The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 24

Glaskan subjugation battle (4)

– ‘I must rescue Yenika someday and comfort her.’

What suddenly comes to mind is a message from a high-ranking wind spirit who guarded the forest.

When you suddenly receive such words you cannot help but want to ask various questions.

How do you know what will happen to Yenika? You probably don’t have as much knowledge about the flow of the story as I do.

What and how do you ask me to save you again?

Are you saying that we should sacrifice everything including future trends resources and resources and just run into the student center and catch Belosper? First of all do you think that would be possible?

Or do you mean to read all of that guy’s thoughts in advance so that Yenika’s actions do not go according to the established flow and control all variables as if he were a god to create an environment so that Yenika can live only a happy life? There are degrees of unreasonable demands.

Merilda is not stupid either.

There must be a reason why he delivered such a message to me when Lucy Mayril with whom I can communicate well is right next to me.

Since this is the guy who watched my every move while living in the forest I guess he said this after making his own judgment.

Unfortunately inferring the intention right now is not only not easy but it is also meaningless.

There are a lot of things that need to be resolved. There was no way I had the brains left to care about the things around me.


There are many difficult things in the world but there is no need to challenge the impossible.

People who break their brains while attempting impossible tasks usually do so because they did not know that it was impossible.

From my perspective having cleared ‘Sylvania’s Failed Swordsman’ countless times evaluated the abilities of various characters and enemies and played with various concepts trying to beat Tarkan now is literally challenging the realm of the impossible. This is what you do.

The 3rd named boss in the final chapter of Act 1 of Sylvania’s Failed Sword Saint. High Fire Spirit Tarkan.

Although it is a high-ranking spirit that boasts overwhelming specifications in itself it is equipped with Velosper’s berserk buff and its compatibility is infinitely superior to magic.

The hard shell that surrounds its entire body nullifies the power of almost all magic-based attacks that touch its surface. However this does not mean that the sword will stick properly so the only thing that can be said is that it is completely unreasonable. Whatever it is people who have played the game intuitively notice it at this point. That’s not a boss you just created to overcome with specs or strategies.

Ultimately Tarkan’s essence is an event boss. It is an entity implemented according to the needs of the scenario designed to lead the situation into a flow that leads to the use of the ‘Elemental Slash’ that Tailly learned just before.

Those damn games when new technology or functional elements are added inevitably lead to a scenario where you have no choice but to use them. Well it’s funny to add a function and not introduce it but the result is a situation where you have to open a locked door without a key.

Of course that is impossible.

“What’s in it?”

“It’s nothing special. “It’s not really necessary but it’s nice to have.”

Is that so?

Ziggs asked when he saw the leather pouch he had brought out of the reading room but he didn’t have time to answer so he just put it in his chest and crossed the hallway.

If you are in a situation where you have to make the impossible possible the methodology should not be sought in the normal realm. If you can’t open the locked door you have to go in through the back door.

Isn’t there a twist in the scenario that was going smoothly? You need to put aside for a moment the stance of steadily following the established flow and only taking advantage of the parts that are advantageous to you.

Since we are now in a situation where we have to return the flow of the scenario that has come out of the political situation to its original state from here on it is completely an area of ​​quickness and improvisation.

If I had enough time I might have been able to solve it in a simpler way. I’m trying to improve all the training elements that exist in Sylvania’s failed swordsmanship so as time goes by it’s on my side.

However if this is the situation we are facing we must now resolve it with the resources we have. In the end that methodology inevitably results in ‘information superiority’ a privilege in this world that only I enjoy.

Fortunately I came up with a good way.

Although it was absurd it was the most reliable method.


Forgive me for being late. “I will definitely pay for my sins.”

That’s Okay. Even if Ziggs had been there we would have definitely been defeated.”

The moment we encountered the punitive force was earlier than expected.

Since I couldn’t enter the student center carrying Elka I had to put her down at the student plaza station in front of it. Since it was a busy hour I rushed over in a hurry but surprisingly all the members of the punitive force had returned to the student plaza.

The condition was nonsense.

