The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 212

Restrain yourself, Mr. Jenica (3)

Orte Palover was a man who could already be called an expert when it came to livestock farming.

In fact, there is no one native to Toren village in Pulan who does not know much about cows and sheep. In this village, where there are far more cows than people, a person who couldn’t do even one thing properly couldn’t be treated as a person who did his job well.

He is a famous worker in the village. His dependable figure stands out with his solid muscles and wide shoulders. In addition to his generous personality, he also had a firm spirit…

It was natural that Seila, a peddler who came to sell daily necessities while buying milk and firewood, fell in love with him.

The reason why a true young woman named Yenica Palover was born from Orte Palover, who was full of wildness and masculine blood… was because he had a wife named Sayla who was elegant and energetic.

Orte and Seila.

The Palover Ranch run by the couple, who can be said to be the entirety of the Palover family… is, after all, the most famous ranch in Toren Village.

It doesn’t seem like a lot for two people to manage, but I have a wonderful daughter who comes up every vacation and helps out, and I also get help from the villagers during the peak season, so I’m managing to manage it well.

“Honey, I left the letter on the table when it arrived. Did you see it? Well, Yenika received another student commendation this time!”

“To this extent in Sylvania… my daughter… isn’t she too talented…?”

“I heard that spirit magic has grown to a truly amazing level… If you think about when Yenika was young, she would always hang out with the spirits in the alpine region, right? I guess it was all foreshadowing.”

Sayla was smiling and dressed as a village woman with her sleeves rolled up.

In fact, it was safe to say that all of Jenica’s vitality was inherited from Seila.

“More than half of the second semester of my third year has already passed, so I’ll have to treat myself to a proper feast when I return in the winter.”

“But… it won’t just disappear out of nowhere like last time… It’s hard to see my daughter unless she’s on vacation.”

“I thought about it, but I don’t think we were very considerate of Yenika back then, honey.”

There was already a story going around in Toren Village about Yenica Palover’s pure love.

This was so difficult for Yenika, who was very shy, to endure it, so she decided to take refuge on Aken Island until she was relieved of the rumors.

After Ort and Sayla realized that fact, they decided that the next time Yenica came, they would never provoke her, but would slowly, subtly, and gently find out who Yenika was in her heart.

No one seemed to have any disagreement about the fact that Yenika would return home early for the next winter vacation.

In this way, time passed steadily in Toren Village.

As is typical of a rural pastoral village, each day passes without much change except for seasonal changes.

It is difficult to realize that time is passing by while working on a ranch.

Still, from time to time, when news from outside the village is updated or an acquaintance contacts him, Orte feels the passage of time.

My friends from other places are getting older, my own greasy beard is growing, the sun rises and sets faster…

As we live each day as we head towards winter, news from outside is the only way to check the passage of time. It is a variable.

A week after the news that Jenica Failover received a student commendation, a letter praising Ortega Seila for her achievements arrived at Failover Ranch.

The couple almost flipped out when they saw the sender. It was a personal letter written by Fenia Elias Cloel, the 3rd princess of the Cloel royal family.

“….what is this….”

“Princess Fenia herself wrote a letter and sent it to me…”

“What does it say, Seila? I like this old-fashioned cursive. “I can’t read it…”

“So… It’s something that praises Yenica Palover for her many achievements… and also recognizes our contribution in raising that child well… Honey…”

Yenika I knew that people tend to fly and crawl a bit in Sylvania, but I had no idea that a personal letter from the princess would arrive.

“Yenika… is definitely… doing well…”

“It seems like something big happened in the Rothtaylor duchy. No news has yet reached this outskirts… but anyway, it’s a solution to such a great family’s accident. “It seems like Yenika played a big part in this.”

“Really…? Actually, I also heard a similar rumor the other day when I was out in the city. They said there was a disaster centered around Duke Rothtaylor, and that means Yenica was involved in it…?”

