The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 295: Office for One Person*

New chapter of The Demon King is out! (2/2 chapters)

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PS1: If you like my work, I really appreciate if you can support it through Patreon, Ko-fi, or Paypal. Any amount of donation is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

PS2: Click links here to read today’s chapter releases; Demon King 294and Incompetent Bratty Prince 111.

PS3: That’s the latest chapter of Demon King. The author mentions that there will be two free chapters release per month. For this month, the chapters released are chapter 294 and 295.

PS4: I haven’t decided yet new novel to replace it since I’ve made a mistake of choosing a novel that has been completely translated *sadpandaface*. So, I may take some time to choose new novel to translate.

PS5: I’m releasing today’s chapters early because I’ll be driving home in a few. It’ll be four to five-hour drive.

Myaro was sitting in the office chair with nothing to do.

The bureaucrats were to be managed in the Grand Witch Square, which surrounded the Royal Castle Island and the Witch’s Forest. Irene had gone out to offer the Gudanvier mansion as accommodations. Since the Gudanvier Household didn’t have its foundation in royal castle positions, very few of its members held bureaucratic roles. They weren’t hiring new members either, as it would be seen as favoritism. Only one person, an older cousin by one year, had a position in district reorganization. While that part was convenient, she was worried that the mansion might be damaged by outsiders. Well, Irene would handle it well.

Myaro was not allowed to go out. Since there was a nap room attached to the office, as long as she could overlook some minor inconveniences, being confined here wasn’t much of a hardship. Although she could have chosen to sleep, her mind was too alert, and she found herself looking out the window even late into the night.

Outside the window, the capital, now under a new ruler, remained unchanged. Despite the inner unrest of the people, the scenery didn’t look much different. Perhaps patrols had been strengthened, as the streets seemed a little brighter than usual.

Liao Rube came by around the time the date had changed. After a half-hearted knock, he entered on his own when ignored and sat down on the reception sofa.

What a manner. It’s disgusting.

“If you’re tired, why don’t you return to the Rube Household’s secondary residence?” (Myaro)

Like the Hou Household, the Rube Household also owned a secondary residence in the royal capital. He looked completely worn out, but if he was so tired, he should just sleep at home.

“It’s too noisy to sleep.” (Liao)

“Is that so?” (Myaro)

I didn’t care at all.

“So, how does it feel to side with the people who killed your father and betray the country?” (Myaro)

When she opened with that, Liao looked hurt and stared at Myaro’s face.

Did he think I, of all people, would understand him? How delusional.

“Well… I suppose it’s no surprise to be seen that way.” (Liao)

“There’s no other way to see it. What on earth were you thinking when you pulled off such a foolish act?” (Myaro)

“To protect the Rube Household.” (Liao)

Liao’s answer was something Myaro hadn’t expected.

“To protect…? Did you think we would crush the Rube Household?” (Myaro)

What kind of paranoia is that? The Rube Household was the only ally of the Hou Household during the unrest caused by the Witches. We couldn’t just dismiss them and had given them excellent treatment. In the Rube Household’s territory, though it’s a remote and inconvenient place in the mountains, there’s an open-pit iron mine. To meet the growing demand for iron, we’ve been constantly introducing the latest technology, expanding infrastructure, and increasing production. Recently, we began using asphalt paving technology, starting with the direct road from the mine to the port. Their income must have tripled over the past four years.

“Did you really think the Rube Household could maintain the appearance of an independent nation while everything in the country is being changed by Yuri?” (Liao)

“I think so. In fact, we had no plans whatsoever to do anything to the Rube Household.” (Myaro)

That was entirely true. This is complete and utter paranoia.

“Is that so? Yuri is rolling out new laws one after another, providing opportunities for the commoners to receive education. Meanwhile, knights are losing their lands and being reduced to mercenaries hired with money. Eventually, I’m sure he intends to have skilled commoners govern over other commoners.” (Liao)

“Well, yes, that’s true. We don’t think knights need to rule over people.” (Myaro)

A general who controls the military, a powerful instrument of violence, seizes land, establishes a kingdom, and reigns as king. He rewards his subordinates with land for their military achievements. That sequence is the natural structure of civilization, born out of a world of survival of the fittest.

However, that model comes with significant issues. The ability required of a knight, who is an instrument of violence, is the ability to win wars. But the ability required of a ruler is the ability to govern the people. Those are entirely different talents. A knight, who excels as an instrument of violence, is not necessarily a good ruler. Yet, in the outdated system of noble households, knights are expected to be both. They are required to be warriors who can wield spears and lead armies, legal experts who can judge people, and business managers who can run estates. But such superhuman individuals are few and far between in the world.

