The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 240

Battle of Bellbroke (8)

The magic circle that spread out around the rose garden of Ofilis Hall suddenly grew so large that it covered the entire Ofilis Hall.

Most of the monsters were unable to enter the Ofilis Pavilion because they could not break through the defensive formations, but some monsters with strong anti-magic power were able to break through even the defensive formations of the Ofilis Pavilion.

In fact, monsters that are capable of breaking through the defensive formations of the Ofilis Pavilion are very rare. However, since the group of monster tribes themselves was such a large scale in the first place, the size of such a special monster tribe was not at a level that could be ignored.

– Kaang! Cheaeng!

– Hwaaaaaaaaa!

The sound of swords clashing and magic being unleashed filled the entrance to Ofilis Hall.

The maids at Ofilis Hall are famous for there being nothing they cannot do. Of course, they had some level of expertise in combat, and there were quite a few people who could use middle-level magic at the senior maid level.

Since it was a place guarded by a group of maids and even had a dedicated defense line, they were still able to maintain the front line with ease.

– Quang! Quang!

In addition, most of the students who use Ofilis Hall are students with excellent grades. Not only the maids but even the dormitory students had outstanding fighting skills. Even the geographical location is vaguely located on the outskirts of the living area, so most of the monsters invade the center of the living area and have no intention of coming to Ofilis Hall.

In this crisis situation where even the royal residence was in danger due to various conditions coming together again and again, Ofilis Pavilion was maintaining an excellent defense posture.

“The monsters are once again flooding into the cracks in the southern defense line!”

“There are no senior maids with their hands empty now! “First of all, mobilize all the people who can move and stop them!”

The central command room of the Ofilis building.

Maid Jean Belle Maia was giving instructions to the maids from a command room created as a temporary barricade in the maids’ work space.

Not only the maids, but also the students staying at Ofilis Building were working together to stop the monsters.

But defense is everything.

There was no time to lend a helping hand to other places where there was probably chaos.

In the first place, it was impossible to get there through such a large group of monsters, and even if he came into contact with another group of survivors, he could not be brought to Ofilis Pavilion in good condition.

There is no other way than to hold out as long as possible and hope that the situation will eventually be resolved.

“Have you contacted the Lorail Hall or the Dex Hall?”

“I heard news from Lorail Hall. Although they suffered great damage, they say they are somehow protecting the students. But… Dex… is out of contact…”

Belmaia slowly closed her eyes at the report posted by the maid. It wasn’t a situation to do something like a nursery rhyme.

It would have been difficult to defend Dex Hall completely because the dormitory was so large and there were so many dormitories.

It would probably be no surprise to say that it has been devastated by now.

“I can’t help it. “First of all, we will do our best to ensure the safety of the students we are protecting…”

At that time, Belbroke roared once again.

Every time a sharp roar cuts through the skies over Aken Island, the magical energy in that sound becomes stronger little by little.

It’s a fact I don’t want to admit, but it means that Bellbroke’s seal is getting weaker as time goes by.

For now, Lucy Mayril can somehow block it, but if Belbroke breaks free of the seal and comes out, even Lucy won’t be able to handle it.

In fact, at this point, Lucy Mayril has already reached her limit.



The maids who fell to the floor screamed due to the aftereffects of magical power.

Belle Maia also frowned and looked out the window. Belbroke once again opened his huge mouth and gathered magical power.

The enemy Velbroke is targeting is Lucy Mayril, who is blocking him. Along with the sealing chains that try to drag the body back into the deep sea, it is the greatest enemy that blocks it.

However, in the aftermath alone, Ofilis Hall’s defense line began to become unstable. This is because Velbroke’s magic contains the power to neutralize various defense and anti-magic formations.

You may be able to hold out for a few times, but if Bellbroke fully resurrects and begins to exert its power, Ofilis Hall will no longer be able to maintain a defensive posture.

The only solution is to pray.

– Quang!

Did he take advantage of that moment?

