The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 237

Bellbroke Subjugation Battle (5)

― ‘I don’t know why I should live.’

It was a boy named Glokt.

The reason why an immature boy barely over ten years old was able to meet and talk with the great sage of the century Sylvania Robester… This is because he inherited the blood of the adventurer Dalex Elderbane.

The emperor at the time allowed Sylvania to meet various people from all walks of life. She was confident that if she could expand Sylvania’s horizons in some way she would continue to create magical innovations that would benefit the world.

The emperor’s intention was right. At the time she was in the Lily Palace lab Sylvania’s horizons were expanding more than ever before.

Meanwhile the person I met was Glokt a messy-haired boy with empty eyes.

She will never forget the empty eyes of the boy who sat quietly in the reception room and looked up at Sylvania blankly.

His father outback adventurer Dalek died last month. He died after being attacked by a bear while exploring the Far East. Her mother died the day Glokt was born making her virtually an orphan.

The son Glokt who was left alone wanted to have a private meeting with the famous great sage Sylvania as his last wish.

In honor of the exploits of his father the Dalex Elderbane the Emperor granted his wish. Finally on the day he finally met Sylvania the words the blank-eyed boy spoke had a very heavy meaning for his age.

– ‘I was born with a weak body. It is safe to say that there is no magical talent in the Magic Tower. But I’m not very smart either. I’m not very sociable and it’s actually difficult for me to deal with people. ‘I have no one close to me and everyone I could call family has passed away.’

– ‘… ‘

― ‘I don’t think I’ll ever see the light of day in life if I continue to live like this. I don’t have any clear goals. I don’t think there’s anything worth calling a dream and I don’t think I can achieve it even if it happens. I am convinced that life will not get any better.’

There is even confidence in the boy’s eyes. Because it is your life and your own qualities you know it better than anyone else.

― ‘I don’t know what happiness is.’

– ‘What do you mean by that?’

– ‘You never know. Even if I live like this and am just stupid and don’t know how to do anything… You might stand out somewhere. If you’re lucky you might have great success. but… Even so… In the end I will die lonely. I will just sit still and die in a place with no one and nothing. From the beginning I just… Because it’s empty…’

There are times when everyone feels certain without reason.

There comes a point when you realize that even if your life continues like this there is no way it will get better.

I can see so clearly that this is the high point of my life and I can’t help but guess that it’s not that high enough to be called a high point…

The moment comes when you feel the emptiness of life itself.

What is the meaning of continuing to live such a miserable life?

It’s a story in a novel where you get a chance and something special happens and your life turns around like a miracle.

99% of people’s miserable lives are bound to end in a miserable way.

Misfortune in fairy tales is a trial that must be overcome.

Misfortune exists to be overcome. The story of the main characters in fairy tales is about overcoming misfortune and seizing the bright future ahead.

However misfortune in reality is just misfortune.

Misfortune is misfortune in itself. It is a reality that has arrived. Just as hands and feet are nothing more than organs attached to the body misfortune is also nothing more than a lump that one has to carry with one’s whole life.

It is neither an obstacle that guarantees a shining happy ending nor a food for the mind that will one day help me grow further.

We who live real lives are not the main characters.

And for those who are not the main characters misfortune is just misfortune.

– ‘I heard you are the wisest person in the world. So I really wanted to ask you.’

The boy asks Sylvania with empty eyes.

― ‘Do I really have to live this life until the end with nothing to show for it in the future? What about something like that… What does it mean?’

Is there a reason to continue living even if it means just struggling in pain?

I never expected such a question to come out of the mouth of a ten-year-old boy.

What answer did Sylvania give there? I couldn’t remember her very well.

*In order to deal with an enemy who has an absolute superiority in power all available means must be mobilized.

First of all it is suicidal to honestly stick with any amount of force in an open area. You must first move from the battlefield to a place where you can utilize the terrain features.

After coming to that conclusion the battle began by scattering the smoke generators he had taken out of his chest onto the floor.

– Sigh!

― Hwaaaaaaaaa!

The moment Bellbroke’s breath cut through the night sky and a huge cry of magical power enveloped Aken Island once again I quickly ran through the rising smoke screen.

