The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 208

Youngest person wishing to retire (3)

“I’ll tell you straight away. The reason we gathered you all here is to protect Sylvania as much as possible from future power conflicts that will arise throughout the empire.”

Tanya, who sat at the head of the table with the assistance of student council secretaries, got to the point.

To begin with, I’m not the type to talk in circles. Tanya, who currently serves as the president of Sylvania Academy, was famous for her streamlined work process and flawless expression of opinions.

Even at this event, where famous nobles are gathered together, time is not wasted with unnecessary greetings or current affairs.

Let’s just say what we have to say and then part ways. Such an attitude was clearly revealed, and Tanya’s pretentious and pretentious temperament seemed to be revealed without hesitation.

Tanya herself probably just wanted to finish quickly and get back to work.

“Especially with regard to the imperial power dispute that is centered around the imperial family… I acknowledge that your opinions are bound to be divided. If your family supports different people, you have no choice but to agree.”

Opinions may differ. The problem is that they do not have a choice in their opinion.

Tanya paused for a moment and looked at the students sitting in a circle in the small conference room. Although they all look dependable and strong, they are still successors who are just studying in the land of learning.

The decision on which princess to support is not for them, but for the heads of the families to which they belong.

Depending on the support given by adults, the students under them also have different courses of action.

The Ross Taylor family, the Bloomriver family, and the Calamore family were attached to Princess Fenia.

The Islan family, the Rokin mercenaries, the Ginnipale family, the Ragus family, and the Anniston family were attached to Princess Persica, and the Elphelan family, Whitefeltz family, and Nortondale family were attached to Princess Selaha.

Tanya tried her best and some people even thought she had appeased her, but she could not completely stop it. In the end, the core noble family split into three branches. In fact, it was a natural conclusion.

In the power conflict that will occur in the future, these are forces betting on completely different sides.

Of course, we have no choice but to become sensitive. In particular, during the integrated sparring held during the Crestol Grand Festival, the results of sparring between students may directly affect the family’s power.

The integrated sparring event, where the successor’s capabilities can be openly shown in front of everyone, is an opportunity for nobles to show off their brilliant succession structure.

“I won’t tell you to force us to get along. However, I don’t want a situation where the students of Sylvania are divided into various groups due to the aftermath of a power dispute.”

Tanya spoke calmly among everyone who was silent.

“We are students. All we have to do is do our duty as students.”

The intensifying power conflict cannot be completely resolved. Still, efforts are made to minimize it.

That was Tanya’s policy.

“I agree. Sylvania must continue its legacy as a land of learning, no matter who becomes the emperor.”

The first to raise his voice in agreement was Ziggs Eiffelstein, a second year student at the Ministry of Magic.

He was a member of the student council and was practically a representative of the Islan family. Naturally, he was favorable to Tanya’s opinion, so he raised his voice first to create an overall consensus among women.

“I think it would be good to take this opportunity to firmly caution students to ensure that no students bring the conflict over the imperial power to Sylvania.”

“I… agree…”

Following Ziggs, there was a student who expressed his agreement in a crawling voice.

It wasn’t that cold, but there was a girl sitting looking very haggard with a thick shawl over her shoulders. It was Elka Islan.

He was a librarian belonging to the Islan family located in the northern region and attending Sylvania with Ziggs.

I have a much worse impression than when I met Ed before. The students already knew that asthma, a chronic illness, was getting worse.

“Elka. It’s okay if you don’t talk too much.”

“No… Anyway, the Islan family has declared that it will follow Princess Persica’s policy… but we will also respect the movements of other families.”

Elka smiled and gave strength to Tanya’s opinion.

Dorothy Whitefeltz, a senior in the senior pension department who was listening intently in a corner, also expressed her agreement.

“That’s right. Even among students, we need to stick together. Although I don’t know how the imperial power dispute will end, no matter how it ends, we must work towards harmony among ourselves…” “

But we may have to look at the reality first, sister.”

The person who interrupted Dorothy Whitefeltz mid-sentence was Josef Whitefeltz, a member of the first-year Magic Department. Her younger brother, the youngest researcher at the Tog Magical Society, was a gifted child who was said to be able to use mid-level magic even before he was an adult.

With his bangs neatly pulled back and his remaining hair tied in a ponytail, he looked quite like a scholar.

“What…? Josef… Are you going against my words again…?”

“I’m not blindly opposing it. We are graduating from Sylvania in just a few years. On the other hand, we have to live our whole lives as members of our respective families.”

