The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 210

Restrain yourself, Mr. Yenika (1)

“You can return to Ofilis Hall soon.”

It was on the way back to camp after the Spirit Society and Elemental Science class that Yenika received such a story from Bel Maia.

After stopping by the living quarters for some quick groceries, I was heading back to camp, humming a song while holding a bundle of paper bags in my arms, when I met Belle, who was clearing the path leading to the entrance to the Ofilis Building.

When Jenica Palover had just entered school and was struggling with trivial matters due to her country background, the person who helped her the most was Belle, the senior maid at the time.

In addition, Belle often came to the camp to manage Lortel’s villa, so it was natural for them to exchange warm greetings every time they met.

“Huh?! It’s okay… wasn’t I disqualified from joining the Ofilis building in the first place because of the disciplinary action?!”

“Disciplinary procedures implemented by the Academic Disciplinary Committee usually expire in one year. The disciplinary action was received in the spring of last year, and fall is already in full swing this year.”

The road leading to Ofilis Hall is neatly paved from the beginning. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what else there was to organize in Jenica’s eyes, but Bell was still giving instructions to the workers.

This was a part that clearly revealed Belle’s personality of thoroughly managing even the smallest details.

“The fact that a new disciplinary committee has not been convened and the disciplinary statute of limitations has not been renewed means that even at the academic level, they are trying to move past it. Usually, all major noises disappear within a year.”

“Is that so…?”

“Actually, the fact that the current student council president is Lady Tanya has a big impact. She is not the kind of person who would severely punish Lady Yenika, nor does she seem to be gentle enough to care about what happened a year ago… “

The decision-making authority to convene a disciplinary committee lies with the academic headquarters and the student council.

Although there is some difference in authority between the two, there is no difference in the effectiveness of the execution plan based on the results of the committee convening.

It is quite encouraging that Tanya Rosstaylor is not active in punishing Jenica.

“Not only that, but the students in general have a favorable view of Lady Yenica… so there won’t be any major problems if she returns to Ofilis Hall.”

Among students, Jenica Palover remains popular.

In the first place, during the Glaskan incident, Yenika was consumed by the power of a high-ranking dark spirit, so it is safe to say that there was no intention or malice… Considering the influx of petitions and sympathy among students since then, this is the case. Even if the disciplinary action is completed, there will be no backlash.

“Since you have been living in the dormitory since the second semester of last year, you will be eligible to move in again from the vacation when the second semester of this year ends.”

“I see…”

“Actually, I asked this, but you don’t have the will to return, right?”

Clearly, Belle Maia is sharp.

Jenica Failover’s wild life has already been rumored even among bachelors.

However, it is only a story going around among a few people close to Yenica, but in fact, it is strange that all students at the school are interested in it.

In any case, since it is certain that she is living with Ed Rosstaylor… some students believe that Ed and Yenika are still together.

And… it’s an embarrassing story… but

Yenika didn’t particularly hate that misunderstanding…!

“You seemed very satisfied with your life at the camp, so I wondered if it was a pointless nonsense… but I thought it would be right to tell the story anyway.”

“That girl…?”

“Ofilis Hall is a place where there are always a mountain of applicants for employment. It’s right to be aware of opportunities when they arise.”

“Uh, yes… thank you. There are definitely a lot of people who really want to go into the Ofilis Hall… I guess not wanting to go in is just because I’m full…”

That’s what she said, but Yenica Palover had no choice but to return to the Ofilis Hall. I have absolutely no heart.

“Actually, don’t you prefer living with Master Ed? Wouldn’t it be better to leave your name off the list of employees at Ofilis Hall? It’s an obvious rumor, but it doesn’t seem like you really dislike the rumor that you went as far as Master Ed. …”

“Uh huh?! What are you talking about? Ed will be in trouble if such rumors spread! I’ve been denying it to everyone I meet, so much so that my mouth hurts!”

“Is that so… That was my misunderstanding. I’m sorry.”

“Uh, no. It’s nothing to apologize for, Bell…!”

There is not a single trace of sincerity in Belle’s expression as she apologizes thoughtfully.

In fact, Yenica Palover’s feelings were clearly visible to Bel Maia. On my part, I’m squirming because I’m embarrassed, but on Belle’s part, I just feel a faint feeling.