“Luckily we were able to retreat but… .”

Princess Fenia looked up at the vast night sky. The color of the Glaskan summoning circle had already completely turned dark red so it would not be surprising if the summoning ceremony was completed immediately.

The barrier covering the teaching building was also intact so it seemed difficult to expect help from outside.

“Once you get this far you have to re-enter whether it’s porridge or rice.”

Time is not your ally. Even after seeing that summoning ceremony unfolding in the sky no one will suggest waiting for outside assistance anymore. It was a busy situation at one time and even once they were defeated and retreated they wasted valuable time.

I looked around. How far has it progressed where has it been blocked and what is the extent of the damage?

The members gathered at the student square garrison are truly dazzling. The main characters who each perform various roles in their respective positions until the end of the scenario are gathered together in a comprehensive gift set.

Failed Sword Saint Tailley Companion Ayla Princess of Mercy Fenia Golden Daughter Lortel Spear of Vegetation Ziggs Guard Captain Clair Gloomy Clevius Meddlesome Elvira…

Everyone had scratches big and small and by the time they reached the guard captain Claire one of his legs had been completely burned. That’s a serious injury. It is no longer meaningful as a power source.

In addition Clevius had a splint on one arm. It looks like a fracture. The value of this side as a force was also greatly reduced.

Anyway the most important thing is that Tailly’s condition seems to be okay. I confirmed that fact and moved on to the thinking stage where I judged the progress of the scenario.

At that time Claire could barely control herself and voiced her opinion.

“If you are planning to re-enter I think it would be better to gather volunteers from among general students and re-enter. If the pain in your legs goes away hurry… ”

“It’s okay Claire. You can rest at the garrison.”

At those words Claire shook her head.

“Princess Fenia. “If you really care about me please take back the order.”

“You can’t even walk properly Claire. me too… “There is such a thing as a heart.”

You can pretty much infer it from that tone of voice. The reason why a strong man like Claire the guard captain suffered such serious injuries was probably because he was protecting Princess Fenia. Although she tightly purses her lips and speaks in a firm voice Princess Fenia’s mind is probably already a mess.

Still it is definitely Fenia-like to not show signs of weakness. However having a strong mind does not mean that you can solve the crisis at hand. What solves a crisis is practical ability not a strong mind.

I raised my head and looked at the surrounding scenery.

At the center of the student plaza is the Neris Building and Obel Building Student Center.

Among the three buildings the Glokt Building is completely destroyed. This is evidence of entering Phase 2 and catching the Lieutenant Spirit in the main hall of Glokt Hall. And the entrance to the nail tube was clearly open as if the spirit tree Altar that had blocked the entrance to the nail tube was also caught.

As expected it is as expected. Although they managed to break through to Phase 2 the subjugation force was defeated once by Tarkan in Phase 3.

Fortunately the retreat appears to have been successful but in the process too much precious time was wasted and an important force named Claire the guard leader was lost. Clevius the first-year member of the combat club must be seen as having lost more than half of his abilities.

There was no time and power was running out. It seems like the summoning circle will be completed any minute making it difficult to expect help from outside. I can’t sit still but I’m not sure I can win if I re-enter right away.

Princess Fenia was seen clenching her teeth. Anyway I am now in the position of commanding this garrison. Something had to be done.

“Let’s divide the punitive force into two.”

After quickly understanding the situation I spoke.

The intervention of an outsider who appeared out of nowhere. As the first-year Ace members all returned injured the gloomy atmosphere in the garrison subsided once more.

“Looking at the status of the summoning ceremony it will be completed very soon. “I don’t have enough time to grab Tarkan and go.”

“What is it Ed Rosstaylor?”

The answer came to a gloomy Clevius. He frowned in pain from the fracture but continued to talk.

“Hey this situation seems like a joke… ”

“I have to listen to the story first. “Clevius.”

Before Clevius could say anything it was Ziggs the Spear of Vegetation who stopped him.

Everyone’s eyes widened at that fact. Ziggs who had been talking about Ed Ross Taylor as if he was going to eat him until he left his station seemed to feel uncomfortable at the change in his attitude.

