The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 200

Giving meaning (3)

The entire group had to sit around the beach and wait until sunset.

The handover of the luggage had already ended and the nuns were sitting together chatting among themselves.

If you look at the beautiful coastline for several hours your eyes will get used to it and it will become an everyday sight. Anyway people’s gaze is a treacherous law.

It was around this time that I was chatting with Abbot Austin about life inside the monastery while enjoying the sea breeze.

Before we know it the sun is setting.

The car was wondering when the sun would reach the horizon beyond the coast… When I looked at the sea again I saw that the water had receded enough that a sandbank had risen.

It’s not spacious but it’s good enough to cross. Soon the nuns sensed that the time had come and were checking their belongings.

At that time the door of the magnificent saint’s carriage opened.

The young nuns were startled and stood up from their seats folded their hands and bowed their heads and the workers also looked up at the carriage with expressions of reverence.

The sight of Clarice coming down the stairs of the carriage in a calm orderly manner is as if a messenger from God has arrived in Inse.

As if symbolizing neat demeanor the hem of the pure white saint’s dress gently sways in the sea breeze.

The pure white hair contrasting red eyes and bright red butterfly hairpin are just as I imagined.

The Telos believers consider it a great honor to even see the Virgin Mary once. Most of them are mixed in with the huge crowd of people so you can barely make out a small figure in the distance.

Being able to see Saint Clarisse so close and in such a quiet atmosphere is like the blessing of a lifetime.

When Clarice came down to the sandy beach the bustling atmosphere of the scene completely calmed down.

She came out to the shore escorted by a soldier and bowed to me with a slight smile.

Although it was only a simple bow I wonder if it was a shock to be greeted by Saint Clarice as a senior… The atmosphere at the scene froze for an instant. It wasn’t a very pleasant atmosphere for me.

Clarisse gently grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up. The nuns who were watching offered to help her by pulling up her collar but she politely declined with a faint smile.

And leading the escorts… Slowly move over the sandbank leading to Cleric’s Monastery.

The sight of Clarice slowly advancing towards a large monastery in the distance bathed in the setting sun had a strange aura that made the scene sacred in itself.

But I couldn’t stay still. The nuns were already gathering their luggage and heading out.

I who had been sitting quietly on the shore got up and walked towards the monastery tying up the hem of my robe.


“I heard that noble Nauri will check and prepare Clarisse’s meals… Actually I wonder if such a grand process is necessary. “The meal at our monastery is just grass.”

“Still I think I will take the lead in the basic verification process and food introduction process.”

“Well what can I a mere nun say if this is a procedure that the saint has approved? She can do whatever she wants. “Don’t worry she will provide everything you need.”

As soon as Clarice arrived at the monastery she headed to the prayer room on the top floor of the spire.

It is said that the room where she eats sleeps and lives is also provided there. She used to occupy the top floor of the Ophilis Pavilion and it seemed to be customary to give her saint the top floor which was closest to her god. From what I heard she lived on the top floor of Seonghwangdo Island.

The role assigned to me is to receive reports on all environmental factors that come into contact with her and control and manage them to ensure that there are no significant changes.

This is usually done by a high-ranking priest from the Holy Capital but Saint Clarice seems to have announced in advance that there is no need to send a special appointment to the Archbishop this time.

It seemed like the position was more important than I thought but it felt very strange to have it entrusted to me.

However considering the importance of the work the workload did not seem to be as much as expected. In fact there is no way that environmental changes can easily occur in this monastery which has nothing special except for its beautiful and majestic exterior.

“I’m sorry that I won’t be able to give you a luxurious room. Well that’s what monastic life is all about. Abstinence and frugality are basic. “In this Cleric monastery even if the royal family comes by you have to live with only grass stuffed in your mouth.”

“I thought that much was natural.”

“It’s good not to say anything unpleasant but it’s better for you to be a duke so I’ll try to keep the quality of the meal as good as possible. Of course it would be difficult to expect a sumptuous feast.”

“It’s done. Please prepare the same meal as other monks. “It must all be labor.”

“Hoo… ”

The interior of Cleric Monastery is as magnificent as the exterior.