A giant bat pushed through a crack in the defensive line and stuck to the outer wall of Ofilis Hall.


“Do not panic! Bring out all the magic!”

There was a lot of screaming from students, and in the midst of it all, there were students who kept their composure.

Belle Maia also somehow managed to raise herself up on the table. And when I looked at the window, I saw that the eyeballs of a huge bat were filling the window.

Without hesitating even for a moment, Bell took out his rapier and plunged it into the bat’s eye.



With the sound of glass breaking, a giant bat, writhing in pain, fell from the outer wall.

– Coooooooo!

The giant bat that crashed into the rose garden started struggling and destroying everything around it, even though it was bleeding.

“Huh … Hu Wook …”

Defensive Law also began to limit the limit. That fact was despairing, but I couldn’t just ignore it.

Bel Maia gave instructions to those around her while barely breathing.

“Evacuate students to the underground facility! In the future, the threat from monsters will become stronger! “To minimize damage, we need to hide the students first!”

Shouting like that, he took out another rapier that was decorated on the inner wall and opened the door to the outside of the command room.

“Keep this in mind. Our mission is to keep our students safe under all circumstances. “We must save as many students as possible with the will to burn this one body to the ground.”

“Oh, I understand…”

“I will also deliver this to the maids stationed on the outskirts.”

Belle Maia nodded and ran out into the hallway.

It is not a wise decision to go to the front lines with the commanding title of maid chief. This is because if one dies, the command system collapses.

However, the more the situation reaches its extreme, the more desperate it becomes to have a single combatant. If the situation had progressed this far, even Belle Maia herself could not have stayed still.

When I came out into the hallway, clutching my rapier tightly, two giant bats, different from before, stuck to the window.

– Boom! bang!

– Clink!

As the windows in the hallway suddenly break, the arm of a giant bat rushes into the hallway.

It broke various works of art and decorations at random and let out an unpleasant roar as it tried to kill all the humans it touched.


It was the moment when Bel Maia was trying to gather all the magical power of her body to use magic.

– Get it!

A giant bat made a strange sound and reached out its hand toward Bel Maia.

The head was cut off cleanly.

Bel Maia, who was about to use magic, was taken aback by the momentary change in the situation. But eventually, I understood the situation when I saw the boy who had kicked away the giant bat that was left behind and rolled inside the window.

-Flop flop!

A series of flows that quickly climb up the wall with magical power and cleanly cut off the giant bat’s head. It shows that he has the practical sense to not panic even in situations like this.

The boy who got up after rolling on the floor full of glass shards and shaking off his blood-stained sword was… Ziggs Eiffelstein.

“I’m glad to see that you’re okay, Mr. Bell.”

“Master Ziggs. when…?”

“I just arrived. Tailie and Ayla also came with us. “The situation at Ofilis Hall doesn’t look very relaxed either.”

Ofilis Hall’s defense line, which was thought to be able to endure, was becoming more and more unstable as time went by.

“There is no time to explain the situation at length to each other, is there?”

“Yes that’s right. First of all, it was a wise choice to evacuate to Ofilis Hall. “Toward the underground facility right now…!”

“I didn’t evacuate, I came because I had someone to pick me up. Elvira is here, right? “He must have come running in a month to collect the alchemy supplies and reagent ingredients from his room.”

So much time has passed that the behavior patterns of classmates in the same grade are already clearly visible.

Ziggs jumped on the arm of one of the remaining giant bats and spun around, twisting his body around and firing a sword strike.

Then the giant bat’s left arm was cut off. The giant bat screamed and fell towards the back yard.

“To catch Belbroke, you need Elvira’s knowledge of alchemy. At a time when it is difficult to approach the professors of the Department of Alchemy, he is the only high-ranking alchemist who will accompany you without hesitation…”

“You are going to… catch Belbroke…?”

“Taylor can do it. We have no intention of sitting back.”