What happened in the student library? Of course there was no time to worry about such apparently good side effects right now.

“The high-ranking fire spirit Tarkan relies on hearing and touch rather than sight to understand the surrounding terrain and the location of enemies so making a loud noise is enough to lure it out. “It would be better for one team to pull Tarkan out while the other team enters the combat practice area.”

“Senior Ed. “I can only say that because I haven’t actually dealt with Tarkan.”

This time Lortel countered. She was a girl who had a history of going one-on-one with Takan during joint combat training.

“It is difficult to think that it is in the same state as it was during joint combat training.”

know. Velosper must have cast a berserk spell. “I also fully confirmed this while subduing lower-ranking spirits.”

“By attracting attention you gain time. I’m not the type of person who understands that concept. I’m just glad I didn’t get knocked out or lose my life in one hit. “It was pure luck that we were able to retreat.”

As Lortel calmly explained the reality I questioned him for confirmation.

“Did he escape from the gap between the pillars?”

“… ”

How did you know that?

He looked at me with eyes full of that meaning but I don’t have time to explain that now.

The situation itself having to intervene in the scenario this much in the first place is not very comfortable. If there wasn’t an incident that went astray in ‘official affairs’ there wouldn’t have been any trouble with Katabuta in the middle of a garrison full of important people.

I will not waste my information advantage by interfering with the flow of political affairs.

It’s time to put that policy aside for now.

– ‘※ There is a cutscene where the pillars of the corridor collapse three times during the battle. If you get crushed by a pillar you will die instantly so make sure to avoid it.’

If you have the ‘Elemental Cut’ skill defeating Tarkan itself is not difficult. Therefore there are surprisingly few facts that people may not know unless they have a lot of playing experience.

If you guide the huge stone pillars at the three corners of the nail pipe corridor well and place them there you can create a temporary gap.

“You were lucky.”

Luckily Tarkan was crushed by one of the stone pillars giving him an opportunity to escape. It must have been a situation where heaven helped.

The only time Tarkan gets crushed by a pillar is the first time. After that it knocks away the pillar with its tail so you can’t hope for such a lucky feat twice.

“I won’t pry into the details. Senior Ed. Anyway the plan you presented is unrealistic. Even if we all attacked together it was an opponent that had no choice and they even split their strength in half. He might be able to take some time off but I don’t think it would be long enough for it to be meaningful.”

Lortel’s opinions are always realistic and reasonable. That outstanding cool-headedness was the biggest reason that brought the girl to where she is now.

“Rather than taking time the punitive force in charge of Tarkan is more likely to be overpowered immediately. “If Tarkan joins the combat training center we may have to face the worst situation of having to deal with Velosfer and Tarkan at the same time.”

If we were to condense the whole story into just one sentence it would be as follows.

“The risk is too great.”

But it wasn’t that I had nothing to say.

“Considering the size of risk can only be done when there are other alternatives. Lortel.”

Lortel seemed to be unable to refute those words but for a moment he fell silent. He rolled his eyes as if he had nothing more to say in response but Lortel couldn’t think of any other way to resolve the situation.

“We must not lose sight of what the most important goal is at this point. Princess Fenia. “Isn’t this the job of stopping Yenica from being ruled by Belosper?”

Everyone is silent again. Since the speaker is Ed Ross Taylor you may not want to agree with him but he doesn’t say a single word that is wrong.

“There is no need to suppress Tarkan. Just skip Tarkan and somehow go to the combat training range and stop Yenika. This number of members will be enough to subdue Velosfer. No you have to do it.”

The reason they cannot overpower Tarkan with such golden members is ultimately due to their inferiority in compatibility.

The final phase of the battle in which Velosper and Yenica appear can be easily resolved even if it is a subjugation force with insufficient strength. The key is Tailley’s sword training. All you need is enough people to support it.

“Ed Rosstaylor.”

Princess Fenia’s eyes turn to me. The appearance is not good at all.