A sight where marble and white brick come together exquisitely. After passing the entrance stairs that continue to extend upward I saw the magnificent appearance of the central chapel… When it was first built I was curious as to how so many materials were brought to the island. Well I guess they used some magical means.

If you pass through the door leading to one side of the chapel and walk straight a small green garden is revealed with a corridor surrounding the outside. The garden can be seen between the marble pillars stretching along the border and indeed the garden was neatly maintained.

As I walked along the corridor even the pleasant draft felt like a part of the monastery and I even thought that it would be okay to come here to clear my mind even if I was not a monk.

Of course it is not a place where entry is permitted for such personal reasons.

“I’m sure it makes me feel a lot better knowing that this noble person is getting better which is rare these days.”

“It’s not like you would give me such a generous evaluation. but… ”

Even as I walked along the corridor I couldn’t help but be aware of the gazes I felt from around me.

Perhaps because I am walking with Abbot Austin other nuns cannot approach me carelessly.

However a nun passing by with a basket full of vegetables a foolish monk playing in one corner of the garden a child sneaking a glance from behind the marble pillars of the cloister and passers-by who are bound to pass by as they cross the corridor…

It was not easy to get used to the eyes staring in my direction with their pupils shaking wherever I went from the chapel to the hallway.

“You’re a stranger. “I have to endure the curious looks.”

“Am I really the only man in this large monastery?”

why? “I feel like I’m in heaven?”

“… ”

“I guess the joke doesn’t work. “At first glance I didn’t think he would like this kind of environment.”

Abbot Austin laughed sharply and turned towards the interior at the end of the corridor. It seemed like they had prepared my room as far back as possible.

“Well these days my tendency to become a wealthy man has become much stronger… In the really long ago we would even bring in one or two famous men to show us around… Although it was a long time ago… ”

“If the abbot says it was a long time ago how long ago is it? ?”

well. You’ve probably heard the name of the war hero ‘Zelan’ right? He also used to stop by this monastery and donate. Let’s go a little further into the past… “Glockt the grand wizard of the previous generation was also like that.”

Indeed they are living fossils of the Telos Church and the names they call them are characters that only appear in books.

Glokt a disciple of the great sage Sylvania and an archmage who left behind many great achievements.

‘Zelan the Cleaver’ one of the three scholars who followed Guardian Obel in the suppression of the demi-humans and protected the Cloel Imperial Family.

This old woman was a person who lived at the same time as those people.

“Well that’s about all the people I could describe as ‘decent guys.’”

“… ”

“It might not be a very pleasant feeling to hear that this old man is okay. Kahahaha! “Oh just follow me this way.”

The sun has already set so it’s already time to call it night.

The monastery was filled with the atmosphere of people slowly finishing their day’s work and getting ready for bed.

Since it is a monastery where the day starts quickly it also ends at a rapid pace.

The room the abbot showed me was simpler than I expected.

A bed a wooden table a closet and a window in a space of about 5 pyeong. That’s all.

The coastal scenery seen from the window could be said to be truly spectacular not appropriate for the size of the room… That was it.

Still it is a much better environment compared to camps where outdoor life was the main focus. Have you ever spent several months surviving in the wild a place that can hardly be called a home? It felt too comfortable for me.

“Then I guess the schedule starts tomorrow. Your noble son will get better. “If you need anything else let me know.”

After saying that Abbot Austin stopped to close the door and spoke.

“Ah I think I already emphasized this once before but… Good at locking down… ”

There was a mix of sly laughter.

– Boom!

The door closed with a dull sound and I was left alone in the room. First there was no light source in the dark room so I lit a candlestick.

– Shoot shoot shoot.

The sound of waves gently lapping from outside the window. A sky full of stars.

Every time the candlestick’s flame flutters in the wind my shadow on the wall of the room also sways.

Indeed it is a scene like this where you feel like you are alone in the world. There is no better environment to forget worldly affairs and think only about God.

I put down my luggage and sat quietly at the wooden table with my arms crossed. As the living environment suddenly changes it seems like the body needs an adjustment period.

No it’s too early to go to bed in the first place. It would be early evening when I was camping but this monastery is strange because everyone is already getting ready for bed.