Ziggs speaks with his back to the broken window, wiping the blood off his knife again.

“I would like to participate in the defense of Ofilis Hall, which is cornered, but… we have to go and do more important things.”

“…You’re not joking.”

“Many people have already sacrificed. In order to save Tailley, senior Ed remained alone in the most dangerous limb, and I also left behind a group of survivors in the student square to join Tailley. Even though Elka is there.”

There is only one reason. To deal with the biggest threats.

“We… have to take responsibility and catch Belbroke.”

Ofilis Hall is not the only place in crisis.

The same goes for the group of survivors in the student plaza that Ziggs left behind.

The group of survivors who reached the living quarters under the leadership of student council president Tanya had already endured many sacrifices.

It is natural that we lost Ziggs, our most important combat personnel, but we cannot make it to the living quarters without suffering any damage.

Although it was full of dying people, Tanya kept moving towards the living quarters, trying to save at least one more person.

The garrison on the side of the Bachelor’s Cathedral, centered around Saint Clarice, was almost breached by the flock of monsters… The

group of survivors at the student training center, centered around the combat club students, was also suffering a lot of damage.

The Elte Company, which lost a third of its direct merchants due to the collapse of the Maxes Bridge, is also protecting the company building from the incoming monsters… It is rumored that the royal family’s quarters have been almost completely breached.

“But we must fight back.”

Ziggs declared.

“I have no intention of sitting still and accepting death. So… I’m sorry, but I have to take Elvira with me.”

*- ‘I’m going to pick up my alchemy supplies and reagent ingredients from the Ofilis building, so stay in a safe place!’

This is the story Elvira told as she ran towards Ophelis Hall.

Even if I die soon, my first priority is to protect the results of my research, even in this crisis situation, as I am afraid that my life will not be one focused solely on alchemy. I didn’t know she was that kind of woman. However, did you not expect that the situation would become this serious?

After parting ways with Elvira at the student square, I ran away from the sudden attack of the monsters, but eventually succeeded in joining the nearest garrison. But that was all.

A student training ground where students from the Combat Department gathered and formed a garrison centered around Dyke.

The man kneeling in the corner, shaking with his head down, is Clevious Nortondale.

Although he belonged to the prestigious Nortondale family and even held the title of valedictorian of the second year, Clevius was trembling with fear.

There are so many people dying and the number of monsters covering the sky seems impossible to handle.

If you continue like this, you will die. However, when you listen to the roar of Seongchangryong that covers the sky, you feel a sense of fear as if your heart is being squeezed tightly.

As a huge disaster that we cannot do anything about with our own hands approaches, we realize once again how weak we are.

– ‘That bastard… why did he join this garrison…?’

– ‘He knows some swordsmanship… but he’s the kind of guy who just runs away whenever there’s a fight!’

– ‘Everyone is fighting for their lives, but you pathetic bastard… Why doesn’t Senior Dyke kick that guy out?’

– ‘Leave it alone, Senior Dyke will have his own thoughts. First… focus on defending the outside of the garrison!’

“I… you think I’m doing this because I want to… ugh… nope…”

Even at first glance, he is a pathetic human being. The man was holding back his tears and holding his trembling hands.

Still, what can I do? I’m scared. Human emotions are not something you can control.

Just because everyone else is fighting bravely doesn’t mean you can’t be brave too. The memory of swinging my sword at Lucy like a burning flame for a moment is now a long time ago.

In the end, a pathetic person is pathetic until the end. Even if you gain energy for a long time, your rotten inner self will not change completely.

Nowadays, he doesn’t mind the gossip from students around him who make fun of him. I’ve lived my whole life being criticized, but now I’m so hurt and shocked that I can’t even live a normal life.

It’s just that I’m afraid and I’m just afraid.

“Seriously… Shipal… Why do I have to go through this… Why…!”

He is hugging his knees and shaking his teeth.

Every time students passing by saw him stuck in a safe corner of his camp, they clicked their tongues.

