The Evolution Of A Goblin To The Peak

Chapter 927 Battle at the Selnes Country: Genzu vs. Anti-Mage

Chapter 927 Battle at the Selnes Country: Genzu vs. Anti-Mage

Souta landed in an unfamiliar place with a resounding "Thud!" The land was filled with various gases.

"You should rest for a while," Saya suggested.

"I can still go on," Souta replied. His ability [Insta-Regen] had recovered some of his energy, but it wasn't enough to face someone at Nine Yin's level.

Souta found some solace in the fact that Nine Yin had only attained the Force Stage. If he had to face experts like Red Mist and others who had reached the Integration Stage, it would be a much more challenging situation. Souta was still confident in his fighting abilities but not in his current condition.

"Be careful. Remember, you're not alone in this war. Make use of others to eliminate your enemies and recover your strength," Saya advised.

"Yeah, I know what to do," Souta nodded in agreement. He scanned his surroundings and felt that there was no immediate threat.

"The fabric of space here is much more stable than the previous one," he observed.


Bang! Bang!

Anti-Mage and Genzu continued their high-speed exchange of blows. Neither of them showed any signs of backing down as they unleashed their punches without reservation.

"Why don't you utilize your weapon?" Anti-Mage inquired, still throwing punches.

"I could ask you the same question! Why aren't you using a weapon?" Genzu replied, a smile playing on his face.

The two fighters relentlessly exchanged punches, each determined to overpower the other, eschewing any need for tricks.

It was an all-out brawl.

Bang! Bang!

Genzu grinned as he felt his veins and muscles surge with power. His injuries didn't weaken him; instead, they seemed to grant him increased strength and speed.

His aura intensified as he activated his [Element Drive], growing even more powerful. For a brief moment, he managed to overpower Anti-Mage, but Anti-Mage responded by unleashing his own [Element Drive].


Lightning and earth clashed in midair between Genzu and Anti-Mage. Their elemental powers extended, enveloping the entire landscape and disturbing the very fabric of space. Both of them had reached the Integration Stage, and the battle caused significant changes in the entire desert.

They exchanged tens, hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of punches. Blood continued to flow from their battered bodies.

Both fighters employed various combat techniques to enhance their physical attributes and attacks. Despite the relentless exchange of blows, they stood resolutely. Genzu's punch resembled an immovable solid rock, while Anti-Mage's strikes were as swift and cutting as a whip slicing through the air.


Their battle cry resonated throughout the area.

Considerable time had passed, and the two combatants were still locked in fierce combat. The land was already stained red with their blood, and their breathing came in heavy gasps, their bodies covered in wounds.

Anti-Mage was taken aback. He had been confident in his endurance and stamina, so it came as a shock that Genzu could not only keep up with him but also match his level.

Today, he had finally met his match – a man who relied solely on his physical strength and fighting abilities.

"So, this is the strength of the Berserk War Axe," Anti-Mage silently mused.

Genzu, too, was surprised to see that his opponent could continue to match him even after exerting his full strength.

"He hasn't used his weapon either! Is he really planning to brawl with me?" Genzu wondered inwardly as he unleashed a barrage of punches, gritting his teeth and exerting every ounce of strength in his body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"This guy...!!" Anti-Mage widened his eyes as he felt Genzu's punches becoming sharper and more accurate. "H-He's getting stronger?! I can't afford to lose!"

Gritting his teeth, Anti-Mage intensified his focus on Genzu's punches while paying equal attention to his own. He was determined to improve and push himself further in this intense battle.

Bang! Bang!

In an instant, Anti-Mage absorbed hundreds of punches, the taste of blood filling his mouth. It was clear that neither he nor Genzu would go down easily. Given this reality, he chose to focus on self-improvement.

His senses remained sharp, registering every incoming punch and calculating its trajectory. Simultaneously, he analyzed his own combat style, eliminating any unnecessary movements.

"Take this!"

Anti-Mage roared as he deflected one of Genzu's punches. He advanced slightly and then launched a series of powerful punches into Genzu's stomach.

Bang! Bang!

In mere moments, Genzu endured hundreds of punishing blows. The electrical charge emanating from Anti-Mage's fists singed several areas of his body. Gritting his teeth, Genzu stepped forward and headbutted Anti-Mage. The impact generated intense friction in the air, creating shockwaves that rippled in all directions.