“Hmm… ”

If you want to have breakfast tomorrow and stop by the top of the spire where Saint Clarisse is located it might be a good idea to go to bed early.

While I am at the monastery I plan to take care of the saint’s environment and provide various services so that she can blend in well with the monastery. Because there’s nothing good about standing out.

The prayer meeting attended by VIPs is in 5 days. Until then I plan to blend in perfectly with the monastery and not feel at all uncomfortable about attending prayer meetings.

However I was a little concerned about Abbot Austin’s request.

– ‘I don’t want to disturb the human side of children by discussing faith.’

– ‘In short I am asking you to remain as a prince if possible.’

I understand its noble meaning but it is difficult to act according to its words.

In fact there is no reason to increase or complicate human relationships more than necessary as long as it is a line that can naturally blend into the monastery.

So to some extent I was considering the idea of ​​hitting a wall. He is not even a good enough human being to be a prince on a white horse in the first place. He doesn’t even have the heart to put in that much effort.

Could it be that I have a duty to be the prince in a fairy tale so as not to break their dreams?

It’s too much to ask… This was the only one that was embarrassing.

Let’s just do the basics just the basics. I have a bit of a thief-like mentality but who would criticize me?

*They say a prince lives in the guest room on the 4th floor of Cledric Monastery.

There was a rumor going around that if he had heard his hands and feet would have shriveled and the color would have gone from his face. It had been three days since Ed Rosstaylor visited the Cleric Monastery.

In fact there hasn’t been much that Ed Rosstaylor has done so far.

During meals he enters the saint’s room to check on her condition and have a personal conversation.

And all they did was lend a hand when tending the garden within the monastery share the meals eaten by commoners in the main hall and then work together on various chores.

They would plow and harvest fields clean the interior of the monastery or repair broken facilities here and there using carpentry skills.

In particular he was strangely active in helping with repairing clothes and the nun in charge of repairs who had just become an adult would frequent the repair room so often that he could not sleep at night and thought about random things.

Although I thought that this was something I was indebted to and that it should be done the nuns’ position was completely different.

Every year when a grand prayer meeting is held all the noble ladies who come are so arrogant that they say things they dislike about the meal menu.

So there were quite a few girls in the monastery who knowingly or unknowingly harbored animosity towards nobles but Ed Rosstaylor was quite gentle compared to those people.

Although he doesn’t smile brightly he chicly helps with the work as if it’s no big deal and then leaves which is completely different from the arrogant image that comes to mind when you think of aristocrats. It may be a natural conclusion that it makes many girls swallow their saliva.

On the first day I woke up in the morning put on a leather shirt and a wizard’s robe prepared a meal for the saint and prayed in the chapel.

As soon as Ed Rosstaylor finished praying he went up to the garden and tended the field with the abbot… He repaired broken benches and plows with a few hammer blows.

He then went around the monastery to check and repair all loose hooks or misaligned hinges on the doors and also fixed all misaligned window frames. It was a considerable amount of work but the speed of finishing it all in the morning was amazing.

Seeing a high-ranking nobleman even a noble from Rosstaylor sweating profusely holding a hammer and nails with his sleeves rolled up… It is said that all the nuns had dumbfounded expressions.

Eventually when we started repairing defects in the furniture in the nuns’ private rooms the nuns made a fuss by requesting that even the smallest details in their rooms be repaired. In fact it was a self-interested request for Ed Rosstaylor to come into my room.

Since the amount of work could not be completed in one day Ed Rosstaylor told the abbot that he would proceed slowly. The expression on Abbot Austin’s face as he laughed and laughed was meaningful.

In fact until Day 1 Ed Rosstaylor was considered ‘just a nobleman with a good personality’.

On the second day simple spirit magic was demonstrated to several nuns who were interested in magic.

As the magnificently sized fire bat was moved back and forth across the garden the nuns all held their hands in amazement.

For nuns who never leave the monastery in the outskirts in the first place being the top student at a prestigious academy called Sylvania is naturally an object of admiration.

In particular nuns who were interested in magic and magic would follow him around with sparkling eyes and ask for advice or training methods on magical power. Each time Ed Rosstaylor answered with sincerity and gave a positive answer telling me that everything would work out if I worked harder.