This is to jump back into the Trix building that you just escaped from. In the open front yard you have to take all the attacks yourself but inside the Trix building which is blocked by all kinds of walls and doors you can somehow take advantage of the blind spot of vision.

Sylvania as if she had read his intention accurately fired dozens of magic bullets with just a simple wave of her hand.

From Sylvania’s perspective it’s a light jab… It was such an insignificant blow that even the metaphor was rude.

With just the nerves of a reflexive flinching dozens of magical bullets capable of crushing a person’s body can be unleashed. I somehow managed to avoid the barrage of magic bullets aimed at me by flying into the lobby of the Trix Building.

– Boom! Quagwang! bang!

Soon the entrance to the Trix Building collapses.

The rubble of the building was coming down from where I had been standing just a moment ago.

The Trix building lobby space is quite open. If you want to attract even a little bit of attention and delay time it is better to escape to the second or third floor hallway.

It was the moment when I was about to move towards the stairs.

– Boom!

The roof of the building is cut off like tofu.

Sylvania who was at the top of the open space just a moment ago destroys the ceiling of the first floor with just one stomp and lands on the floor.

The hem of the robe flutters and dust rises but the girl standing at the center absorbs all the surrounding aftermath with just a single wave of her huge staff.

Movement that seems to be free of physical restrictions.

He lowered his upper body like a zombie among the dust and grinned… When he sees me he dilates his creepy pupils.

“You’re brave. Be brave. “You’re so brave.”

Is there any such thing as reason left?

“You’re not running away. Be brave. You are so brave. cool. Be brave. amazing. Even after seeing the Holy Changryong covering the sky and seeing me destroying the building like nothing happened he didn’t run away and his fighting spirit was aroused. amazing. You are so brave. cool. amazing. “You’re brave.”

Even though his voice cracks and cracks he doesn’t stop talking.

It feels as if rotting vocal cords have been forcibly twisted to produce a voice.

“I guess people like you can come together and overcome such tremendous hardships. We will be able to overcome such a ridiculous disaster like Seong Chang-ryong being resurrected. It’s really amazing. Because there are people like you there are people with such great courage. So the future will continue. right. yes. amazing. It’s really cool. Be brave. “It’s amazing that there are brave people like you.”

“… ”

“So you have to die.”

The corners of the mouth are lowered so much that it puts to shame what appeared to be a joyous smile just now giving people goosebumps.

“Let’s die let’s die. You shouldn’t be there. you are a variable If you keep it alive it will block the Velbroke. I’m sure Seong Chang-ryong is trying to stop this useless world from ending. Stay still. It might be easier to die quickly. Like falling asleep without pain… I will give you such comfortable rest. Otherwise it will kill you more painfully. So stay still. Don’t resist. Listen to me. “If you don’t stay still if you resist the longer you wait the more painful the death will become.”

“… ”

“I’m going to twist your neck. I’ll squeeze your heart and pull out your veins. I’ll rip out your intestines and rip off your fingernails. I’m going to expose her facial skin and burn her raw flesh. I’ll cut out your tongue break off all your fingers and sever your ankles. I will shove a fireball into your mouth begging to be killed. Blood will flow like a river. The protruding intestines will roll around on the floor. sick. It must really hurt. Awesome. Sigh. “Giggle.”

Sylvania’s face which had been smiling eerily for a moment returned to an eerily expressionless expression.

“So die comfortably. Let us all die comfortably together. Let’s not be eaten by emptiness. I would rather fall into an endless void and wander for eons in a future that never ends or be eaten by such endless fear… Let’s all die here together. Let us head towards the rest called death. I will help you. “I can help.”

“Sylvania Robester.”

When I softly called her name the girl shook off the fluttering edges of her robe twisted her neck strangely and looked at me.

“What did you see?”

“I didn’t see anything.”

At that moment a trickle of blood flowed from Sylvania’s lips.

When I looked closely I saw that he was chewing his lips.

“I didn’t see anything. There was nothing. “All I see is endless darkness that lasts forever in the void.”