Josef’s opinion was valid. That confidence was evident in the way he spoke confidently in front of everyone.

“Family policy or Sylvania’s harmony. If I have to choose between the two, I can’t help but lean toward the family.”


“The Whitefeltz family does not force its policies on us to that extent, but there is no way that other families would either. So, they are asking their students to ignore the family’s policy and cooperate only for the sake of harmony in Sylvania. “The thing is… it might be asking too much.”

There is no logical flaw in Josef’s coherent words.

Josef’s words directly point out reality in a place where unity is being talked about broadly. It was a fairly insincere statement, but no one felt uncomfortable.

Because that is reality.

“I’m not sure if the Elphelan family will respect my opinion.”

Dyke Elphelan, a 4th year combat club leader with a huge body and wearing gauntlets, spoke in a voice as majestic as that of a bear.

“I want to completely respect Chairman Tanya’s opinion, but if the head of the family decides to order me to distance myself from other supporting families… I honestly don’t know how far I can refuse.”

“That goes for me too.”

The person who expressed agreement was Tracyana Bloomriver, also a fourth-year student.

In the first place, she was already making every effort to completely blend into Princess Fenia’s power, following the instructions of the head of the family, Senir Bloomriver. She is a girl who is more serious about power warfare than anyone else here. This is because they are also thinking about life after graduation.

Therefore, in order to be as close to the Ross Taylor family as possible, he maintains contact with Ed Ross Taylor and is quite friendly to the student council. That course of action also all followed the family’s policy.

“Our fourth-year students are about to graduate. We only have a few more months left as students, so it’s unreasonable to ask them to ignore the family policy.”

Tracyana said, stroking the ends of her long hair.

“We will try to achieve as much harmony as possible, but if the situation is not favorable… we are in a position where we have no choice but to act in our own way.”

“I’m not a puppet of the family, so I don’t know. Senior Tracyana.”

The person who directly confronted those words was Aig Rokin, a first-year member of the Magic Department who had been sitting in a crooked posture from earlier.

Short-cut hair and sharp look. He is famous among first-year students as Josef Whitefeltz’s rival. Even in front of Tracyana, a senior in the fourth year, he did not show any signs of discouragement.


“We, the Rokin Mercenaries, teach people to stay away from people without convictions who are swayed by groups and make their judgments wrong. In the end, we live in this world by making our own decisions, so I wonder if it is really right to leave it to the family’s judgment as to who to follow and what to do.”

Tracyana narrowed her eyes at her cheeky attitude. Nevertheless, Eig continued his story regardless.

“Our Rokin mercenaries officially supported Princess Persica, but I do not agree with that opinion.”

“You might be able to do that, but isn’t it too harsh to demand conviction from people in different environments?”

“Well, Josef. Do I have to take other people’s circumstances into consideration as well? I just have to stick to my own beliefs. If I live only at the mercy of other people’s circumstances, I won’t be able to take care of my share.”

Eig smiled and passed the baton to the other side.

“Am I wrong, Clara?”

“What? Me?”

“Aren’t you the one who is more skeptical of the Danielheim family’s intentions than anyone else? I think that belief is truly admirable.”

A girl was listening to the story blankly in the corner of the small conference room.

Short cut hair and cute freckles that look sharp. Clara Danielheim, the eldest daughter of Viscount Danielheim and a close friend of Jenica Palover, answered in confusion.

Clara is the one who hates the place where these political conversations take place. I was just gently trimming the tips of my nails, waiting for the right moment to come to an end.

“I really hate the old guys in my family… but I also hate arrogant kids like you. Don’t act friendly.”


Aig frowned as if he was in pain, but his playful attitude still remained.

“Well, there are a lot of great nobles here. It’s probably not a place where a former mercenary soldier like me can express his opinion. I’m sorry.”

“If you’re going to keep being cocky like that, just get out. Aig.”

Unexpectedly, it was Wade Calamore, the first-year combat club chief, who fell for such an aeg.

The gray hair was still there. The eyes were also quite calm compared to before.

“You’re not the only one who knows how to follow through on your convictions. And…”

Wade tried to continue his sentence, but then turned his gaze to one side.

There… Delus Ainsheaven, a first-year member of the pension department, is sitting quietly.

Baron Ainsheaven is quite famous among the alchemy families in the southern part of the empire. Although he had no choice but to say something, the long-haired boy named Delus just sat quietly and smiled.

