The Damned Demon

Chapter 657 I Am Afraid I Can't

Chapter 657  I Am Afraid I Can't

The next morning,

Asher approached Cecilia's suite, the opulence of the room contrasting sharply with the tension that clung to the air. The guards stationed outside, clad in sharp, formal attire, eyed him with a blend of recognition and professionalism as he approached. He knocked on the heavy wooden door, its intricate carvings hinting at the luxury within. A muffled acknowledgment came from inside, and the door swung open. Cecilia stood at the entrance, her elegant gown rustling softly. Her face was a careful mask of composure, though her eyes betrayed a flicker of worry.

"Advisor Ash," she greeted, her voice polite but edged with tension, "Please, come in."

Asher stepped inside, his gaze immediately drawn to the suite's lavish decor. The room was adorned with rich fabrics and luxurious furnishings, the large windows framed by heavy drapes that kept the room dim. Cecilia, seated on an opulent sofa, was cradling a steaming cup of strong coffee. The aroma of the brew mingled with the scent of the room's fine leather and polished wood.

He noted the faint exhaustion under Cecilia's eyes and the way her hand trembled slightly as she lifted the cup, "Mrs. Sterling," he said with concern, "did you not sleep last night?" n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Cecilia's smile remained, though it didn't quite reach her eyes, "Oh, I just had some work to finish up," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of anxiety. She placed the coffee cup on a nearby table, her fingers brushing its rim nervously. Her eyes searched Ash's face, a silent plea for reassurance, "Did you find out anything?"

Asher took a seat across from her, pulling a tablet from his bag. He switched it on, his demeanor shifting from concern to professional focus, "I've completed my investigation," he said, his voice steady but grave, "The videos Vladimir showed you—"

Cecilia leaned forward, her gaze locked on Ash, her fingers gripping the edge of the coffee table, "And?"

Asher took a deep breath and met her anxious eyes, "They weren't fake. I am sorry."

A chill seemed to settle over the room. Cecilia's face went pale as she slowly reached for the coffee cup, her hand trembling visibly. She placed it back on the table with a clink that seemed to echo loudly in the silence that followed.

"Aer you alright, Mrs. Sterling?" Asher gestured with his hand as if to reach out to her.

Cecilia raised her hand as if to let him know that she was fine despite the sudden turmoil raging within her…born from shock and disbelief.

A good part of her wanted to believe Vladmir was only trying to make her doubt her husband for his own glee. But the other part knew that a powerful and senior man like him wouldn't stoop so low to waste his time like that. Yet she still ignored it until she was sure of the truth behind what he showed to her.

Her voice was barely a whisper as she managed to speak through the storm of emotions raging inside her, "Are you sure, Advisor Ash? There must be some mistake."

Asher shook his head solemnly, "I double-checked every detail. The footage is genuine. The experiments and the… the consequences shown in the videos are real. Apparently, the ones Vladmir sent us are the original ones. So, it was easy to verify their authenticity because if they were altered, it would have shown in some way. I have sent you my findings as well in case you want to verify them yourself."

Cecilia's hands gripped the armrests of her chair with a white-knuckled intensity as she struggled to steady her breathing. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut, and she mumbled through clenched teeth, "This… this can't be happening. My husband… the man I've lived with for all these years… he can't be capable of doing such things… he couldn't be. There must be some kind of misunderstanding or this could have been carried out behind his back. That has to be it."

Asher inwardly scoffed though his expression remained concerned, "That could be a possibility," he said slowly, "But then… Why would the patriarch of the Volkov Family accuse your husband so confidently? He seemed very sure of his accusations, though we can't fully trust his words given the circumstances."

Cecilia's lips pressed into a thin line, her face clouded with an added layer of anxiety. The gravity of Ash's point weighed heavily on her, deepening the crease between her brows, "It doesn't make sense. He has always fought to protect our people and our world. He would never go against the very thing he sought to protect."

Asher nodded thoughtfully, his expression earnest, "Maybe you shouldn't believe anything for now. should find out the truth yourself. Why don't you try asking him if you believe that he can't be responsible for all this?"

Cecilia's eyes darted to Ashr's face, her expression a mix of distress and hesitation, "I can't… I can't look at his face and ask him such things. If all this turned out to be false, he would feel wronged and think I doubted him. It would be unbearable. It already feels so."

Asher's gaze hardened inwardly, though his outward demeanor remained calm and supportive, "But can we afford to ignore this, Mrs. Sterling? We're fortunate Vladmir hasn't exposed these clips to the public yet. If they were to become known…"

Cecilia's eyes widened in fear, her face pale as her anxiety surged, "No… we can't let that happen."

She exhaled sharply, her frustration evident as she closed her eyes, "It would be a disaster if the public saw all this. I'll have to ask him today and warn him about what's happening. Since these cruel events are happening behind his back, he needs to know and put a stop to them. Otherwise, who knows when Vladmir might use this to blackmail us later."

"That's true. But I am sure everything will turn out fine, Mrs. Sterling. I will always be around in case you need my help," Asher said with a reassuring look while he inwardly smiled.


Derek stepped onto the rooftop of his favorite hotel, where the city below sprawled out in a sea of twinkling lights.

The night air was crisp, and the skyline was a dazzling array of illuminated towers and streets. As he walked towards Cecilia, who stood alone at the edge of the rooftop, her silhouette framed against the vast expanse of the city, his expression softened with warmth.

"The view is beautiful as always, isn't it?" Derek said with a gentle smile, his voice carrying over the quiet night as he approached her.

Cecilia turned her gaze from the horizon to meet her husband's eyes. A faint smile touched her lips, though it did little to mask the heaviness in her eyes, "It always is... Our world is more beautiful than we give it credit for," she replied softly.

Derek noticed the strain in her demeanor and took a step closer, his brow furrowing in concern, "Is everything alright? I wasn't expecting you to call me out here all of a sudden. Did the meeting not go well, or did Vladmir do something you didn't like? I was worried the entire time you were there. If only you hadn't insisted so much, I wouldn't have let you go. There's no telling what that man might do because of his hatred towards our agency."

Cecilia shook her head, her shoulders relaxing slightly, "I'm alright. On the contrary, he was a better host than I expected."

"Is that so? But... something happened, right?" Derek pressed, his gaze searching hers with a hint of unease.

A weak chuckle escaped Cecilia's lips, "As expected... you can read me like an open book. I don't know how to say it because I'm still feeling very..." She hesitated, her eyes closing briefly before she turned to face him directly, "What is going on over there at Mars? Are...people being experimented upon to develop M.A.M?"

Derek's face tightened, and his hand subtly clenched into a fist. Despite his calm exterior, a shadow of discomfort crossed his calm features, "Did Vladmir tell you this?"

Cecilia nodded, her expression troubled, "Yes... He told me things that I refused to believe. But because he seemed so sure about what he was talking about, I couldn't just stop myself from asking you. Tell me that you don't know such things are happening. Tell me that you'll find out who is behind these atrocities and put an end to them before it's too late. We can't let it get any worse than this."

Derek lowered his gaze, taking a slow, deep breath. The silence stretched between them, and Cecilia's anxiety grew palpable, "Why aren't you saying anything?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

He raised his gaze to meet hers, his expression calm but resolute, "I'm sorry, Cecilia, but I'm afraid that's not possible."

Cecilia's eyes widened in shock, her breath catching in her throat, "W-What?" she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper.

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