The Evolution Of A Goblin To The Peak

Chapter 919 Battle at the Selnes Country: Erkigal

Chapter 919 Battle at the Selnes Country: Erkigal

Arche sneered as he skillfully evaded Vashno's attack, then lifted his foot and delivered a powerful kick that sent Vashno hurtling backward.


The force behind Arche's kick produced a lightning flash that coursed through Vashno's entire body.


Vashno groaned in agony as he tumbled to the ground, gazing up at Arche with a deep furrow in his brow. Arche was a Four Shackles Realm expert, and not just any ordinary one. He teetered on the brink of the Five Shackles Realm, closer to the next level than the previous one. This elevated him above the typical Four Shackles experts, making him an elite within his category.

'If he were an ordinary Four Shackles, I might be able to hold my own for a while, but that's clearly not the case now,' Vashno reflected silently.

Realizing the unfavorable circumstances, Vashno knew he couldn't hope to defeat Arche, even at full power. He drew a deep breath as he regarded Arche. "Whose side are you on? Your clan is harboring something that could turn the tide of this war. We must unlock it if you wish to prevent this nation from falling."

Arche felt a sense of unease when he heard Vashno's words. He narrowed his eyes and inquired, "Where did you come across this information?"

Vashno wore a self-assured smirk, his intuition seemingly proven correct. It appeared that the Flaem Clan was indeed harboring a vital secret, although he remained uncertain about the nature of this revelation.

"I conducted an investigation of the Five Master Clans and managed to uncover some hints regarding the secret left behind by your god," Vashno disclosed.

"Why do you believe it would aid us in this war? I have a suspicion that you lack a complete understanding of its true nature, do I not?" Arche probed.

Nonetheless, Vashno replied, "Regardless, we must prepare for the worst."

Arche refuted him, asserting, "The legacies left by our god are not something you can simply extract. They are meant for us, not outsiders like you. If anyone is to benefit from them, it will be us, so don't harbor any illusions about it."

Vashno let out an internal sigh. It had become increasingly evident that no matter what he said, Arche was resolute in denying them access to the god's legacy.


Out of nowhere, a figure descended to the ground. The entire area quaked, and an intensely oppressive aura spread throughout the Flaem Clan's territory.

Meanwhile, Eztein had been flung backward, and the fierce battle between Franklin and the guard came to a halt as they both turned their attention to the new arrival.

"What's going on?!" Vashno furrowed his brow and squinted at the source of the disruption.

The energy fluctuations alone were several times more potent than even Arche, who was on the verge of reaching the Fifth Shackles Realm.

It was a level of power that left Vashno profoundly unsettled. He could sense a potent killing intent, and the newcomer appeared to be driven by the desire to eliminate him.

'Not good!'

Vashno recognized that he stood little chance of victory or escape if the new arrival was genuinely intent on ending his life. The power differential between them was far too substantial. While he could have considered fleeing had Arche been his sole opponent, he was relatively confident in his ability to escape him.

Arche, alongside the two guards, paid their respects with lowered heads as they acknowledged the newcomer's presence.

"Where did you acquire knowledge about the relics our god left behind?" an authoritative voice resounded.

The obscuring smoke dissipated, revealing a red-haired woman. She was none other than Hono Flaem, the Clan Leader of the Flaem Clan.

'This is a dire situation. The Clan Leader of the Flaem Clan is here...' Vashno observed with a solemn expression.

Hono scrutinized Vashno, her gaze then sweeping over Eztein and Franklin. She spoke, "If you're unwilling to divulge the information, then I will simply dispose of you... I can always consult with the Blood Lightning Monster about it later. Intruding into Flaem Clan territory constitutes a criminal offense."

Vashno's eyes widened as Hono vanished from his field of vision, only to hear her voice from beside him.

"Don't be surprised. This is merely the natural consequence of trespassing upon another's territory."

A burst of crimson light radiated outward.

Vashno was sent hurtling through the air, his hands dismembered and casting droplets of blood in every direction. He was utterly defenseless against Hono.

"Damn! This is a dire situation!"

Vashno clenched his teeth, never expecting the Clan Leader to make an appearance at this moment.


Hono materialized before him, wielding a blazing blade that emitted scorching heat, causing the ambient temperature to skyrocket.

Vashno observed her, recognizing that he had no hope of evading or blocking the attack. He could only pray to survive it.

Then, another crimson light flashed. It was of a deeper hue than Hono's energy and clashed vigorously with her blade, resulting in a resounding boom.