Not only the seniors, but even the juniors looked at Clevius and openly called him a coward.

It seems like they are stubborn until the end in the current situation where everyone goes to the front line as long as they can hold a sword. The juniors who were watching this were so overcome with evil that they even made a suggestion to Dyke, the garrison leader. If you’re going to do that, kick Clevius out. It will only have a negative impact on the morale of the garrison.

However, in order to save at least one more person, Dyke kept Clevius at the garrison. Clevius could not be kicked out for being a coward.

Clevius himself knows it. He is a coward, an egoist, a coward, and a piece of trash.

Dyke, who has put himself in order, is a true leader, a good person, and deserves everyone’s respect.

I feel frustrated by the gap, but that doesn’t mean I try to become someone like Dyke.

This is because he knows better than anyone else that he is a gutter rat living in a gutter. No matter how hard a sewer rat tries, it cannot become virtuous, as its body is already full of the stench of the sewer.

The gaze of the students at the garrison is getting colder, and they don’t care. I have endured that kind of disdain for my entire life.

They are just struggling to save their lives.

That’s how Clevius survives.

He’s neither as desperate as Ed Rothtaylor nor as noble as Dyke Elphelan, but he’s also not a complete bad guy. It is the life of a coward who is only half-hearted.

Clevius spread his hands and looked at them quietly. The hand, which was holding nothing, was trembling with fear.

“The tube of ophilis is about to rupture! “Maybe the garrison there isn’t safe anymore!”

Soon, a student rushed in and reported loudly to Dyke. The voice was so urgent that it echoed loudly throughout the garrison.

“what? “Wasn’t Ofilis Hall safe because it was surrounded by defensive lines?”

“It seems like they were affected by Belbroke’s magic…”

“Then the students there will also take refuge. “If there are students who take refuge in our direction, we must be prepared to accept them.”

“No, Senior Dyke. They will probably take refuge in an internal underground facility. Still… there is no guarantee that it will be safe if the ophyllis tube is pierced.”

Honestly, which garrison will hold out and which will break through is purely a matter of luck.

Luckily, a place where not many high-ranking monsters fell can hold out for a long time, but unluckily, a place where a lot of high-ranking monsters fall cannot hold out for long. That’s it.

The royal residence was unlucky and this training ground was lucky. It is precisely because of this difference that the lives of countless people are being decided.

Dyke furrowed his brows and sighed, but there was no way to help the Ofilis Hall at this point. This garrison is also in a situation where my nose is stone.

“I can only hope that you are safe. “We must first rally at least the survivors inside the combat department buildings!”

Dyke quickly made a decision and spoke. It wasn’t a wrong decision.

In the worst case, the entire students of Ofilis Hall could be exposed to the threat of the monster tribe, but I could only hope that that would not happen.

“We’ll rest for about thirty more minutes, and then we’ll go search for survivors in the northern training area! “Those who will follow along should prepare their equipment now!”

After shouting that, Dyke picked up his knuckles. In order to gather as many survivors as possible into the garrison, we had to move a little faster.

It was a forced march that was somewhat burdensome, but no one expressed any complaints despite such a tight schedule.

At that moment, Clevius stepped on Dyke’s eyes.

Clevius got up from his seat as if possessed and was heading towards the exit of the garrison, holding a sword in its sheath.

Dyke, startled, quickly jumped out of his seat and grabbed Clevius by the shoulder.

“Clevius! Where are you going! “It’s hell out there now!”

I understand the situation of Clevius, who is constantly being pressured by the students at the garrison.

Therefore, Dyke was conscious of Clevius to some extent. Still, I didn’t expect him to suddenly think of leaving the garrison as if he were possessed.

Anyway, Clevius is a terrible coward. I didn’t expect him to face the outside world in such a disastrous situation, but…

Clevius held Dyke’s wrist tightly with eerily calm eyes and let go of his shoulder.