The fact that he was a skilled person in the field of magic and spirit magic was not revealed due to his status as a nobleman.

Due to his unique character as a woodworking nobleman he had a strong image of a worker but he is the undisputed head of the Sylvanian Ministry of Magic. It would be foolish to be so preoccupied with his physical beauty that you fail to evaluate his intelligence.

Add to that the mysterious image of directly assisting the saint and you’ve already gone as far as you can.

In fact from this point on Ed Rosstaylor’s evaluation was moving beyond being a handsome nobleman to being called a ‘prince’. He is said to be like a prince from a fairy tale possessed of all intelligence and virtue.

A wonderful prince. I’m sure I’ll be riding a white horse. He is currently in a monastery but when he returns to his home he will live in a magnificent palace with many subjects.

Yet his character is upright and he listens to everyone. He knows how to use a sword and is good at shooting a bow but he never stops training in magic. Where did a prince like that really appear?

Could it be that only such a perfect person can stand at the top of the nobility? Wouldn’t it be okay to just hug my body just once? You should be able to lift it lightly. If you hold her like a princess it will feel like she’s flying.

It’s a compliment that takes your breath away when you hear it and you can’t lift your face.

Is there anyone in the world who would hate being highly evaluated? But too much of it can be toxic.

In fact if you are in a position to live as a dependent it is natural to provide this level of labor and be treated with courtesy. At least that was the case in Ed Rothtaylor’s thinking.

However there is one variable that he failed to catch. A collection of girlish delusions that come together and begin to swell… In the end it ends up running away without direction.

Naturally we idolize someone erasing all useless shortcomings from our memories and elevating humans to some kind of mythical being that doesn’t go to the bathroom or get dirty eyes.

‘It is said that Master Ed can use magic strong enough to destroy the outer walls of a monastery with a single wave of his hand.’

‘It is said that Master Ed is so skilled in elemental arts that he can handle all the highest-ranking spirits.’

‘The arrow that Master Ed fires can split the sea with just one shot!!!!!!!’

‘Does that make sense??’

‘ah… Isn’t it possible… ?’

‘Oh no Master Ed might be able to do it right?’

‘It’s possible! ‘It’s definitely possible!’

‘that… is it… ?’

It would be fortunate if it ended there.

‘Once you hear Master Ed’s voice your brain will stop and your eyes won’t move as you want so be careful!!’

‘I know that?! Master Ed once killed a bear with just his eyes!!!!!’

‘According to the rumors I heard you know how to ride a horse while standing?!!!!’

‘They say that if you look at water and tell it to freeze the water turns into ice!!!!!’

‘They say you can read all the books in the library in one night if you put your mind to it!!!!’

‘There is a rumor going around that it is not Sylvania that is teaching Master Ed but Master Ed that is teaching Sylvania Academy!!!!’

‘also!!! I see!!!!’

“… ”

It was on the morning of the third day that all these rumors reached Ed’s ears.

Abbot Austin was on the verge of bursting into laughter when he encountered Ed coming out of the saint’s room.

“Good morning. “He can kill a bear with just his eyes know how to do acrobatics while standing and riding a horse command water to freeze read the entire library in one night and the teacher of Sylvania Academy Ed will be better.”

“… … ”

“You look embarrassed. Aren’t you used to the wild imaginations of nuns who don’t know anything about the world? I’m starting to wonder how far we’ll go when the VIP prayer meeting ends. “Isn’t it like rubbing it with Lord Telos?”

What can we do by giving birth to a new faith in a place where faith in Telos is discussed?

Ed Rosstaylor was looking at Abbot Austin with his eyes wide open.

“Well it’s a rumor that seems to have been popular for a while so don’t pay too much attention to it. I also caution people to do things in moderation but… A teenage girl’s imagination tends to run more wild if it is controlled… “Just take it in stride.”

“Is it always like this at the monastery?”

“Of course the tension is lower than this. Isn’t this a place to discuss faith? I couldn’t be more excited because of you. but… okay… “It is the same as before and now that incidents and accidents continue.”