“Don’t ignore that even among those who are silent, there are those who have thoughts.”

Wade stopped talking and looked at the students again.

Everyone is silent.

There was tension among the students for a moment.

“Oh anyway! I completely agree with the opinion that we shouldn’t fight needlessly…! What would we do if we fight among ourselves!”

Clevious was just a scary person who didn’t like conflict with others. I just wanted to think that useless things don’t happen and that good things are good… Elvira, who was sitting next to him, seemed to disagree again.

Elvira, who was sorting through reagent bottles, narrowed her eyes and spoke openly.

“I tend to stick to my beliefs. I feel sorry for Chairman Tanya, but if you ask me whether the bachelor’s degree or the Anniston family is more important… I’d like to raise the Anniston family’s hand.”

“What what…!”

“Are you that surprised, Clevius?”

“The Anniston family supported a different faction than the Nortondale family!”

“The harmony of the bachelor’s degree and the harmony between you and me are completely different issues. Stupid Clevious.”

Elvira, who narrowed her eyes and was pulling Clevius’s cheeks, sighed deeply.

“I will not sit idly by if there is a force threatening the Anniston family.”

At Elvira Anniston’s declaration, silence fell again in the audience.

Some agree with that opinion, while others still seem to want to avoid unnecessary friction.

There is validity to both opinions. In fact, it was the most headache-inducing situation for the group leader.

“Now take it in moderation. Phew…”

Tanya, who was sitting at the head of the table, sighed, covering her forehead as if she had a headache. Then the students all stopped expressing their opinions and quietly listened to her.

Tanya looked at this with a wistful expression.

Clearly, the person who is playing a central role in this situation is Tanya Rosstaylor, who is sitting in the student council president’s seat.

If she doesn’t hold her center tightly, it wouldn’t be surprising if they split into three groups at any time and a big fight breaks out.

There is no way in The Bachelor at this point that can replace Tanya’s role.

The student council president must be present.

Tanya wanted to cry.

*I tried firing an arrow using a crudely made bow made of birch wood.

It crossed the camp with a squealing sound and hit the zelkova tree next to it with a thud. The neatly placed arrow shaft was trembling from the aftereffects of the vibrations.


It has a good taste, but the power is not satisfactory.

Above all, there is a desire to use the power of magical engineering supplies to provide additional effects or to embed spirit food altogether. There would be no way to achieve this level of quality.

It seemed like satisfactory performance would only come from adding some groundbreaking production elements, but it was still difficult to figure out what to do.

“Ed! Look at this! Ta-da!”


After putting away the arrows and returning to the campfire, Yenika was showing off Ed’s school uniform shirt.

“Look, all the old grime is gone!”

“What were you doing laundry?”

“Yes! Before I came back from last vacation, my parents gave me soap made by mixing lye and oil! Look, I just changed the soap and the results were so different. Isn’t it amazing?!”

It definitely feels like new clothes. I clapped my hands and exclaimed that it was truly amazing and amazing.

Jenica was humming with pride, raising her nose and showing off her shirt.

So, I was sitting next to the campfire, stroking my chin and pulling the string of the bow again, while Yenika was folding the finished laundry. The sight of two people sitting near a campfire as the sun sets, each doing their own thing, seems to have become completely familiar to them by now.

“Now that you think about it, there are only two months left until the Krestol Grand Festival. It is said to be the biggest festival in the empire that only comes around once every four years, so I’m looking forward to it…!”

“We also have to prepare for the integrated sparring that will be held at that time, so it looks like things will get even busier.”

“Yes. But I’m so excited! Toren Village in Pulan is so remote that not much happens even during this grand festival. At most, the only thing the villagers can do is share some food… That’s something they do on a regular basis, too. .”

Yenika laughed while stamping her feet. This is the first festival I experience since coming to Sylvania. I was excited because I felt like I was truly escaping from the harsh life in the mountains.

“The atmosphere at the school is not good these days. I heard that the atmosphere at the student meeting Ed went to today was also tense.”

“Yes. The atmosphere among noble family heirs these days is not very good.”

“So… I hope the atmosphere will lighten up a bit starting from this festival period. Hehe.”

Jenica smiled brightly and neatly piled up the neatly organized laundry.

I was repeatedly cutting off the end of the bow with a dagger, then grabbing the handle and pulling.

“It’s the same for me. The dispute must end quickly for the academic atmosphere to return to the way it was before.”

There was a boy sitting next to me as if it were flowing, so both I and Yenika were looking at him as if they were dumbfounded.

