The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 52

52 Bathroom Incident I

That night, Anna couldn’t get the peaceful sleep she hoped she was going to succumb to and instead, kept thinking about Roshan all through the night.

Everything that happened last night kept invading her head, especially those lonesome looks in his eyes. She consistently turned left and right on her bed, trying to find a comfortable position and when she suddenly blinked, it was daytime.

The sun had barely risen but the clouds looked blue when her eyes darted towards the window.

Sighing heavily after not being able to get that much of a sleep, she lazily got out of bed and made her way towards the bathroom to get ready for the day. All through her heart was restless each time her thoughts diverted to Roshan and what happened to him.

None of it still made sense to her and she wondered if he was alright, he had to be, else she would lose the chance of ever finding out the reason behind her birthmark and getting rid of it.

Changing into a simple cream colored dress after calming her mind, body and senses, Anna stepped out of her room with the aim of going to check on Roshan.

She needed to make sure he was alright at least. Passing through the corridor, the maids were up early as well, doing their morning routines while Anna greeted each one of them as she strode by.

Thankfully, they accepted her greetings today and didn’t look like people who wanted to devour her. All the maids in the palace looked beautiful to her surprise, each one of them had their standard beauties that made her feel somewhat different.

Her beauty was nothing compared to theirs.


Are all the ladies this pretty in Viscarrian? She wondered if Roshan ever noticed them.

As for the guards, they always had a helmet on but they were built and guarded almost all the important doors in the palace.

Anna’s mind curiously wondered what life outside the palace looked like, she wondered if there was really life outside the palace and if there was, what would it look like?

But now wasn’t the time to have her brain doing many sorts of calculations, she has to find Roshan’s chambers.

Nodding to her own thoughts, Anna proceeded to ask a few maids who strolled by with trays in their hands, she politely asked them for the direction towards his highness Roshan’s chamber.

“Take the stairs and go right, the third chamber belongs to his highness Roshan.” The maid responded while Anna bowed with a grateful look.

“Thank you.”

They departed and Anna immediately took the stairs that equally led to the balcony, except they had corridors at both sides which meant the highest chambers in the palace.

Making it up to the stairs, she admired the beauty of the corridor and with how admirably beautiful it was, she knew this place was reserved for those who had a royal bloodline, those who belonged to the family.

The air surrounding it alone was enough to make her heart race as she took a right turn, it felt like they were people watching her despite not seeing anyone at all. All the doors were closed shut but then, why did she feel like they were eyes on her??

Giving herself a mental shake, she wouldn’t let her fears be known and soon enough, she arrived at the third door.

Just standing before his door was already making her heart race but nevertheless, she knocked.

No response.

“Could it be.... he’s still asleep?” She muttered to herself before her brows creased in worry, had it really affected him that much?

She knocked again but got the same silent response. When she got tired of knocking, she held the door knob and quietly opened the door since it wasn’t locked.

“Your highness?” Her voice echoed in the dark room and her eyes widened a bit.

“It’s so dark!” She muttered her exclamation but still found herself taking a step in.

“Your highness?”

It was pitch black, she could barely see anything and that gave her goosebumps all over her body. How can someone stay in such a room? But it was Roshan, she shouldn’t find it surprising but she strangely did.

The darkness was terrifyingly haunting.

“I never told you to come in.” A deep voice came from behind her and a short scream left her lips as she jumped in fear.

Alarmed, she instantly turned around and the lights were switched back on. The chandelier hanging above the ceiling glowed with an enchanting gold and silver white light, enough to brighten the whole room. Roshan stood at the edge of his bedside, his Hazel-green green eyes resting upon the human that had dared to step into his den.

“Morning, your highness.” She immediately bowed, her heart racing in return from the earlier fright she received. He was here all this while???

“Did someone see you on your way here?” He suddenly questioned, leaving Anna to meet his quizzical stare.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“What are you doing here?” He asked without moving from his spot, his expression was back to the normal stoic look he always carried and that relieved her.

It meant he was fine.

“I just came to check...”

“If I died?” He completed her words for her with a tiny smirk while Anna raised her head up to meet his empty stare.

“No.” She shook her head and Roshan hummed in return.

“I’ll believe that, it’s not so easy to get rid of me.”

Anna lowered her gaze again, he was still dressed in his robe and the straps were undone this time around, leaving his bare torso exposed and she forced her eyes to look away.

Her cheeks heating up at the sight of his body, he was literally the first man to appear before her like this. “Since you’re alright, I’ll... I’ll take my leave now.”

She has to leave this place!

“Not so fast!”

Her legs stopped moving at his words, she slowly turned to look at him with her head lowered and he finally moved away from the edge of his bed.

“Since you’re here already, I need to take a bath, set it up for me.” Came his order as he turned away from her and strode to a table, reaching for a file on his desk and Anna remained rooted to her spot.

“Make it warm too, I might be cold but.... sometimes even the ice needs to melt.” He added and Anna knew he was somehow teasing her a bit.

At least he’s focused on something to even bother about her at the moment. She better set it up and get out of here quickly.

Her legs finally moved as she hurried to a door at the left side of the room, refusing to glance his way, she opened it and stepped in. Meanwhile, Roshan’s lips deviously curled to the side when he saw the petite woman go in and close the door behind her.

Anna was stupefied when she stepped into his bathing chamber, it was bigger than any normal bathing chamber she’s ever seen. The walls were painted in white, Even the floor was laced with white tiles and the sink looked silver in color.

His chamber smelled just like him, like mint and spice but in a very alluring way. Shaking that thought away, she turned the tap on and instantly filled the big tub with water. She hummed a rhythm while waiting for the tub to fill and once it did, she turned it off.

Although the bathroom was lit well enough, Anna felt it’d add more beauty if the candles surrounding the tub were lit as well, so being a good maid, she lit up every candle and added some cherry blossom petals into the water.

Getting to her feet and turning around, a gasp left her lips when she saw Roshan step into the bathroom and her heart hitched.

Wasn’t he busy with something before???

“I’ve set the tub.” She said but instead of responding, Roshan proceeded to take his robe off, fully exposing his upper body to Anna’s dumbstruck gaze and before she realized it, he tossed the robe at her which she caught out of involuntary means.

“We’re not done here.” He uttered and before Anna’s flushed face, she watched as the demon himself reached for his breeches and her eyes widened.


Was he going to take that off too????

In front of her???

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