and there are quite a few narrow spaces… It would be a good idea to wear clothes that you can get dirty. thanks. “I will definitely repay you.”

“Yeah no! Ed! But… It’s dark and narrow… ?”

Jenica twirled the mug pricked her ears and cleared her throat. He is waving his arms and pretending to chase something away as if the middle-ranking spirits that I cannot see are whispering something.

“That can’t be helped! huh! “All you have to do is stick together so you don’t get lost!”

“Okay thank you.”

“… ”

Suddenly after saying that Yenika starts shaking and pulling out her hair again.

I guess my thoughts have cleared up.

“As expected it’s too easy for me… !”

“… Is that so?”

but… Ed if I don’t go will he go alone? “You’re just going to run around looking for that dark place by yourself right?”

that… “I can’t deny it.”

“That’s not quite right… !”

It’s impossible to predict why she’s having such useless worries because these are worries that will constantly follow Yenika around anyway.

She is a girl who has lived her whole life like a princess in a fairy tale. Her life is all about receiving a lot of her favor and repaying her love.

You can’t say it’s bad or criticize him as a person without a sense of reality.

The fact that Yenika’s nature has been corrected cannot be said to be a bad thing and Yenika is not a human being who lives in her own world detached from reality. Rather Lucy seems to stand out more in that respect.

All you have to do is live happily in a flower garden full of kindness. There is no one who can say anything bad about that.

However if Yenika herself jumps out of such a fairy tale and says that she wants to live in reality anyway the number of things she has to be responsible for becomes infinite.

Sometimes you have to throw away someone’s favor and there are definitely times when you have to shake your head in response to a sincere request.

For Jenica who is kind by nature to achieve such internal growth there must be a proper opportunity.

No matter how good a person you are as you roll around in the mud of reality there are many times when you have to accept kindness with malice.

If a girl from a fairy tale without a single stain wants to become an adult living in reality the foundation material of desperate reality is essential.

But I don’t think something urgent like that will happen right now… All I can say is to cheer up.

“Well let’s go together next time when the academic schedule is a little more relaxed…” Maybe we will have some free time while the bachelor is busy with other things… “It would be appropriate around the time of the seal response ceremony.”

The sale of the wise man’s seal was also made public to some extent. Of course it was not something to be proud of so it was just a rumor that circulated only internally.

Even though there were rumors that it was a transaction in the form of a mortgage rather than a sale if you look at the reality there is no doubt that it is nothing more than an act of selling the heart of the school for money.

Anyway Yenica probably knows the general situation so I guess that’s all I have to say.

“Yes Ed. At that time I will be outside at the entrance to the underground waterway. Wow the time has already come.”

After the school schedule ended and we returned to camp together Jenika cleaned the inside of the cabin and prepared the area for dinner while I made some bricks and finished gathering firewood by the stream.

After that the sky became dark and one or two stars began to appear.

“Today is the day of the student meeting at DEX Hall so I have to go quickly. Ed have a good day too!”

“Yes Yenika. “Take care of yourself and when it gets dark on your way watch your step.”

What I’ve been realizing these days is that my attitude toward Jenika seems to be getting worse.

Anyway Yenika has a knack for making people around her behave in a harmful way. In some ways it is ironic that even though I have a blessed nature I am not proud of it.

I waved my hand with a smile and greeted Yenika as she slowly walked away then I sat down by the campfire and sharpened my arrow alone.


“Starting next semester the number of students in Class A is expected to increase. About two more people are scheduled to be promoted. “With two more students joining us in just one year there are definitely a lot of talented students in this year.”

A comprehensive class for Class A of the Ministry of Magic led by Professor Glast.

Although there is no specific subject name Professor Glast’s special class which covers all aspects of magic can only be taken by selected students.

Currently only three first-year students are allowed to participate in the class: Ziggs Lortel Lucy.

“Adel from class B and Ayla from class C are strong candidates. Even if you join in the middle there will be no disruption to the class content so don’t worry.”