I remember the image of Yenika diligently milking a cow with her sleeves rolled up and a triangular bandana pulled over her forehead. It’s a memory that doesn’t match what was written in the letter.

Ortega Sayla doesn’t know much about the dramatic growth Jenica has achieved in Sylvania. Maybe because I’m from the countryside, I don’t really understand how special it is to deal with high-ranking spirits.

But one thing was certain… their daughter was doing more than expected right now.

“That’s right…! Yenika! You’re doing really well! To be honest, I never thought I’d receive a personal letter from the princess… but it looks like she’s really making a name for herself!”

“Yes…! I didn’t think they would treat me this well, but I think I did the right thing sending Yenica to Sylvania! Hohoho!”

“Honestly, I didn’t expect it to be this bad, so I was a little embarrassed, but… I’m Orte’s daughter! I have to do something like this! I’m so proud of you, Yenika!”

The following month, news broke that Jenica Palover had been granted the title of Baron as a vassal of the Rothtaylor family under the protection of Princess Fenia.




On the table, an old vassal of the Rosstaylor family was placing a longsword with an emblem symbolizing his baronial title.

Next to it was a shield seal with an ornate pattern and a document showing that he came from an aristocratic family.

The retainer who came all the way to this rough terrain to report the news slowly lowered his head and spoke.

“I meet the great masters of Pale Rover Barony, Orte Pale Rover and Sayla Pale Rover.”

Even at first glance, they were gifts that looked luxurious and expensive.

Orte couldn’t hide his embarrassed face and asked the old vassal.

“What is all this…?”

“Depending on the courtesy of a military lord, you may not speak to me. My name is Neldrek, a vassal from the Rothtaylor duchy, and I am a servant of Baron Palover, who has recently been granted the territory near Kelclon Plains and Mount Daren in the northwest of the duchy. ”

“Did I hear something wrong…? Are my ears… broken…?”

Vassal Neldrek was originally in a position to assist Duke Rothtaylor, who worked for the imperial family. However, now that he had been pushed out of central power, he was now handling the duke’s duties.

“I am in a position to assist Baron Yenica Palover in his work.”

“Yenika… Baron…?”

“Yes, that’s right. Right now, the Baron is unable to take care of the Barony because he is concentrating on his studies, so I am in the position of regent for the affairs of the Barony until he completes his studies. Still, I have to personally greet the two great masters. “I came a long way… to be treated with courtesy.”


“It certainly seems like the air in the Pulan region is good. The scenery is beautiful and there is a lot of vitality to live in. The Baron was born and raised in a place like this, so I guess the Baron was able to accumulate virtue in that way.”

Orte held his breath as he watched Neldrek naturally tell the story.

Rumors had already begun to circulate in the village that the Palover family had become a noble family. It is rumored that he also has a connection with the famous Ross Taylor family and even gave them a separate estate.

Even though it was my daughter, I couldn’t help but ask myself.

What… are you doing?…


“Yenika has become a baron!”

“I heard you were directly under the protection of Princess Fenia?”

“Huh. Really…? In the past, when Jenica talked about Princess Fenia, her expression got scared…” “

Well, it is said that it was the case that the Rosstaylor dukedom took the initiative to appoint her…”

“Then, Yenika. Are you a noble now…?”

“Not only that, but you also have the qualifications to access central power.”

“Well, Yenika has a strong sense of being kind and naive, so there are times when it’s hard to tell, but… she was definitely an incredibly talented person!”

“Wow! Yenika, who I was fighting with, is a noble?! A baron?!”

“I’m going to brag later. I was Jenica’s roommate when she was working at Dex Hall!”

“I often go with you when I go to the living quarters to buy snacks!”

As Jenika was from a commoner background, most of her friends were also simple commoners.

Perhaps it was so surprising that a nobleman had emerged from their group that excited rumors swirled around the early morning bachelor’s party.

When someone succeeds, there are many people who congratulate them, but on the other hand, there are also many who express envy and jealousy.