Ziggs was purring as he picked up a grilled pork skewer that was cooking near the campfire while holding a bundle of documents.


“Oh, it’s seasoned well. Senior Yenika’s cooking skills are improving day by day. Isn’t this a quality that can be sold for money?”

“Huh? Really? Ed’s been saying that too lately, hehe…”

Meanwhile, the way she smiles as if the compliment feels good can be said to be truly Yenika-like.

“…That’s not it, Ziggs, since when have you been here?”

“It was a bit disturbing for the two of you to have a private conversation, so I just thought it would be okay to sit by the fire.”

“Well… really…? Well, if you want to come, you can just tell me you came…”

Ziggs put a grilled skewer in his mouth, adjusted the stack of documents and took a quick look around the camp.

“I was just… wandering around the campus for a bit. Regarding student council work.”

“What does going around the school have to do with student council work?”

“Well… I’d appreciate it if you thought of it as a patrol. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong here. I’ll just go.”

Ziggs got up from his seat and continued talking without stopping.

“Oh, that’s right, Senior Ed. This is the integrated sparring event during the Crestol Grand Festival next month. There will also be sparring between the seniors of each grade. Senior Ed is currently the senior of the third year, so he will be sparring with the senior of the fourth year. It’s the same.”

“…I see.”

“Yes, I think I will probably be standing in the sparring hall with senior Dyke, the head of the 4th year combat club, when everyone from the imperial family has visited.”

Dyke Elphelan.

It was the bear-like man who tried to protect Ed by barging in at the end of the semester exam with Professor Kalaid.

A speed so fast that it is unbecoming of its massive size. Heavy destructive power in each punch.

He was a warrior with a strong and exciting style, so much so that people said he was the king of the Elphelan family.

“It is not an easy opponent. Regardless, he is the person who took the top spot in his class. Among them, he is the most senior.”

“I also roughly know the senior’s history.”

“Yes. Besides, the Elphelan family officially supported Princess Selaha… They will not allow senior Dyke to be defeated in the sparring scene where Princess Selaha is watching right in front of them.”

Ziggs took a quick bite of the last piece of grilled skewer and said.

“Senior Dyke will probably do his best with all his heart. He is the kind of person who can shatter even a stone wall if he throws his fist with determination. Even if he is only allowed one… he will be sent to the infirmary.”

“Okay. Thank you for the advice.”

“No. Then, that’s enough.”

Ziggs nodded and said that he had enjoyed the grilled skewers, and then slipped into the bushes again.

As Ziggs advanced through the bushes, he continued to look back at the camp as if something felt uneasy… but eventually he seemed to be okay with it and went on his way.

“…So why did Ziggs come in the end?”

“Well… the student council’s work is so extensive that there must have been some circumstances. By the way… give me your laundry and I’ll bring it to you.”

“Huh? It’s okay. Ed, keep looking after your work. I have to sort out mine anyway.”

“No, it’s kind of a shame to even ask you to clean up after yourself.”

I quickly snatched up the laundry that was on Jenica’s lap and walked toward the cabin.

The hut, which has just been completed, looks magnificent on the outside, but the interior is still weak.

The basic furniture arrangement has been completed, but it is just a basic furniture arrangement.

Even though we had to move the furniture from the small cabin we used before to this cabin, which has roughly three times the space, we could not use up all the space given to us.

It seemed like more time would be needed to add more convenient furniture to the first floor and convert the second floor into a workshop. It would be good to be able to further improve the woodworking skills that are missing in the process.

It still looks empty, but it feels good to know that the space has expanded.

I picked up the laundry and headed toward the shabby wooden closet stuck in the corner. Just organizing your clothes can be done in no time.

I opened the door wide, thinking I would finish making the practice bow quickly.

As if it was natural, Tanya was sitting there, her school uniform robe hanging down, hugging her knees.



“…Hello, Brother.”

I don’t think I’m doing very well.

I was so speechless that I couldn’t even answer that question.



“Surprisingly, it’s comfortable in the closet. Should I say that I settle down calmly? I hid in the closet last time too… I think I might become addicted to it. I go in there once in a while and sit there. Maybe it’s not that bad to be there…”


“The feeling of breathing in this silence, like being left alone in the world, is surprisingly… not that bad…” ”


“Anything… “Please tell me, brother… I’m the one caught hiding, so why do I have to appeal…”

Speaking of me… I don’t know what to say.

It was a truly difficult day.

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