As a result, intelligent individuals who excel in governance but fail on the battlefield die in vain, while knights who are only brave end up squandering lands with great potential. The model is flawed in terms of placing the right people in the right positions.

And an even bigger problem arises when a long period of peace follows the end of wars. When a nation enters a peaceful era, knights skilled in warfare are inevitably sidelined, while only those who excel in governance are favored. In other words, knights, who were once military officers, turn into civil servants.

When that trend continues for a long time, a strange phenomenon occurs. The very class that once bore the responsibility of war disappears from society. The Noza Household is a prime example of this model. Though they claimed to be knights in name, they had never actually fought in a war, nor did they possess the necessary skills. During peacetime, this was not an issue, and they even governed well. However, once conflict arose, they were utterly defenseless and perished in no time.

We cannot let the new nation become like that.


The new country must not be allowed to become such a nation. That’s why Yuri is trying to take land away from the knights. If governance and military affairs are not separated, high levels of governance and military capability cannot be maintained for a long time. However, if this were publicly announced as a government policy, it would increase the dissatisfaction of the knights, so for now, Yuri is gradually implementing this as a hidden policy, slowly adjusting the system.

“Yuri intends to transform this country into something completely different. The talented will no longer be found among the hereditary knights but from the commoners. Commoners with ambition will go to university, receive education, and be valued in the government or companies. Knights like us, who inherited family status through birth, will be reduced to government employees receiving salaries.” (Liao)

“…That might indeed happen, but if you’re dissatisfied with that, why not have the Rube Household operate independently?” (Myaro)

For now, the laws didn’t have binding force over the Rube household. It was considered too restrictive to place them under strong control, so as Liao just said, they are allowed to operate like an independent country within the nation. However, Kien voluntarily adopted the laws implemented on this side and applied them to the Rube Household territory as well. They had been keeping pace with each other

“Should we maintain our prestige as an old-fashioned military family in this new nation? Father thought so too, but it’s impossible. If the surrounding areas become places that offer better lives and opportunities to build one’s fortune, the talented vassals will all leave. On top of that, the Hou Company keeps releasing products that make life more convenient. Once those enter the territory, the vassals will have no choice but to buy them. Both people and money will keep flowing out.” (Liao)

“Instead, sell iron ore. That’s how territorial management works.” (Myaro)

“The largest iron ore deposit in the Great Shantilla Empire is somewhere north of Shantinion. They’re already starting to mine it, aren’t they?” (Liao)

Was he thinking that far ahead?

Myaro was a little surprised inwardly.

“…That may be so, but they’re only mining what they need for the industries around Shantinion. Transporting it here would be too costly. The center of heavy industry is in the Hou Company’s territory, and the demand for nearby iron ore mines won’t disappear.” (Myaro)

“It’s not just the Great Shantilla Empire. If Yuri destroys the Catholic Sect, diplomatic relations will normalize. Even now, iron ore is shipped from the ports to Suomi and turned into iron in coastal blast furnaces. If we’re already shipping it by sea, the difference in transportation costs due to distance is minimal. If the export of iron ore disappears…” (Liao)

Liao’s face darkened, and he lowered his head.

“…If that happens, what will become of the Rube Household’s territory? It will become a backward, isolated region. If the territory is filled with impoverished people, dissatisfaction will surely erupt. If we suppress that, Yuri will use it as an excuse to interfere.” (Liao)

That might indeed happen, Myaro thought. Complaints from the vassals would flood in, and if the Rube Household suppressed them and treated the people harshly, it would force them to take drastic measures.

“I never intended to just sit and watch that happen. Taking action was a once-in-a-lifetime… no, a first and last opportunity.” (Liao)

“Are you saying that this rebellion was unavoidable?” (Myaro)

“…Yes.” (Liao)

Myaro, with her tired mind, pondered for a while.

Is it really unavoidable?

From the start, Liao’s reasoning was based on the premise that he would make no effort himself. If Yuri was working hard, then all Liao had to do was make more efforts to improve the management of the Rube Household territory. However, saying that if you don’t want to fall behind a genius, you should compete with them and surpass them is not a fair demand for most ordinary or talented people. Is it really right to expect the same level of effort from Liao as from Yuri?

…No, that’s wrong.