In particular, it is easy for people like Yenika, whose background is not particularly special, to be hated by ambitious people.

However, Yenica had a reputation that transcended even those laws. No one in the academy narrowed their eyes at Yenika’s success. From the beginning, I had the impression that he was a person with that level of ability.

In fact, there were many people in Sylvania whose origins were so noble that even a newly-crowned baron seemed like a no-brainer. So, this would end up being just a happy ending between Jenica’s acquaintances.

However, for Yenika herself, it was a once-in-a-lifetime event.

“Ed… I can’t be a noble…”

Yenika was in tears in the corner of the elemental science classroom in the bachelor’s building, holding a large cane with a sullen face.

“…Why are you crying, Yenika?”

“I was happy at first, but for some reason… how was the territory… how was the management of the vassals… I started to feel overloaded in my head because I thought I needed to learn things like King’s Studies and Dragonmanship…

” Baron Palover.

On the surface, they seemed to be in a military relationship, but in reality, they were just friends.

Yenica Palover, a spiritist who has made a name for herself by earning recognition for her skills alone.

From his contribution to saving numerous nobles from the tragedy of Duke Rosstaylor’s residence and to his record of summoning the highest-ranking spirit intact at a young age.

A person who started out as a commoner and rose to success solely based on his abilities. It was truly the perfect appointment as the face of Princess Fenia.

“Wh… What on earth are noble-like words and actions…?!”

The location was the elemental science class in Gyosu-dong.

As a member of Class A, the same as Yenika, I took classes with Yenika in all the core curriculum of the Ministry of Magic.

Thanks to that, I was able to attend Professor Kalide’s in-depth elemental studies class. It is a dream place for any student interested in elemental magic.

Before class started, I was lost in thought while looking at Jenica, who was dead.

“Is that… important…?”

“It’s important! After I suddenly became a noble, I searched the library for records of elegant female nobles… Duchess Restina of the Klein family, Countess Deltergis, head of the Bloomriver family, Sinir, and the Rosstaylor family. Even Tanya and the Bat Count of Helston… they are all noble and wonderful people!”

Yenika asked, clasping her hands together and looking sideways.

“But… I don’t know anything! Last time I went to the living quarters, I spilled juice at a store run by a commoner, and when I picked up a rag and tried to clean it up, the owner almost flipped out.”

“You don’t have to clean it yourself. You can just leave it to the store owner.”

“I spilled it and I have to clean it up! And the day before yesterday, a first-year junior fell down on the street and got dust on the hem of my skirt, and he suddenly fell down and apologized! You can just wash your skirt!”

It is certainly a place where the virtue of learning is more important, but that does not mean that there is no gap between noble and commoner students.

Naturally, it is inevitable that commoners will hang out with commoners and nobles will hang out with nobles. .

Yenika, who was friendly with children like Clara Anis, who had a huge social class difference, was something of a different species.

“Does Ed usually feel like this too…? “I don’t know what it means to live as a noble…”

“Not to that extent. To begin with, I was excommunicated once and hit rock bottom, and there was a long time when public opinion within the academy was not good. But since you, Yenika, have made a name for yourself within the academy, there must be something even worse.”


“If you can’t avoid it, enjoy it… It’s not a bad thing to be considered. In the first place, not all nobles are treated with consideration in Sylvania.”

“But… I don’t think this is right…”

Yenika continued her story with a look of intimidation.

“What is the thing I’ve heard the most since I became a noble? Do you know?”

“What is it?”

“Have some restraint…”

Oh, it’s definitely worth it.

Yenika is the type of person who only gets angry after rolling up her sleeves for every little thing.

The incident of spilling juice may have been a minor thing. I don’t know, but from the very beginning, she was the type to take charge of all kinds of chores herself.

Just as Belle Maia became dissatisfied with administrative work after becoming head maid, Yenika’s actions were restricted simply by being labeled as a noble.

“How do you become noble?” Should I… First, let’s smile like a noble.”

