The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Shang Yu, however, went to request a leave of absence. She didn't want to attend classes; she only wanted to obtain the degree. So starting today, she took a leave of absence and would return for the exams.

Lin Sui didn't expect someone to request a leave on the very first day of school, and on top of that, it wasn't one of those child stars who were constantly booked for jobs. It was this... top student.

"Remember to come back on the first of next month for the exams."

"Thank you, teacher."

Shang Yu took her leave of absence slip back to the classroom, put her books in her desk, and tapped Xia Qingyue's shoulder.

"I'm heading back."

"Huh?" Xia Qingyue blinked, utterly baffled. "Where are you going?"

"I have some things to take care of, so I'm taking a month's leave. I'll be back for the exams."

"What?! But today is the first day of school, sis!"

"I'm off." Shang Yu patted her shoulder. "Work hard. If anything comes up, contact me on WeChat."

Xia Qingyue watched in astonishment as her figure disappeared.

A top student taking a month's leave on the very first day of school...

Well, she didn't need to worry about failing the exams.

That girl's memory was unparalleled!

Unlike her own...

Wah, how was this small, unknown nobody supposed to handle things?

"Are you Xia Qingyue?" Suddenly, a girl sat down next to her. "I saw you dancing on the Spring Festival Gala program. You danced so incredibly well."

"Let's be friends."

Xia Qingyue quickly shook her hand. "Sure, I know you. You're Mo Bei'er. I watched you act in Outside the Skyscraper, and you were truly amazing."

"Thank you."


As soon as Shang Yu left, she went to an internet cafe. After getting a computer, she bought a lollipop at the front desk, peeled one for Yu Yuan and kept one for herself, then sat in the farthest corner and watched a video.

It was Yu Yuan's first time eating a lollipop, and it discovered... it was truly a heavenly delight!!!

So it was true that insects liked sweets.

Shang Yu cracked a slight smile as she watched the video intently.

She had found this on the ACC, a prohibited video, because as an underground website, only special people could access the ACC.

The things that could be found here weren't things ordinary people could see.

She ate her lollipop and watched as in the video, a man caught a girl on the street, then took out a knife and dug out her heart before immediately disappearing.

He didn't handle the body, nor did he care about the surveillance cameras.

His killing methods had been captured multiple times, but no one could catch him.

Shang Yu looked at the information of the deceased victims and noticed they all had one thing in common - they were cute, petite girls, either almost of age or had just become of age.

She frowned, puzzled by this strange method.

Yu Yuan grasped the lollipop and ate it. Its head was about the same size as the lollipop, round and white, with almost transparent, fluttering wings that were barely visible.

"If I were the killer, I would target the nearest university, and today is the first day of school..."

Shang Yu analyzed as she mentally eliminated several universities like the University of Electronic Science and Technology, which had more male students, as well as the Sports University...

The police academy could also be ruled out.

However, the area where he had last been active was near the Beijing Film Academy.

It seemed Shang Yu could wait for him to come to her.

But to confirm if he would indeed appear nearby, she filtered out the universities he could go to, memorizing the maps. If he wasn't in this area, she would head over to those other places.

Still, she could be ninety percent certain that the Beiyun Province Film Academy would be his ultimate target.

There were many girls here who were cute and sweet-looking, and the chances of encountering them on the street were quite high.

Shang Yu bit her lollipop. He would definitely come!

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