Abbot Austin who accepted Ed’s coat burst into laughter.

“I’m hearing another strange rumor among the nuns these days. “The monastery is haunted or something.”

“… “A ghost?”

“Last night they said they heard a thumping sound between the outer walls or a sound like people walking on the ceiling. Not only that some of the food ingredients from the monastery kitchen were missing and there were also testimonies that they saw a strange shadow in the hallway at dawn… “There were a lot of children crying at night because they couldn’t sleep alone.”

Ed also heard some rumors about him. It is said that at night the shadow of a small person appears at the window.

“It’s not good for such rumors of ghosts to spread in the monastery that serves Telos. “This is a prayer meeting where VIPs will be arriving soon and this chaotic atmosphere is not good.”

okay… “You must have a lot on your mind.”

“But thanks to you the atmosphere isn’t so gloomy so it’s a good thing. Playing as a knight among the nuns must be tiring but I ask for a few more days. “When I leave I’ll give you at least a small gift.”

“Well it doesn’t matter to me… recent… The nuns’ eyes began to look a little dangerous when they looked at me… ”

“It is up to you to protect your chastity. “Let’s go shout ‘fighting’ and let’s go.”

When I gave him a faint look Abbot Austin was giggling as if he was happy.

right. You should have told me that. “Look at my mind.”

Abbot Austin delivered quite important news as if he remembered it too late.

“They say the Princess of Persica is arriving at the monastery today.”

*Until the tide comes no matter how royal you are you have to wait on the beach while looking at the monastery.

It is an act that is given the meaning of purifying one’s mind and preparing to enter the sanctuary.

Princess Persica is the type of person who doesn’t care about such trivial meanings. She just waits in front of him and she is free.

She sat quietly in the large royal carriage and talked about the current situation with her aides… She had already heard some news about the interior of the monastery.

“That Ed Rosstaylor is here. “The man who is deeply involved in the Rosstaylor family tragedy and is said to be assisting the Fenian forces most strongly.”

yes. It is said that he came to the throne of Saint Clarice but it is not yet clear how he came to be like that.”

“Well it’s something you just have to see and judge for yourself… Still there is too little prior information about that man.”

Persica is a cautious person in everything.

Selaha and Fenia. Since he is the man that all the other Hwanggwon runners are conscious of with double wicks in their eyes I can at least think that there must be something to it.

The reason why Princess Persica came to this monastery even while strongly expressing her will to Emperor Cloel was to exploit the weaknesses of Abbot Austin an elder of the Telos Church. I have prepared all the ingredients as well.

A man named Ed Rosstaylor arrived at the monastery in advance at this perfect time. Is this really a coincidence?

Princess Persica only has extremely limited information about the man.

Information that can be obtained by using the princess’s authority. The man’s past history origins and location in Sylvania are everything.

Even when there was a war of nerves surrounding Elte Trading Company all we could conclude was that his judgment was extraordinary. In the end detailed information about humans themselves can only be judged by meeting them in person.

However it is not good to meet without any preparation. Since this was a highly important opponent we had to approach it cautiously.


“Yes Princess Persica.”

“It looks like the man has already been living at the monastery for a few days. That would mean that he had no choice but to join forces with the people inside him to some extent.”

Persica smiled seductively looked around at her entourage in the carriage and spoke.

“He may have been able to silence the scholars and family members as he wished but the monastery is completely inaccessible to him. “It’s an environment where there are very few people who act according to their will.”

“Of course.”

“If you are located within a monastery collect all information about it. There will be a ton of information coming out that couldn’t be found just by researching the bachelor’s degree or family history. At the very least we should make it impossible for it to escape from this grasp.”

Princess Persica spread her hands wide and then clasped them tightly.

“Since he is a key figure in the Fenian faction it would be good to seize this opportunity. Either through appeasement or coercion. “Let’s not choose any means or methods.”

yes… All right… ”

There is still some time left until low tide.

Princess Persica quietly gazed at the magnificently large Clederic Monastery while organizing her thoughts.

Seonghwangdo the headquarters of the Telos Church. It would be meaningless to say that it is the next largest scale.

It was truly a magnificent sight.

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