“… ”

Hey. Have you ever looked up at a dark mountain in the middle of the night? Or have you ever just stared at the dark sea? Have you ever been staring at an endless darkness with no end in sight? “Have you ever done that?”

Sylvania is talking frantically in a voice that is boiling with blood… This is not someone you can communicate with.

However I was able to buy time to draw out the body’s magic power. I concentrated again and gathered up more than half of my magical energy.

“Fear of the dark is the primal nature of humans. Having to swim in it forever… Do you understand that it is much more painful than dying with your fingers cut off and your internal organs spilling out?”

“… ”

“We can die more comfortably.”

― Thud thud thump thud!

The magic power of the aspect raised once again covers the area. Although the lobby of the Trix Building is quite large the concentration of magic power is so high that it becomes difficult to breathe.

The moment Sylvania started to move again I converted the magical energy I had drawn into arrows and fired three or four arrows at her.

I don’t think it will be an effective hit. I just hoped it would be a brief distraction while I ran towards the stairs.

However Sylvania does not even take a defensive stance. It doesn’t even implement defensive magic.

The magical arrows fired were effortlessly neutralized simply by being thickly surrounded by the scattered flow of magical energy.

The raised magic power is directed towards me. Sylvania standing at a distance towards me opens her hands and clenches her fists.

Eventually I realized the true nature of the magic.

High-ranking level magic ‘instant death’.

Anything that takes human form within range is guaranteed to be killed in one hit… It is truly magic that reaches the height of irrationality.

The only condition for the magic to work is that the target is human. That’s it.

There is no compatibility. Even defensive magic doesn’t work. As long as the cast is successful within the range no human can avoid death.

There is a huge drawback in that the casting time is long and a huge amount of Aspect magic is used… It’s all meaningless to Sylvania the pioneer of aspect magic.

Even if you are Sylvania it takes some effort to cast high-level magic but if you can end the situation with one strike you will accept that.

There is a lot to do. There are so many variables in the world that try to block that bellblock. It would not be good for her to take this long to deal with her human being Ed Ross Taylor.

But I resist.

The only way to resist Aspect magic power is to counter it with the same Aspect magic power.

Considering the rarity of aspect magic this is actually a meaningless assumption. But unfortunately I learned aspect magic.

I grit my teeth against the flocking Aspect Mana and draw out the Aspect Mana from my body. Although it is quite weak compared to Sylvania’s ridiculously large amount of magical power it can at least provide resistance.

Middle Aspect Magic ‘Death Immunity’.

Although the skill level has not yet increased the basic effects are steadily manifesting.

The overwhelming magic of Sylvania causes every vein in my body to explode my nose bleeds and my bones tremble as if they will break… I somehow managed to resist by raising my arms once.

– Kaang!

Although my mind was dizzy I drew out the remaining magical energy and created a wind blade.

A wind blade made of magical power flies towards Sylvania who has just used high-ranking magic and created an opening.

Sylvania casually removed the wind blade with a single flick of her staff but her eyes were wide.

“Aren’t you dead?”

At the moment when Sylvania was startled for a moment I ran up the stairs to the second floor of the Trix building with my whole body in pain as if it was going to break.

“Aren’t you dead? how? How did you not die? I have to die. When you die in peace… When you can die comfortably… I have to die! But how? why? Why don’t you die? Why aren’t you dying? You say you can die comfortably but why don’t you die? How do you not die? why? why? why? how? how? how?

Sylvania who was repeating this over and over again in a strange voice eventually twisted her head and looked at me running up the stairs.

are you okay. “I will definitely kill you.”

Eventually the magic circle unfolded again and began to shine…

Half of the Trix building flew away in an instant.

*“Please save me please save me! If we stay like this we’ll all die! There are too many monsters in the sky!”

President! What should we do now?! Should we run towards the Obelgwan?! I heard that the Mae Max Bridge side collapsed… !”

“Everyone stay calm!”

In the student plaza where the closing ceremony was held the remaining student council forces were staging a sit-in dragging survivors with them.

The student members who had come down to the podium and set up a temporary camp using the collapsed stage equipment as barricades were all trembling with fear.