“What does it mean to smile like a noble?” ”

Uh, uhm… like this… Put the back of your hand to your mouth… Oh-ho-ho… Oh-ho-ho-ho.” ..!”


As I was looking at her with a bewildered expression, Yenika blushed and lowered her head, as if a rush of heat went up her spine.

“I can’t say that I’ll become noble with something like this, but… Still. Becoming a noble didn’t mean only bad things happened. Even though it’s been less than a week since I received the bestowal of the territory…”

“Did something good happen?”

“Rather than something happening… hmm… I feel like I understand Ed’s position a little better.”

Those words . I momentarily tilted my head.

Yenika seemed to be rather amused by my reaction, as she cleared her blushing face and smiled with her eyes closed.

“Ed, you lived your whole life as an aristocrat.”

“Back when you weren’t. There was also. Actually, the time when I hit the bottom is what I remember the longest.”

“Yes. Still, I thought about that while I was next to Ed.”

Among the students who were chatting before class started… Yenika spoke with her arms resting on the desk.

“Ed must have lived under this weight. ”


“Of course, the difference between a duke and a baron lies in their weight. I was able to feel something similar.”

“It’s not something worth attaching such grand meaning to… I just lived with the situation that came my way.”

However, Yenika shakes her head and says,

“Sometimes I see Ed looking at the bonfire alone. That’s what I thought every time I looked at it. I have a lot of worries that I will never understand. Well, it can’t be helped because the world we live in is different.”

“…Did you think that?”

“It’s actually true. But now I still feel less empty in my heart.”

Yenika smiled and touched the area around her forearm sheepishly.

“I feel like the distance has become a little closer. Even though Ed is still in a far-off high place.”

Hehehe, that mesmerizing smile did not change whether he was a noble or a commoner.

I couldn’t really see a future where Yenica Palover would become the head of a noble family leading a family. That doesn’t mean I’m worried again…

but I’ll get through it anyway.

*[Magic ability details]

Grade: Skilled Magician Specialization: Element/Spirit/Aspect Common Magic:

Fast Casting Lv 14

Mana Detection Lv 15 Fire Element Magic:

Combustion Lv 18

One-point explosion Lv 6 Wind element magic:

Wind blade Lv 16 Spirit magic:

Spirit sensitivity Lv 18

Spirit understanding Lv 18

Spirit manifestation Lv 13

Sensory sharing Lv 13 〈Spirit slot: Middle fire spirit mug〉 Sensitivity level: 8 Spirits Ceremony Efficiency: Perfect Unique Granted Skills: Protection of Fire Bok (Temporary Fire Immunity Explosion) Explosion (Low Explosion Magic)

Increased Fire Magic Ability 〈 Spirit Slot: Middle Water Spirit Lacia 〉 Sensitivity Level: 5 Elemental Ceremony Efficiency: Very Good Unique Grant Skill: Guardian’s protection (temporary physical attack immunity) Water source manifestation (low-level water magic)

Increased water magic ability 〈 Spirit slot: High-ranking wind spirit Merylda 〉 Sensitivity level: 6 Elemental formula Efficiency: Normal Unique granted skill: Storm’s protection (periodic) neutralize damage) Rising air current (mid-level wind magic)

Increase wind magic ability Aspect magic:

Aspect-level magic manifestation Lv 6

Temperature conversion Lv 4

Death immunity Lv 0

Time prison Lv 1

Short-distance space movement Lv 0

Forced gathering Lv 2

Illusory manifestation Lv 0

Dazzle Lv 1

“The fastest way to learn high-level elemental magic is to just hit it a lot.”

Professor Kaleid’s elemental science class always ends quickly. That’s because he doesn’t have much intention in teaching in the first place.

However, war This is a class taught by the hero and famous wizard ‘Outlaw Kaleid’.

Although the content is thrown around as if it is annoying, its practicality is different from what general theory professors talk about. It is a

practical experience accumulated over several years of wandering in the lawless area of Cohelton. Knowledge… is something that cannot be learned from academics.

