The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 499 501 Escape

Gai decided to take revenge together!

Gai was going to kill Ren!

"Go to hell!"

But Gai only shouted out loud! He didn't do anything!

Ren hid behind Allen subconsciously, but didn't see anyone come up to do anything to him. He was absent-minded.

"Hey, didn't you say that you wanted to kill me? Why didn't you come?"

Gai's face turned red. He wanted to kill Ren right now, but when he saw that Ren was hiding behind Allen, the crazy killing desire that had just appeared in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Instead, he felt that he couldn't lift his legs.

This made the elite troops formed by Ming and Zack behind him feel strange...

Allen thought it was a waste of time. He knew he couldn't waste any more time here. He had to leave!

"Let's go!"


After hearing Allen's words, Ren didn't know whether he should go with Allen or not.

"No! You can't go anywhere!"

As Allen did this without any disguise, the savages also heard what Allen said. They wouldn't let Allen leave so easily. They rushed over.

Without any hesitation, Allen shot the wooden arrows. Immediately, three unlucky men were killed by Allen's arrows.

"Damn it! How dare you attack us? Let's fight!"

"There are so many of us. Don't be afraid of killing him together!"

"Gai! What are you thinking about at this time?"

The elite troops organized by Ming and Zack finally could not help but make a move.

Allen looked so easy to be killed. He was neither in the tree nor far away from them!

If such a good opportunity was missed, they would regret it!

But even so, there was still no response from Gai, because he knew that Allen would never be a man without backup.

"Why don't you understand? When Allen can calmly appear in front of us and talk to us, it must be that Master Allen has something to rely on! He can have nothing to fear! Why can't you understand?"

Yes, the previous battle between Gai and Allen had made him realize how terrible Allen was. He would never join a battle without certainty!

But if he launched an attack with his teammates this time.

He might be able to kill Allen!

After all, Allen was the weakest now!

On the ground, there were only 10 bullets left!

Allen's eyes were as cold as ice.

"After the balance is broken, it needs a lot of violent force to repair it. Let's do it!"

Allen knew that if he didn't show his ability, he would only be dragged to death by the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack!

Realizing his situation, Allen quickly put down the crossbow in his hand. While setting off the wooden arrows, he said to Ren, "You go first! Find a safe place to hide!"

At this time, Ren knew that he couldn't say anything disgusting to flatter Allen. He had to save his life! So he turned around and left! He didn't say a word!

And Ren was fast. After Allen's wooden arrows were used up, Ren had disappeared.

Allen noticed from the corner of his eyes that Ren was running away, so he prepared the grenade.

As for the crossbow in his hand? Allen threw the crossbow out with all his strength! It hit the face of a fast-running savage.

Without any hesitation, Allen pulled out the safety belt from the grenade! He threw to the elite troops.

Allen remembered what Ming had told him before. He knew that Gai was useful to him, so he didn't throw the grenade at Gai.


The next second, the grenade fell to the ground and gave out a violent flame. Six or seven savages, were blown away by the explosion.

The bullet pieces were flying everywhere, piercing through the bodies of the surrounding cannibals and savages!

The strong explosion and the heat wave impact immediately stunned many cannibals and savages. Some even began to scream, looking flustered!

Gai still maintained a dull expression. The elite troops organized by Ming and Zack beside him were all frantically fleeing.

They were all frightened by Allen's grenade! Gai had been afraid of Allen before, and now he didn't dare to have any idea of killing Allen. But in this way, he found that he couldn't move his legs at all!

In the end, the fleeing cannibal bumped into Gai and made him fall to the ground. After being stepped on several feet, he regained consciousness because of the pain.

He raised his head subconsciously to see what Allen was doing.

However, he found that Allen had disappeared. The only ones left were the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack.

He didn't know whether he was happy or scared. In a word, he revealed a smile that was uglier than crying. Then he looked at the people around him and felt that they were too chaotic.

So he stood up and wanted to restore order!

However, it didn't work, because where Allen threw the grenade, several cannibals were lying there, whining!

"Oh my God!"

Looking at this, Gai felt that Allen was more terrifying.

"What was that thing before? Why was it so terrible?"

"Master Allen, what else do you have?"

"I will never be able to defeat you!"

Now Gai had given up the idea of killing Allen!

He felt that it would be great if he and the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack could survive Allen's attack! How could he expect to defeat Allen?

"I shouldn't have thought about it! Yes! Even if the sky falls, there is a tall man to back it up! Why should I be bothered here?"

He instantly realized his current status.

"I'm just a young patriarch! Why does such a difficult task fall on me?"

"Yes! I should ask my patriarch and Zack. I should hide in my tribe and wait for their news. Then... I will follow the one who wins!"

If Ming could come to life at this time and knew what Gai was thinking, he would spit out blood!

Because Gai had made up his mind to be a fence-sitter! As long as he knew Ming and Zack's death, he would follow Allen and become a loyal lackey!

"That's right. I'm going to find them right now!"

When he realized this, he immediately passed by the surrounding cannibals and savages and headed for the cave where Ming and Zack were!

But he didn't know that the crueler truth was waiting for him!

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