The good news is that student council president Tanya Rosstaylor is still maintaining her composure.

“There hasn’t been any communication from the academic headquarters yet right?”

yes. I think the academic affairs headquarters may have been affected as well. “I think it would be difficult to keep waiting for a call.”

Ziggs who had just returned from a battle at the northern entrance of the temporary camp patted the blood off his sword and sat down next to Tanya.

Since that uproar broke out the battle has been going on without a single moment of rest. Ziggs was already quite tired… Still he still had some reliability left.

“First of all the terrain is very bad. It is better to hold on to at least one building than to stand in an open area and deal with all the monsters coming from all directions. Although there is no risk of collapse… Still it’s better than sitting still and being surrounded by monsters.”

“First of all if you include the students currently at the station and outsiders there are over 200 people. “Is there a building nearby that can accommodate this number of people and is easy to defend?”

“The Obelgwan building is not very good. A Glockt tube seems appropriate… It looks like it just collapsed from that monster’s blow… “It might be better to move toward the classroom building.”

“Is it possible to lead this many people to the class building without harm?”

“It’s impossible. But I think it’s right to go even if there is damage.”

Ziggs calmly analyzed the situation well and communicated it.

The situation is so urgent. Any hope that the situation can be resolved without any damage must be abandoned.

The people in the garrison near the student square had practically entrusted their lives to Tanya’s decision.

The weight pressed down on her shoulders but Tanya somehow managed to shed the burden by swallowing dry saliva once.

“If we head to the classroom building while escorting as many people as possible… ”

“Still at least half of them die. However if you quietly sit here and are surrounded by monsters… “Everyone dies.”

Ziggs’ sharp eyes still remain the same. She says she knows what she’s talking about.

― Kaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Once again Velbroke’s roar splits the sky. The magical light from the monster’s mouth tried to cover the world but Lucy Mayril gritted her teeth and manifested hundreds of magic circles sending them flying far out into the sea.

In the sea where Velbroke’s beam hit a huge explosion occurred and spray rose. The scale was so enormous that it felt like rain was pouring down on Aken Island far away.


Tanya spoke through gritted teeth raising her arms to block the pouring seawater.

“Tell everyone in the camp to pack their bags! Anyone who can’t keep up will die! First I’ll head towards the classroom building! “It’s close to the living quarters so if you’re lucky you might be able to join the people at the cathedral camp led by Saint Clarice!”

“Should I tell this to the students who are teachers in the combat club? It will take some time and you will have to bear some risks.”

“There… Senior Dyke will be leading us well. I can’t afford to take care of that! They’re probably holding a sit-in at the Combat Department’s training center so it’s right for us to head to the class building first! “Just because it’s a classroom building doesn’t guarantee it’ll be safe but it’s better than here!”

I knew.

This was the moment when Ziggs gave a short answer and was about to quickly get up from his seat.

President! A new survivor joins at the eastern entrance… !”

“I don’t have time to meet them all! I’ll give you the basic information while evacuating but first prepare to leave this camp… !”

Before the words were even finished Ziggs who had stood up reacted first.

The sight of a boy running from afar supported by a girl was familiar.

“That… Taily… ? It’s Tailly… ? “You’re alive Tailley!”

“Jik..s… !”

Are you tired from fighting through so many monsters? Tailley was struggling to support her body and was being supported by Ayla.

It was a long journey just to get to this student square station.

Ziggs quickly ran out and supported Tailly who was bleeding profusely with Ayla.

“Taylor! what’s the matter!

“Trix Hall! “The Trix Building has fallen Chairman!”

Tanya took a deep breath when she heard those words.

The Trix building… This institution is like the brain of Sylvania Academy. In fact it is safe to say that all of the university’s emergency measures start from there.

“What do you mean it’s been captured? Are you saying it was breached by the monster tribe?”

“Great Sage Sylvania… It has been resurrected. I know it sounds strange. “You might be wondering what this means.”

Ziggs who was holding Tailley also opened his eyes wide. The students gathered around looked at him wondering what that meant.

