The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 307: Voldukirk, The City of Faith

Chapter 307: Voldukirk, The City of Faith

Late Afternoon - Mid Summer : Voldukirk | The Holy Kingdom


- Astren Ravenna ~

*Clop-Clop-Clop-Clop* The endless clatter of hooves tapping against brick filled the air as we traveled down a somewhat crowded brick-laid road, cutting through a seemingly endless plain. -To think the capital has such nice roads even this far outside of the city...-

The road was incredibly wide, easily able to accommodate several lanes of carriages going each direction, with more than enough space along its edges for groups to camp out while still within the short stone wall, and under the protection of the patrolling knights. -But even beyond the wall.. there's nothing but rodents and.. some slimes...-

Looking out over the wall, I watched a slow, clear-jelly-like blob slowly roll over and absorb the dead body of a mouse on the ground before simply sitting there. -There really isn't anything harmful around here, is there...-

But unlike what you would expect for such a peaceful area, the knights patrolling the road were all at least C rank, with many even reaching into A rank. -I guess.. the capital really is a different realm...- "Is it really like this all the way to the city?"

Glancing back over at Father, I saw him carefully adjusting several of the body-covering bandages he was wearing before gently picking up the reigns of his horse with his non-broken hand. "Typically, there aren't nearly this many people." He spoke lethargically as he looked up at me. "Asgard has started becoming more active recently, so many families have begun making pilgrimages to pray, and on top of it, it is almost the summer solstice, so some are also coming for their coming of age ceremonies." He glanced over his shoulder at the rows of knights walking in formation behind us with a visibly anxious expression as he spoke.

His exhaustion likely extenuated his anxiety, but ever since I spoke with him at the Southern dungeon, he had been walking on eggshells. -But after seeing those monsters destroy our home... I can't blame him...-

Glancing back, I immediately laid my gaze on a fancy, tan, and green-clothed man nonchalantly walking ahead of the Templars.

Based on his outward appearance, he looked like nothing more than some young rich nobleman, perhaps even someone of extended royalty, but what no one but our group knew was that he was actually a colossal, green-scaled monster that could kill nearly everyone here on a whim.

"Brr..." A chill passed down my spine as I recalled the memory of Lord Balatos, an even more monstrous, red-scaled dragon, flying into the air and destroying Deepcross in a single swift, fiery breath from over a dozen kilometers away. -Fucking monsters...-

Thankfully, he had already parted ways with us by then, and with Katherine nearby, I didn't have to worry, but the memory had already dealt its damage and left its scar.

"Haah..." Slowly easing my grip on the reigns, I looked up at the bright blue sky and tried to ease my nerves some, but after a moment, the thin cloud floating in the sky over us was scattered as if something had flown through it, and my nerves heightened again. "Ugh..."

Whether it was real or simply my mind playing tricks on me, I truly couldn't tell.

"Are you having flashbacks again?" Father spoke with worry as he pulled over to me. "Here, I still have some of that tea Elizabeth made the other night." Reaching into the pile of luggage on the back of his horse, he quickly pulled out a wine bottle before popping the cork and handing it to me.

Inside the bottle was a type of tea I had previously never heard of, called rose tea. -But even though the taste isn't great, it works like a potion...-

*crackle* *swish-swish* Quickly warming it up with the fire rune on the glass, I swirled it around for a moment before tilting my head back and taking a large gulp. *Gulp* *swish* "Hooh..."

Almost immediately, my body started to relax, but after taking another smaller sip, I gave the bottle back to Father and looked up to see another person pulling their horse over to me.

It was a blond-haired, blue-eyed girl who could easily be mistaken for someone of royal blood if she simply dressed well.

Her name was Elizabeth, the newest addition to our group. "Are you alright, Miss Astren? Is it the trauma again?"

I immediately nodded. "I had some tea already though, so-"

"The tea is only meant to ease your nerves for a couple hours. Hold on, let me grab something you can try." She looked like she could only be 13 or 14, but she somehow acted like she was in her twenties. "Here." After rummaging through her luggage for a moment, she pulled out a tiny white tablet with the texture of chalk. "Bite this, and spread it over your tongue. When you don't feel any more chunks, swallow it."

"O..Okay..." Hesitantly following her directions, I dropped the tablet into my mouth and crushed it between my teeth.

"Try not to overexert yourself for at least a day. If you do, you'll pay for it. And if you feel weird, let me know immediately."

I gave her an odd look for a moment before simply nodding. "Alright..."

Although I had more questions than I could count, something I came to realize shortly after she joined was that she was just as much of a monster as Katherine was.