It’s like a privilege for girls of that age to be able to be so shy and embarrassed over just one trivial point of contact.

You should enjoy as much as you can right now… You won’t be able to enjoy that thrill once you get caught up in the times of the world and your eyes that judge people become dry.

Belle Maia, who thinks this way, is actually in a position where she has never experienced true romance and youth due to severe hardships in life. If you miss the timing, the freshness will disappear.

Looking at Belle in a strangely vague mood… Yenika was just pulling her braided hair.

“Anyway, a festival atmosphere is slowly starting to spread around the school. Our Ofilis building also holds simple small banquets, tea parties in the garden, and at night, we light a big fire in the back lot and sing a band. You don’t have to be a new student to participate, so you can participate in the festival. “Please come by with Master Ed if you have time during this period.”

“Yeah, okay! Thank you!”

Saying that, Yenika hugged the paper bag that was filling her arms tightly and answered brightly.

“I feel good because all of your worries have been resolved and your expression has improved.”

When Belle said that to Yenika before parting ways… Yenika suddenly nodded hesitantly.

*Walking along Haksa at sunset makes me feel relaxed.

Watching from afar the group of students heading to the living quarters, chatting among themselves after a busy schedule all day, is heartwarming.

Peace reigns in the languid bachelor pad with the reddish glow of the sunset, making it seem as if you have entered a completely separate world that has nothing to do with the turbulent history outside.

Regardless of the era, the space called school has such characteristics.

The land of learning is a place where students always come first.

Of course, just because you are a student doesn’t mean you don’t have concerns. Concerns about academics, concerns about career path, concerns about the task that is right in front of us.

In the past, Yenica Palover was not free from such worries, but recently, it has been a long time since she was able to shake off all the worries that had been chronically bothering Yenika.

Although I missed out on the top spot, I no longer have to worry about my studies thanks to my grades that are still in the top level of my bachelor’s degree.

I have never seriously thought about my career path. To be honest, you can do anything you set your mind to, but there is no problem if you just go back to your hometown and take over the farm. The academic staff who regret Yenika’s talent will shed bloody tears.

And things like expectations and pressure towards Yenica feel like they have eased considerably after the senior position was handed over to Ed Rosstaylor. After that, I felt like my interpersonal relationships became more open.

Also, what is your daily routine like?

If we had to force Ed Ross-Taylor into the mix, wouldn’t we start and end our day with him every day anyway?

I can’t help but mention Ed Ross-Taylor, but if I’m forced and persistent enough to force myself to name one reason why I’m satisfied with my day, the boy’s name can’t help but come up.

Even though she was talking gibberish to herself and no one was listening, Jenika was walking along the sunset and clumped her fingertips together.

A life without worries is what everyone dreams of, isn’t it?

This was exactly the feeling that Jenica Palover was having every day, so much so that I wondered if the happiness was too much.

“Wow, more than half of this semester has already passed…”

“I can’t believe that… I should be preparing for graduation starting next year… I guess I’ve been living too lazy…”

“I’m also worried because I’m so close to failing. . Now that I am in my 3rd year, the level of class difficulty has really increased.”

“So, I guess it was really just practice until the second year. Will I be able to survive the fourth year like this?”

My classmates passed by, talking among themselves about their concerns.

Although he greeted Yenika as if he was happy to see her, all Yenika did was smile shyly and accept him.

‘I… I really don’t have anything to worry about…?!’

It makes me wonder if this can really happen. If I think about my recent daily routine, it was a repetition of days where I was filled with happiness and smiling brightly from the beginning to the end of the day.

It may sound like I’m full, but at this point, I feel like I’ve just let go of thinking.

Still, isn’t it inevitable for humans to live with one or two chronic worries or worries in their hearts?

Yenica Failover was a human being with little greed or ambition to begin with, so she was quite satisfied just by getting good grades, not having any problems with relationships, and being able to eat and sleep well.


Actually, there was nothing wrong with that. However, in the end, it was Ed Rosstaylor that bothered Yenika.

Yenica, who is so satisfied with each day she spends now, prays alone every time she goes to sleep at night. Please let these days without lack continue.

One day, while lying in bed like that, I heard the sound of noise coming from the campfire, so I opened the cabin door and looked outside.

Ed Rosstaylor is always the last to go to bed.