Despite feeling a slight dizziness, Anti-Mage remained steadfast. He retaliated by unleashing hundreds of punches at Genzu, with lightning flashing in his fists with every strike.

Genzu responded with an unwavering determination, throwing everything he had into the battle. He refused to yield, even if it meant facing death. This was his Warrior's Will, the indomitable spirit of a man known as the Berserk War Axe.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Anti-Mage and Genzu both felt the weight of the moment. They were exhausted, but their hands continued to move, albeit not as swiftly as before.

"You're impressive, Berserk War Axe," Anti-Mage acknowledged in a low voice.

Genzu smiled and replied, "You too. I, Genzu Umbilan, will defeat you today."

"I'll remember your name as well. I, Fruen Dixys, also known as Anti-Mage, will put an end to you today," Anti-Mage declared with a grin.

Both of them mustered the last of their remaining energy in their fists. Without uttering another word, they launched their fists toward each other.


A powerful shockwave radiated outward as the two combatants' punches collided.

Genzu's vision blurred the moment Anti-Mage's fist struck his face, but he gritted his teeth and channeled more force into his punch.


Anti-Mage expelled a substantial amount of blood as Genzu's fist landed on his stomach, his internal organs crushed by the tremendous force.


Both of them collapsed to their knees, their consciousness gradually slipping away. They were helpless, having reached their limits.

"I... have... to finish this..." Genzu struggled to stand but ultimately crumpled to the ground.

The ground ceased its vibrations, but the damage they had inflicted on the land was already irreversible. Time and space were in disarray.

Anti-Mage's gaze shifted, and the last thing he saw was the fabric of space collapsing.


On the Windi Clan household grounds, Hoei Methal stood with an air of arrogance, looking down upon Edmar who was below him.

"Do you truly believe you can defeat me, Edmar?" Hoei inquired, his tone dripping with cold disdain.

"Ugh..." Edmar clenched his teeth, his gaze burning with fury as he locked eyes with Hoei.

"I initially wanted to kill you, but I'll spare your life this time. After all, you claim you didn't kill your father," Hoei stated to Edmar.

Edmar's body was covered in wounds, a testament to the severe beating he had received from Hoei. There was no way he could face a Clan Leader twice in succession. Battling Schine had already drained his strength, leaving him with little to defend himself against Hoei, the formidable Clan Leader of the Methal Clan.

"It appears that you possess knowledge, Clan Leader Hoei..." Edmar managed to say.

"It's merely a collection of notes concerning the barrier. Your father had more knowledge than I did, but sadly, he's no longer with us," Hoei replied, his foot slowly ascending before delivering a forceful kick to Edmar's face.


Edmar's consciousness faded as he lost the battle and fell into unconsciousness.

Hoei surveyed the area, taking in the ruined state of the Windi Clan Household after their intense battle. However, it appeared that the household had been transported to a different location, which puzzled him.

"I can sense the laws and concepts here. This seems like a lower realm... but how? What happened to the binding contract with the Five Master Clans? We shouldn't be able to leave the Selnes Country," Hoei pondered, narrowing his eyes as he observed his unfamiliar surroundings. "Could it be that we're still within the country?"

He shook his head, then turned his attention to Schine's lifeless body. The Clan Leader of the Windi Clan had indeed perished, a reality that was difficult to accept. Hoei regretted being unable to prevent it, and he muttered, "You, who knew our god better than any of the Clan Leaders, passed away without sharing a single word about it. I must discuss this matter with the other Clan Leaders. The All-Filter Barrier Formation will crumble today."

Shrugging off his somber thoughts, Hoei continued, "But first, I must complete my mission. I'll search through the Windi Clan Household. Battling Edmar has left me drained."

Suddenly, a figure crashed down at the site with a resounding "Bang!"

Hoei swiftly turned his head, his expression growing serious as he fixed his gaze on the point of impact.

"To think that I would find you here," a feminine voice resounded from within the dissipating smoke.

Emerging from the dissipating smoke, a woman appeared with a smile on her face. She was Poisonous Vine, one of the formidable experts from the enemy's side.

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