Unlike Katherine though, her strength wasn't physical. Her strengths laid in her magic, which was unlike anything I had ever seen, and her simply mind-boggling medical knowledge that even shocked Doctor Oswyn. (The mouse demihuman doctor) -If she managed to shock the man leading the advancement of medicine.. who am I to question her...-

Watching her quickly begin writing in a journal as she trotted back up to Katherine, I felt even more out of place than I did before.

But thankfully, there was something that quickly changed that.

"W..what the..." My eyes went wide as I looked to the horizon and saw the top of a wall stretching over it.

"Hm?" Elizabeth also looked up after hearing me, but unlike what I expected, her reaction was the same as mine. "I-is that.. a wall?!"

Towering nearly a hundred and fifty meters tall, the wall of unblemished white rock covered in massive carvings of gold and gems stood like a gift left by our ancestors. A monument of prosperity from times that had long since passed. -But I'm not sure whether to feel impressed by it.. or afraid of what it was meant to stop...-

As we continued to approach, the intricate designs on the wall became clearer, and detailed depictions of historical battles, mythical creatures, and divine symbols revealed themselves to form what could only be described as a story.

The story of a war.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Father spoke with a hint of awe while looking up at the engravings with an endearing look.

"Y-yeah..." But I was wrapped with more curiosity than awe. -There really are a lot of gods depicted on the wall... Why don't I recognize that many of them?-

Falling into thought as we approached the gate, the Second Templar Division made their way to the front of the group and helped push us through the crowds of people at the entrance before eventually making it through the gate.

*Vwoom* Almost instantly, it felt as though we had stepped into a different world. The temperature was cooler, the air was dryer, and the mana was thicker, but most of all, the city was unlike anything I had ever seen. -Woah...-

Inside the walls, almost every building I could see touted six or more floors and simply exuded extravagance with the use of polished stones and crystal clear glass lining the walls of every store.

But somehow, the atmosphere of the city didn't take away from it.

People clad with beautiful clothing bustled about the streets, chatting, haggling, and shopping at the myriad stalls and shops that lined the broad boulevard. There were even street performers showcasing their talents, filling the air with melodies, dazzling tricks, and the gasps and laughter from onlookers.

It was truly as if I had stepped into a different time period. "Is it.. normally like this?" Murmuring to myself, I looked up at Elizabeth, but she seemed right at home, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath with a wide smile on her face, making me quickly question my dismissal of her being royalty.

"There's nothing quite like the heart of Voldukirk," Father remarked, his voice tinging with nostalgia.

Wide-eyed, I could only nod in agreement. The city's aura was intoxicating: a blend of history and modernity, a place where tradition and innovation met.

To my surprise, even Katherine seemed to be awestruck, looking down the boulevard toward the unfathomably massive structure that was only barely peeking over the horizon with wide eyes like I was.

But unfortunately, we weren't there to sightsee.

After speaking with Andras Snyder, the captain of the Second Division Templars, Father turned back to me with a serious look. "You, Elizabeth, and Katherine go get a few rooms as the Sunflower Inn just up the road here. I have to go with Sir Déntro and the templars to meet with the church for now."

My worries quickly began poking through my awe. "Okay, but please be careful. Remember what Elizabeth said?"

"Yes, yes, 'just because I don't feel the pain doesn't mean its not there'. I'll still be careful; just promise me you'll do the same."

I quickly nodded. "I will..." -Im with these two monsters in the form of children... We will be fine...-

Quickly sending him off, the Templars continued up the wide street, drawing the attention of everyone around and leaving Elizabeth, Katherine, and I all alone.

Or at least that was what we thought.

"Ladies." A gentle man's voice instantly made Elizabeth and I jolt as we whipped around and met eyes with a tall man in a white and gold robe. "Are you perhaps in need of a guide?"

-Where did he come from...- I hadn't sensed a thing, but before I could even question who he was, Katherine trotted away on her horse before stopping at a small merchant stall on the side of the road reading 'Denys Jerky', with a mix of fresh meat hanging on it.

The priest-looking man next to us looked simply dumbfounded, but after a moment, she returned with something in her mouth and a handful of something dark.

"Here." Without warning, she tossed a strip each to Elizabeth and me.

*pat* -Huh?- I couldn't even tell what it was. -Is it old meat?-

Looking back up at her, I wanted to ask what it was, but after seeing a faint smile on her face as she tore a piece off to eat, I simply followed suit.

-It looks gross and.. smells weird, but...- Seeing her happily eating it, I simply closed my eyes and ripped a piece off after some effort.

At first, it tasted like nothing, but once I started chewing it, a unique taste spread through my mouth. -Woah...-

But the next thing I knew, the vibrant buzz around us was replaced by an eerie silence, and Katherine's joyful expression vanished. -What?-

"My apologies for interrupting your treat, Ladies," the priest spoke softly, his voice carrying a subtle, otherworldly undertone. "But I must inquire once more. Do you require the services of a guide?"



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