I read more books on my own, do magic power training, or do more miscellaneous tasks related to camp maintenance… but in the end, I end the day by looking at the fire and idly gathering my thoughts.

A late night with many stars in the sky.

Ed Rosstaylor’s serious expression, seen through the crack in the door, still lingers in Yenika’s eyes.

Unlike Yenika, who is always having a happy and satisfied day, Ed Rosstaylor still seems to be carrying a lot of burden and worry.

Ed always ended the day deep in thought while pounding firewood with a poker.

As a result of being involved with Ed, I got caught up in a lot of things and solved a lot of problems in the process.

In the end, he went all the way to Ed’s home and took care of the evil spirit’s descent.

There were too many trials and hardships for one person to go through, but Ed managed to get through them all.

As the family affairs began to settle to some extent and Tanya became the student council president, all the indignities and troubles within the academy would have come to an end… but it seems like there are

still big worries and burdens left for Ed… When that happens, you look at the fire and get lost in thought.

Seeing the contrast between Ed’s appearance and her own happiness as if in heaven every day…

Yenika thought that even that feeling of happiness should be suppressed for a while.

Even though he has overcome so much, Ed still has a mountain left to overcome.

Even though I could clearly feel that fact… I didn’t want to remain a girl who smiled immaturely and happily and had no idea what the world was like.

It is unreasonable to attach qualifications to happiness. However, the girl was still too immature to realize that fact on her own.


“A letter has arrived from Princess Fenia. “Not only me, but you too, Yenika.”


Yenika was surprised, as she withdrew her hands that were supporting her chin, as if she had been thinking about something else.

I, who was still sharpening my bow, looked at Yenika, who was once again surprised. I gave him a puzzled look.

As for me, I’ve been training to make a bow for four days already. If I trimmed the wood that Lortel sent me and practiced, I would have something useful within a week.

“Huh?! Correspondence? To whom?!”

“It’s no big deal, Yenika. I was deep in thought.”

“Uh huh… I had something to think about.”

“Thoughts? What are you thinking?”

“Ed, what are you thinking?”

It was a conversation that took place naturally as each person sat by the fire. However, the ending seemed unclear, so Jenica took a deep breath after speaking. “

…My thoughts?”

“ Oh no! I didn’t think anything strange! I’m speechless! Actually, it didn’t come out in vain. Strictly speaking, what Ed thought was correct! It wasn’t such an important and great idea!”

Looking at the way she was so shocked and making excuses, I get the feeling that it really wasn’t such a great idea. No

matter what, Yenika is really bad at lying. Most of what she says is either truthful or honest. Since these are honest stories, I don’t really have any doubts.

“Me too!” If you’re going to talk, you have to go through your brain, but when I’m with Ed, there are times when the words just flow out of me!” ”

I don’t know what I’m thinking… but right now, I’m talking about correspondence first.”

I was polishing it up. I put down my bow and took out from my chest the letter that arrived from the royal quarters this morning.

“Slowly… it seems that Emperor Cloel is trying to end this sluggish competition for imperial power within this year.” “


” huh. It’s already been a while since Crown Prince Lindon suddenly gave up on succeeding to the throne without even giving a reason. I guess they are planning to sort out this confusion soon. “Only when the successor is confirmed will we be able to properly educate the successor and the forces within the imperial family will be sorted out.”

From Princess Fenia’s perspective, it was a situation where she could not sit still.

If she had already come this far, she would also have to run for the imperial throne.

“Even Princess Selaha decided to come to Sylvania during this Krestol Grand Festival, so it’s time to take action.” “

But what does that have to do with calling us?”

“Obviously… that side.” They will want to attract us from their position as well.”

The royal residence, which serves as Princess Fenia’s residence, stands tall on the cliffs on the west side of Aken Island. I

have been there several times, so it is not difficult to find it.

“What are you talking about? I guess I’ll have to go and check it out in person. Yenika, since you invited me too, let’s go together tomorrow morning. The class schedule is generous, right?”

“Uh, okay… okay.”

I nodded and put the letter back in my pocket.

The academic year begins preparations for the festival in earnest starting tomorrow.

I have to start preparing for that too . However ,

Yenika’s strangely hesitant attitude was unusual, so I was worried for no reason.

…Actually, I had some expectations.

It was time to tell Yenika everything.

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