After the class ended for a while, Professor Kalide left me alone in the classroom and spoke.

“Looking at your current 3rd grade level, you are the only one who can properly learn high-level elemental magic. Ed Rosstaylor. So I will teach you by attribute.”

“What they say

is that you learn faster when you get hit…” “Yes, I plan to hit you from behind. I will use high-level elemental magic. You won’t die or get hurt.”

As I was looking at Professor Kalide as if I was dumbfounded, he smiled and lit up a cigarette.

It was difficult to light a fire during class time when there were many students.

“The experience of being hit with high-level elemental magic is not for everyone. No matter how famous a magician is, after a few shots he gets tired and falls down. This means that even if you just master one high-level magic and go out there, you won’t be considered the best gifted person in the Sylvanian Ministry of Magic. .”

“I know that much, but… isn’t it too extreme to say that you are an actor while getting hit in person…?”

“I’m saying this after trying it all. Embodiment the theory of magic efficiency and gradually develop a sense of using intermediate magic… Don’t believe those ink artists. I know students like you very well. How much can you digest and how far? “If you look at it to see if it’s someone you can handle, it’s fake.”

Professor Kalide continued his story, plucking out with his fingers the fine beard that was sticking out as if he had not shaved.

“It is a high-level magic that even I get tired if I fire several shots a day. However, I will do my best to keep firing at you, so if you dodge and deal with it as much as possible, you will be able to see the flow of magic power and the way it is used.”

“If you let your guard down, won’t you get a direct hit and end up in the world?”

“I know your skills well. I’m saying this because I don’t have that level of skill. You have to deal with me at least five or six times a day to get better quickly.”

As he said that, the white coat that Professor Kaleid was roughly wearing began to flutter.

“You’re busy too, so there’s no point in wasting your time. I’ll go right away.”


“Don’t get hit directly…”

Kaleid’s enormous magical power began to fill the classroom.

A teacher who unleashes high-level magic on his students.

To be honest, I was out of my mind.


“Ed! Are you okay?! Does it hurt a lot?”

“No. This doesn’t matter. On the contrary, I feel really refreshed because I feel like the growth of elemental magic, which has been slow recently, has been accelerated…” “


The first thing I did when I got back to camp was to bandage the wounds all over my body.

The sensation of magical energy rising vertically like crazy felt as if a dam had been blocked.

That’s right… The new stimulus called ‘high level magic’ felt like it was adding lubricant to my stagnant magic skills.

As someone interested in elemental science, I wanted to deal with more people. However, if you use high-ranking magic incorrectly, you can ascend to the Lord’s side in one hit. Throwing that at a student was something only a crazy person would do.

To be honest, Professor Kalide’s violent teaching methods were only possible because he taught one-on-one… It was clear that if word got out that he had unleashed high-level magic on a student, it would become the subject of all sorts of controversies.

Nevertheless, for the first time in a while, I smiled.

Is this what gym addicts who do bodyweight exercises while tearing their muscles felt like?

Even though my body was in excruciating pain and my wounds were trembling… a feeling of refreshment began to surge in my heart.

Looking at the increased amount of magical power sensitivity, I almost laughed out loud.

I have no choice but to admit that the outlaw Kaleid was a crazy person… but he was a person who clearly knew how to stimulate the growth of his skills.

I threw the poker into the camp fire and stood up.

I’m still not satisfied with this speed.


I went to the back of the cabin and called his name.

A girl can be seen sitting on a thick trunk near the top of the zelkova tree that the cabin is attached to.

A white-haired girl reading a thick book under the moon, using a small luminescent magic as a light. When I see that familiar face, I feel like I’ve met an old friend.

“I have some request.”


High-ranking magic is a magic that is so rare that even famous archmages become exhausted and fail after using it several times a day.

Even if you say you have to hit someone, ordinary people don’t even have a chance to get hit.

“Do you want to come down first…?”

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