The special classroom set up in the faculty building for Class A is spacious. However there are only three people sitting in the spacious lecture hall.

There is a boy who sits quietly and listens to Glast’s words a girl who gauges Glast’s thoughts with her bewitching eyes and a quiet smile and a girl who is sleeping soundly.

There was no need to talk about who was who.

“Oh my Adele and Ayla. That’s surprising. “Wasn’t the magical ability and combat power of the two of them vague or weak?”

Lortel dared to criticize the senior professor’s words but Professor Glast did not look particularly displeased.

He is infinitely generous to talented people. His attitude could be said to be infinitely consistent in some ways.

“We do not select simply based on the amount of magical power or level of magical response. “I just recognize you as Class A if you have magical talent in any way.”

The bachelor’s degree completely trusts Professor Glast’s selection plan. Therefore this level of autonomy is guaranteed in class composition.

As if repaying that trust Professor Glast’s eyes always accurately detect the light of talent.

Adele who plays an instrument or sings all the time and always has a relaxed smile is famous among students as a troubadour or romanticist. Even Lortel was amazed at her amazing ability to manipulate magic using the instrument itself.

Although Ayla had little magical quantum form and was immature in her sensitivity her amount of knowledge and academic ability were comparable to those of the professors. I also seemed to have heard of a story about a person showing particularly great sensitivity to special magic power rather than general magic power. I didn’t know the details because it was out of Lortel’s interest.

“But won’t there be dissatisfaction among other students who want to be in Class A?”

“That’s something I can handle.”

There were always a lot of students who were dissatisfied with Professor Glast’s class composition.

“I’m sorry to say that but… There were a few kids who didn’t seem to have a bad amount of magic power or sensitivity… When those kids express their dissatisfaction… ”

“I have no intention of investing time in such an obscure talent.”

Professor Glast responded sharply to Ziggs’ words. However Ziggs still spoke with an unimpressed expression.

“I’m cautious about telling you this but… ”

“There is no need to be careful. Say whatever you feel. “It doesn’t really hurt my feelings.”

Ziggs spoke clearly even though he was hesitant.

“You said it was an ambiguous talent but they are also kids who work hard and want to be recognized. Also I don’t know how their talents will develop further and it’s not a skill that should be looked down upon but I felt uncomfortable because Professor Glast seemed to be so conclusive and looked down on those kids. “It seems like you’re belittling their efforts.”

Ziggs finished talking and looked at Professor Glast’s expression for a moment.

Lortel took a seat next to him and sighed. Zix who was watching was complaining that he didn’t understand.

Ziggs seems to think that directly questioning Professor Glast’s policy is rude. They still haven’t figured out what kind of person Professor Glast is.

It was not surprising if he got angry but Professor Glast spoke calmly in a calm tone.

“Do you think I am ignoring or ruining them by disparaging and belittling their efforts? Siggs Eiffelstein.”

“… .”

The unspoken means affirmative.

“I’m sorry. I do not think so. Rather the surest way to ruin someone’s life is to hastily convince them of an ambiguous talent and give them a push.”

Lortel did not listen to those words.

Lortel who had gathered some information about the personal history of the academic staff was able to attach some meaning to Professor Glast’s remarks.

I heard that Professor Glast’s only daughter Myuri was a student at the Ministry of Magic who attended Sylvania and died after prematurely participating in the subjugation of the monster tribe.

Even hedgehogs take care of their babies so it’s obvious what Professor Glast’s expectations were for Myuri who showed interest in magic.

And there was no need to describe in detail what the outcome would have been if he had jumped into the fight to subdue the monster race with overconfidence in his ambiguous talent.

Excessive obsession with certain talents and respect for great people who will advance the progress of the times.

The reason why we devote ourselves more passionately than anyone else to the birth of extraordinary people who make the majority of ordinary people follow in their footsteps… In the end it may also be to eliminate such unnecessary sacrifices.