“That’s just an excuse to deceive yourself.” (Myaro)

“What did you say?” (Liao)

“If the future of the independent territory looks bleak, there is another option. That is to accept all of our laws and keep pace. If there are no differences in the system, vassals could leave the Rube Household territory, go to university in Sibyaku, and return to start businesses locally. If that happened, you wouldn’t be at a disadvantage.” (Myaro)

There is no need to compete with a genius. You just had to follow their example. In fact, Kien had done exactly that, and no problems had arisen. By offering favorable measures like lowering tax rates within the territory, both people and businesses could be attracted. In that way, it wouldn’t have been difficult to create a favorable environment. There is no need to insist on operating as an independent country with its own system. But in any case, now that you’ve taken such actions, it’s all too late.

“Liao-san, you must have realized this. In the end, you just couldn’t bear the thought of submitting to Yuri and bowing under our military banner, could you?” (Myaro)

“…” (Liao)

Whether he was aware of it or not, Liao did not respond with a counterargument.

“I know you care deeply about your family. But was it really something you had to do, even if it meant gambling the ruin of the entire Rube Household?” (Myaro)

Liao had many choices. If he hated it that much, he could have returned the fief to the Queen. In that case, he would have been treated with courtesy, awarded various honors, and prepared for a life of ease as a local dignitary for generations to come. But Liao dragged the entire Rube Household into a rebellion.

“…Ha.” (Liao)

Liao let out a single dry laugh.

“I was born in the same way as him. The son of a military household that takes pride in martial prowess, and he was my junior in the academy. And then, to have the woman I loved taken by him, to bow under his military banner, to offer my spear to his daughter, and to scatter the lives of my subordinates for his personal revenge? That wouldn’t be Liao Rube anymore. No, I wouldn’t even be a man.” (Liao)

He finally spoke his true feelings.

Myaro thought.

“…Hah, you’re a fool.” (Myaro)

She truly thought he was a fool.

Humans are creatures that find happiness through comparison with others. There are few people who would compare themselves to Yuri, the hero who saved the country. However, for Liao, who was born as the heir of the same military household and is five years older, his point of comparison is likely always Yuri. Unless he surpasses Yuri, he probably couldn’t help but feel like a miserable loser.

“You had the position, the wealth, and were in a place everyone admired. And yet, you ruined it all.” (Myaro)

“That’s what a man’s once-in-a-lifetime battle is like.” (Liao)

“Well, maybe you’re right. If there is even the slightest chance of winning.” (Myaro)

No matter how much he thought about it, there was no way they could repel Yuri, who had returned from the battlefield.

This is a short-lived victory; violence is followed by certain death.

“There is a chance.” (Liao)

“For a rebellion, the element of justice is crucial. It’s what gathers soldiers and raises morale. The way you’ve gone about it won’t work, Liao-san.” (Myaro)

“There are more people dissatisfied with Yuri’s methods than you think.” (Liao)

Myaro was shocked. For him to say that to the prime minister who oversaw intelligence and strategy…

“To begin with, where is the need to continue fighting up to the Papal States when we’ve already reclaimed the former lands of the Great Shantilla Empire?” (Liao)

“We haven’t reclaimed the northern part of Tyrellme yet and leaving the Catholic Sect’s doctrines unchanged would leave a festering problem for future generations.” (Myaro)

“As for the old lands, they’ve already promised to cede them. Even with my method, we can take them back. The Catholic doctrine will remain, but if they attack, we can just go to war again and push them back. That’s the way the world works. There’s no need to prevent future wars now.” (Liao)

As expected, he didn’t understand…

Myaro thought.

Yuri is a ruler who thinks in extremely long terms. It is clear from the fact that, since the age of 15, he had been making enormous investments to search for new continents. Even though the Hou Company had countless other business opportunities to invest in, Yuri poured money into buying ships for exploration and developing new navigation techniques.

However, as with many ventures at Hou Company, people didn’t understand Yuri’s actions. Investing money now in something that wouldn’t bring immediate profit or asking people to shed blood for a future war was difficult to justify to those only concerned with their present lives. Though Yuri is a national hero, and the general populace follows him, there are undoubtedly many who oppose him internally, just as Liao had said.

“If we gather up those who lost their jobs due to Yuri’s reforms and the former knights, we’ll amass quite a number.” (Liao)

Just as the rise of plant-based paper led to a decline in parchment production, there were indeed people who lost their jobs. The old knights, if gathered, would also number quite a few.

However, those people were nothing more than a disorganized mob in the face of the current army of the Shaalta Kingdom.

“Do you really think that assembling a rabble like that will help you defeat Yuri-kun when he returns? You’re far too optimistic.” (Myaro)

“Yuri won’t be coming back. Even if he does, his army won’t. They’ll have to start from scratch.” (Liao)

Ah, so that’s his plan.

