The Divine Anime System

Chapter 51. Return and new journey

Chapter 51. Return and new journey

"Trillion bounty emperor? I like it." Rei said with a smile.

"Now then Dragon, you should go support Garp to pull the world back in order. Since the world government is gone the marines should be able to do their job better." Rei said giving the news paper back to Dragon.

"Hn indeed." Dragon said with a small smile.

"Now, me and Eve have already done what we came to do. So i'll see you later should we meet once." Rei said as Eve stepped out of the room.

"Eve let's go." Rei said holding out his hand. Eve nodded holding on to the hand. Both of them bid Dragon farewell as Rei uses his space laws to teleport to Luffy's location.

"Hm?" Rei said looking around.

"Rei?!" Luffy said seeing Rei appear suddenly.

Rei could see Luffy eating food while he restrained Rebecca.

"yo. Luffy i'm just here to tell Ace that I won't be around to a while so he should stay in you crew for longer." Rei said as he couldn't see Ace anywhere.

"Sure, i'll tell him when I see him." Luffy said continuing to eat.

"Thanks, I'll leave you two to it then." Rei said as he teleported him and Eve to Shanks' ship.

"Yo!" Rei greeted with a smile.

"REI! HAHAHAHAHA GUYS! REI'S HERE!" Shanks shouted to the group.

"So then Trillion bounty emperor, what brings you here." Shanks' said with a smile.

"Not much, just seeing you guys before I leave." Rei said leaning on the railing.

"Hn, so who's this lass here?" Shanks asked pointing at Eve.

"Hi, i'm Eve and i'm Rei's lover." Eve said with a slight bow.

"Ho~ Rei you got yourself a beauty. Hahahaha" Shanks said as he laughed.

"Yeah I have." Rei said looking at Eve with love.

"Anyways shanks' thanks for keeping me here on the ship years ago." Rei thanked Shanks.

"Hahahaha don't worry about it, don't worry about it." Shanks said as he drank more beer.

"Hnm" Rei smiled slightly.

"Now then, Shanks i'll see you later." Rei said as he and Eve bid their goodbyes once more.

Teleporting above the clouds, Rei held Eve as he asked.

"Hey Eve, ready to meet your mother in law?" Rei said as he looked at Eve with a smile.

Eve nodded shyly thinking of meeting Rei's mother.

Tapping his foot two times, a portal opened up infront of Rei. Stepping in, Rei could see the boundless space with the floating orbs once more.

"System, show me the where the boku no hero world is." Rei said as the system displayed it onto his map. Using his space laws once more, Rei continues to teleport himself towards the location.

With his space laws, it didn't take more than 10 minutes to reach the world. Stepping into the orb, Rei felt some of his power being reduced.

"Hmmm....Is this the world law suppressing my power?" Rei asked as he moved his body slightly.

"Yeah, since the highest that this world can take is the peak of World rank while we're in Sovereign rank." Eve explained as they were about to exit the portal of the boku no hero world.

A blinding light shun into their eyes as they shielded them from the light. Looking around, Rei could see that he was exactly where he left last time, but the buildings have changed.

"Hn, I wonder how many years have passed." Rei said.

"We can go asked your mother once we find her." Eve said as she left Rei's embrace.

Rei shrugged as he sent his haki outwards. Rei frowned seeing that his range was greatly reduced.

"System, show me location of Yumi Todoroki." Rei said.

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Showing him the coordinates of his mum, Rei held Eve's hand as he teleported into the space above it. Floating, Rei could see the Todoroki household.

Landing by the front door, Rei was about to knock until Eve grabbed his hand.

"Eto, do you think I should dress up a little better?" Eve asked worried about her first appearance.

"Don't worry, i'm sure she'll like you either way." Rei said with a smile.

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Rei knocked on the door. Soon the door was open showing a slightly aged woman who still showed hints of how beautiful she was in her prime. Her eyes widened slightly seeing the man before the door.

"Rei?" She asked hesitantly.