It may seem noble to some but to others it seems infinitely pitiful. Lortel didn’t necessarily want to sympathize. This is because in a sense it is no different from self-righteousness.

All right… ”

Ziggs just quietly lowered his gaze and nodded. Anything more than that was really foolish.

“And Lortel Kecheln… hmm… This has nothing to do with class. “I will call you separately later.”

This is probably because there is something to discuss about the wise man’s seal response ceremony.

Lortel is in the position of purchasing the wise man’s seal and Professor Glast is in charge of the academic affairs and is in the position of presiding over the wise man’s seal acceptance ceremony.

Since it was an issue before the student and teacher’s perspective it was not a story worthy of being discussed in the church.

* [Magic ability details]

Grade: Skilled Magician Specialty: Elemental Common Magic: Fast Casting Lv 8 Mana Detection Lv 8 Fire Elemental Magic: Combustion Lv 14 Wind Elemental Magic: Wind Blade Lv 13 〈Intermediate magic can now be acquired! 〉 Spirit World Magic: Spirit Sensitivity Lv 12 Spirit Understanding Lv 12 Spirit Manifestation Lv 1 Sensory Sharing Lv 1 〈 Spirit Slot: Lower Fire Spirit Mug 〉 Sensitivity Level: 2 Spirit Efficiency: Good Unique Skill: Protection of Fire (Temporary Fire Immunity Explodes) ) Explosion (lesser explosion magic)

Increased fire magic ability 〈Spirit Slot: Empty〉

It was time to learn intermediate magic.

For students at the Ministry of Magic whether or not they have mastered intermediate level magic is very meaningful.

The level of magic called intermediate magic or mid-level magic is… It becomes the boundary that separates professional wizards from novice wizards.

Unless you originally have magical talent according to the normal curriculum you will be able to use your first intermediate level magic in the second year or as late as the beginning of the third year. Even if you only know how to use two or three intermediate level magic you are treated as a professional wizard who only works for one person to the outside world.

In other words the key to a wizard’s ability is how diverse and powerful they can utilize this mid-level magic. Only about 10% of Sylvania graduates can reach areas beyond that.

Even if it is the same intermediate magic the power is definitely different depending on the level or proficiency. For example the ice spear used by Lortel clearly exceeds the power of the intermediate magic used by second graders even if it is the same intermediate magic.

When it comes to high-level magic outside of the faculty only a very small amount of difference is known at the student level. Among fourth-year students in their final year only those who are considered elite know how to use high-level magic.

If you go to the highest level of magic… In the first place there would only be one or two people in Sylvania who could speak the language even among all the professors. Except for unusual cases like Lucy.

Anyway my specs have risen to the point where I have no problem using intermediate level magic. If you think about the beginning the growth is so great that the passage of time becomes insignificant.

By the next elemental science class I will be able to play my part as a wizard.

I felt satisfied and closed the book in the corner of the classroom. Today’s elemental science class was also deep and had a lot to absorb.

“I have an Ed student call. “After the next lecture please go to Professor Glast’s lab at the bottom of the academic conference room in the faculty building.”

It was the moment when I was about to pack my books and leave the classroom.

The elemental science assistant who I am now quite familiar with hinted to me.

yes? “You mean calling?”

Now that I think about it I failed to respond to Professor Glast’s call last time. It was because he collapsed from overwork.

I just forgot about it but when I see it called again I wonder if it’s important business.

As far as I know Professor Glast probably doesn’t have time to meet anyone right now. The seal recognition ceremony is scheduled to take place in a few days so you will be very busy. Of course I am also busy.

Well I promised to meet with Yenika in front of the entrance to the sensor-type waterway so there won’t be any major problems…

Still I had to finish the camp work prepare for the final exam and there were still some things to check in the scenario so I didn’t have much time.

I tried to take things slowly because I didn’t want to overexert myself and affect my body but I ended up being this busy again.

hmm… Please tell me you understand.”

I said that to my teaching assistant and organized the book.

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