“That’s why you drew them deep into the mainland, even at great risk. Well, I doubt it will work on Yuri-kun, though.” (Myaro)

“Who knows? Let’s see.” (Liao)

Looking at Liao’s face as he spoke, he seemed to have a certain level of confidence. The scheme Liao had concocted, likely devised by Gertrude Evans, must have been quite something.

“When Yuri-kun is cornered, his mind works faster. When that happens, he becomes so sharp it’s terrifying. I can’t even imagine him quietly falling into a trap and being destroyed.” (Myaro)

“Even if the army remains, I’ll fight and win.” (Liao)

“Is that so?” (Myaro)

Let him indulge in his delusions.

“…You should stop chasing after Yuri already.” (Myaro)

“Huh?” (Liao)

What is he suddenly talking about?

“Marry me and support this country.” (Liao)


For the first time in a while, Myaro was left dumbfounded. Even when she received the shocking news that the Rube Household had raised the flag of rebellion, she hadn’t been left speechless.

Marry him?

She could only be astonished.

What kind of proposal is this?

“Six years ago, Myaro, you turned me down. But what did Yuri give you in return? He used your intellect for his convenience and buried you in work. Have you really been satisfied with your position so far?” (Liao)

“…What are you trying to say?” (Myaro)

To begin with, her current position, becoming prime minister and supporting the country, was something she had desired herself. Yuri had already given her the work she wanted, and a position that was practically the pinnacle of what she could hope for.

“I could give you everything.” (Liao)

“Don’t say such foolish things.” (Myaro)

The trust and future Yuri gave her.

Is he telling her to throw all of that away and marry Liao?  That is laughable.

“Keep your foolishness to reckless rebellions. Why should I have to marry Liao-san?” (Myaro)

“The foolish one here is you.” (Liao)

She had been called a fool.

“What part of me is foolish? If you’re talking about the fact that I didn’t run away…” (Myaro)

“If you’re in love with Yuri, why did you let his women escape?” (Liao)

“…” (Myaro)

So, that’s what he was getting at.

“You went to great lengths to help the women who stole your man escape, only to stay behind and get captured yourself. Isn’t that the height of foolishness? If you’d done nothing, those women would’ve been captured and killed. Didn’t the thought ever cross your mind that it might be better if they died? Then, you could have comforted a wounded Yuri yourself.” (Liao)

“I would never think such a thing.” (Myaro)

She couldn’t have thought that.

“There’s no way a woman as sharp as you didn’t consider that option. If you had ridden away on the eagle, you could’ve been the only one by Yuri’s side. That would have been the best outcome for you. You realized it. And yet, you did the opposite. You helped the women escape and let yourself be captured. It wouldn’t have been strange if you were killed or assaulted. You’re far too soft-hearted.” (Liao)

“Just leave.” (Myaro)

“Understood. But think about what I said. If it were me…” (Liao)

“Get out!” (Myaro)

Myaro jumped from her chair, slamming her hands on the ebony desk as she shouted. The force knocked over an ink bottle, shattering it on the floor.

“…I see. Understood.” (Liao)

With that, Liao rose from the sofa, showed her his back, and left the room. The door closed with a loud thud, and midnight silence filled the office.

Myaro collapsed into her chair, covering her face with both hands, her heart in turmoil. Of course, she had considered it. But at that moment, an image of Yuri’s face after Carol’s death appeared in her mind. A face twisted with anguish, as though his heart had been torn from his chest while he was still alive. A look she had never seen before. From that day on, Yuri carried a permanent void within him, living with an unending darkness. The death of someone dear to Yuri was that devastating to him.

Is she supposed to make him go through that again?

Lily Amian and Shamu Hou. They didn’t matter to her. Whether they died or were broken beyond repair, part of her had fleetingly hoped that Yuri’s love might leave them.

Every time Yuri came home and then disappeared at night, she would imagine him lying there somewhere whispering sweet words of love to someone, and it would tear at her heart. Each time this happened, she comforted herself by telling herself that they were connected through work, and that she was an irreplaceable comrade to Yuri. However, a thick jealousy had built up in her heart like sediment.

However, if something terrible happened to those two, Yuri would grieve. It was just as he had when Carol died. Maybe things would have gone as Liao predicted, with her comforting Yuri and becoming his lover. But that would mean throwing Yuri back into the same despair.

Does a person who can do such a thing to someone they love to have any right to love others? I know I’m stupid, but what on earth should I have done?

Suppressing the turmoil within her, Myaro drowned in endless tears and sobs.

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