All kinds of variables and situations would have pushed her into a corner.

The hem of her dress which was always shiny after rolling on the dirt is dirty and torn here and there. The tips of her silky hair are scorched by Tarkan’s flames. It is a trace of a terrible battle.

She who is in a corner both physically and mentally looks straight into my eyes once again.

also… “It’s you..”

“I won’t talk too much because time is running out.”

The surrounding area is already filled with the whispering sounds of students. Who is this person who talks so proudly? Is he crazy to follow Ed Ross Taylor’s opinion? Are we all going to die together? Well these are stories that don’t need to be recited.

“I don’t lie.”

But they are not the final decision makers. There is only one person with the qualifications of monarch in charge of this hastily built garrison.

Princess Fenia looked at me like that for a long time… She seemed lost in thought for a moment then nodded her head.

“Regardless of the intention there is nothing wrong with what you say.”

A decision made calmly.

“Princess Fenia! Are you saying we should follow that person’s opinion now? “This is Ed Rosstaylor!”

“Be quiet Claire. I am not following Ed Rothtaylor’s opinion but a ‘reasonable opinion’. “He is giving a reasonably valid opinion.”

Princess Fenia who made the final decision eventually spoke to the members surrounding the garrison.

“There is no way to beat Tarkan at this point. What is certain though is that if you defeat Elementalist Yenika Tarkan will also be neutralized. but… “There is something that must be decided.”

“Who will stop Tarkan?”

There was silence among everyone for a moment as Ziggs’ words penetrated to the core.

“Ahaha… “That’s just picking on those who want to commit suicide.”

“Be careful what you say Elvira.”

“Oh I’m sorry. Princess.”

Even in a state of complete disrepair ‘Nosy Elvira’ quickly shut her mouth at the princess’s words.

“Being on one side doesn’t mean you’re particularly safer. “The opponents are a high-ranking dark spirit and a high-ranking fire spirit.”


From their perspective there is no guarantee that entering the combat practice area without blocking Tarkan will make them safer.

In fact if I were to evaluate it from my point of view because I know everything Tarkan is more dangerous.

Tarkan an enemy prepared to teach Taily how to use ‘Elemental Slash’ appeared with an overwhelming compatibility advantage due to his characteristics.

However the high-ranking dark spirit Velosper is just a ‘strong enemy’.

It is not an enemy that must be dealt with by relying on a specific ‘strategy’ but is a standard final boss that is dealt with by appropriately utilizing the abilities and strategies you have.

In the current situation Tarkan’s existence is infinitely unreasonable. As mentioned above it is a lock that must be opened without a key.

However Velosper is nothing more than a complicated labyrinth… Since there are this many members if you work hard you can destroy it.

but… . I am… “I don’t really want to deal with that fire lizard!”

Clevius who had a cowardly temperament lamented like this.

I am… ! I am! Put me in the combat practice range entry section! I’d rather go that way! “It’s more important to subdue Senior Yenika!”

Yes. At this point the biggest difference between Tarkan and Velosfer is the feeling of fear that touches your skin.

Tension spread among everyone. The princess was unable to immediately stop Clevius’ ominous words. Because she the princess suddenly realized once again the feeling of fear she felt when she faced Takan.

An unknown target that has not yet been directly encountered and an opponent that was actually defeated once before.

At this point it was obvious that the psychological horror that Tarkan would inflict would be much stronger.

Tarkan a high-ranking fire spirit wearing Velosfer’s berserk buff. The embodiment of fear that roars swings its tail breaks the pillars of the corridor and runs wild while spewing fire… It’s natural that I don’t want to deal with him again.

No one volunteered for Tarkan’s subjugation team.

There was tension among everyone. Someone has to take responsibility for that position.

“I will stay.”

The first person to raise her hand was Tailley McLaure.

“Don’t be stupid.”

I rejected Tailley’s opinion without even a second of delay.

I beg your pardon..?

There is still hostility in Tailley’s eyes when he looks at me. It has to be that way.

“If you die now even if you wake up you won’t be able to deal with that lizard. “I can’t last even a minute.”