Hono deftly maneuvered her body mid-air, executing a spin and landing gracefully on the ground. She regarded the flaming blade in her hand before casting her gaze forward.

In this moment, Vashno grasped that he had been spared from harm. He couldn't fully comprehend the specifics of what had transpired, but it was apparent that Hono's assault had failed to reach him.

He swiveled his head and spotted a figure in the background. Forcing a smile, he remarked, "I knew you'd come to our rescue. If we perished here, you'd have difficulty concocting an excuse when our leader eventually arrives."

On the opposite side, Eztein breathed a sigh of relief upon witnessing the newcomer's arrival.

The individual who had saved Vashno was the woman from the old store. She appeared slightly different now, her hair tidied and adorned in armor.

The woman smiled at Vashno and said, "I had no intention of provoking the renowned Blood Lightning Monster, so I wasn't about to let you die. Originally, I had no plans to intervene, but the Clan Leader's unexpected presence here surpassed my expectations."

"We were equally caught off guard. I presumed the Clan Leaders were stationed at the frontlines," Eztein replied, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Vashno silently signaled to Eztein to begin a gradual retreat. The current circumstances weren't favorable, and they needed to be prepared for a possible escape. The Clan Leader's power was insurmountable for them to confront head-on.

Eztein nodded in agreement, prepared to comply with Vashno's non-verbal directive.

Hono's gaze remained fixed on the woman, her voice measured as she inquired, "Why are you here, Master?"

The unexpected revelation of the woman's name stunned both Vashno and Eztein. Clan Leader Hono's statement took them by surprise.

Hono paid no mind to their reactions as she maintained her focus on the woman she addressed as "Master Erkigal." "Master Erkigal, I believed you perished during that incident..."

"Erkigal...? Are you implying the previous Clan Leader of the Flaem Clan?" Vashno's eyes widened in astonishment.

Erkigal shifted her gaze toward Vashno, Eztein, and Franklin, offering them a smile. She then turned her attention back to Hono and replied, "You might not be fully aware of the details, given your branch family background, but it's time to unleash that object."

Hono furrowed her brow and inquired, "Could you clarify, Master? Furthermore, I'd like to understand why you chose to reveal yourself at this moment."

Erkigal adopted a more solemn expression as she gestured upwards toward the barrier. "The Deadly Sins have been increasingly inquisitive about the Isolated Formation God. I could no longer disregard it. They've manipulated the barrier's characteristics, but it's a ruse—a ploy to entice us into destroying the device and unveiling their true plan. Even Clan Leader Schine's son, Edward, has turned traitor against the country. That's why I've come forward."

Hono raised her hand, her expression filled with confusion. "Hold on, that's a lot of information to digest. You're suggesting that the device is a trap, and Edward has betrayed our nation? How is that even possible?"

Erkigal continued to elucidate, "You know I wouldn't deceive you about this. The moment the Deadly Sins arrived, I began observing their actions. I also detected Edward's suspicious behavior, so I kept a watchful eye on him. As a result, I discovered his collusion with the Deadly Sins. I suspect he's currently engaged in combat with Clan Leader Schine."

Hono sought further clarification, inquiring, "How does this relate to the object left by our god?"

Erkigal responded plainly, "It's quite simple. The object will reshape the landscape of our nation and encompass the entirety of the space inside the All Filter Barrier Formation. Given the current dire circumstances, countless citizens are perishing by the minute. To provide them with a space to survive, this is the sole solution. The All Filter Barrier Formation won't be dismantled but rather serve as our confinement until the Deadly Sins accomplish their objective."

"And what, may I ask, is the Deadly Sins' objective?" Hono questioned.

Erkigal provided her answer, "They are pursuing knowledge concerning the Isolated Formation God."

Hono expressed her confusion, "Our god? What do they desire from our god? Even I, a Clan Leader, possess limited information regarding our god."

"That's exactly what I meant when I said you have limited knowledge," Erkigal remarked. She then turned her gaze toward Vashno, Eztein, and Franklin, instructing, "Stay here for a while and be prepared."

With that, she approached Hono and subtly flicked her finger, enveloping the two Clan Leaders within a barrier to ensure that their conversation remained confidential.

Erkigal began her conversation with Hono, her tone holding a note of urgency. "Hono, allow me to inquire. How much do you comprehend about the calamity that transpired centuries ago? More specifically, the rebellion of the No God Emperor."

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