“I know that’s a strange thing to say! But for now the situation is urgent so please trust me! The current situation with that monster running rampant is not normal! “I don’t have time to waste trying to convince you that what I’m saying is true!”

then… The Trix building… ”

“Great Sage Sylvania destroyed them all. Ayla and I who happened to be in the Trix building saw that scene and somehow managed to run away. Ed Rosstaylor… Ed Ross Taylor is stopping her… . Cough.. Cough..”

The students all looked dumbfounded as they watched Tailly sneezing while being supported.

Has Taylor McLaure finally gone crazy? Could it be that he was unable to maintain his sanity in this urgent situation and ended up seeing nothing?

“Please believe me. now… It’s not just the monster that covers the sky but also the Trix House… There are real monsters. I don’t know why but the Great Sage has gone crazy and is slaughtering people in sight! “If you can’t stop either of them it’s all over!”

In any case the news Tailley asked was infinitely despairing.

Either I saw something in vain or the great sage of legend was truly resurrected… . What is important is that there remains some kind of threat that has overcome the Trix House.

And Ed Rosstaylor… That’s what’s blocking it.

“Your brother is in the Trix building right now?”

“If you don’t help us quickly you will die. This is not an opponent you can beat! “Even if we gather all the power of this island we can’t do anything against him!”

but… ”

Tanya held her breath.

Hundreds of lives are now hanging on his shoulders. At this point running to the Trix building to help Ed is essentially abandoning the lives of hundreds of people.

The absence of Tanya who had the authority of being the student council president and led the group tightly… This will lead to fatal consequences for the people in the student square garrison.

The moment there is even the slightest slowdown in movement dozens of lives are lost. It is a crisis situation that is at the tip of a knife.

Tanya gritted her teeth. My tightly clenched fist was shaking.

“Rather than that we have to solve that Seongchangryong problem Taily!”

It was Ayla who raised her voice there.

She has heard most of the truth from Ed. This means that they are in a position to judge the situation faster than anyone else.

“We have to use all our power to clear out that Belbroke!”

“That…” Is it possible… ?”

“He… what is he?! “What nonsense!”

“How are we going to get rid of that monster? “You’re not going to have to find a way to escape!”

The students at the garrison refuted Ayla’s shout their voices shaking. Nevertheless Ayla paid no mind and looked straight at Tanya.

President. We’re going to go catch Belbroke. Now if only Taily could somehow get to Belbroke’s heart… “I can cut it down.”

Tanya swallowed dry saliva and looked at Taily. She already had scars on her body and looked very tired.

Even if you are the hope of a combat team that knows how to use swordsmanship it is difficult to think that you can overcome that monster in that condition.

Even though the seal has not yet been broken even the rare genius Lucy Mayril is struggling.

“If that seal is completely released it’s truly the end. Maybe now we can somehow get to Belbroke’s heart! “If you just try to run away people will just keep dying!”

Ayla cried out desperately. To be honest Ayla herself knew how reckless that would sound.

Still I couldn’t stay still. I knew that Tailley was the only one who could solve this disaster.

Tanya’s reason whispered in her ear. You should never listen to such reckless talk.

According to my rational and rational judgment it is right to take Ayla and Tailly and run away to the classroom building. At a time when each and every combat personnel is lacking the fact that a combat agent named Tailly has joined is a great news.

It would certainly be the right decision to have at least one person lead a large number of escorts and hold on to even the faintest hope…

Ed Ross-Taylor’s intentions scratch my heart and make me feel uncomfortable.

It was probably his intention to save Tailley and send her to the student plaza while staying in the Trix building.

Her older brother Ed Rothtaylor never sets foot on a limb without meaning to.

For saving Tailly like this… I feel a strange obsession.

Reason and sixth sense.

When leading a group there comes a time when you have to weigh between them.

You don’t always have to stick to the rational process and you don’t always have to listen to the cries of your sixth sense.

The situation is urgent.

Even at the moment of hesitation people die.

Even if judgment is wrong people die. Carrying his life on your back is such a heavy thing.

Tanya closed her eyes tightly took some time to think and finally managed to speak out.

“Senior Ziggs. “Let me help senior Taily.”

I beg your pardon?