Dyke glared at Clevius’s eyes at the sudden change in attitude. However, the eyes of Clevius, who I thought was shaking with fear, were infinitely calm.

“Where on earth are you going? “In this situation?”

Elvira headed to the Ophilis building—the reason why that insignificant fact kept trampling on her mind may have been because Clevius was nothing more than a coward.

If you live your life worrying about everything, isn’t it easy for your unnecessary worries to increase?

I wonder if this is also a useless worry… but as much as the fear of death, another fear that is deep in Clevius’s heart emerges.

That means… Elvira might die.

That hot-tempered alchemist who grabs Clevius and shakes him every chance he gets, scolds him, raises his voice, and gets angry unnecessarily.


Clevius looked up into Dyck’s eyes for a moment while clutching Dyke’s wrist tightly. He was such a good person that he would take care of me, so I didn’t want to worry or ask for help.

“A walk.”

Is that what they say as they head into the inside of a hellish academic institution?

However, Dyke had no intention of stopping the noble Clevius… and just watched him leave the station.

Clevious plunges his sword into his shoulder as he leaves the combat unit’s training camp.

A terrible pain surges through me, and I let out a groan… but eventually the pain subsides.

He bows his back and looks up at the group of monsters surrounding the garrison with red-tinted eyes, along with the sound of heavy breathing.

A sword stained with blood-red magic was drawn out like a flash of light. A sword spirit covered in blood goes out for a walk.

When I came to my senses, the road was stained red with the blood scattered by the demons.

*Taylor McLaure was sitting in the rose garden of the Ofilis Building, having difficulty treating her wounds.

Ayla Tris, who had reached the Ofilis Pavilion with Tailly, was running around the Ofilis Pavilion looking for Elvira.

Ziggs Eiffelstein was explaining the situation after cutting down the giant bat that was threatening Belle Maia.

Lortel Kecheln was protecting the building by shooting ice magic directly in front of the business building.

Fenia Elias Cloel was leading Emperor Cloel across the corridors of the royal quarters to escape from the monsters.

Elvira Anniston… was gathering all the reagent ingredients in her room, and

Clevious Nortondale was heading to the Ofilis Building, single-handedly sweeping away the demons of the bachelor’s.

It seemed like more time would still be needed to gather the members of the Belbroke subjugation team in one place… but the fact that everyone was still alive and well is encouraging.

However, the Sylvanian subjugation force that had to gather around Ed Rosstaylor… made little progress.

Characters who have escaped the affairs of and are caught up in a completely different flow. People who can cooperate with Ed without affecting the power of the government’s subjugation force…

Ed Rosstaylor Yenica Palover Selaha Einir Cloel was gathered in one place…

Lucy Mayril was alone. I’m exhausted as I’ve almost run out of magical energy trying to block Velbroke.

Saint Clarice could not even think of leaving the cathedral camp.

Tanya Rosstaylor had reached her limit just by taking responsibility for the survivors in her garrison.

Even in this situation, the end of the world was slowly approaching.

Great Sage Sylvania smiled bitterly as she looked at the collapsing world.

Among the numerous variables that try to block the bell break, the variable that must be eliminated first is engraved in their eyes.

That is… the existence of Lucy Mayril, who is fighting with Belbroke in a sealed state.

– Boom!!

Lucy Mayril was pinned to the half-collapsed remains of the Bachelor’s spire.

Amid the rising dust, Lucy shook her head and looked up at the dying sky again.

A person floating in front of Belbroke with a staff in front of him.

Great Sage Sylvania… was looking down at Lucy with a creepy smile. After that, the image of Belbroke still struggling.

“No matter what… having to handle both at once… is a bit too much…”

Lucy took off her school uniform coat, threw it away, and stood up her small body again. It was my first time experiencing a wound like this. The blood was staining red and spreading across the school uniform blouse.

Nevertheless, Lucy Mayril had no intention of backing down. She looked up at the sky with a blank expression, as always.

I didn’t really know how long I could endure.

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