"Mom." Rei replied with a small smile.

She quickly hugged Rei, as she saw her son who she hadn't seen in years. Bringing them in the house, Rei introduced Eve to his mum.

"Mum this is Eve, she is my lover." Rei said with a smile holding Eve's hand.

"Fufufu, you better not disappoint such a cute girl." Yumi said with a smile.

"Hahaha of course not mum. But how many years have passed now?" Rei asked wanting to known the passage of time.

"It has already been 7 years since you left. All Might has retired and said that Midoriya Izuku is his successor." Yumi said drinking some tea.

"Hn i'll go say hi to him. But mum, me and Eve will be going to another world soon and i'm not sure how long it would be till we get back." Rei said apologetically since he couldn't take his mum.

Shaking her head, Yumi said.

"It's fine as long as you're safe."

"Thanks mum." Rei said as he and Eve prepared to meet Midoriya.

Luckily, Midoriya was already nearby so Rei was able to find his aura. Rei then took Eve and teleported next to him. Startled, Midoriya punched out towards Rei who lifted his palm and blocked it.

"Yo Midoriya." Rei said with a smile.

"Rei?!" Midoriya was shocked seeing Rei looking more or less the same as 7 years ago.

"Hey i'm just here to say hi. I'll be leaving again soon. But how have you been?" Rei asked as he sat down on a bench with Eve.

"It's been good, training to make myself stronger." Midoriya said also sitting down.

"Why don't you spare with Eve for a bit?" Rei suggested.

"Eh are you sure?" Midoriya said unsure of what to think.

"Don't worry about it, she's as strong as All Might in his prime." Rei said with a smile.

"Hm sure." Midoriya said as he went to a stance.

"Eve, close your eyes and rely on your haki to block." Rei suggested.

"Hai~" She said as she stood up and closed her eyes.

"Midoriya, she has an ability which lets her to sense her surroundings so this could help her." Rei said to assure Midoriya.

"If you say so." Midoriya said as he punched towards Eve.

Eve gently pushed her palm up diverting the momentum of the punch causing Midoriya to miss. Seeing this, Midoriya sweeped his foot towards her legs. Stepping backwards, Eve said.

"Use your quirk, or this'll be boring."

"Fine, Full Cowl." Midoriya said as green lighting expanded around hit. He suddenly disappeared reappearing next to Eve. Punching towards her, Midoriya used 50% of one for all.

Using the back of her hand, Eve hit Midorita's punch upwards causing a shockwaves to shoot up. Midoriya used the momentum to kick towards Eve, who bent backwards to avoid the kick but didn't see that it was a faint and a punch was on it's was to her ribs.

See how it has gone on for long enough, Rei snapped his fingers causing the space to freeze. Midoriya froze in the position that had his punch centimetres away from Eve's ribs, while she froze trying to awkwardly dodge.

"Now then, congrats Midoriya I can see that your combat experience has improved, but remember you have to go all out even if the opponent is a woman. And Eve you can see how much battle experience changes the battle. While you are stronger, the experience let you down." Rei explained some issues while he unfreezed the space. Both Midoriya and Eve regained their balance stabilizing them selves not to fall over.

"Now then, Eve we have to go soon. And Midoriya, if you see All Might or Gran Torino. Say hi for me."

With that Rei took Eve as he opened up a portal to escape from the world.

Back in the open space Rei frowned.

"Hmm why did it feel like the laws were against us." Rei said as he held Eve.

"I think it wasn't happy about how you changed the world for heroes to kill villains." Eve theorized.

"If it was then the world law is a petty little shit." Rei said slightly annoyed.

Suddenly Rei felt a pull towards a orb.

"Hm?! What's this? Something is trying to teleport us there." Rei said looking at the orb.

"Hey isn't that Emiya Shirou?" Eve said pointing at the face.

"Seems like i'll be meeting sensei again." Rei said with a smile. Following the pull, both he and Eve went into the orb.

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