Each combatant’s moment is as precious as gold. Ziggs is actually one of the best forces in this garrison. In some ways this is a decision that could put Tanya’s own life in danger.

“Join the two of you and try to sort out the situation somehow. “I will remain here and take responsibility for the people at the garrison.”

President. Sorry but I am against it. The reason I stay here is… ”

“I don’t know about anyone else but I will save Senior Elka even if it means risking my life. “I promise you everything we have for the Ross Taylor family.”

Tanya is well aware of Ziggs’ behavioral principles.

The reason Ziggs remains at this station is not only because he is a student member but also because his lover Elka stays at this station.

“I’m going to bet on my brother’s judgment… So please hang out. Senior Ziggs.”

Tanya didn’t say much. He just stared at his Ziggs with sharply opened eyes.

There is no time to think long. Ziggs narrowed his brows looked around once and then… He took a deep breath.

Then he wiped off the blood from the knife and put the knife into its sheath.

Afterwards he turns to Tailley and speaks.

“To approach Belbroke you must be able to offer at least some resistance to the magic power that surrounds his body. As you can see the concentration of its magical power becomes darker the closer you get… Just approaching to cut out his heart will make it difficult to withstand the aftereffects of his magical power.”

Seeing Ziggs calmly discussing future measures… Ayla turned bright red.

“So we need to at least find a way to withstand the aftereffects of magical power. The most popular method is… “You are drinking resistance reagent.”

“Professors in the pension department will know how to do that… !”

“Unfortunately most of the professors have lost contact Ayla. “The Trix building has been taken over.”

Ziggs somehow maintained his composure and supported Tailly again.

but… There are many students who can create reagents even if they are not professors. As far as I know… It’s possible with Elvira. “Other senior students in the Pension Department can also do it.”

but… You don’t know where Elvira is… ”

“Whether it’s Elvira or other top students in the pension department… “First of all it’s obvious where to go to find an honor student.”

Ziggs supported Tailley and turned to Tanya and spoke.

“I will head towards the Ofilis Pavilion managed by Maid Jean Belle Maia.”

The voice was still strong.

“Please survive.”

Seeing Tanya nodding her head firmly Ziggs took a step forward.

*The procession of death continues. The number of deaths is already uncountable.

Velbroke’s roar and the aftereffects of his magic that embroider the sky again and again push people further into the crucible of chaos.

Velbroke’s magical power is so enormous that it makes even Lucy Mayril frown. Watching an ordinary high-ranking wizard casually fire magic on a scale that would leave him exhausted after just one shot was almost mind-boggling.

Lucy Mayril’s clothes proudly floating above Aken Island were already tattered here and there.

In front of Lucy who is floating wearing a witch’s hat tightly and fluttering a cloak that is no better than a piece of mat the image of Belbroke wrapped in chains still remains.

A disaster that reigned fearfully as if it was going to end the world was getting ready to strike the world.

Its power was so enormous that it was worthy of its name Seongchangryong which can eat even gods. It went far beyond what humans could block.

No matter how strong the magic you throw at it Velbroke’s leather will not break through. Lucy clicked her tongue and caught his breath.

I was so exhausted.

How long has it been since you felt exhausted? Even when she held the mebula she only felt a little tired and sleepy.

Being completely exhausted is something I’ve never experienced in my life.

Lucy nevertheless raised her magic power. Even in this situation that dazed and listless voice still remains.

― Kaaaaang!

In front of you is the roaring Seongchangryong which makes you feel death just by looking at it.

“You seem very angry.”

He raises his arm and prepares to block Velbroke’s next strike. The magical light that surrounds the wide-open eyes emanates like the starlight of the Milky Way.

“Come or come.”

A lot had already changed in the relationship which had become so twisted due to the presence of Ed Rothtaylor.

Among them if we were to pick one ‘variable’ that exerts an overwhelmingly large influence… Ultimately it comes down to the existence of one person.

Lucy Mayril.

The girl who blocked the catastrophe alone was looking down at the roaring Seongchangryong with a nonchalant expression.

My ears were filled with the sound of collars fluttering in the aftermath of a storm-like magical power.

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