The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 507 509 Brag

"I won't regret it!"

Yes, Gai finally chose not to avenge Ming and Zack! He wouldn't bother Allen for the time being.

He had decided to unite the two tribes first.

Then he would ask all the members of his tribe to look for Allen's weaknesses, that are, the girls.

"Yes, that's the safest choice!"

Realizing this, Gai was happy.

He silently cut off the hair of Ming and Zack as souvenirs.

Then he left the room in silence. But before he left, he closed all the doors in silence.

Because he remembered what Ming had said to him.

"I brought you here because you are my successor, but the other savages and cannibals all learned this knowledge outside! You are special. You must maintain your uniqueness! Only in this way can you manage your tribe in the future! Only in this way can your clansmen listen to you!"

He took a deep breath silently, feeling that what the patriarch said was right. Moreover, he had to manage and take over the two tribes.

He had to keep himself mysterious, so that he could bring them pressure and conquest just like Ming and Zack!

"It seems that I did something wrong. But it's not my fault!"

"I didn't know that Allen would suddenly find this place and kill you two!"

"Well. You are dead. The dead is the most important. I'd better... Think more about myself!"

Gai thought.

At the same time, he silently put Ming and Zack together.

"I'll bury both of you in the grave after I solve the problem. As for now, you have to stay here for a little longer!"

As if he was talking to himself, he finished his words in silence and was about to leave.

However, just as he closed the third door, he suddenly turned his head to take a look at Ming and Zack.

Perhaps he was looking at Ming! He felt depressed at this time, and an unprecedented sense of sadness appeared in his heart.

"Why do I feel my heart ache? It's so strange. I didn't feel so sad when my friend was killed by me... But now..."

When he heard a drop of teardrop from the room, he realized that his face was covered with tears!

"Well, it's strange!"

He couldn't understand his feelings now.

He felt that it was strange for him to feel sad for Ming and Zack, so he finally closed the door.

Only then did he feel better.

"Okay! I'm going to welcome my new life! I can't be so depressed anymore! I have to cheer up!"

Gai encouraged himself silently.

After walking out of the second door, he felt that he had recovered a lot.

Then he closed all the doors before he left the cave.

However, as soon as he went out, he found that the elite members of his elite troop of Ming and Zack were fighting together.

For a moment, he felt even more headache.

"Damn it! Why do I decide to take over the mess?"

He sighed. Even though the situation was chaotic now, he had to face it bravely.

He had no choice! Ming and Zack had already been killed! Now only he could do it!

"So, this is my fate!"

He sighed silently and rushed into the crowd who were still fighting!

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

On the other side, Allen finally told Ren what had happened in the cave in one breath.

The latter was stunned, and his heart was filled with a feeling of shock!

He thought his brain was blank!

He didn't understand why he was here, but he knew why he was taught.

When he found the source of his intelligence and found that his life was a tragedy, he felt that his three views were about to be shattered! Of course, he didn't know what the three views were!

"Master Allen..."

He said slowly, his tone full of uncertainty and trance.

"Really? Is that so? Our mission is to wait for the Savior?"

Allen had thought that after he told Ren the story, he would understand that the task he was going to give him was to inherit the cannibal tribe.

But he didn't expect that his focus was so weird.

He had thought that he could go back to look for the girls. Maybe this was the last time to see them.

So Allen was anxious.

Most importantly, he wanted to tell the girls the truth about this uninhabited island, he also wanted to tell them that he would develop this uninhabited island into his kingdom in the future!

In this way, Allen thought he could leave a deep memory in the hearts of these girls who had left.

He could increase the girls' yearning for the uninhabited island. The next time they came back, Allen could spend a good night with them.

But Allen's plan was ruined by Ren, who didn't know how to express his feelings.

Allen even came up with an excuse to let him hide first.

That was to deceive the elite troops of Ming and Zack to come! He had to leave first!

Just as Allen was about to say something, Ren spoke first.

"Master... Allen... What should we do in the future? What should we do if the Savior comes back and finds out that we have killed Ming?"

Hearing this, Allen suddenly felt that what Ren was thinking was quite far away.

'I'd better not be perfunctory to him.'.

He'd better tell him his plan and ideas for the future!

"It's simple. There are only two possibilities that he hasn't come back for so many years. The first is that this fellow can't come back and he's dead. The other possibility is that he was just kidding and planted a seed of civilization at that time, so that Ming could obtain his cultural knowledge!"

"But no matter which possibility it is, it can show that this guy will not come back in a short time!"

"So we don't have to worry about it for the time being."

Hearing Allen's words, Ren seemed to understand something, but he was in a trance again.

"What should I do, Master Allen? What should I do?"

"Haven't I told you what you are going to do? When I subdue Gai, you will slowly control the cannibals and become the new patriarch!"

"After I promote Luan to the position of savage patriarch, I will take the two tribes to rebuild the whole island. In the future, you will never regret your decision today!"

Allen said confidently! Ren listened carefully and nodded from time to time to show that he understood! He would do what Allen asked him to do!

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