The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 44

Chapter 44


Shang Yu had nothing more to say. She saw many books on his bookshelf, with a whole row about the internet.

"What's up? Want to take a look at those books? Feel free to grab them anytime!"

Grandpa said indulgently with a smile: "Oh, that reminds me!"

He quickly took out a document: "This has been notarized. From now on, our Shang family business will depend on you! You're our hope!"

Shang Yu frowned as she looked at the document.

The old man opened it and read it energetically: "From now on, all shares of Shang Chuanqi's Shang Corporation will be transferred to Shang Yu!"

He put the document in her hands: "Grandpa has thirty-seven percent of the shares. The rest are scattered among your dad, your mom, your two uncles, and a few board members. This is the largest share, which means you're now the CEO of Shang Corporation!"

Shang Yu stared at his smiling face, then handed the document back to him: "I have no interest in Shang Corporation, so don't give it to me."

"Plus, I have no business experience. Give it to someone else."

"Yu Yu!" The old man grabbed her sleeve: "Are you still blaming grandpa?"

Shang Yu: "No."

"Years ago, grandpa failed to take good care of you and let someone take you away. I've felt guilty my whole life. I'm just glad you came back."

The old man sighed: "At least you had a decent life there. Otherwise, grandpa would feel remorseful to the grave."

"Just imagine, a little girl like you, if something had happened..."

His voice choked with emotion: "Your grandma couldn't wait to see you return, but I did. Material things come and go, but leaving this for you is my only wish. If you refuse, it's as if all these years I spent waiting for you were meaningless."

Shang Yu massaged her brow. She really didn't expect the old man to get so sentimental.

By relation, she was his elder ancestor.

But in this era... she still wanted to be the granddaughter he waited eighteen years for.

After all, she would always look eighteen, so being an ancestor was meaningless.

She'd figure out the rest after he left this world.

If he knew his granddaughter was just an illusion, he'd be even sadder...

Shang Yu couldn't bring herself to be heartless to those who treated her well.

She could tell genuine feelings from fake ones.

Her sister said she was indecisive, but that wasn't it.

She had just been so spoiled that she learned to be grateful.

"Okay, give me two years. If I'm still a failure, I'll accept your gift."

"But if I have my own successful career, maybe even better than what you're offering, then I won't take it."

"Alright!!" The old man's eyes shone: "I'll wait for you!!"

He liked her ambitious spirit. Young people should be brave and hardworking!

Inheriting the family business was the mark of a wastrel!

Shang Yu left with a few books. Just outside the study, she saw Shang Luo and Shang Wan standing by the stairs.

"You're stealing grandpa's books. If he finds out, he'll beat you to death!" Shang Luo said gleefully.

"Shang Luo, shut up!!" A booming angry voice came from upstairs: "If you bully Yu Yu again, I'll have your dad break your legs!"

Shang Yu didn't spare Shang Luo an extra glance as she went straight back to her room.

Shang Luo looked at grandpa's gloomy eyes: "Grandpa, was I adopted?"

"You still ask when you know? If you can't be a good brother, then just be a good younger one! You've wasted the twenty years grandpa spent teaching you!"


"Look at your sister - try beating her exam scores before mocking her! If you can't, then don't look down on her! You hear me?"

-Side note-

When I write, I value logic. For example, if the female lead just woke up knowing about computers but isn't a master hacker, I won't write that she has those skills (unless her past self did). This time Yu Yu is an academic type, of course. If she's exposed to it later, she'll naturally pick it up.

I also won't go overboard for the sake of indulgence. I respect the law, so the female lead can't steal, rob or harm others without reason.

If she's broke, she'll earn money through her own talents. She won't beg for sympathy, and won't mindlessly cuss out or attack others.

Moreover, she'll respect elders who treat her well. Being cold and arrogant towards elders doesn't make one look powerful, just ill-mannered.

So if you want to read about a female lead who defies heaven and earth, disregards everything, kills indiscriminately and acts unrestrained, then definitely don't read on!

She'll be ruthless towards enemies and torture scoundrels.

She's certainly invincible, but she has a heart, and it's red.

Thank you all.

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