“… There’s no guarantee that someone else will be able to do it. “If I had to choose the one to discard anyway it would be reasonable for it to be me.”

Tailly looked around. If you look at the faces of the members sitting around the center of the student square garrison they are all dazzling. It is not common to see members of Nanda Ginda sitting together and exchanging opinions.

The only failing student there. It’s like a goose among a flock of swans.

It may be quite well-trained now but it probably won’t be enough to overcome the overwhelming difference in specs.

“Those feet are fast. “I’m not sure how long I can run away but if I have to sacrifice it’s right for me to do it.”

“You must be mistaken. “We’re not picking a scapegoat right now.”

After saying that I grabbed Taily’s shoulder and turned her around. I just give up my back and Tailly gets pushed around by me and gets caught up in the crowd again.

“Don’t show up and stay inside. “You must enter the combat training range.”

And I looked straight at Princess Fenia.

“I have a clever idea. “We can tie up Tarkan until the main force subdues Yenika.”

what is that?

that… Do you have time to explain… ? “So to speak it’s very long.”

Looking up at the sky the color tone of Glaskan’s summoning ceremony shows no signs of changing anymore. It is completely stained dark red and looks like it is about to spit out a disaster-like glass can at any moment.

“There is no need to split the punitive force in half. Please give me just two. “One in charge of the vanguard and one in charge of firepower.”

After talking up to that point I kept my mouth shut.

radish… what? Ed Rothtaylor wants me to follow you and stay behind to deal with Tarkan?! Where in the world is such a crazy person? Better just pray to God! Rather than trusting and following you… ! “I’ll just run away to the outskirts of the barrier ceremony!”

“The person in charge of the vanguard will just be Clevius who is making such a fuss right now.”

what? why! Why me! why! Sorry! It’s my fault! “I don’t want to die!”

“Well… really… It’s noisy! “Stupid Clevius!”

Elvira a nosy person who couldn’t hear anything screamed and took the cloth used to seal the alchemy reagent and stuffed it into the injured Clevius’s mouth. Clevious only let out intermittent screams while gurgling.

“The person in charge of firepower… Lortel. “You stay.”


Golden Daughter Lortel looked at me with an expression of surprise on her face.

“I don’t know if you know but I have a record of crushing defeats even against Tarkan who is not under the berserk spell.”

“Does that have any meaning? “At this point there is no one who can beat Tarkan one-on-one.”

“That too but um… ”

Lortel smiled and spoke.

“I am also a person who knows that my life is a waste. In a situation like this wouldn’t it be natural for anyone to politely refuse? Even if it’s not that stupid Clevius.”

It seemed like Clevius was crying out loud asking who he was calling an idiot but none of the punditry members paid any attention.

okay. But actually your opinion doesn’t matter that much.”

“… “That too.”

Lortel coolly admitted. At this point there is only one person who makes all decisions about the punitive force’s course of action.

I turned my head. There is Fenia Elias Cloel a girl who has the actual power to decide everyone’s actions.

“Make a decision.”

“Do you want me to trust you?”

“Is there another alternative?”

The attention of those around me was already completely focused. The opinions of the students guarding the garrison were mostly skeptical. Ed Ross-Taylor’s notoriety is such that anyone who doesn’t know is now a spy. It is rather unconscionable to expect a favorable response.

“Princess! It’s not possible! no! Anyway absolutely not! “You can’t trust someone like that and entrust your work to them!”

The sullen Clevius spat out the cloth and shouted his objection.

“I think it’s worth the walk. If there is no other alternative let’s follow Ed’s opinion. “Because that’s the only alternative.”

Ziggs the Spear of Vegetation was relatively supportive of me.

“Yes it might be better to follow that opinion. I don’t know anything else but I think it’s better than sitting still and getting killed. Ahaha.”

Nosy Elvira seems to agree with me but if you look closely her stance is actually good.

I am… “I won’t say anything.”

Golden Daughter Lortel is quietly observing the situation.

“… .”

Tailley remained silent as if her thoughts were complicated.

Princess Fenia quietly closed her eyes at the center.

Figure out what is the right path among the scattered opinions. You must carefully figure out whose opinions you will trust and whose opinions you will reject.

After thinking about it for a while I finally opened my eyes… The words I barely uttered.

“There are conditions. “It might be a little difficult.”

Without further ado it signaled the start of the plan.

“By any chance don’t die. never.


The punitive force was divided into two groups.

The Tarkan team consisting of me and Clevious Lortel.

And the Yenika suppression team consisting of the remaining members.

There is no particular reason to nominate Clevius and Lortel. There was a need for one vanguard and one firepower officer.

The person who could be in charge of the vanguard in the punitive force was Taily Clevious Ziggs Clair.

Tailley was out of the woods and Claire was seriously injured. In the end it’s either Ziggs or Clevius but in fact it’s better to add Ziggs who is stronger to the team that subdues Yenica which is the core of the subjugation.

Since I only needed a vanguard to attract attention there was no need to ask for a strong vanguard so I chose Clevius who was injured.

Among the remaining people the one who can handle firepower is Fenia Lortel Elvira. Ayla is still too weak to be in charge of firepower.

Princess Fenia is out of the question. She is a defensive builder who blocks Velosper’s attack magic in the final battle so she should be sent to the Yenika suppression team.

The remaining ones are Elvira and Lortel. Among them the reason I ultimately chose Lortel was not that great. As I said once Lortel in the first act is a bad ending maker. There was no need to keep him with Tailly so I just brought him.

As a result Yenika’s subjugation team became Taily Fenia Zix Elvira Ayla.

It’s an extremely simple composition compared to ‘Jungsa’ but theoretically as long as Tailly’s swordsmanship is revealed he can definitely win.

“Is it a bit close… ”

It’s inevitable to be worried. At this point I think we have inferred the characters’ abilities and thought about their roles as much as possible to make the optimal distribution but… Compared to a private affair there are definitely more uncertainties.

If I can’t defeat Yenika with that member my head will hurt even more from there. Well for now I have no choice but to trust and leave it to you. What’s urgent right now is Tarkan.

“So Senior Ed. “The situation has been established just as you wanted.”

The time is late morning. The time of sunrise is slowly approaching. The time limit also seems to have an end.

The location is the entrance where the student center is directly visible. Neris Hall and Obel Hall were also visible on both sides.

shit! Why do I have to be here like this! Oh God! “Please just let me survive!”

Clevius looked almost like he was crying. Even if he looks like that he is a guy who does it when he gets it done. He buzzes loudly and is like a mosquito but his role as bait is amazing.

Lortel Clevius and I stood side by side and looked at the open entrance to the nail salon. As soon as you enter the Nail Hall Corridor battle begins.

If Takan is pulled out the Yenika suppression team takes advantage of the opportunity and charges to the combat training site entering the final battle.

The Tarkan battle and the Velosper battle are being held at the same time. As I get caught up in things like this I have all kinds of strange experiences.

“It’s time for you to tell me right? “How are you going to waste time fighting that fire lizard?”

“I can’t take the time.”

“… .yes?

Lortel looked at me with puzzled eyes. Clevious was also startled by those words.

“What is it? What are you talking about!

“Just a touch is death and the speed is ridiculously fast and even the pillars are collapsing in such a small space. How can we take so much time? “Even if I tried to run away I couldn’t last even five minutes.”

that… This is something I cannot easily ignore. Senior Ed. “We risked our lives.”

“If you put it the other way around it means you can take about 5 minutes. ”

I took off my dirty school uniform coat and rolled up my sleeves.

“Instead of thinking about running away you should think about catching.”

Clevius and Lortel were dumbfounded by those words. Aside from Clevius this is the first time I’ve seen Lortel who always has a cool-headed face look dumbfounded. It’s not a common sight but it’s funny when I see it.

“Just do as you’re told. “If we follow the plan we will definitely win.”

I roughly waved my arm and sent a signal to the Yenika subjugation team. It was a signal to enter.

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